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1. If displacement of a particle is zero, the distance covered

a. must be zero b. mayor may not be zero
c. cannot be zero d. depends upon the particle
2. A moving body is covering the displacement directly proportional to the square of
the time, The acceleration of the body is
a) increasing b) zero c)decreasing d) constant

3. The magnitude of average velocity it; equal to the average speed when a particle
a) on a curved path b) in the same direction
c) with constant acceleration d) with constant retardation
4. A body starting from rest moving with uniform acceleration has a displacement of
16 m in first 4 sand 9 m in first 3 s. The acceleration of the body is
a. 1ms-2 b.2 m/s2 c. 3 ms-2 d. 4 ms-2
5. A person is throwing two balls into the air one after other. He throws the second
ball when first ball is at highest point is at the highest point. If he throwing the balls
ever second, how high do they rise?
a) 5m b) 3.75m c) 2.5m d) 1.25
6. A stone was thrown from a certain height and its covers 25m in last second of its
motion, find the height where from stone was released ?
(a) 45m b) 80m c) 50m d) 75m
7. Newtons ______________ law gives quantitative description of force
(a) 1st b) 2nd c) 3rd d) N.O.T
8. The slope of distance time graph is __________________
(a) Always positive c) Always negative
(b) May be positive or negative d)Always zero
9. The graph between displacement and time for a particle moving with uniform
acceleration is a/an
(a) straight line with a positive slope (b) parabola
(c) ellipse (d) straight line parallel to time axis
10. What determines the nature of the path followed by the particle?
(a) Speed (b) Velocity (c) Acceleration (d) Both (b) and (c)
11. The area under acceleration time graph gives
(a) distance travelled (b) change in acceleration
(c) force acting (d) change in velocity
12. Velocity-time curve for a body projected vertically upwards is
(a) parabola (b) ellipse (c) hyperbola (d) straight line
13. The ball is projected up from ground with speed 30 m/sec. What is the average
velocity for time 0 to 4 sec?
(a) 10 m/sec (b) 20 m/sec (c) 15 m/sec (d) zero
14. If a train travelling at 20 m/s is to be brought to rest in a distance of 200 m, then its
retardation should be
(a) 1 m/s2 (b) 2 m/s2 (c) 10 m/s2 (d) 20 m/s2
15. Which of the following statements are correct?



I. A body can have zero velocity and still be accelerated

II. A body can have a constant velocity and still have a varying speed
III. A body can have a constant speed and still have a varying velocity
IV. The direction of velocity of a body cannot change when its acceleration is constant.
(a) I and II (b) I and III (c) I, II and III (d) II, III and IV
16. A truck and a car are moving with equal velocity. On applying the brakes both will
stop after certain distance, then
(a) truck will cover less distance before rest (b) car will coverless distance before rest
(c) Both will cover equal distance (d) None of these
17. Two balls A and B of same mass are thrown from the top of the building. A thrown
upward with velocity v and B, thrown down with velocity v, then
(a) velocity A is more than B at the ground (b) velocity of B is more than A at the ground
(c) both A &B strike the ground with same velocity (d) None of these
18. A car is waiting for traffic signal when its turns green its start from rest and
accelerated uniformly at rate of 10m/s2, at the same instant the bus was coming with
uniform speed of 40m/s and cross the signal find how far from the signal will the car
overtake the bus
(a) 160m (b) 80m (c) 120m (d) 60m
19. A bus starts from rest and accelerated uniformly and covers a distance of 20m in
first 10seconds of its motion find how much distance it will cover in next 10second ?
(a) 10m (b) 20m (c) 30m (d) 50m
20. A train was moving at a speed of 50m/s breaks are applied and its speed becomes
25m/s after covering a distance of 90m find how much further train can move before
coming to rest assume declaration is uniform ?
(a) 90m (b) 45m (c) 30m (d) 50m
21. Which of the following is NOT correct for action -reaction forces
(A) These are equal in magnitude c) These cannot cancel each other
(B) These acting on same body d) These are opposite in direction
22. A force F is acting on 6kg body and produce an acceleration of 10m/s2, if now force
3F is acting on body of mass M and produce acceleration of 6m/s2 the mass M is :
(a) 15kg 30kg 45kg 60kg
23. Swimming is possible on account of
(a) first law of motion (b) second law of motion
(c) third law of motion (d) newton's law of gravitation
24. We can derive Newton’s
(a) second and third laws from the first law
(b) first and second laws from the third law
(c) third and first laws from the second law
(d) All the three laws are independent of each other
25. What are the effects if force is acting on a moving body in a direction perpendicular
to the direction of motion?
(a) The speed changes uniformly (b) The acceleration changes uniformly
(c) The direction of motion changes (d) All of these.


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