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The stomata density difference between

gymnosperms and angiosperms.

Stomata is the principal mean for gas exchange in plants. In this study, we looked at the
difference in stomatal density of gymnosperms (Polypod) and angiosperms (Araceae
and banana), Gymnosperms were found to have the lowest stomatal densities and have
the smallest range of stomatal density. This was due to gymnosperms not being
sensitive to environmental factors angiosperms are.

In vascular plants, small pores called stomata can typically be found on the leaves.
Stomata are the main method for gas exchange in vascular plants, two guard cells that
control the rate of gas entering by closing and opening the stomata. The greater the
stomatal density, the number of stomata per unit area, the greater the amount of CO2
gas that can be uptake and water can be released by the plant. As a result, vascular
plants that have a higher stomatal density have a higher biomass production (Sakoda et
al., 2020). Stomatal density varies between species likely from different morphology,
physiology, and evolutionary process. By studying stomata density, we can better
understand a plant’s environmental atmosphere better, for this study in particular
gymnosperms and angiosperms, which is crucial due to the rate of climate change in
modern times. Previous studies have deduced that there is a higher stomatal density in
angiosperms than in gymnosperms (Medlyn et al., 2001).

In this study, we investigate the difference in the stomatal density of angiosperms and
gymnosperms. The leaves of different species of angiosperms and gymnosperms were
divided among other groups, each focusing on two angiosperms and one gymnosperm.
In this paper, the specimens analyzed are the two angiosperms, Araceae (Taro) and
banana, and the gymnosperm Polypod.

The two angiosperms and the gymnosperm specimens have been provided, all
procured from the same region. A leaf sample from each species was taken. A layer of
nail polish was applied to the underside and left to dry for 5 five minutes. The tape was
attached to the underside of the leaf and removed with a nail polish layer containing the
underlying leaf tissue attached. The tape was then put under a microscope and
observed using the objective lens 40x. 3 random areas of the tissue layer were viewed
and the stomata in each area were counted.

Both angiosperms have a higher stomatal density than the gymnosperm, with the
banana plant having the highest stomatal density of the two (Table 1A). The average
stomatal from every group was higher than the ones recorded in this study, except
bananas, and the plant’s highest collective number of stomata is Araceae (Table 1B).
Araceae and bananas have larger intervals than polypods. Both banana and polypod
have the lowest stomatal density, which is 5/mm^2. Araceae has the highest stomatal
density which is 54/mm^2

Table 1 The number of stomata/mm^2 from 3 different randomly selected areas of the
underlying leaf tissue layer of Araceae, banana, and Polypod (A); The interval and the
average number of stomata/mm^2 from every group (B).
(A) Number of stomata found in (B) The collective number of stomata
one area of the underlying leaf from every group/mm^2
tissue layer/mm^2
1 2 3 Average Interval Average
Araceae 10 12 13 12 14-54 30
Banana 41 42 36 40 5-42 27
Polypod 6 6 5 6 5-9 7
Figure 1. Image of stomata on the underside of leaves using 40x microscope
magnification of A) Araceae, B) Banana, and C) Polypod.

Taking a look at previous studies, the average stomatal density of Araceae ranges from
100-300 which is much higher than what we had obtained (Sari et al., 2020). The
average stomatal of Polypod and banana in previous studies are both 27, though it
should be noted that the intervals for banana are wide, 1-42 (Auliya et al., 2019; Rocha
et al, 2013). The difference between the stomatal density in previous studies to this one
could be the difference in species, habitat, and environmental factors affecting growth.
Nevertheless, previous studies and our results support our hypothesis that angiosperms
have higher stomatal density than gymnosperms.
Why is there a difference in stomatal density between angiosperms and gymnosperms?
Schlüter et al. (2003) suggest that environmental factors like light sensitivity and CO2
concentration affect the stomatal density of a leaf while it is still maturing, this could
affect the stomatal density of the entire species further along generations. However,
gymnosperms are less sensitive to these environmental factors. This is likely because
gymnosperms are fast economic plants and to maintain a high resource flux rate, have
a lower stomatal sensitivity compared to angiosperms. Angiosperms have a higher
sensitivity, and as a result stomatal density, as they lose water more easily because
they have thin leaves; another reason is during their taxa diversification CO2 in the
atmosphere was decreasing which forced them to adapt (Klein & Ramon, 2019).

In this experiment, we have not considered the age of the plants so there is a possibility
that the data is inaccurate as stomatal density varies between ages. Another factor we
have not considered is the light intensity exposed to each plant, as sunlight promotes
stomatal growth (Schlüter et al, 2003). Further experiments in controlled environments
should be taken for more accurate results.

The stomatal density of a plant can reveal characteristics of the environmental
atmosphere. Gymnosperms are older than angiosperms on the evolutionary line, their
low stomatal density reveals that there was a high CO2 concentration at the time of their
taxa diversification (Delevoryas, 2022). By studying the changes in stomatal density we
can better understand the rising CO2 in modern times; which will aid us in helping
prevent the extinction of many species.

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