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Vocabulary: Ice cream, milk, cheese, bread, juice, hot dog, fries, pizza, chocolate,

candies, cake, water, fruits: apple, banana, pear, vegetables: tomato, broccoli,

TOPIC: Healthy and unhealthy food.

 Chocolate chip counting: Students
count how many chocolate chips are on a
cookie, and write the corresponding

 Match the numbers: Students count and add the

correct word-card on the dots.

 Healthy and unhealthy food: Students feed the hungry

caterpillar with healthy and unhealthy food as indicated by the

 Using playdough: Students will create healthy and unhealthy

food indicated by the teacher. Then, they will classify their food
into good or bad. They will paste their creations on a tooth made
out of cardboard.

 Magazines: Students will cut healthy and unhealthy food from
magazines and paste them onto the healthy or unhealthy tooth.

 Guessing: There will be 2 elements inside of a box. One will be

any object, the other one will be an edible element. Students will
guess which element is the food, and which food is actually inside
of the mystery box.

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