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↳ means “of all gods”. ↳ the thunderbolt
↳ they existed in Norse, Aztec and Sumerian ↳ the eagle
cultures ↳ the oak tree
↳ has 12 major deities also known as “Twelve - Often shown among clouds or sitting on top of
Olympians” Mount Olympus.


↳ world began when Gaia (the Earth) emerged ↳ Queen of the goods.
from Chaos. ↳ Juno in Roman religion.
↳ Began to gave birth to Ouranus/Uranus (the ↳ goddess of marriage, childbirth and fertility
Sky) and other primordial deities like Ponto (the ↳ often depicted as reserved and calm
Sea) and Ourea (the Mountains) ↳ repeatedly sought revenge for Zeus’ many
Gaia and Ouranus affairs.
↳ Had 12 children known as the Titans. ↳ her chariot is pulled by peacocks instead of
↳ Including Cronos and Rhea horses.
↳ Parents of Zeus ↳ 16th Century
↳ Titans rebelled to their father Ouranos. ↳ she shown at the Judgement of Paris
↳ Overthrew him (Ouranus) accompanied by blue peacock.
↳ Cronos become the ruler of the gods until Zeus
deposed him. Symbols:
↳ rule over the Olympian gods. ↳ the peacock,
↳ the cuckoo She considered
GREEK RELIGIOUS PRACTICE ↳ the cow as sacred.
↳ involve 12 gods from late 6th century bc.
↳ Homeric hymn to hermes around 500 bc 3. POSEIDON or NEPTUNE
↳ stands at Olympia on ↳ Neptune in Roman religion.
the bank river ↳ god of the sea, horse and
Alpheius. earthquakes.
↳ divides a sacrifice ↳ is often shown driving a chariot of
into 12 portions for horses or sea creatures and wielding
the gods. the trident he used to control the
Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War waves.
↳ ruler Pisistratus established an altar of the 12 ↳ was given the control of the sea and
gods in Athens (522BC). protected the sailors and seafarers.
↳ riding a sea monster and holding his
12 PANTHEON GODS trident.

1. ZEUS or JUPITER Symbols:

↳ King of the gods. ↳ include his trident – a three-pronged
↳ roman equivalent of jupiter. spear
↳ rule over mount olympus ↳ horses and dolphins that pull his
↳ the god of thunder and lightning as well chariot.
as law and order.
↳ hid by his mother rhea in a cave on the His children include…
island of crete.
↳ the winged horse Pegasus
Parents: ↳ fathered with Gorgon
↳ Cronos and Rhea ↳ the Cyclops Polyphemus who is
Youngest brother of… blinded by Odysseus and his crew in
Homer’s Odyssey.
↳ Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades and
Poseidon (who are also gods in the 4. ARES or MARS
pantheon). ↳ Romano-British shows Mars
↳ the god of war
↳ fully decked out in his characteristic 6. DEMETER or CERES
armour, missing the original spear and ↳ Roman counterpart Ceres
shield he would once have held. ↳ The goddess of agriculture and the
↳ can recognise Mars or Ares by his harvest.
armour and weapons ↳ often depicted with crops such as
↳ a spear and a shield barley and wheat, or a cornucopia of
↳ is sometimes accompanied by a boar produce.
or a vulture. ↳ also presided over the fertility of the
↳ His half-sister Athena earth and the natural cycle of life and
↳ represent the death.
more ‘noble’ ↳ mother of Persephone who was
aspects of civil abducted by Hades.
conduct during ↳ When Persephone returned, she
war. cared for the earth again and things
↳ Ares – unpopular with the other gods began to grow and this cycle was
of the classical pantheon with the said to create the seasons.
exception of his lover Aphrodite. ↳ 2nd-century AD statue shows
↳ was particularly admired in Sparta as Demeter bearing a torch
the ideal soldier. ↳ associated with her
↳ his Roman equivalent Mars was more endless search for her
popular. daughter
↳ seen as second to Jupiter ↳ this object is displayed in
↳ was considered to be the protector of the Enlightenment gallery.
Mars’ Greek Counterpart… ↳ only god in the classical pantheon to
↳ was god of bloodlust and violent share the same name in both Greek
warfare and Roman traditions. 
↳ twin brother of Artemis or Diana.
Parents: ↳ is shown on this 4th-century BC
Paestan bell krater
↳ Zeus and Hera ↳ or large wine-mixing bowl
with a white sun shining
5. ATHENA or MINERVA brightly above his head.
↳ Ares’s half-sister
↳ Roman equivalent is Minerva Parents:
↳ Goddess of reason, handicraft, ↳ Zeus and Leto
wisdom and war. ↳ banned by Hera from
↳ sprang fully grown from her forehead, giving birth on land.
dressed in armour. ↳ found the island of Delos
↳ also gives her name to the city of in the Cyclades
Athens. archipelago of Greece
↳ often shown wearing a helmet to ↳ a ‘floating’ island
demonstrate her prowess in war. and wasn’t
↳ Athena beats Poseidon in a anchored to the
competition over patronage of the city mainland.
by growing the first olive tree. ↳ where she gave
↳ Poseidon gave Athens a spring of birth to Apollo and
salted water which was far less useful Artemis safely.
to the city. ↳ island of Delos is said to have circled
- Tetradrachm coin from 5th century BC Athens by swans seven times.
shows Athena wearing a crested helmet ↳ island of Delos become sacred to
decorated with olive lives and an owl spray him.
features on the reverse side ↳ He was given a chariot pulled by swans
as a gift from his father Zeus.
↳ the owl and olive tree
His associations include…
↳ the sun, music, archery, prophecy and
healing. Symbols:
↳ doves, roses and myrtles.
Symbols: ↳ This marble relief shows the
↳ the sun, goddess with a dove next to her
↳ a bow and arrow, right foot, holding a palm branch
↳ a lyre, and a swan – symbolic of victory – in her left
↳ Apollo’s twin sister. 10. HEPHAISTOS or VULCAN
↳ Diana in Roman Religion. ↳ Aphrodite’s husband.
↳ the goddess of the hunt, wild animals, ↳ Roman counterpart of Vulcan.
chastity and childbirth. ↳ the god of fire, a master blacksmith
↳ often shown with a stag or hunting and craftsman to the gods.
dog, and you can recognize her as the ↳ made weapons and tools for the gods
only goddess who wears a shorter and select mortals – like Hermes’
dress, with the hem lifted and tied with helmet and winged sandals, Achilles’
a belt. armour, and Aeneas’ shield.
↳ One of her most famous myths is the ↳ became the patron of craftsmen, and
story of the hunter Actaeon. volcanic fires were often considered to
be his workshops. 
Ovid’s Metamorphoses ↳ gives his name to ‘volcano’ and
↳ Actaeon stumbled into Diana’s grove vulcanized rubber.
as she bathed, catching a glimpse of
the goddess naked. In retribution, she
splashed him with water, cursing him
and transforming him into a deer, and Symbols:
he was subsequently killed by his own ↳ the anvil, hammer and tongs, and this
hunting dogs. earthenware saucer
- The bronze figure of Artemis from Ephesus on ↳ shows him forging an arrow,
the west coast of modern-day Turkey dates to accompanied by his wife and
the second or first centuries BC and shows three putti.
the goddess with her skirt raised up, ready to ↳ winged infants.
run. There was a major temple of Artemis at
Ephesus which was one of the Seven 11. HERMES or MERCURY
Wonders of the Ancient World. ↳ The messenger of the gods
↳ known as Mercury in ancient Roman
9. APRODITE or VENUS religion.
↳ Venus in Roman Religion. ↳ he was also a pastoral god, protecting
↳ Goddess of love, sex, and beauty. livestock and travellers.
↳ Said to emerged from the white foam Symbols:
generated when the Titan Cronos ↳ the caduceus – a staff intertwined with
threw the severed testicles of his two snakes.
father, Ouranos, into the sea. ↳ his winged sandals and cap, and a
↳ was married to Hephaistos, the master tortoise.
blacksmith. ↳ was the second youngest of the
↳ had multiple affairs including with the Olympian gods, older only than
god Ares.  Dionysos.
↳ is almost always accompanied by ↳ could travel quickly between divine
Eros, the god of love or lust, or Cupid and mortal worlds with his winged
in the Roman tradition. sandals.
↳ Her name Aphrodite gives us the word ↳ was responsible for transporting souls
‘aphrodisiac’ while the name Venus to the underworld.
gives us the word ‘venereal’. ↳ was also the patron god of merchants
and thieves.
↳ Ea/Enki or Enlil - Originally a Sumerian deity,
he is also sometimes known as Enki or Enlil.
Nudimmud is “superior to his forefathers.
Parents: ↳ Apsu - One of the two primordial
↳ Zeus and the nymph Maia Mesopotamian gods, is known as the
begetter. He dwells with his consort, Tiamat,
- The Farnese Hermes shows the god wearing before anything else exists.
his winged sandals, holding the caduceus in ↳ Qingu - Tiamat’s consort after Apsu’s slaying.
his left hand, and wearing a chlamys – a small Tiamat appoints him commander of her army
Greek cloak which was often the sole item of and grants him the Tablet of Destinies.
clothing for young soldiers and messengers,
hence its association with Hermes. Conflicts
↳ Marduk vs. Tiamat and her monsters
12. DIONYSOS or BACCHUS ↳ Apsu vs. Tiamat
↳ the youngest of the Olympian gods. ↳ Tiamat vs. the other deities
↳ was the god of wine, vines, fertility, ↳ Marduk vs. Quingu
and festivity.
↳ Son of Zeus and the mortal woman Setting
Semele. ↳ Babylon in either 1800 or 1100 BCE
↳ most often shown with grapes and ↳ Set in primordial times in the realm of
vines, as well as big cats like heavens.
panthers, leopards and tigers.
↳  Romans he was known as Bacchus Themes
and the Bacchanalia – or Dionysia – ↳ Order
were raucous festivals celebrating the ↳ Power
god. ↳ Stability
- Pompeiian wall painting shows the god
accompanied by a panther, holding a wine Synopsis/Plot
cup with vines and grapes in his hair. The story, one of the oldest, if not the oldest in the
world, concerns the birth of the gods and the creation
Module 3: of the universe and human beings. In the beginning,
there was only undifferentiated water swirling in
Background of the Story
chaos. Out of this swirl, the waters divided into sweet,
The ancient Middle Eastern people believed that fresh water, known as the god Apsu, and salty bitter
the universe resulted form the inject of order (cosmos) water, the goddess Tiamat. Once differentiated, the
into chaotic primordial beings or matter, followed by union of these two entities gave birth to the younger
divine acts of creation. gods.

Enuma Elish These young gods, however, were extremely

↳ Also known as The Seven Tablets of Creation loud, troubling the sleep of Apsu at night and
↳ Mesopotamian creation myth distracting him from his work by day. Upon the advice
↳ title derived from opening lines of the piece of his Vizier, Mummu, Apsu decides to kill the younger
“When on High”. gods.
Tiamat, hearing of their plan, warns her eldest
son, Enki (sometimes Ea) and he puts Apsu to sleep
Elements of the Story and kills him. From Apsu's remains, Enki creates his
home. Tiamat, once the supporter of the younger
Characters: gods, now is enraged that they have killed her mate.
↳ Marduk - He is begotten by his father, Ea, She consults with the god, Quingu, who advises her
and borne by his mother, Damkina, inside the to make war on the younger gods. Tiamat rewards
dwelling Apsu. From his birth, Marduk is Quingu with the Tablets of Destiny, which legitimize
superior to all other gods. He has four all- the rule of a god and control the fates, and he wears
perceiving eyes, four enormous ears, and lips them proudly as a breastplate. With Quingu as her
that blaze forth fire. champion, Tiamat summons the forces of chaos and
↳ Tiamat - As a deity, she is associated with creates eleven horrible monsters to destroy her
water and with chaos. She dwells with her children.
consort, Apsu, before anything else exists.
Ea, Enki, and the younger gods fight against the spells in the said book was crucial when traveling
Tiamat futilely until, from among them, emerges the in the underworld for Osiris was the one who tests
champion Marduk who swears he will defeat Tiamat. and judges who would enter the blissful afterlife.
Marduk defeats Quingu and kills Tiamat by shooting
her with an arrow which splits her in two; from her PPT Content
eyes flow the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates
↳ Isis and Osiris were two of the prominent
Rivers. Out of Tiamat's corpse, Marduk creates the
deities of ancient Egypt
heavens and the earth, he appoints gods to various
↳ One of the earliest romantic tragedies in
duties and binds Tiamat's eleven creatures to his feet
as trophies (to much adulation from the other gods)
↳ Osiris and his myth are featured in early
before setting their images in his new home. He also
funerary texts as well as in the Book of the
takes the Tablets of Destiny from Quingu, thus
legitimizing his reign.
↳ Osiris is a known figure in the underworld
After the gods have finished praising him for his
great victory and the art of his creation, Marduk ELEMENTS OF THE STORY
consults with the god Ea (the god of wisdom) and a.) Characters
decides to create human beings from the remains of
whichever of the gods instigated Tiamat to war.
1. Atum 
Quingu is charged as guilty and killed and, from his
blood, Ea creates Lullu, the first man, to be a helper to
the gods in their eternal task of maintaining order and ↳ His name is rooted from the word
keeping chaos at bay. “tem” which means “to complete”.
↳ He is the father of Shu and Tefnut.
As the poem phrases it, "Ea created mankind/On ↳ The original ruler heaven and earth,
whom he imposed the service of the gods, and set the wore a double crown of Upper and
gods free" (Tablet VI.33-34). Following this, Marduk Lower Egypt, an ankh (symbol of life),
"arranged the organization of the netherworld" and and held a scepter/rod (symbol of
distributed the gods to their appointed stations. The royal authority).
poem ends in Tablet VII with long praise of Marduk for ↳ He is also often depicted as an old-
his accomplishments. looking god.
↳ The sun god who initiated the
Analysis of the Story
creation of the world.
↳ Theogony and Cosmogony
↳ For the Mesopotamians, Enuma Elish
answered the questions about the creation of 2. Shu and Tefnut 
the deities, the world and humanity Atum’s twin children and the parents of
↳ It served the political purpose of reminding Geb and Nut. Shu is the god of air, on the
other hand, Tefnut is the goddess of
people how they fit into society.
- Since the Babylonian ruler was an extension
of Marduk, this reinforced the idea that the
common people were intended to serve not ↳ Atum’s twin children and the
only the deities but the ruler as well. Every parents of Geb and Nut.
year, the Babylonians celebrated the Akitu ↳ Shu is the god of air, who is in the
Festival, the Babylonian New Year, with a form of a human with an ostrich
reciting of the Enuma Elish to remind the feather on his head.
citizens of their role in civilization. ↳ On the other hand, Tefnut is the
goddess of moisture who has the
Module 4 head of a lioness. She carries a
solar disk on her head.
3. Geb and Nut 
            The Egyptian creation myth is depicted in
sacred hieroglyphic writings as well as in the Book of
the Dead. In both writings, descriptions of how Atum ↳ Shu and Tefnut’s offspring and the
created the world amidst chaos were told. Osiris and parents of Osiris, Isis, Seth, and
his myth, on one hand, are featured in early funerary Nephthys.
texts as well as in the Book of the Dead, too, due to ↳ Geb is an earth god who is often
his resurrection story. People believed that knowing depicted in pictures lying under
Nut who is posing in an arch
above him, and Shu between ↳ He is associated with funerary and was also
them – an image of the earth dubbed the inventor of embalming for he
being separated from the sky. Nut helped qin the resurrection of Osiris.
on one hand is the sky goddess ↳ He has a jackal head.
who is responsible for the rising
and setting of the sun. 7. Horus

↳ Osiris and Isis’ child. His name means “one of

4. Osiris and Isis – Geb and Nut’s children who is bove”. He is a god of the sky whose
who later became a couple. They are also head is a falcon wearing a double crown (as
Horus’ parents. he would unite Upper and Lower Egypt).
Osiris is considered as one of the most
significant gods in Ancient Egypt. His role
as a god is associated with different things b.) Synopsis/Plot
such as being the god of order, fertility,
agriculture, the underworld, and The Creation of the World
resurrection. He is depicted as a mummy
with his arms crossed on his chest, his             Long time ago, there was nothing but chaotic
hands holding a crook and a flail, and his waters (Nu/Nun). Until one day, ben-ben, a pyramidal
head wearing a headdress made up of an hill, emerged along with the sun god Atum, who
Upper Egypt white crown and two ostrich realized the existence of nothingness. With the help of
feathers (atef crown). Heka (god of magic), Atum was able to copulate with
his shadow and thus, bearing forth to Shu, the air god
Isis, goddess of healing and magic, is who was spat out, and Tefnut, the moisture goddess
also one of the most important who came out through their father’s vomit. Shu
goddesses. Her name in Greek, “Aset” or provided life principles in the primordial world while
“Eset” means “throne” or “queen of the Tefnut was in charge of principle of order.
throne”. Her image is often described as a
beautiful woman in a sheath dress,             The two went to the waters to set up the world
bearing solar disk headgear with horns but it took them so long that worried their father. Atum
attached to its side. plucked his eye for it to search for his children
(another version says that he sent a trusted
messenger). Fortunately, Shu and Tefnut were found
5. Seth and Nephthys – also Geb and Nut’s
and they returned with their father’s eye. Atum cried
children; were also married to each other
out of joy that his tears, which dropped to the soil
just like their other siblings.
of ben-ben, turned into humans.
↳ Seth (Setekh, Setesh, or Set) is             To provide land for these humans, Shu and
the god of disorder, the opposite Tefnut created Geb (earth) and Nut (sky), who fell in
of Osiris. He is also the lord of the love with each other. Atum was displeased with their
desert, storm, and war. He is often relationship as it was prophesied that Geb and Nut’s
portrayed as a god with a future children would end his reign. So, he separated
composite appearance, with a them: Nut, in the heavens, while Geb left to the
head of a canine and other animal ground (another version suggests that Geb married
features. Nut without Atum’s permission so Atum commanded
↳ Nephthys, (meaning “mistress of Shu to separate them). However, before getting
the castle'') the wife of Seth, is an separated, Geb already impregnated Nut and the
air goddess. She conceived a latter gave birth to Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys.
child, Anubis, with Osiris. She is
pictured as a woman with a basket Osiris & Isis
on her head.
↳ The reign of Atum came to an end, just as
6. Anubis said in the prophecy, and Osiris took over the
throne with Isis, his sister, as his wife. The
↳ Osiris and Nephthy’s lovechild. reign of Osiris was prosperous and
↳ He is the god of the dead, although his father harmonious as he abided with the harmony
is the ruler of the underworld. principle (ma’at). He brought civilization to
humanity and taught them agriculture,
weaving, and bread-making. He also laid protagonist is Osiris, while the antagonist is
down laws to maintain order. Seth. In the narrative, Seth attempts all he can
↳ Seth, his brother who ruled around the to murder Osiris so that he can rule
dryness of the deserts, became jealous of the Egypt.        
power and prosperity of Osiris’ kingdom. Seth
even got angrier when Osiris had an affair e.) Themes
with Nephthys, Seth’s wife who is also their
Good vs. Evil
sister, that resulted in the birth of Anubis, the
god of the dead. So, he planned to kill Osiris. ↳ The idea of good vs. evil was clearly shown or
One night, he secretly measured Osiris’ exact depicted in the story from the beginning. The
physique and commanded someone to make story starts with Osiris being a good king of
a beautiful wooden chest using Osiris’ Egypt. And Seth, being jealous of his brother.
measurements. He later invited Osiris in a The jealousy he felt made him turn into a
feast where he challenged all guests, that ferocious monster and killed his brother. This
whoever would fit in the chest exactly would event made Isis look for his husband to
win it. No other guest fit inside the chest resurrect to conceive a child that would defeat
except for his brother. When Osiris laid inside, Seth.
Seth immediately sealed the chest and threw
it into the Nile River, drowning and eventually
killing the powerful god. Seth becomes the
↳ Isis grieved over the news of her husband’s
↳ Every culture has its own version of myth.
death that her tears flowed into the Nile River,
These myths describe the tale of how each
which began the habitual floods. She, together
society came to be and what they had to
with Nephthys, searched for her husband’s
overcome to get there. Furthermore, these
body and fortunately found the wooden chest
myths depict each culture, religion, and value
with the dead Osiris’ in it. Isis hid his body but
some of these were highlighted in the story.
Seth found it nonetheless. Seth would later
These include the following:
cut Osiris’ corpse into forty-two pieces (other
sources say fourteen pieces) and scattered 1. The Golden age of Egypt
them all over Egypt. Upon finding that her
husband’s corpse disappeared, Isis searched ↳ In the myth, Osiris ruled the Upper and lower
again and she would successfully retrieve all kingdom of Egypt wherein at first, the
forty-two pieces of her husband’s body. With Egyptians lived simple lives but with this
the guidance of Anubis, she was able to rulership they became highly civilized.
assemble Osiris’ body and resurrect him ↳ Civilization in Egypt started between 4000 and
through her magic and power. After rising 3000 B.C. were considered Golden Age.
from death, Osiris and Isis bore a son named
Horus who would later defeat Seth and 2. Existence of upper and lower Egypt
recover the throne from him. And because
Osiris could not rule the living anymore, he ↳ The myth narrated that Osiris became the
then reigned the underworld and served as ruler of both Upper and Lower Egypt. His
the judge. leadership earned fame for himself and his
c.) Setting subjects.
↳ The myth narrated that Osiris became the
↳ The story is believed to have happened in ruler of both Upper and Lower Egypt.
ancient Egypt particularly during the primordial
period. At that time, most Egyptians were 3. Existence of Byblos
farmers with a god-like king ruling over all of
them. These god-like kings were where many ↳ When Osiris body was thrown to the Nile river,
gods from Egyptian Mythology come from. it ended up in the swamps of Byblos.
↳ According to historians, Byblos now called
d.) Conflict Lebanon was the chief harbor for the export of
cedar and other valuable woods to Egypt.
Man vs. Man ↳ Byblos now called Lebanon was the chief
harbor for the export of cedar and other
↳ This is a conflict in which two characters are
valuable woods to Egypt
directly opposed to each other. The
4. The Nile River ↳First Woman (Yellow corn, Yucca,
turquoise, white shell)
↳ The Nile river was always mentioned in the ↳ First Man (White Corn, Crystal)
myth which confirms the claim of scholars that ↳ Great Coyote (Formed in the water, in a
Nile River is the life and blood of Ancient form of a male being)
Egypt. ↳ First Angry Coyote (In a male form,
↳ Nile river flooded and receded with regularity, brought witchcraft)
compared to Tigris and Euphrates. Ancient b. Synopsis/Plot 
Egyptians believed that their gods and
goddesses were much gentler and kinder. The first world was small, pitch black, and
surrounded by four seas with one island that had a
5. Egyptian’s belief of afterlife
single pine tree. The four seas were ruled by the Big
Water Creature, the Blue Heron, the Frog, and
↳ The story of Osiris and Isis mainly highlighted
White Thunder. Above the seas were a black cloud,
the belief that when a human being dies, he or
she will go to life a next life. white cloud, blue cloud, and yellow cloud. When the
↳ The great pyramid tombs of kings and queens blue and yellow clouds came together, the first
in Egypt testify to such belief too. Not only did woman appeared, while the black and white clouds
they contain mummified corpses in coffins but created the first man. They lived together and later
also, they contained everything which a were greeted by The Great Coyote who was formed
person may need to survive another life. in water. He said he knew all of the secrets of the
water and skies. Then, a second coyote came
6. Egypt’s mummification process named First Angry, and he brought witchcraft into
↳ The part were Isis and her sister Nephthys
the world.
carefully attached all the 14 pieces of Osiris’
body highlights the unique Egyptian process c. Setting
of mummification. ↳ First World (Dark World)
↳ Second World (Blue World)
Module 5
↳ Third World (Yellow World)
Background of the story
↳ Fourth World (White World)
The Navajo creation myth, called the Diné Bahaneʼ, is
one of the greatest stories of the Native American
peoples, filled with evocative images of nature and ↳ The First Man and Woman have to find a
wondrous storytelling. The Navajo were given the world to make a home in. They were on an
name Ni’hookaa Diyan Diné by their creators. It island with high cliffs in the middle of a
means "Holy Earth People" or "Lords of the Earth". bubbling lake. With the help from the Wind
Navajos today simply call themselves "Diné", meaning God, people were able to leave the island.
"The People". First Man and First Woman built the first
After the Cherokee, Navajos are the second largest hogan to live in.
federally recognized tribe in the United States with
460 enrolled tribal members as of 2015. The states Themes
with the largest Navajo populations are Arizona
↳ The theme is not creation but emergence. The
(140,263) and New Mexico (108,306). Over three-
emergence of peace, balance and harmony
quarters of the Navajo population reside in these two
between the beings and the world.
The story came from oral history, passed down from Analysis of the story
generations to generations, since the very beginning
of Navajo culture. It was not written, like much of our The Navajo Origin Legend originally written by
history, but spoken. The story involves three Washington Matthews, described as "one of the
underworlds where important events happened to world's significant literary works" and was rewritten as
shape the Fourth World (where we now live) as the Dine' Bahane: The Navajo Creation by Paul G.
First Man and First Woman search for a home. Zolbrod. This translation by Zolbrod makes it
accessible to English speakers due to Matthews' use
Elements of the story: of dense English prose and overall rhetorical effect of
Navajo oral narrative style. This narrative is
a. Characters - Main Characters:
essentially sacred in nature, dealing with the
emergence of precursors to human beings through
successive primal worlds and balance between
themselves and throughout the world before the
Navajo people can be created to live on this earth.

The narrative 'The Navajo Creation is not a

story of deities or divine creators, such as related to
christianity that explains how the world was created,
but a story of emergence through four worlds that
each has symbols and difficulties.

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