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Safety Management

Name: Rea Mae baquilod Offering Number: Y046

Jessa Mae Bonganay Course And year: BSGE-1

In January 22, 2023, we are tasked to conduct a survey. The weather was fine
when we started the survey and we didn’t expect it to change it later on. After a
few hours, the weather got worse and it become windy that co-geodetic engineer
disturbed and accidentally dropped the instrument directly to her feet. Her feet
were Injured and she was immediately rushed to the nearest hospital for

A. What Happened?

- While we were surveying my co-worker accidentally dropped the

instrument directly to her feet and got injured.

B. Why did it happen?

- Due to unexpected change of weather, our work was disturbed and my

co-worker lost her focus and accidentally dropped the instrument that
she supposed to put on top of the tripod.

C. How did the company act when it happened?

- As soon as the company learned about what happened to us, they

contacted us immediately concerning the tools condition as well as my
co-engineer that been injured.

D. Recommendation from the company

- Make sure to conduct a survey with a fine weather. Remember to hold

and take care of the Instrument, as well as look for a safe spot to avoid
danger. Do not panic or feel anxious. A meeting regarding safety risk
management is being requested by the company.

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