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Chapter 14 Lost

In this chapter Amelia starts the attempts for the last part of the
world fly, that was from new guinea to California with a step in
Howland island. They delated all the extra weight from the electra
and the day of the start the plane was full fluel.
During the radio communication they reported their position and
then the Itasca, that was the ship with te communicator, asked if
they can communicate on 500 kilocycles but they did’t recive any
answer from the plane.
Later amelia communicate with the Itasca but they understood only
partial cloudy, and amelia said that they were on the ship but they
couldn’t see it, the last communication of amelia was “we are on
157-337 line”
After Capitan Tomphson started the search procedures but after a
lot of time of research they never find anything.
On January 5th 1939 amelia earhart was officially listed as

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