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The Frankenstein book is a very popular story, because we all know Victor’s

version of the novel; He gives life to a creature, it becomes evil, no one wants

him neat because it’s ugly and terrifying, basically he created a monster. But

we don’t know the creature’s story and the truth is that the monster had

suffered more than any other creature, he just wanted some love. But it wasn’t

easy for him, by being so ugly, massive and by being terrifying. So the

monster made Victor suffer as much as he had and more, so he killed his little

brother, his loyal friend, the love of his life, and because of all these, his father

died too.

Victor had nothing else but to chase the monster wherever he went. The

monster left some hints for Victor and in the last one he had to go to the north,

in the ice, so he went with a sledge and some dogs, but after a while Victor

was trying to survive the ice without his sledge or his dogs, and then the

captain Walton and his tribulation save him.

Victor told them everything he had done, he told them about the abominable

monster, the tribulation searched for it after Victor Frankenstein died, and they

found him, when he realized how much damage he had made to the world he

decided to kill himself.

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