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1. With the help of your parents, cut and stick some drinks and food
studied in class: coffee, tea water, chicken, fish and bread.

tea coffee water

chicken bread fish

2. Trace the shapes using wool or plasticine.

Kindergarten Level I

1. Color or stick color paper to cover the scales of the fish; the scales are
traced according to the colors studied in class: green, orange, brown, gray,
black, white and pink.

2. Circle the pets studied in class. This activity for you to remember what
we learnt in the classroom.
Kindergarten Level II

1. With the help of your parents, draw and classify this food as healthy
or unhealthy: pizza, hot dog, hamburger, donut, fruits, orange juice,
water, vegetables, ice cream, cake, soda, sausage. All this food was
learnt in class.

Unhealthy food Healthy food

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