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When it comes to entertainment, decades have passed and it has undergone

significant change. Netflix is one of the popular applications in the present that give
entertainment. Indonesia is one of the proofs that Netflix arises throughout the years.
Netflix give Entertainment from all the streamer it gives you the experience to be sad
happy or mix emotion. Netflix can give education or learn a new language of it. This
application gives original videos that surely makes you entertain with it. Having a high a
quality and latest video can surely fulfill your day. This application create bond to
someone that is special to you. That’ s why there have millions of users on this
application in Indonesia However, Indonesia is the first ranked for watching movies

Based on the article, Indonesia prefer to watch pirated movies 63 percent of

Indonesian internet users prefer using illegitimate pirate services to watch premium
content (Bhd, 2019) and satisfied in cable because a lot of people don’t have a stable
Internet connection. In 2019, 94 million adults in Indonesia were unable to use a mobile
device to access the Internet, and even fewer had access to fixed broadband internet.
Almost 80% of people without connections live in non-metro rural areas. (setiawan,
2022) . Even though there is some of people would like to pay or take a risk to have
subscription on that specific app unfortunately they don’t have credit card only, 14
percent of the population have credit card. One of the reasons of having a lot of user in
Netflix even though they don’t have stable internet connection it is because they only
grab the opportunity which to access Netflix for free in 30 days that’s why 62 percent of
the people stopped paying internet cable.

Indonesia see the value of this application and that’s the reason why a lot of
streamer of Netflix in Indonesia and the main reason why they don’t like to subscribe of
this application it is because of the money that they will spend and preferred to watch it

Bhd, D. M. (2019). Do Indonesians prefer illegal streaming? the asean post, 2.

setiawan, I. (2022). How to bridge the gap in Indonesia's inequality in internet access. East Asia &
Pacific on the Rise, 2.

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