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February 10, 2023 Friday.

Today was Friday,tommorows weekends and im so ahppy. So in my class there is a ship between saba and
the new girl mariam, and we actually thought they were dating,but we didn’t expect it to be ture. Me saba
and mariam went to dunkins today and on the way there they actually told me that they told each other
that they liked each other,and apparantly mariam doesn’t like him that way anymore,but saba still has
feelings for her. I mean shes funny and all but I honestly don’t know what she did to pull him. And not to be
mean but I kind of feel like I have better personalty and looks,so I don’t know why I pull 0 bitches,like
nobody ever sees me in that way. They are happy so that’s all that matters. Today im not happy with myself
because I acted really clingy and cringy around saba and mariam,and I think I made them feel
uncomfortable and I was feeling like a thirdwheel so it was awkward. Saba honestly likes her so much but I
don’t think she is giving him a chance,even though they have been on several dates and stuff. And its not
that I like saba and that’s why im not happy for them or smthn,im just like shocked because I never pull
anyone like no one ever likes me, all they see is like a friend material,and Idk im not ugly or boring. I guess
the right time hasn’t come,and maybe I Will find someone,that sees me in that kind of way,but I kind of
doubt that.also hopefully today I will be finishing my book,but like notyet im gonna do it when I go to bed
and also I kind of stopped thinking about mariam and saba because like they can do whatever they want

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