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Employee satisfaction:

Individuals spend most of their adult life at work. Unhappiness in

the work place can impact an individual's mental and physical health. Contrast

two individuals at the extreme ends o f a continuum. The first one awakens and

feels excited about starting the day, looking form are to going to work. They

might wonder about what they will learn that day, what they will see, what will

they accomplish and what difference they will make in the life of another.

Compare this to the person who dreads the thought of going to work. Repeatedly,

they may hit the snooze button, wishing they could just put the covers back over

their head. Instead, this person may wonder what negative interactions they may

encounter that day. This person may experience feelings of futility, helplessness

and sadness. They may think this is just going to be another day in a long line of

negative experiences. Dale Carnegie states that our fatigue is often caused not by

work, but by worry, frustration and resentment. Looking at those two pictures

wouldn't you rather be the first than the second? Wouldn't you rather be the

individual who is excited about going to work, is motivated to work hard an

strives to be the best at what they do? This individual is someone who is truly

engaged in their work.

Employee Loyalty:

Employee loyalty is when an employee remains with a company for a lengthy

period because they feel valued, appreciated and believe in the company's overall

mission. Employees who are loyal to a company are likely more invested in the

company's success and work towards meeting organizational goals. Loyalty tends

to encourage your employees to do their best work and perform to their highest

of standards. If the individual loyal employees working of the company, then

individual are going to the employees who work productively and efficiently.

Employee Loyalty is a vital sign of employee engagement, and it shows

businesses that there are employees who love the company. So, as employers,

individual must do everything to ensure this quality in your workforce. Leaders

must understand that while competence is trainable, loyalty is not, and it only

cultivates over time


The driver accepts the ride, picks the passenger up from his location, and pays for

the ride through cash or cashless alternatives at the end of the ride. Sugam cabs

encourages both cash and cashless payment opportunities with Sugam cabs

money, credit, and debit cards.

Then customers are needed to enter their destination. Customers are shown

various price estimations as per the cabs available. Customers can select the cabs

as per their preferences. A request is then forwarded to the driver, and s/he is

enroute to the customer’s location Sugam needs no introduction.

Sugam has made availing of cab services a smooth experience. Instead of buying

and renting out its own cars, Sugam partners with a number of taxi drivers and

owners and adds a touch of modern technology to the whole setup. This allows

people to book cabs at a short notice through Sugam app. Sugam has a simple

business model. It acts as a facilitator to provide cab-booking services. Customers

can book their cabs through the app.

Sugam does not own any of the cabs. Only those drivers with valid permits duly

authorized and verified by transport authorities can sign up with Sugam they
could be either self-employed or work for an operator who owns multiple cars.

The drivers have the flexibility to decide their own time to log in to the Ola

application and accept requests for rides from customers.

They may choose to remain logged out of the system as per their convenience.

Ola takes a commission of 15% on average on all the bookings done through the

app. it also offered many other services like vehicle purchase, finance and

insurance for vehicles, and its registration, and maintenance.



Company Name Sugan cabs

Main branch Chennai, Trichy, Villupuram

Founded 2000

Service providing Carrier logistics, Tanker carriers,

Type Public sector

Merged with HUL in the year 2015.

Branches 20

Workers 20 administrators and 200 drivers.

Our vision

1.Cleantrance’S vision is the desire to offer top quality cab transportation

convenience plus a special security service.

2.To be the premier and preferred cabs and other rental related service provider,

in Trichy, Tamilnadu, India.

Our mission

1.the mission of the company is to provide the most clean and safe cabs services

in & around Tamilnadu, India. It also aims to ensure the security to the customers

upon the whole duration of their trip. It also aims to be one of the known and
trusted cabs operators and be one of the role models when it comes to the concept

of operations and giving services to customers.

2.our mission it to achieve the vision by having well maintained cabs with

professional drives by developing the driver’s skills &attitude in rendering

uncompromised services.

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