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Madara event

The way this event is constructed now, you can’t get

any Marada f2p. Therefore it’s not recommended to use all
your resources on this event. But if you have some stuff to
spare (and maybe a good weekly missions with it) it’s good
to aim for 10 faction scrolls and/or 10 legendary scrolls.
Just remember, this event is not recommended for

You can get 50 coins from the picture f2p (+ 10 from

monopoly)= total 60 coins f2p
If you pay, you get an additional 110 coins (p2w)

Fight together gives you 20 normal scrolls and 5 legendary scrolls for participating in any battle with these ninjas
in your team: Marada sss, Obito ss, Sasuke Susanoo, Itachi Susanoo and Kabuto Manda.
The missions for picture event:
This is also an example of how many missions you need to complete to get the 10 legendary scrolls from the
picture. (12)
Hashirama event

Hashirama is a great, f2p friendly, event. You have to do the missions to receive coins that are used to exchange
for Hashirama or any ss available in exchange. The ss available for exchange are:

·Nan e.
The misssions for Hashirama event: ---- seecdde

4 normal
- > wheelcoins

2 red wheelcoins

vip points

By completing those missions you get Wooden Coins and village points. If you reach enough points you will acquire
the village background: Founding Ceremony of Konohagakure”. Now on the first event it’s just a background. But on
every event after that, if you complete the missions again and get the background again, you can exchange the newly
acquired village background for 200 wooden coins (that’s 2 Hashiramas!).
That means you can get 3 Hashiramas on the first event, and 5 on every event after that!

a visual representation of 3 Hashiramas

To exchange the village background for 200 wooden coins simply go into your inventory and press use. 200 coins will
automatically be added to your bag.
Important! This works only once per event and only if you have already acquired the background on the previous

Ninjas needed for Hashirama exchange:

KCM event
KCM event, is very similar to Madara event but you can get kcm f2p.
Just as in Madara evenr, there is a picture (this time with Killer Bee) where if you complete missions, you get coins
for kcm exchange.

10 IO

The missions for KCM picture:

5 3

18 3

3 S

3 S

3 18





From the missions you can get 103 coins f2p. But if during this event, there is also the zetsu event, you can
get more kcm currency that way (like during easter event, zetsu offer gave easter eggs that cound be used
to get kcm coins).



You need the folloing ninjas for kcm exchange:

If you don’t want to go for kcm or you don’t have ninjas for exchange then those ninjas or
tools are available in the kcm shop for 200 coins:
Kakashi kamui event

If you don’t want to go for kcm or you don’t have ninjas for exchange then those ninjas or
tools are available in the kcm shop for 200 coins:

If you don’t want to go for kcm or you don’t have ninjas for exchange then those ninjas or
tools are available in the kcm shop for 200 coins:

If you don’t want to go for kcm or you don’t have ninjas for exchange then those ninjas or
tools are available in the kcm shop for 200 coins:

An example of sss ascension rewards

If you don’t want to go for kcm or you don’t have ninjas for exchange then those ninjas or
tools are available in the kcm shop for 200 coins:

If you don’t want to go for kcm or you don’t have ninjas for exchange then those ninjas or
tools are available in the kcm shop for 200 coins:

If you don’t want to go for kcm or you don’t have ninjas for exchange then those ninjas or
tools are available in the kcm shop for 200 coins:

If you don’t want to go for kcm or you don’t have ninjas for exchange then those ninjas or
tools are available in the kcm shop for 200 coins:

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