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Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol.

26, No 6, Page 877-884 877

Study On Urban Expansion Based On The Combination Of Remote

Sensing And Geographic Information System
Long Yang1, 2*
1 Sanmenxia Polytechnic, Sanmenxia, Henan, 472000 China
2 Collegeof Applied Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Henan, 472000 China
* Corresponding author. E-mail:

Received: May 15, 2022; Accepted: June 20, 2022

With the rapid development of economy and the improvement of urbanization level, the contradiction between
urban spatial expansion and the decrease of cultivated land resources has become a hot spot in the field of
geoscience. Based on satellite remote sensing images, the theory and method of urban spatial expansion and
land scale prediction are studied systematically in this paper. This paper mainly discusses the technology of
urban area boundary extraction based on remote sensing image, the method of area expansion analysis, the
simulation method of cellular automata, the theory and method of urban land scale prediction. Methods of
obtaining population are in urban built-up areas. First, in terms of making up for the inability of CA model to
express spatial data, GIS technology has data preprocessing functions; Second, under environmental conditions,
GIS technology has mature visualization functions, so as to make up for the situation that the CA model
cannot immediately present and reflect the operation results. According to the characteristics of urban spatial
expansion, combined with the research results in the field of urban can at home and abroad, this paper puts
forward the construction scheme of urban spatial expansion can model integrated with gist he results show
that the can model integrated with GIS can visualize the simulation results, and the simulation results can be
analysed by GIS.

Keywords: sensing system; geographic system; urban expansion; method; GIS

© The Author(’s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC
BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
source are cited.

1. Introduction tion of urban land use structure. The renewal of infras-

tructure ensures the ability of sustainable development of
Urbanization is the extension of the city development pro- the city. With the rapid development of China’s economy,
cess, is the performance of urban development in "quan- urban land is increasing at an alarming rate. The applica-
tity", reflected in the land use is the expansion of the scale tion of remote sensing imagery and its application in land
of urban land. The relationship between urban land use use change relies on high-precision classification. Before
and urban development is interactive [1, 2]. On the one the traditional classification method has not been visually
hand, the development of urban land, especially the eco- interpreted by humans, the classification accuracy is not
nomic activities and investment activities, has led to the high, and the classification effect is not very satisfactory.
expansion of urban land use scale [3]. The adjustment of In order to further give full play to the important role
urban industrial structure promotes the adjustment of land of satellite image law enforcement inspection in the detec-
use structure and spatial structure. On the other hand, the tion and punishment of land violations and regulations,
expansion of urban land use scale provides a broader space The Ministry of Land and Resources carried out a na-
for the further development of the city, and the optimiza- tional project in 2009 to monitor the new construction land
878 Long Yang

throughout the country, and to promote the realization of development zones and the one-sided pursuit of economic
"managing land by map. “The "drawing" project, the im- interests have artificially accelerated the speed and inten-
plementation of the national full coverage monitoring, the sity of urban land expansion. The development of remote
state directly control the situation of new construction land sensing technology provides a new technique for the study
nationwide, and finally achieve the dynamic state Regula- of urban land use. Remote sensing information has the
tory objectives [3, 4]. The national "one map" is remote sens- characteristics of objective, macroscopic, rapid, accurate
ing, land use status, basic farmland, remote sensing moni- and dynamic [8]. Using remote sensing technology can pro-
toring and basic geography. The collection of multi-source vide multi-phase and large-scale real-time information for
information and land resources planning, approval, supply, the study of spatial expansion and change in urban built-
replenishment, development, law enforcement and other up areas. Influence of remote sensing images of different
administrative regulatory systems Superposition, jointly band combinations on the accuracy of automatic classifi-
construct the unified comprehensive supervision platform, cation of urban land is given by computer. The maximum
realize the development and utilization of land resources likelihood classification method is used in the supervised
"the sky look at, on the net tube, on the ground “Check", classification, and the likelihood of a given pixel belong-
thus realize the goal of land resources dynamic supervision. ing to a specific category is calculated. After each pixel
“At present, the national "one map" background engineer- reaches a likelihood threshold, the classification is stopped.
ing database construction has been Basically completed, Rapid acquisition of urban land use change and the expan-
172 key cities in the country’s remote sensing monitoring sion track of the built area, combined with GIs technology,
work is under way [5]. can be used for spatial analysis, multi-factor comprehen-
The traditional scale of urban land use is determined by sive analysis and dynamic prediction of the expanded area
forecasting method according to historical statistical data. information based on remote sensing image. It provides
Under the new situation, the scale of urban land is affected decision-aided information for the evaluation of urban land
by many factors, such as population size, economic level, use status and the determination of land use scale [9, 10].
capital input, industrial adjustment, geographical location, Research on China’s growth law of city is accompanied
ecological environment and policy [6, 7]. The scale of con- by the implementation of city land system since the reform
struction land determined by traditional method cannot and opening up, the rapid development of real estate indus-
meet the real demand of national economy and social devel- try and the rapid expansion of city land gradually exposed
opment. Therefore, how to use satellite remote sensing and various problems such as land, environment began to perk
other high and new technologies to accurately obtain urban up the current research in this area is still relatively weak
expansion information, master urban expansion laws, and and scattered [11, 12]. Therefore, remote sensing the im-
rationally determine the scale of urban land is a subject age and based on GIS technology, the city built-up area
worthy of further study, and has important practical value of border extraction, analysis of the expansion of space,
and application prospects. The ultimate purpose of various the system dynamic simulation prediction method of CA
pre-processing of remote sensing images is to classify and City, land use scale, city population estimates and other
interpret remote sensing images to obtain various land use aspects of the system research, in order to provide technical
change information. Image classification is the process of support for the city land use planning, provide technical
grouping pixels into several limited types, classes, or data support for sustainable use of land resources from Eq. (1)
sets based on their data values. to Eq. (2).

To predict the scale of urban land use, it is necessary

I ( x, y) = L( x, y) × R( x, y) (1)
to obtain timely and accurate land use data. The tradi-
tional method is to report passively by the user units or
individuals, with long period, high cost, time-consuming lg[ R( x, y)] = lg[ I ( x, y)/L( x, y)] (2)
and laborious, a survey data for many years, there is un-
derreporting, underreporting phenomenon, the use of this
2. The theory and method of urban area expansion
outdated, It is difficult to accurately grasp the present sit-
uation of urban land use with low value information. In
particular, some cities, driven by local interests and eco- The commonly used land use remote sensing dynamic mon-
nomic hot spots, have a tendency to look for a big solution itoring methods can be divided into two categories. One
to the problem of urban scale. In the course of develop- is the method of comparing pixels one by one. This kind
ment, the blind pursuit of extension, the development of of monitoring method is to compare the pixels of different
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol. 26, No 6, Page 877-884 879

phase remote sensing images in order to monitor whether location, size, texture and other factors, the same type of
a pixel changes or not. The other kind of square method feature may be classified into different classes because of
is the comparison method after classification. This kind the difference in spectral spectrum due to its location, size,
of method first classifies the remote sensing images with and texture as shown inFig. 1.
different phases separately, and then compares the classifi-
cation results in rows, so as to monitor the type; quantity
and location of land use change [196].These two methods
have their advantages and disadvantages in practical ap-
plication. Some scholars have put forward many practical
methods when using remote sensing image to extract the
boundary of urban built-up area, which greatly improves
the precision of the boundary extraction of the built area.

2.1. A method for analyzing the expansion of urban built-

up areas
The premise of unsupervised classification is to assume
Fig. 1. Standardized sharpening diagram.
that similar objects in remote sensing images have the same
spectral characteristic reliability under the same conditions. There are n sample inputs, the first stage of the neural
The unsupervised classification method does not need to network calculates the matching degree, and parallel pass
acquire a priori knowledge of the image features, but only through m output lines to the second stage, in the second
relies on the spectral information (or texture information) stage, all kinds have one output, and only one output in-
of different types of ground objects in the image to extract tensity is "high”. The rest are "low”. When the correct
features, and then achieves the purpose of classification classification results are obtained, the output of the classi-
through the difference of statistical features. Finally, the fier can be fed back to the first level of the classifier, and
actual attributes of each category are confirmed. Unsu- a learning algorithm is used to correct the weight. When
pervised classification is mainly based on cluster analysis. subsequent test samples are very similar to those that have
Clustering is the clustering of a group of pixels into several been trained, the classifier will respond correctly. BP neu-
categories by similarity, that is, "like a creature." it aims to ral network is used more frequently in image classifica-
make the distance between pixels belonging to the same cat- tion. The classification process can be summarized into
egory as small as possible. The distance between pixels on two stages: first, the network studies the sample number to
different classes is as large as possible. The methods of clus- obtain the optimal connection weight matrix, including the
tering analysis include isolate (iterative see if-organization number of network layers, the network node data, and the
data Ana insist technique), K-means algorithm and so on. determination of learning function. Control the input of
If the number of classifications is too small, the phe- the parameters and sample data; second, use the learning
nomenon of confounding of ground objects with similar results to classify the image, input the image file, and cal-
spectral characteristics is very prominent, resulting in low culate the image according to the connection weight matrix
classification accuracy, but the initial classification num- obtained by the network learning. Each pixel is classified as
ber should not be too much, otherwise it will lead to the a class with less error according to the comparison between
workload of the computer If it is too large, the final classi- the output results and the expected values of each class.
fication accuracy will not be improved. According to the
results of repeated operations, the maximum number of 2.2. Analysis on the expansion of Construction area
initial classifications is finally selected as 32. The maximum based on new buildings
number of iterations (Maximun Iterations) of unsupervised At present, the research on the type and scale of urban
classification is defined as 10, the cycle threshold (Change land use is a hot topic in urban planning and other fields.
Threshold) is set to 2.0, the class variance is set to 1, the This paper summarizes and analyses the research status
distance is set to 2, the synthesis point is 2, and the clas- of urban land scale prediction technology. The common
sification result can be displayed after confirmation. The methods of urban construction land scale prediction are
advantage of unsupervised classification is that it does not grey system analysis method, logistic forecasting model
require prior knowledge and is classified according to the method, regression analysis method and so on. The com-
similarity of pixel spectrum. Because of the difference of mon denominator of these methods is the prediction of
880 Long Yang

future land use scale based on historical statistics. With nal scale of urban land use. Threshold theory originates
the acceleration of urbanization in China, land use change from Poland and has been applied in many countries. The
is influenced and restricted by many driving factors. It is threshold refers to a certain restriction encountered in the
a dynamic and nonlinear compound system. Traditional development of a city, or a turning point from quantitative
methods show its limitations more and more. In recent to qualitative change. In the process of urban development,
years, many scholars have carried on the research around the threshold theory divides the constraints into three cat-
the determination method of the urban land scale, and egories: natural geographical constraints, infrastructure
obtained a lot of research results. constraints and urban structure constraints. Physical geog-
Quota index method is commonly used in urban plan- raphy is limited. A restriction caused by the topography
ning in recent years. The steps are as follows: first, to de- and natural conditions around a city, such as steep hills,
termine the planning period and development objectives; swamps, and rivers restricting the continuous expansion
second, to forecast the population; third, to select the corre- of urban land, Or because other resources limit the city
sponding per capita land use index, and then to determine can no longer develop outwards, otherwise will exceed the
the scale of urban land use near and long-term develop- urban area environmental capacity. If you want to break
ment within the planning period; Finally, the choice of land through its limits, you must pay an additional investment
use and the layout of urban structural land. The most im- to increase its total investment. Among them, the color
portant is the population forecast and the determination of difference of the house is the largest. The main reason is
land user. Population forecasting methods such as time se- the interference caused by the house paint, which is un-
ries method regression fitting method and comprehensive avoidable. Remove the influence of clouds and shadows on
growth method are all based on the speed and law of devel- the fusion results, the fusion result achieves the expected
opment in the past to speculate on the prospective scale of effect and has a positive impact on the extraction of remote
the future. This is desirable for cities where development sensing information.
is already relatively stable. However, most cities in our
country are in the period of rapid development. With the
deepening of the reform of market economy system, the un-
certainty of urban population size prediction is becoming
Infrastructure system meets the constraints in the ex-
stronger and stronger.
pansion process will also restrict the city space develop-
ment, such as water supply system, transportation system,
drainage system, once the city scale breakthrough in these
systems can withstand the limit, it must be through addi-
tional investment, in order to open up a new area for the
development of the city. Structure is composed of restric-
tions. The status of land use within the city development
restrictions, such as the city population continues to expand
the scale of the city centre land has extended requirements,
in order to rebuild the city centre, we must move out part
of the population, a corresponding increase in the cost of
city construction. City land expansion, population growth
and the investment cost is a step of the relationship. When
there is no threshold limit, the investment cost of city con-
struction along the line showed a slow growth trend, and
in the event of a development threshold, investment cost
increases suddenly to overcome as additional costs. Al-
though the threshold of city land in the expansion process,
Fig. 2. Sharpening histogram stretching. many restrictions can be improved by means of additional
investment, but some restrictions is almost impossible to
A city has a problem of proper size, beyond a proper cross. So, for a given city, in a certain period of time and
size, and too big a city is also a problem. From the point technology economy under the condition of the prospect of
of view of resource restriction, many countries use thresh- city land development scale there is a limit, or at different
old analysis method to analyse and determine the ratio- stages of development will correspond to different scale.
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol. 26, No 6, Page 877-884 881

3. Cellular automata based simulation of urban the basic classification of images. The unsupervised classifi-
area expansion cation technologies provided by ENVI include Isodata and
K-Means. Isodata unsupervised classification computes
The factors that affect the scale of urban rational land use
the evenly distributed class means in the data space, then
are summarized into five aspects: population scale, eco-
iteratively clusters the remaining cells with the minimum
nomic level, social life, living environment and location
distance, recomputing the mean at each iteration, and re-
conditions, among which many factors are included in each
classifying the cells with this new mean.
aspect. Each factor contains several sub-factors, which are
then investigated and analysed to predict their long-term According to the definition of the built area and its char-
objectives during the planning period, based on full input acteristics in the image, the boundary of the built area is
from relevant experts and departments; then, the possi- extracted, the boundary layer of the built area is super-
bility degree or satisfaction degree of these sub-factors is posed in different periods, the track of urban expansion is
deduced, and the "possibility-satisfaction" method men- studied, and the law of the expansion of the urban built-up
tioned above is adopted. The quantitative indexes of these area is explored. Geometric correction is the process of pro-
sub-factors are reduced to the quantitative description of jecting the image data onto the plane to make it conform to
each factor’s influence on the scale of land use. Finally, the map projection system, and the process of giving the
the influence of these factors on the scale of land use is image data to the map siting system is called geographi-
combined to the reasonable degree of the scale of urban cal reference. Because all map projection systems follow
land use according to the requirements of multi-project a certain map coordinate system, geometric correction in-
objectives, and the objective of the scale of urban rational cludes geographical reference [199].Geometric correction is
land use and the necessary conditions for its realization are divided into geometric coarse correction and geometric fine
obtained. The area transition matrix obtained by multiply- correction. In general, the satellite remote sensing data pro-
ing the probability transition matrix by the cell number of vided by earth stations are processed by geometric rough
the corresponding land use type in the current state map correction. To recover the original shape characteristics of
of the development zone represents the total number of the image, it is necessary to undergo geometric correction.
cells from different land use types to other land use types Geometric precision correction is based on ground control
during the running time period. point (gap).Based on the gap data, the geometric distortion
process of the original satellite image is simulated, and the
3.1. Urban CA model and its research progress corresponding relationship between the original distorted
The boundary extraction process is essentially the process- image space and the standard space (that is, correction
ing process of remote sensing image. Using multi-period space) for geographical mapping is established. Then, all
remote sensing image, the edge boundary change infor- the pixels in the distorted image space are transformed into
mation can be obtained. According to the current status the corrected image space by using this correspondence,
and level of remote sensing data processing technology, the and the geometric precision correction is realized.
technical process of extracting information from the bound- Remote sensing image is based on the difference of lu-
ary of the built area includes: collecting remote sensing minance value or pixel value and spatial variation, which is
images of the study area, urban land use map and admin- the physical basis of different images. The similar features
istrative regionalization map; How to correct and register in remote sensing images should have the same or similar
multi-phase remote sensing images; if the research area is spectral and spatial information characteristics under the
not on the same image, the image should be mosaic; the same conditions (texture, topography, illumination), thus
image of the study area should be cut out by superimpos- showing some inherent similarity of the similar features.
ing with the administrative region map; and the image That is to say, the feature vectors of similar objects will be
pre-processing, including image spectral analysis, should clustered in the same feature space region, and different
be carried out. Several steps of band combination selection, features of spectral information or spatial information of
image enhancement and image fusion, combined with the different ground objects will be clustered in different fea-
spectral characteristics of ground objects and the analysis ture space regions. Remote sensing image classification
of existing data, are used to classify remote sensing im- is to use the computer to analyse the spectral and spatial
ages, and a clear classification map with clear boundary information of the image, select the features of the feature,
contour is obtained. The relevant result efficiency and pa- and divide the feature space into non-overlapping sub-
rameters are described: First, the remote sensing software space by certain means. Then each pixel in the image is
ENVI4.7 is used to perform unsupervised classification of classified into each subspace, that is, all the pixels of the
882 Long Yang

image are divided into several categories according to their city. Therefore, in the urban can model, the transformation
properties as shown in Fig. 3. In contrast to the constraints, rules must take into account the micro, regional and macro
the influencing factors do not use binary suitability or un- aspects? Only by establishing comprehensive multi-level
suitability, but a continuous stretch map with gradually rules, can the evolution process of the urban system be
decreasing suitability. Use the fuzzy function FUZZY mod- effectively simulated.
ule to standardize the influencing factors, and the value
range is between 0-255. Integrating multiple factors such as 3.2. Establishment of urban spatial expansion CA model
economic development scale, natural factors, and zoning
From the point of view of data model, two-dimensional
strategies within the simulation range, different land types
cellular space can be represented by GIs data model based
have different levels of suitability for urban construction
on spatial field, which brings convenience to the integra-
land. Therefore, the suitability of each urban land type
tion of can and GIs. The integration of GIs and .can makes
to the construction area is different, and the value limit is
them complement each other in space-time. It is pointed
within 0-255.
out that compared with can, GIs has three powerful func-
tions: first, it can fully meet the requirements of can for
spatial data because of its strong pre-processing function;
The second is the perfect visualization function, which can
show and feedback the real-time simulation effect of can in
all kinds of scenarios in time; the third is the increasingly
powerful spatial analysis function, which can complement
can well. On the other hand, it can enhance the function
of GIs space dynamic modelling, and can be used as the
engine of GIs space analysis. Traditional GIs has some limi-
tations in dealing with geographical phenomena, and can
can simulate the dynamics of various phenomena at any
time Therefore, in order to better simulate the development
of real cities, improve the accuracy of can simulation, and
effectively combine with GIs, it is an effective way for city
can to be applied. An iterative self-organizing taxonomy
(Isodata) based on minimum spectral distance was used.
Open the Unsupervised option under Classification in the
Fig. 3. Color transformation map. main menu of ENVI4.7, select the IS0DATA method, input
the image of which the file has undergone color synthesis,
The concept of neighbourhood in cellular automata is and select the number of free clustering results generated
expressed as the interrelation of urban geographical ele- by the overall statistical value of the image file when se-
ments in the urban model. Different neighbourhood forms lecting the number of clusters dialog box. According to
or neighbourhood radii can be defined according to dif- previous experience, in the actual classification process, the
ferent urban elements. For example, in simulating the initial classification number is generally taken to be more
evolution of land types, in order to better simulate com- than 2 times the final classification number.
plex geographical phenomena, for industry and commerce, Cellular attributes come from remote sensing images
Different types of cells, such as residential land, should in different periods. First of all, the remote sensing im-
define different neighbourhood radii. The design of Cel- ages are classified in detail according to the type of land
lular, cellular state and cellular space of standard cellular use with reference to the land-use map, and then classi-
automata is very simple, and its transformation rules are fied and recoded into four types: urban land, agricultural
relatively simple. However, the evolution of urban spatial land, and road and non-construction land. The polygon is
structure is a dynamic and complex process, which is not transformed into polygon vector layer by using eras and
only restricted by the elements of urban spatial structure, other software. Each polygon contains the attributes of
but also by external factors such as society, economy, and land type, surface product and circumference. The vector
politics and so on. The formation and change of urban graph layer is imported into the map info software, and the
spatial structure is the material space reflection of the in- square grid layer can be generated within the scope of the
teraction of various social forces inside and outside the vector drawing layer by using the grid making tool. Each
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol. 26, No 6, Page 877-884 883

grid is a cell, and the mesh size is defined according to the city, that is, it is not conducive to production, but also to
need. The grid layer automatically generates the grid name life. Because when the scale of urban land is determined,
and column number of each grid. The line number is repre- the current scale of urban land use has not yet reached the
sented by a, b, c, and the column number by 1, 2, 3.Three planned scale, but some basic public facilities and develop-
fields, time, state and height, are added to the grid layer ment space should be designed and distributed according
attribute database, and the structure of the cellular attribute to the expected scale. In the case of conditions, some public
database is constructed. An important part of setting the facilities will be put into place once, the first investment
conversion rules is the land use transfer area matrix, which will benefit for a long time, but usually under the guidance
can feed back the initial and final urban composition of the of urban planning, the construction will be carried out in
study, and can show the conversion rules of each land use batches, and the connection between the construction peri-
type during the simulation period. ods will be done well. If the scale of urban land is too large,
The scale of urban land use is an important index to it may lead to waste of investment and low utilization of
measure urban scale from the angle of land use. It includes infrastructure, while too small, once the demand for real
the scale of total urban land use and the scale of urban construction land exceeds the planned, It will result in the
land use composition. The former is the total amount of reconstruction and expansion of the planned infrastructure
land, which depends on the nature of the city, the type which cannot meet the needs of urban development, and
of economy, the status of population development and its difficulty and loss are very great as shown in Fig. 5. Due
the natural condition of the land, while the latter is the to the agglomeration effect, urban expansion will expand
proportion of the land, which depends on the function and from the city center as the center point to the surrounding
industrial composition of the city. The construction and areas, and the newly formed areas will be distributed near
development of cities should be based on a certain scale of the central city; in the area of major traffic roads, logistics
land use. The insufficient amount of land use will restrict transportation is more convenient, and it is easier to gener-
the development of urban economy and directly affect the ate new land; the distance from the existing built-up area,
regular exertion of urban functions. The excessive scale of because of the agglomeration effect, the existing built-up
land will lead to waste of land resources and too much loss area has a positive role in promoting the new construction
of agricultural land as shown in Fig. 4. land; the distance from the water area, due to the need to
ensure that water resources are not polluted, built-up areas
need to be isolated from waters far away.

Fig. 5. Two-mode analysis results.

Fig. 4. Results of unsupervised classification of remote

4. Conclusion
sensing images.
Based on satellite remote sensing images, this paper system-
In order to control the scale of urban land use, it is neces- atically studies the theories and methods of urban spatial
sary to determine the scale of urban land use scientifically expansion and land scale prediction, and make a series of
and reasonably. If the scale of urban land is too large or exploration in theory, method and application. This paper
too small, it will bring a series of squeal, which will se- mainly discusses the technology of urban area boundary
riously affect the rational development and layout of the extraction based on remote sensing image, the method of
884 Long Yang

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