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Unit 1

Task 3

1. The total number of languages in the world is from 2.500 to 5.000

2.what are the most widespread among them? /The most widespread among them are Chinese,
English, Spanish, Russian and some others.

3.what are Chinese, English, Spanish, Russian considered alive?/These languages are considered alive,
because they are in use

4.what “dead” languages du you know?/There are also the so-called “dead” languages which are no
more means of communication. These are, for example, Latin, old Greek, old Slavonic, etc.

5.what languages are called specialized?/universal languages, such as Esperanto. We have also
programming language, used in computers. They are called specialized languages.

6. in what countries is English spoken as the mother tongue?/The most popular language spoken
practically all over the world is English .It is spoken as the mother tongue in Great Britain, the United
States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand

7. In what countries is English spoken as working language, as foreign language?/A lot of people speak
English in China, Japan, India, African and other countries. English is one of 6 official and working
languages of the United Nations Organization.

8. When did Julius Caesar land in Britain?/When Julius Caesar landed in Britain nearly 200 years ago,
English did not exist.

9. Why do many people use English as an international means of communication?/Today Englishis

used by at least one billione people, and almost half of them speak it as their mother tongue. At the
and of the 20-th century English is more widely spoken, read and written than any other Language has
ever been. It has become the Language of the planet, the first truly global language.

10. What are the statistics of English?/The statistics of English are astonishing. Three-quarters of the
world’s mail, telexes and cables are in English are astonishing. Three-quarters of the world’s technical
and scientific periodicals. English is considered to be the language of technology. About 80% of the
information stored in the world’s computers is in English.

11. Is English the main language at international meetings and conferences the Olympic games and
glamour festivals?/Nearly half of all business deals in Europe are conducted in English. It is the
language of the Olympics

12. What broadcasting companies which transmit in English can you call?/Five of largest broadcasting
companies in the world CBS, NBS, ABC, BBC, CBS transmit in English to audiences that exceed one
hundred million people. English has no equals!

Task 5.

There is no getting away on it

To build at one’s vocabulary

To be in constant need of brushing them in

To read literature on speciality

To be good in spoken English

To be in use

from least

Task 9.

1. F

2. E

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. D

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