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A story written by Andrew S.

An island, far from the humans. Sunk deep, beneath the sea. Can be found, but can't be
seen. Water engulfs it, but fire lives in it. This is the story of the God Archipelago, Arcadia.

Arcadia, an old country controlled by Poseidon. People here praised Poseidon, a powerful
Greek God that controls the seas, the rivers, and the lakes all around the world. He was
praised for more than a thousand years. Poseidon blessed Arcadia with a river, full of fish.
From there, the people here catch and sell so many different kinds of fish, from small to big,
and from the common to the rare fish. The fish market is always full of fish stocks. Fishing
has been a tradition to the Arcadians for hundreds of years. Suddenly, the Arcadians started
to fish in a very rough way, destroying both the river and the lives in it.

This thing made Poseidon sad. He was very, deeply pierced by the Arcadians behavior.
"They, they destroyed the blessing that I gave them. Why? this is the way they thank me
back?" he thought. He finally begans to plan a revenge on the Arcadians. He stopped the
river from flowing, making Arcadia very, very dry. People in Arcadia started to offer many
animals to Poseidon. "Oh Poseidon, the God of seas, rivers, and lakes. Please, please give
us water. Please give us the river that we used to have." said the Arcadians at the altar of
Poseidon. Still, the prayers and offerings from the Arcadians can't assuage his anger.

Day by day, people in Arcadia started to die. One by one, people started dying from the
heavy drought that hit the country. Poseidon suddenly feels a strange feeling. He missed the
old Arcadia, the Arcadians and the beautiful old archipelago that stands mightly on the sea.
He then thinks of a way to recover it, and ends with a plan to recover the archipelago not
with humans, but with Gods.

Many Gods got a letter, which has a very sad message written on it. "Dear, all of the Gods of
the Greeks. I, Poseidon, plead over my life, please help me recover my country. Please,
please…" All Gods felt so sad. They then started to move there, while taking the islands
there silently. When Poseidon realized, he had nothing left to do. His position in his own
country got destroyed. He then ran to the deep seas, while suddenly thinking about the
reasons why Arcadians destroyed his river. He then checked on the river that he dried
before. Poseidon is shocked, he can't believe his eyes. What he saw there was a hellish fish
egg, that is very dangerous for him and for his country. He realized the Arcadians didn't
destroy the river at their own will. They destroyed it because they wanted to save Poseidon
from the hellish fish that could hurt him. He was very dissapointed of himself. He fell into a
deep sorrow, and he buried Arcadia deep in the sea as a sign of his sadness.

From this story, we can learn that we must think clearly before we do something. A thing that
people do to us isn't always bad, and it can be good for us. Because of his sadness,
Poseidon didn't think any further and just dried the river without knowing anything about what
Arcadians do to save him.

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