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Jabroniville Mutants & Masterminds - Marvel- The Letter "E"

The letter "E" is the English language's second vowel, and far & away the most commonly-used
letter. It has origins in the Greek letter Epsilon, and can be pronounced in numerous ways, and can
even change the pronounciations of OTHER syllables, while being silent itself at the end of the word.
It's even the most commonly-used sound in many OTHER European languages- this makes it a
remarkably letter to find in simple "codes" that merely replace letters with other syllables (just find
the most-common one and boom- that's your "E").

Despite its commonality, you don't see it that often for the first letter of names, in real life or in
comics. In fact, hardly any comic book characters start with "E", and the ones that do tend to be
rather odd (Ego, Eternity) or Jobbers (The Enforcer). Most of the names are rather low-tier, and the
bigger-name ones are only from the 1960s. The biggest names are the Enchantress & Executioner
(big-name Thor foes, mostly from the '60s), Elektra, Electro, Eternity (the living embodiment of the
Universe itself) and Ego the Living Planet. After them, you've got mid-tiers like Echo, Exodus,
Egghead, Empath, Emplate & Erik Killmonger. Then there's a LOT of low-end guys- the Eternal Brain,
Ernst, Equinox, Evilhawk, the Silver Age Exiles & Ethan Edwards. Not the WORST assortment of guys,
but not really big name acts, either.

Earth Force

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Nov 06, 2017 9:42 pm

-Earth Force was formed with the evil Egyptian Death God Seth (you have to say the whole
thing, or it just sounds like you're describing some dude) empowered three humans who'd
suffered horrible injuries through no fault of their own. Seth tricked them into fighting Thor
& Hogun the Grim, but they eventually realized that the Asgardians weren't evil, and turned
on Seth. Seth fatally-wounded them, but they were restored to life by the Gods of Heliopolis
(Egypt). The group appeared a couple times in Thor afterwards, but after that they vanished
until a Post-Civil War story threw them out there as a random one-off working under the Fifty
State Initiative. Actually, it was just Skyhawk, and he turned out to be a Skrull.

-Their designs are interesting to me, because they're borderline Kirby-esque, being very
simple but also somewhat iconic and neat to look at. But they're also very dated, looking like
costumes from the 1960s in a book that came out around the same time Cable & Gambit did.
It's really quite peculiar.

Earth Lord

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Nov 06, 2017 9:52 pm

EARTH LORD (Kyle Brock)

Created By: Tom DeFalco & Ron Frenz
First Appearance: Thor #395 (Sept. 1988)
Role: Powerhouse
Group Affiliation: Earth Force
PL 8 (93)

Deception 2 (+4)
Expertise (Police Officer) 4 (+6)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 2 (+4, +8 Size)
Stealth 2 (+3, -5 Size)

Fast Grab, Improved Hold
"Draw Powers From The Earth" Growth 8 (Str & Sta +8, +8 Mass, +4 Intimidation, -4
Dodge/Parry, +1 Speed, -8 Stealth) -- (30 feet) (Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [17]
Power-Lifting 1 (50 tons) [1]

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Full Size +6 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +1

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +2, Fortitude +2, Will +4
"Full Size" Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness +10, Fortitude +10, Will +4

Responsibility (The NYPD)

Total: Abilities: 42 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 18 / Defenses: 11 (93)

-Kyle Brock was an NYPD officer who was hospitalized after being shot by criminals. Given
Growth Powers by Seth, the sign of Atom appeared on his palm while he fought. Like most
low-end Growth Guys, he gets pretty tough (PL 8 on offense), but drops defenses horribly-
fast (down to PL 7).

Earth-Mover (Dr. Stone)

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jul 24, 2022 5:48 pm

EARTH-MOVER (Dr. Maximillian Stone)
Created By: Len Kaminski & Tom Tenney
First Appearance: Iron Man #298 (Nov. 1993)
Role: Jobber Villain, One-Off Threat
Group Affiliations: Justin Hammer's Employ

-Earth-Mover is another guy from the "Len Kaminski Run"- the head researcher at a
geothermal factory Tony Stark had built in an extinct volcano, Dr. Stone was victimized
when the giant robot Ultimo, trapped under the Earth by Iron Man years ago, moved
underneath the volcano, reactivating it. Dr. Stone used the drill core to save the day, but fell
into the liquid magma- there, a "magma entity" discovered him and saved his life, but both
were doomed unless they merged. Agreeing, Stone fused with the creature, becoming Earth-
Mover. Tony Stark, then recovering from a techno-organic parasite, piloted a Remote-Control
Iron Man Armor and attacked Earth-Mover, thinking he was responsible for the quakes, until
finally Dr. Stone was able to recover some speech, ending the fight. However, then Ultimo
finally broke free and attacked- in the next issue, the two managed to hamper him, but
Ultimo's eye-breams destroyed Earth-Mover, vaporizing the combined being.

-That's... a bunch of effort to create an origin story for a guy who's gonna die in the first part
of the very next issue. The Marvunapp writer notes the same thing, and presumes that we
were supposed to see Earth-Mover again (given how it was a dude who WAS SAVED
FROM LIQUID MAGMA, survivability doesn't seem to be an issue with him), but despite
Kaminski writing another twenty issues of Iron Man, it just never happened. He suggested in
a letters column that Earth-Mover was to join a "Social Justice" team with Atom-Smasher
and Mindstorm II, opposing Iron Man as heroes of a different stripe, but then The Crossing
happened and Iron Man was completely derailed. So that explains that.

-Earth-Mover had some geokinetic powers, and was constructed of rock and magma,
allowing him to reconstitute himself a bit from harm.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jan 01, 2017 2:40 am

Created By: Matt Nixon & Ethan Van Sciver
First Appearance: Wolverine #179 (Sept. 2002)
Role: Forgotten Character
Group Affiliations: Alpha Flight
PL 9 (159)

Athletics 4 (+8)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+9)
Close Combat (Swords) 1 (+9)
Expertise (Survival) 7 (+8)
Expertise (Hockey Player) 2 (+5) -- Uses Agility
Expertise (Mysticism) 5 (+6)
Insight 3 (+6)
Intimidation 3 (+4)
Perception 5 (+8)
Ranged Combat (Earth Attacks) 2 (+8)
Stealth 7 (+10)
Treatment 2 (+3)

Ranged Attack 6, Tracking

"Earthmover Totem"
"Summon Earth Elementals" Summon 4 (Extras: Active, Controlled, Horde, Multiple
Minions 3- 8 Elementals) [32]

"Earth Binding" Snare 8 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Shapeable) (32) -- [36]

 AE: "Earth Hammer" Blast 9 (18)

 AE: "Earth Wave" Blast 9 (Extras: Area- Burst) (27)
 AE: Movement 3 (Permeate 3) (Flaws: Limited to Earth) (3)
 AE: Earth Control 8 (16)

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Earth Hammer +8 (+9 Ranged Damage, DC 24)
Earth Wave +9 Area (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Earth Binding +8 Area (+8 Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +5, Fortitude +8, Will +7

Responsibility (Omega Level)- Earthmover has vast potential for power, and must learn to
master it, or it shall master him.

Total: Abilities: 50 / Skills: 42--21 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: 68 / Defenses: 13 (159)

-Earthmover's just... bizarre. Created by a newbie writer Matt Nixon for a guest arc in
Wolverine, he was the supernatural equivalent of an "Omega Mutant", in Professor Xavier's
own words, and it came to Logan to train the guy. He ended up getting the animal totem of
the Earthworm, and he became a Geokinetic shaman-type using various types of "Earth
Magic". He also became a great survivalist with tons of skill that even Logan envied (he was
able to walk up to an Elk buck and put his arm on it), and in general this could be a decent
concept, if done right. Unfortunately, it was devalued by having him run around in an
Edmonton Oilers t-shirt (sure, he was an aspiring hockey player, but come on- REAL
Edmontonians wear the whole jersey when they really care) and generally look like an
almighty tool.

-Hilariously, this guy was given the big Mary Sue treatment of "so good and full of potential
it's scary", only to COMPLETELY vanish from comics! He showed up in an X-Men book,
and as a rescued member of Alpha Flight in that goofy book Lobdell wrote, and after that...
nothing. Part of the problem was that they created the character for ALPHA FLIGHT, a team
that suffers Doom Patrol-like cancellation rates. Then there's his goofy look and silly origin.
The whole Mary Sue "He's Omega Level!" thing is just icing on the cake. Who knows if we'll
ever see the guy again?

-Okay, the guy's a goof, but he's rather powerful. Despite being a newbie, he's a PL 9, and he
costs a SWACK of points for that level (nearly thirty points over)- he's very strong normally,
and also packs the ability to Summon a Horde of Earth Elementals, then toss a bunch of earth
at people in a few different forms (Standard Blast, Wave, Snare, Permeate and Earth
Control). The fact that the two sets of powers aren't linked boosts his costs a lot- he can use
the Horde AND his various powers simultaneously.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Nov 27, 2016 4:25 am

Created By: Chris Claremont & John Byrne
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #137 (Sept. 1980)
Race: Unknown (rock-like race)
Role: Elementalist
Legionnaire Basis: Unknown (possibly Blok or Quake Kid, a Legion Reject)
Group Affiliations: The Shi'ar Imperial Guard
PL 9 (125)

Expertise (Space Hero) 4 (+4)
Insight 2 (+3)
Intimidation 6 (+6)
Investigation 2 (+3)
Perception 4 (+5)
Ranged Attack (Earth) 2 (+10)
Technology 4 (+4)
Vehicles 2 (+4)

Benefit (Imperial Guard), Equipment 4 (Anti-Gravity Device), Ranged Attack 5, Set-Up,

"Rocky Hide"
Impervious Toughness 5 [5]
Features 2: Increased Mass 2 [2]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Mountains) [2]

Earth Control 13 (26) -- [28]

 AE: Debris Blast 9 (Extras: Multiattack) (Drawbacks: Power Loss- No Silicates) (26)
 AE: "Groundstrike" Affliction 10 (Dodge; Hindered/Prone) (Extras: Area- 30ft.
Burst) (Flaws: Limited Degree, Instant Recovery, Limited to Grounded Targets)
Linked to Damage 9 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (Flaws: Limited to Objects) (11.5)

"Shi'ar Anti-Gravity Device"
Flight 5 (10)
Space Travel 1 (1)
Immunity 7 (Suffocation 2, Cold, Hot, Radiation, Vacuum, Pressure) (7)

Unarmed +7 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Earth Blast +9 (+9 Ranged Damage, DC 24)
Groundstrike +10 Area (+10 Affliction, DC 20)
Initiative +1

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +8, Fortitude +8, Will +4

Responsibility (The Shi'ar Imperial Guard)
Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 37 / Defenses: 11 (125)

-Earthquake's actually pretty good. A geokinetic in an era that didn't have many of them, he
KOed Storm once, and has generally more useful showings than 90% of the Imperial Guard
whenever they show up. Also, he's one of their more visible members, being a big ugly rock
dude. His build is a combo of Density and Earth Control, mainly being PL 9.5 on offense (his
"Debris Blast" is PL 9.5) but for his powerful Trip. He's quite handy in a team fight, rather
durable (though not beyond the likes of non-powered people to knock out cold), but lacks
Advantages desperately. If he was more well-rounded, he'd be a terrific hand, but he's just a
basic, limited team guy at this point. He was seemingly-killed by Vulcan.

Ebon Samurai

Post by Jabroniville » Fri May 25, 2018 10:12 pm

THE EBON SAMURAI (Kioshi Keishicho)

Created By: Scott Lobdell & Clayton Henry
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #9 (2005)
Role: Dark Mirror Image Character (to Silver Samurai)
Country of Origin: Japan
Group Affiliations: The Big Hero 6
PL 8 (90)

Athletics 3 (+6)
Expertise (Police Officer) 6 (+7)
Expertise (Magical Lore) 3 (+4)
Insight 3 (+4)
Intimidation 5 (+7)
Perception 4 (+5)

Equipment 2 (Wakizashi Sword +2, Shurikens, Armor), Improved Initiative, Power Attack,
Startle, Ranged Attack 4

"Demon-Infested Katana" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [9]
Strength-Damage +5 (Feats: Improved Critical 2) (Extras: Penetrating 8) (15 points)

Features 1: Attacks Count as Unholy [1]

Unarmed +8 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Katana +8 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Shuriken +8 (+3 Ranged Damage, DC 18)
Initiative +9

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +4 (+6 Armor), Fortitude +6, Will +5

Responsibility (Demonic Influence)- The demon inside Kioshi's sword is constantly
reminding him of his debt to Amatsu-Mikaboshi. It constantly attempts to corrupt his soul,
and he is prone to berserker rages.

Total: Abilities: 54 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 10 / Defenses: 6 (90)

-Kioshi Keishicho was slain while defending The Emperor of Japan from The Silver Samurai,
and convinced by Amatsu-Mikaboshi, The God of Evil, to try and gain vengeanace. But the
baddie tricked him, and left Kioshi trapped in a nasty suit of armor as the dark version of
Sammy- The Ebon Samurai. Since Sammy was ALREADY dead by this point, poor Ebon
Samurai was stuck as a revenant- he joined Sammy's old group The Big Hero 6 for lack of
anything else to do. He eventually fled to Sunpyre's home planet of Coronar to help her
liberate it, and was never seen again.

-As a guy with a limited role in the books, Ebon Samurai doesn't really pile on the stats- even
his status as a "Revenant" brings into question whether or not he'd gain the full set of
Immunities- he's really more Demon than Undead.

Ebony Maw

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Jun 27, 2018 11:07 pm

Created By: Jonathan Hickman & Mike Deodato, Jr.
First Appearance: New Avengers #8 (Sept. 2013)
Role: Mind Controller
Group Affiliations: The Black Order/Cull Obsidian
PL 13 (162)
Athletics 4 (+6)
Deception 10 (+16)
Expertise (Space Warrior) 5 (+9)
Insight 11 (+16)
Perception 5 (+10)
Persuasion 10 (+16)
Technology 5 (+9)

Daze & Fascination (Persuasion), Equipment 5 (Force Field & Teleportation Technology),
Ranged Attack 2

"Mental Webs" Mind Control 13 (Feats: Subtle 2) [54]

Unarmed +7 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Mind Control -- (+13 Perception-Ranged Affliction, DC 23)
Initiative +4

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +4 (+10 Force Field), Fortitude +6, Will +7

Responsibility (The Black Order)

Total: Abilities: 66 / Skills: 50--25 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 54 / Defenses: 8 (162)

-The Ebony Maw is not a fighter, but a master manipulator- he deals with Doctor Strange,
hypnotizing him with mentally-seductive words, and gets him to leave Maw in charge of an
area around an Inhuman settlement that contains Thane, the son of Thanos. Maw, however,
convinced Thane to "prove himself" by fighting his father, and froze both Thanos & Proxima
Midnight in stasis. He then decided to lead Thane into becoming greater than even Thanos
could be. He reappears in No Surrender with no mention of Thane.

-It seems like this guy really went nowhere- he was supposed to be the REAL "Dangerous
One" of the group, eschewing physically confrontations and manipulating others into doing
what he wanted, but his stuff was more like "Generic Mind Control", and then he basically
friggin' vanished and had no further effect on the plots of anything. Avengers: Infinity War
reimagines him as a Telekinetic and torturer, which is a much more visually-dynamic power-
set that led to a pretty cool set of fights.


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Feb 22, 2022 9:40 pm

... she pretty.

ECHO (Maya Lopez, aka Ronin I)

Created By: David Mack & Joe Quesada
First Appearance: Daredevil #9 (Dec. 1999)
Role: Taskmaster Rip-Off, Yet Another Matt Girlfriend Gone Assassin
Group Affiliations: The Avengers, The Hand
Avengers Grade: D-Level
PL 9 (169)

Acrobatics 4 (+10)
Athletics 6 (+8)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+14)
Deception 4 (+5)
Expertise (Artist) 6 (+8)
Expertise (Assassin) 7 (+9)
Expertise (Dancing) 4 (+10)
Insight 5 (+7)
Intimidation 4 (+5)
Perception 10 (+12)
Ranged Combat (Thrown Objects) 5 (+15)
Sleight of Hand 6 (+10)
Stealth 7 (+13)
Vehicles 1 (+5)

Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, Assessment, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Defensive
Strike, Equipment 3 (Arsenal), Evasion 2, Improved Defense, Ranged Attack 6, Takedown 2,
Tracking, Uncanny Dodge

"Photographic Reflexes"
Enhanced Advantages 2: Beginner's Luck, Jack-of-All-Trades [2]
Variable 3 (Any Skill, Advantage or Ranged Attack She's Seen) (Feats: Innate) (Extras:
Continuous, Move Action) [28]

"Arsenal of Weapons"
"Shuriken" Blast 3 (Extras: Multiattack) (9) -- (11 points)

 AE: "Katana" Strength-Damage +3 (Feats: Improved Critical) (Extras: Penetrating 2)

 AE: "Nunchuku" Strength-Damage +2 (Feats: Improved Grab) (3)

Unarmed +14 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Katana +13 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Nunchuku +13 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Shuriken +14 (+3 Ranged Damage, DC 18)
Initiative +6

Dodge +14 (DC 24), Parry +14 (DC 24), Toughness +3 (+4 D.Roll), Fortitude +6, Will +6

Relationship (Matt Murdock, aka Daredevil)- They were together for a bit, then she tried to
kill him. It's Matt Murdock- it happens alot.
Relationship (The Kingpin)- Wilson Fisk looks at her like a daughter (the dying wish of her
father, a former ally The Kingpin murdered), but they have fought and tried to kill each other
Disabled (Deaf)- Maya cannot hear. She is dependent upon visual clues to do anything, and
as such is helpless is total darkness, and she cannot take oral commands or communicate with
thickly-masked individuals or those not facing her. Expect odd exceptions if the artist, writer
and/or editor aren't paying attention to the position of people on-panel.
Power Loss (Photographic Reflexes)- Maya needs to actually see something performed
before she can copy it. Though she has studied people like Daredevil, Bullseye & Hawkeye,
mimicking their abilities, she hasn't seen everything under the sun, and something can still
surprise her, or be beyond her grasp. Most mental Skills (Science, sheer knowledge) are still
beyond her, for example.

Total: Abilities: 66 / Skills: 70--35 / Advantages: 22 / Powers: 30 / Defenses: 16 (169)

Echo- Another Assassin Girlfriend of Matt's:

-Echo was created for David Mack's Daredevil- she's fairly interesting as a character, but is
kind of hopelessly caught up in the zone of Daredevil Girlfriends, in that she's a crazy
assassin at one point hired to kill him. DD's book is like that. Her powers are pretty unique in
comics (though seem to be getting less so, as various others have shown with similar abilities
by now), but sadly, the Taskmaster casts a large shadow over all of them, which makes her
seem like a cheap female copy. The added bonus is that like DD, she's missing out on one
total sense, hers being hearing. And that'll mess her up BAD, as a Visual Dazzle or Obscure
effect will all but cripple her Perception checks.

-Echo was fooled by her foster-father, The Kingpin, into thinking that Daredevil murdered
her father (it was actually Fisk, who cares for Maya as her dad's dying wish)- she was sent
after Matt, but she fell in love with Matt Murdock even while Echo hunted Daredevil. She
ultimately beat the hero by taking advantage of his weaknesses and engaging in a fight where
his senses were useless, but spared him when she found out his secret identity. Eventually,
she found out the truth- blinding Fisk in revenge. She flees the U.S. to do some soul-
searching- by the time she returns, Matt has another girlfriend. After this, she oddly leaves
Daredevil's life, and goes on to appear in other books.

Echo the Forgotten Avenger:

-Her Avengers run is particularly strange because it was never supposed to be hers to begin
with- Daredevil was supposed to be the disguised "Ronin" character who mysteriously helped
the Avengers, but the fans guessed it way too easily (since it's Bendis), and they swapped
Echo into the position instead. It was a nice swerve, but they never really went anywhere with
it- she is temporarily killed then rez'd as a Hand assassin until Dr. Strange rescues her soul,
and then she was IMMEDIATELY pushed aside once the big Event Stories kept happening,
and she actually flat-out left the team with zero fanfare after a point, and nobody's really
missed her since. Like there's a bit in Avengers/Invaders where her deafness saves the day
against D'Spayre since he doesn't affect her, but that's it- she later appeared briefly as a
possible babysitter for Luke Cage's baby (with a gag about how people forgot she was an
Avenger), but has shown up in Moon Knight as an ally to Marc Spector, helping him fight
some West Coast gangsters. Apparently she was killed by Count Nefaria... and then
"mysterious circumstances" led to her resurrection (ie. someone either forgot or was like
"Yeah I'm back, lol").

-And then all of a sudden she's back as the new PHOENIX, having entered a tournament in
Enter the Phoenix- she is soundly defeated by Namor in an underwater match to gain the
Phoenix's blessing, but Echo's despair at losing and refusal to die draws the Phoenix to her,
and she becomes its new host. Then she beats Namor's ass for the previous defeat and Jean
Grey herself gives us the "Character Shilling" bit of congratulations, but also gives her advice
on controlling its power. So ultimately, Echo is a VERY strange character- she has all the
hallmarks of yet another "Signature Daredevil Bad Girl Assassin", then suddenly gets foisted
onto the Avengers stuff despite not really fitting in with that book at all, then she messes
about in background things until Bendis forgets about he... and then she's in Moon Knight and
that writer stupidly kills her off and then she's casually back and doing other stuff.

Echo's Powers:
-Echo's an over-pointed PL 9, able to hang on her own with most of the elite martial artists
out there. Her Reflex Memory is at a relatively low (but still very expensive) level, allowing
her to "keep" some of the points to use the skills she's been shown using (Piano playing and
dancing, mostly). Think of her as a Mini-Taskmaster in this fashion. Note that any of her
seemingly-lower Skills (Acrobatics especially) are easily modified with up to 15 points'
worth of boosts, and she can gain tons of Advantages as well. Variable Power doesn't even
need a Limit to showcase this ability really, as you can sort of imagine her taking on nearly
any ability. It's Continuous in Duration and requires a Move Action because she doesn't have
to do much to utilize it, nor can it really be turned off.


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Nov 15, 2022 10:23 pm

ECSTASY (Madame Renee Deladier)
Created By: Peter B. Gillis
First Appearance: Dr. Strange #78 (Aug. 1986)
Role: Super Drug-Dealer, Miss Fanservice
PL 9 (164)

Deception 4 (+7)
Expertise (Drug Dealer) 6 (+8)
Intimidation 2 (+5)
Perception 2 (+4)
Stealth 2 (+6)

Benefit (Wealth), Connected, Defensive Roll, Ranged Attack 5, Startle

Insubstantial 4 (Feats: Selective, Subtle) [22]
Senses 2 (Darkvision) [2]
Enhanced Fighting 2 [4]
Enhnaced Dodge 4 [4]

"Animated Cloak"
Teleport 10 (Feats: Dynamic, Change Direction & Velocity, Increased Mass 6- 3,200 lbs.)
(Extras: Accurate, Extended) (49) -- [57]

 Dynamic AE: "Obscure Senses" Dazzle (Visuals) 9 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Shapeable)
(Flaws: Touch Range) (19)
 Dynamic AE: Movement 1 (Darkforce Dimensional Travel) (Extras: Attack, Area-
30ft. Shapeable) (4)
 Dynamic AE: "Cloak Coils & Coldness" Affliction 9 (Fort; Hindered, Vulnerable &
Fatigued/Defenseless, Immobilized & Exhausted/Incapacitated) (Extras: Area- 30ft.
Shapeable, Extra Condition +2) (37)
 Dynamic AE: "Standard Snare" Affliction 9 (Fort; Hindered, Vulnerable &
Fatigued/Defenseless, Immobilized & Exhausted/Incapacitated) (Feats: Reach 5)
(Extras: Extra Condition +2) (32)

Unarmed +7 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Forced Teleport +9 (+9 Teleport, DC 19)
Snare, Dazzle & Cold +9 Area (+9 Affliction, DC 19)
Initiative +4

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +3 (+4 D.Roll), Fortitude +5, Will +4

Motivation (Greed & Destruction)
Power Loss (Cloak's Powers)- With the right spell, Ecstasy will lose her powers.

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 16--8 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 89 / Defenses: 6 (164)

-Ecstasy is a French drug dealer specializing in a drug from which she takes her name (it was
actually a drug invented for the story, and wasn't the same "E" we know today; I only heard
of that one like 20 years ago when it became a fad amongst ravers I knew), and drew the
attention of Cloak (of "Cloak & Dagger" fame), who attempted to punish her for her dealing.
However, the Darkforce Dimension itself chose to spare her this punishment, and instead
used her to "feed" it new victims, since Cloak was too moral to do that. She was then given
his powers, leaving Tyrone de-powered and helpless within the dimension. Doctor Strange,
sensing Tyrone's agony, entered the Darkforce to save him, and used the Eye of Agamotto to
lure in the sentience of the dimension to its light- Ecstasy was de-powered herself. Cloak was
returned to Earth, once more in full control of his cursed abilities, and was told not to use his
powers against the villainess by Strange himself, who also escaped.

-A while later, Ecstasy regained her powers when Cloak disappeared from Earth for a time,
but he soon returned and got them back. She later got used as a generic Darkforce User,
essentially ignoring the fact that she usually had to take her abilities from Cloak himself (who
has since fallen into disuse as a character)- I guess the evil sentience in the dimension had
found something it liked in her, because she freely gave it souls, while Cloak wouldn't. After
a couple late-80s, early-90s appearances, she showed up to fight Union Jack in 2006- he
defeated her by tricking her into absorbing the "life-force" of Fasaud, an electrical-based
construct being- this dispelled her Darkforce, leaving her naked, unconscious and powerless.
-Ecstasy ends up with all of Cloak's powers, plus the natural abilities of a drug dealer, making
her actually pretty pricey for a PL 9 character (who was able to give Dr. Strange trouble for a

Eddie March

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Jul 12, 2022 8:45 am

Created By: Archie Goodwin & George Tuska
First Appearance: Iron Man #21 (Jan. 1970- March), Iron Man #67 (Dec. 1973- The Freak)
Role: The First Black Iron Man
Group Affiliations: None
PL 9 (143)

Deception 2 (+4)
Insight 3 (+5)
Intimidation 3 (+5)
Perception 2 (+4)
Vehicles 2 (+4)

Improved Critical (Unarmed), Improved Defenses, Ranged Attack 2

"Iron Man Armor- 1970s Version" (Flaws: Removable) (Feats: Restricted 2- Only Tony or
Eddie) [80]
Enhanced Strength 7 (14)
Protection 7 (Extras: Impervious 9) (16)
Immunity 6 (Cold, Heat, Radiation, Pressure, Suffocation 2) (6)
"Boot Rockets" Flight 9 (1,000 mph) (18)

"Targetting & Environmental Sensors"

Enhanced Advantages 6: Extraordinary Effort, Improved Aim, Ranged Attack 3, Withstand
Damage (6)
"Armor Sensors" Senses 11 (Extended & Infravision, Extended Hearing, Radar 4, Detect
Energy- Ranged, Acute & Accurate) (11)

"Repulsor Rays" Blast 10 (Feats: Split, Improved Critical, Variable Energy Descriptor,
Penetrating 4) (27) -- (29)

 AE: "Repulsor Stun" Affliction 10 (Fort; Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Feats: Split)

(Extras: Ranged, Cumulative) (31)

-- (98 points)

Unarmed +8 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Armored Strength +8 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Repulsor Rays +7 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Repulsor Stun +7 (+10 Ranged Affliction, DC 20)
Initiative +3

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3 (+10 Iron Man Armor), Fortitude +4,
Will +5

Disabled (Injury-Prone)- Eddie had to retire due to a blood clot, and needs frequent medical
interventions. Every superhero fight he gets into also leaves him crippled.

Total: Abilities: 50 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 80 / Defenses: 7 (143)

-A forgotten side character that was the second Iron Man AND the second "Freak" (Happy
Hogan was the first), Eddie March debuted in 1970 as a successful black boxer from a poor
neighborhood. He was a sparring partner and friend of Happy Hogan's in that era where a lot
of heroes were meeting "Black Friends" (Spider-Man, Cap and others were doing this, too, as
the media in general opened up to black characters)- his career had ended due to a blood clot,
and medical bills quickly mounted. He was given a job at Stark Industries, and Tony soon
trusted him enough to reveal his secret identity as Iron Man! Tony's heart strain was getting
to him, and he felt he might have to step down as the Armored Avenger, and so Eddie,
feeling that if he was going to die, it might as well be as a hero, offered to take his place.
However, despite weeks of training, Eddie was quickly badly-injured in taking on Crimson
Dynamo. Tony took care of his medical bills and offered him a spare suit of armor as thanks.
So we were back to basics with Tony, naturally.

-Eddie later helped Iron Man against the villainous Doctor Spectrum- Tony left to make
repairs, and Eddie was quickly overwhelmed and taken over by the bad guy, who used "Iron
Man" to attack Thor. Eddie was hurt even further by THIS fight, and Tony finally returned to
smash Spectrum's Power Prism and save the day. Tony attempted to save Eddie via his old
"Enervation Intensifier Ray", but the results turned him into The Freak, like had happened to
Happy. Eddie was restored to normal, then asked Tony to help him find his injured brother
Marty in Vietnam- Marty was located in a hidden city and chose to stay there. Years later,
Eddie would be remembered by James Rhodes, who got him to put on a spare suit and help
against Ultimo- Eddie was injured yet again, but put up a valiant effort.

-Okay, this is just weird, lol- there's some random background character who became Iron
Man, but oh no he wasn't that good and got hurt every single time he put on the suit? It's
STRANGE! Like that there was a "Black Iron Man" before Rhodey is just unexpected.

-Eddie is actually a great fighter naturally (a former champion boxer!), but ill-equipped as
Iron Man, sporting Blasts too low in PL for his tier. He's still PL 9 thanks to the boosts the
suit offers (I can't imagine a boxer in Iron Man's gear being any worse than that, to be
honest), despite his lack of experience.

Eddie Passim

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Feb 21, 2022 2:33 am

Created By: D.G Chichester & Scott McDaniel
First Appearance: Daredevil #319 (Aug. 1993)
Role: Unfortunate Victim

-Eddie Passim was one of many psychics whose powers were used in the creation of the
"About Face" virus by U.S. General Kenkoy. They were placed in a machine and gathered
the world's secrets, but he used the time to fall in love with a fellow psychic named Theresa
Bellweather, sharing a lifetime of memories before they were split up. Theresa was murdered
by the brutal Kenkoy, an act which got him punched by subordinate officer Nick Fury-
Passim swore revenge, but was too weak to act out his vengeance, and Kenkoy planned to use
him to trigger the virus, which would warp thousands of minds. However, Passim escaped
and hid the last surviving bit of the virus (the rest was destroyed), joining New York's
thousands of homeless to hide. However, he is captured in modern times by Kenkoy, working
with the Snakeroot, and tortured for information on the virus, which they intend to use.
Ultimately, Eddie sacrifices himself to kill General Kenkoy himself.

-Eddie was a telepath who was mostly low-level, but could read minds in the area (giving
him a bit of a danger sense) or project his thoughts and memories into others, which
sometimes drove people a bit nuts.

Edwin Cord

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Jul 07, 2022 10:46 pm

Created By: David Michelinie & Frank Miller
First Appearance: Daredevil #167 (Nov. 1980)
Role: Evil Rich Guy
PL 2 (45), PL 4 (45) Businessman

Deception 6 (+9)
Expertise (Business) 8 (+12)
Insight 2 (+5)
Technology 6 (+12)

Benefit 5 (Extreme Wealth)

Unarmed +0 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
Initiative +0

Dodge +2 (DC 12), Parry +1 (DC 11), Toughness +1, Fortitude +2, Will +6

Motivation (Greed & Power)- Edwin Cord is out for greed and power- his desire of power
causes him to act arrogantly, bullying others when he should accept what he has.
Enemy (Tony Stark & Iron Man)- Cord lost his business to Tony Stark when his agents were
humiliated by Iron Man. Enraged, Cord has attempted to kill Iron Man and embarrass Stark.

Total: Abilities: 22 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 7 (45)

-Holy cow, what a find! A Patron Saint of Jobber Villains, Edwin Cord is responsible for the
MAULER, The Raiders AND Firepower! Now THAT is a resume worthy of respect!

Humorously, Tony Stark's Rival Businessman Ed Cord debuted literally the year after Iron
Man's Rival Businessman Justin Hammer did. However, Cord first showed up in Daredevil,
where he was set up as the evil asshole businessman who was indifferent to the sufferings of
an employee, as the original MAULER's pension was wiped out by a computer error. Cord
was trying to recruit lawyer Matt Murdock to Cord Conglomerate, with its pricey military
contracts for power armor development, but the man, Aaron Soames, attacked. Daredevil
fought MAULER, but Cord's own men used a weapon to kill the man- an offended Daredevil
punched Cord out when he realized that Cord was immune from prosecution or even having
the armor reported to the police (at it was a defense contract). Evil Businessman 101.

-So the next year, David Michelinie is off Daredevil and LOOK WHO SHOWS UP- Cord
becomes a new Tony Stark enemy in David's Iron Man. He shows up boasting about his new
"Raider" suits, sending the Raiders to humiliate Stark & Iron Man at a public unveiling- they
initially do well, but lose round two and Cord is arrested and indicted. Cord, imprisoned, has
to sell off Cord Conglomerate to pay his legal fees, and hires the mercenary Brendan Doyle
to swipe the MAULER armor & blueprints- Doyle simply becomes the new MAULER
instead, while Stark buys what he calls "Cordco" as a subsidiary of Stark Enterprises.
Incredibly, six years later Cord shows up again, building the "Firepower" armor to do the
exact same stuff- embarrass Stark & kill Iron Man. He believes he has succeeded, then uses
Firepower to bully hapless government agents and Stark employees, but Iron Man naturally
does the "Round Two Marvel Fight" thing and handily defeats Firepower with a new armor,
and Cord is arrested again. This is his final appearance for ten years.

-Cord doesn't show up again until 1999's Thunderbolts, where he reveals that after he left
prison, he became a billionaire AGAIN, building "Cordco Industries". He funds The Jury and
hires U.S.Agent to fight alongside them, humorously taking issue with the T-Bolts being
former villains in various press releases. The Jury lose, but Cord passes it off like the T-Bolts
fled, and finally U.S.Agent quits when he's told not to help the Thunderbolts be heroes- the
Jury soon leave his employ as well. Cord has not reappeared since then, being forgotten.
Granted there's a ton of Rival Businessmen who do what he does and better, but it's kinda
funny that way- like he shows up when Hammer or Stane or whomever is busy, so it looks
like we have a fresh new villainous name, when all he does is create more Jobber Villains!

-Cord is like a lot of businessmen- an evil liar, but not great in combat. Unlike many other
Stark Rivals, he's a mere businessman and NOT the inventor of the stuff his agents use. He's
nonetheless able to build companies from the ground up like nothing.

Edwin Jarvis

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:17 pm

Created By: Stan Lee & Don Heck
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #59 (Nov. 1964)
Role: The Butler, The Assistant
Group Affiliations: The Avengers Support Staff
PL 5 (56)

Deception 4 (+6)
Expertise (Butler) 10 (+12)
Expertise (Soldier) 5 (+7)
Expertise (History) 4 (+6)
Insight 4 (+7)
Persuasion 4 (+6)
Ranged Combat (Rifle) 2 (+4)
Treatment 4 (+7)

Ultimate Butler

Unarmed +4 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
Initiative +0

Dodge +2 (DC 12), Parry +2 (DC 12), Toughness +1, Fortitude +3, Will +7

Responsibility (Butler)- As Butler to Tony Stark and the Avengers, Jarvis is dedicated to his
Relationship (Aunt May)- The two were a couple briefly when Spider-Man was on the "Stark
Tower" Avengers.

Total: Abilities: 28 / Skills: 38--19 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 8 (56)

-Gotta love Jarvis. OK, so he's basically an Alfred wannabe, and a weak one at that- British
& dryly funny and all that, but much less so. He's had a long run, and been beaten up several
times (by the Masters of Evil, no less!), hooked up with Aunt May and managed NOT to die
(as rare a feat as Powerbombing Billy Kidman), and is still a part of comic books to this day.
Not bad for a 1960s supporting character!

-Edwin Jarvis was, of course, the butler of Tony Stark in the Iron Man comic, and as Tony's
mansion became home to the Avengers, he became THEIR butler, as well. Becoming
accustomed to the superheroes in his midst with a polite regard, Jarvis became somewhat
integral to the backdrop of The Avengers. He was attacked by people invading the mansion at
one point, helped defend Hydrobase against some Doombots, and more, but was never in a
more pointed tale than when the Masters of Evil attacked the mansion during Under Siege.
There, in order to mentally-torture Captain America, Baron Zemo had Mister Hyde tear apart
Cap's most precious heirlooms (like his original Shield and the only surviving picture of his
mother), then brutally beat and maim the butler before Cap's horrified eyes.

-A badly-injured Jarvis was given much credit for his bravery, and he continued his work
with an eyepatch (having lost most of the vision in his left eye), including leading the
Avengers' "Home Base Crew"- a collection of side-characters created to serve as a staff for
the team (this is SUCH a "Mark Gruenwald" thing to do). At one point, he tendered his
resignation during Tony Stark's bout with alcoholism (his letter was actually plagiarized from
a Marvel staffer's own letter of resignation; Marvel had to print an apology), but soon

-Jarvis was a bit central during Brian Michael Bendis's New Avengers run, tending Stark
Tower with a rough & tumble team, including dealing with Wolverine's poor table manners.
When Peter Parker's childhood home burned down, his family moved into the Tower, and
Jarvis actually started a relationship with Aunt May! This normally kills people stone-dead in
a matter of months, but Jarvis somehow managed to live. They were separated when Peter
turned on Tony during Civil War, but he confessed a deep love when May was shot and
nearly killed- however, that whole "One More Day" thing happened, apparently removing
their romance from the timestream forever. Also apparently he was born in Brooklyn, and
adopted an English accent during the War?

-Jarvis was shot at one point, was replaced by a Skrull during Secret Invasion (which steals
away with Luke Cage & Jessica Jones' daughter), and was hired by Amadeus Cho &
Hercules to be the Mighty Avengers' butler, as he refused to serve under Norman Osborn's
team. He went around to various teams in the subsequent "Every six months there's a new
Avengers roster" era, but hasn't done much in a while. Jarvis is... neat, though. He's the one
constant in the Avengers (which has been called out in the past ten years quite a bit), has a
solid role to play, and can either sit in the background for years or get a random awesome
moment or two, like a good Supporting Character can. Amazingly, he has never been killed
(despite sleeping with AUNT MAY), turned into a super-villain, or been given super-powers,
which I think is a world record for a supporting character created before 1970.

-Jarvis is a phenomenal Butler, which entails cleaning, cooking & etiquette (though
realistically there's no way one person could run the ENTIRE Mansion by himself, this is
passed over in comics in order to make a smaller cast), wise, knowledgeable, and a lot
tougher than he lets on- he's an former boxing champ and soldier. Despite this, he's PL 5 only
with his Defenses- he's PL 2 otherwise.

The Eel (Silver Age)

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:32 am

THE EEL I (Leopold Stryke)
Created By: Stan Lee & Steve Ditko
First Appearance: Strange Tales #112 (Sept. 1963)
Role: Jobber Villain, Freelance Bad Guy
Group Affiliations: The Serpent Squad I, The Fellowship of Fear
PL 8 (131)

Acrobatics 4 (+8)
Athletics 5 (+7)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+9)
Deception 4 (+4)
Expertise (Criminal) 5 (+7)
Expertise (Science) 5 (+7)
Insight 1 (+2)
Perception 2 (+3)
Ranged Combat (Electricity) 2 (+8)
Sleight of Hand 5 (+11)
Stealth 4 (+8)
Technology 6 (+8)
Vehicles 2 (+8)

Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Equipment 4, Evasion 2, Grab Finesse, Move-By
Action, Uncanny Dodge

"Eel Costume" (Flaws: Removable) [32]
"Silicon Gel Surface" Immunity 5 (Ensnarement) (5)
"Rebreather" Immunity 1 (Water-Breathing) (1)
"Electrical Field" Senses 4 (Darkvision 2, Radius Sight 2) (4)

Electrical Aura 7 (28) -- (30)

 AE: Electrical Blast 8 (16)

 AE: Light Control 8 (16)

-- (40 points)

Helicopter or Cannon or Something (20)

Unarmed +9 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Electrical Aura +9 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Electrical Blast +8 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +4

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +3 (+5 D.Roll), Fortitude +5, Will +3

Motivation (Greed)
Relationship (Brother- The Viper)- The Eel is unaware that his brother was murdered by his
later employer, Madame HYDRA herself.

Total: Abilities: 48 / Skills: 46--23 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 32 / Defenses: 16 (131)

-One of the defining examples of Silver Age Jobberdom- it's The Eel! This guy started off
threatening the Human Torch (back in the '60s, the FF was the most popular book at Marvel,
so Torchy got his own solo series for a good long while), but swiftly became one of those
freelance "Journeyman Villains" who just kind of bounced from issue to issue, messing with
everyone. He teamed up with Plantman, Porcupine, Scarecrow & the Unicorn at one point,
and faced the X-Men, then teamed up with Ox & Mister Fear in his "Fellowship of Fear",
then joined his brother (the original Viper) in the original Serpent Squad. The Squad fought
Captain America, then attempted to raise the continent of Lemuria to the surface, which drew
them into a fight with Namor. He later joined the female Viper's Squad, not realizing she'd
killed and replaced his brother. Eventually, this generic baddie ("I'm a guy who built his own
fantastic costume, but then invented nothing else forever because I spend the rest of my time
committing crimes!") had his time run out, and he got vivisected by The Gladiator, one of
Daredevil's crazier enemies.

-The Eel is a one-item-only inventor with Silver Age capabilities, and spent most of the '70s
on various teams. Both Eels are basically light, fast Dexmonkeys who are really hard to hit,
but ultimately fold easily if you start nailing them. Defensive Attack is VERY common for
them, and they're straight-up impossible to grapple because of the silly oil-slick costumes
they wear. Note that both have impressive Energy Aura & Energy Blast attacks for a PL 8
sort of guy, but still, they end up fighting PL 10s more often than not, so The Eel is ultimately
a joke, no matter which one you use.

The Eel (Modern)

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:39 am

I really dig the “blue and purple” look for some reason. Just a quality “Generic Super-
Villain” design.

THE EEL II (Edward Lavell)

Created By: Kurt Busiek & Denys Cowan
First Appearance: Power Man & Iron Fist #22 (Sept 1983)
Role: Jobber Villain, Freelance Bad Guy
Group Affiliations: The Masters of Evil, The Thunderbolt Army, The Serpent Squad (new),
The Serpent Society, The Enforcers
PL 8 (125)

Acrobatics 4 (+8)
Athletics 5 (+7)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+9)
Deception 3 (+5)
Expertise (Criminal) 5 (+5)
Perception 2 (+3)
Ranged Combat (Electricity) 2 (+8)
Sleight of Hand 4 (+10)
Stealth 4 (+8)
Vehicles 2 (+8)

Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Equipment 4, Evasion 2, Grab Finesse, Move-By
Action, Uncanny Dodge

"Eel Costume" (Flaws: Removable) [32]
"Silicon Gel Surface" Immunity 5 (Ensnarement) (5)
"Rebreather" Immunity 1 (Water-Breathing) (1)
"Electrical Field" Senses 4 (Darkvision 2, Radius Sight 2) (4)

Electrical Aura 7 (28) -- (30)

 AE: Electrical Blast 8 (16)

 AE: Light Control 8 (16)

-- (40 points)

Helicopter or Cannon or Eel-Mobile or Something (20)

Unarmed +9 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Electrical Aura +9 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Electrical Blast +8 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +4

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +3 (+5 D.Roll), Fortitude +5, Will +3

Motivation (Greed)

Total: Abilities: 48 / Skills: 34--17 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 32 / Defenses: 16 (125)

-So the original Silver Age Eel was killed in a Daredevil issue, having been a jobber and
"Guy who shows up on villain teams" sort for some time. But some concepts just never die,
and Marvel ALWAYS has a need for semi-recognizable goofy lesser foes (just look at the
multiple Blizzards or the sudden replacements for dead Serpent Society goons). So all of a
sudden Leopold Stryke got a replacement- Edward Lavell, the SECOND Eel, with all of the
same abilities as the first! This guy has lasted a really long time, but is even more of a jobber
than his predecessor, basically popping around every other hero title once or twice, but never
really being that important.

-This Eel, created by Kurt Busiek of all people WAY back in the early days of his career
(1983? Really? Apparently that was his first comics gig- a fill-in job for four issues), debuted
breaking Hammerhead out of prison, and fights Power Man & Iron Fist as a result. Later, he
teams up with Nightshade and loses to Iron Fist again. After this, he's just a Journeyman
Villain, just like his predecessor- he fights Spider-Man (alongside Blitz & the Vanisher), the
Fantastic Four, Mister Hyde (he frames the villain for murder), and Daredevil (impersonating
Snake Marston and joining the Enforcers- they turned on him when they realized it).

-Busiek actually brought him into his Thunderbolts run, using him as one of the goons on
Justine Hammer's Masters of Evil, and he's easily beaten. He also worked for the Maggia
again, then was believed dead in that goofy Wolverine "Bloodsport Tournament in
Madripoor" storyline (being crushed by The Toad's elongated tongue), but turned up alive (I
think that happened to a couple other guys in that story, too). He shows up as a backgrounder
in She-Hulk and the Thunderbolt Army and stuff like that, then shows up in a new Serpent
Squad, founded by Sin. Most recently, he has appeared on a new version of the Serpent
Society, called "Serpent Solutions".

-The two Eels are very much the same sort of guy, only one is more of an inventor, and the
other is just a normal criminal who got the suit. This makes Lavell a bit of a dweeb, but one
that's very hard to hit.


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Jan 14, 2020 8:19 pm

Created By: Louise Simonson & Rob Liefeld
First Appearance: The New Mutants Annual #5 (1989)
Role: Stretchy-Guy
Group Affiliations: S.U.R.F.
PL 8 (117)

Athletics 2 (+8)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+9)
Expertise (Atlantean Warrior) 4 (+4)
Insight 4 (+5)
Intimidation 2 (+3)
Perception 5 (+6)
Stealth 2 (+5)

Chokehold, Fast Grab, Improved Critical (Unarmed), Improved Disarm, Improved Grab,
Improved Trip, Interpose, Teamwork

"Mutant Powers: Elastic Body"
Elongation 4 (100 feet) [4]
Immunity 5 (Falling Damage) [5]
Protection 1 [1]
Impervious Toughness 12 (Flaws: Limited to Physical Impacts) [6]

"Elongation Tricks"
"Malleable Form" Insubstantial 1 (Feats: Precise) (6) -- [11]

 AE: "Complex Lifting Structure" Enhanced Strength 2 (Flaws: Limited to Lifting) (2)
 AE: "Enhanced Snare" Enhanced Strength 2 (Flaws: Limited to Grappling) (2)
 AE: "Form Shapes" Morph (Shapes) 2 (Flaws: Limited to Simple Shapes) (Quirk:
Retains Colours -1) (4)
 AE: "Flat Sheet" Flight 2 (Flaws: Gliding) (2)
 AE: "Hammer/Ball Fists" Strength-Damage +2 (2)

"Atlantean Physiology"
Swimming 6 (30 mph) [6]
Immunity 4 (Aging, Drowning, Cold, Pressure) [4]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Aquatic) [2]
Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision) [1]

Unarmed +9 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +3

Dodge +9 (DC 19), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +7 (+6 Impervious to Physical Impacts),
Fortitude +7, Will +3

Responsibility (Atlantis)- S.U.R.F. are charged with the protection of their homeland.
Weakness (Lack of Water)- If left without water, Atlanteans will grow progressively weaker.
After a short period of time, they will becoming Fatigued, Impaired, Disabled, Stunned, etc.
(in addition to dropping Strength & Stamina consistently). They can also not breathe for long
in air, and will eventually suffocate.

Total: Abilities: 46 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 40 / Defenses: 12 (117)

-Eel is sort of the team's Mister Fantastic in terms of powers. He kinda just floats around like
a bit sheet and grabs people, which is a rather silly-looking ability, but whatever. He's like an
aquatic Reed Richards, minus all the useful smart things that Reed can do.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Jun 01, 2019 6:54 pm

EFFIGY (Velmax, aka Jacob Scott)
Created By: Roger Stern & John Byrne
First Appearance: The Lost Generation #12 (March 2000)
Role: Evil Soldier Turned Good
Group Affiliations: The Skrull Empire, The First Line
PL 8 (127)

Deception 4 (+9)
Expertise (Space Soldier) 5 (+8)
Intimidation 2 (+6)
Perception 3 (+6)
Persuasion 3 (+7)
Technology 3 (+6)
Vehicles 2 (+6)

Equipment 5 (Blasters +6 Multiattack, Rebreathers, Space Armour), Ranged Attack 4

"Skrull Physiology"
Morph 4 (Any Form) [20]
Shapeshift 1 [8]

Unarmed +10 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Body Weaponry +10 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Blasters +8 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +4

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +4 (+6 Body Armour), Fortitude +5,
Will +6

Enemy (The Skrull Empire)
Secret (Actually a Skrull)

Total: Abilities: 70 / Skills: 22--10 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 28 / Defenses: 10 (127)

-A Skrull who debuted in Marvel: The Lost Generation, he crash-landed on Earth and
became a politician- a member of the Nixon Administration, no less (so you know, he
UPGRADED in evil). In 1958, he became the superhero Effigy, becoming the founding
member and leader of the First Line. When Nixon killed their funding, Scott leaked
information to the Washington Post reporter that uncovered the Watergate scandal, thus
sealing Nixon's fate and reputation forever. He led the attempt to halt the Skrull invasion, and
died in the process, along with the rest of the First Line.

-So yes, ANOTHER GOOD SKRULL! That makes like, what? Fifty? There's probably more
named GOOD Skrulls than there are named EVIL Skrulls by this point. They're like the
Drow after Driz'zt got popular- now they're just an entire race of noble souls, changed by
their time on Earth; fighting against the evils of Skrull society...
-Far as I can tell, he's just a better-fighting version of a standard Skrull.


Post by Jabroniville » Fri Mar 13, 2020 8:32 pm

EGGHEAD I (Elihas Starr)
Created By: Stan Lee, Larry Lieber & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #38 (Dec. 1962)
Role: Sixties Villain, Mad Scientist
Group Affiliations: The Masters of Evil, The Emissaries of Evil, The Intelligencia
PL 6 (79), PL 8 (79) Scientist

Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+4)
Deception 8 (+8)
Expertise (Criminal) 2 (+10)
Expertise (Science) 10 (+18)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 4 (+4)
Investigation 3 (+5)
Perception 4 (+6)
Technology 10 (+18)
Vehicles 5 (+5)

Eidetic Memory, Equipment 7 (Lab Stuff, Sci-Fi Weapons- Blast +6), Inventor, Jack-of-All-
Trades, Ranged Attack 6, Skill Mastery 2 (Science, Technology), Ultimate Science Skill,
Ultimate Technology Skill
Unarmed +4 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
Blasters +6 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +0

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +4 (DC 14), Toughness +0, Fortitude +1, Will +5

Enemy (Hank Pym)- Egghead shows special hatred for Hank, who's defeated him in the past.

Total: Abilities: 24 / Skills: 50--25 / Advantages: 20 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 10 (79)

-Egghead's a classically-goofy '60s villain, and sure enough, he became one of those Dumb
Dead Silver Age characters because the writers got sick of him. I always thought he was
dumb-looking as a kid. In retrospect, it MIGHT have been nice to have a go-to "Mad
Scientist" for Marvel Comics (they're stuck with either cliched varying dudes, or using freaks
like The Leader or M.O.D.O.K.), but really, this guy has about zero inventiveness to him, and
Marvel wasn't any worse off for not having him around for the last forty years.

-Egghead was an inventor with a peculiar deformity, like most of the evil ones have, and tried
to kill Hank Pym after he made a go of it as a criminal mastermind (following being kicked
out of atomic research for espionage... a crime that usually got you executed). He tried to
override Hank's control of hits ants so they'd kill him, but Hank revealed that his ants are all
his FRIENDS, and are thus loyal, so he beat the villain. Egghead became a recurring villain
of sorts, trying to kill Ant-Man with an aneater and an iguana (which are vegetarians but
people always miss that). Yeah, he's THAT kind of a guy. He caused the death of Hawkeye's
brother Barney Barton, fought Hank a few times, and then faced Hawkeye in his "Goliath"
persona. He'd form the Emissaries of Evil with Solarr, Cobalt Man & the Rhino, but was
beaten by the Defenders. He also jobbed to Spider-Man a couple of times.

-Egghead's probably biggest storyline was when he held his niece hostage in order to get
Hank to commit crimes on his behalf- this ended up with an already-disgraced Hank getting
arrested by the Avengers, while Egghead formed the third Masters of Evil and tried to kill the
team. Pym, however, tricked Egghead into using the "anti-aging device" Egghead was
forcing him to make on himself, which let Hank defeat the Masters single-handedly, thus
clearing his name and ending the "Hank Failed" arc. Egghead would be undone by his own
failings, however, as he tried to shoot Hank in the back out of spite, and Hawkeye ran in and
intervened, shooting an arrow into the gun barrel- the explosion killed the villain
accidentally. Hawkeye thus avenged Barney's death, much to his own chagrin (he was no

-Egghead returned two decades later in Avengers A.I., having been revived by "Rejuvetech
Serum" (REALLY?), and mind-controlled a computer tech named Raz Malhotra into forming
the A.I.Vengers for his own schemes, but Raz undid the plan and Hank KO'd Egghead. He
later fights Scott Lang, but fails. Yeah, they revived a villain who'd been dead since the '80s
for all THAT. A robot version of Egghead was on the Young Avengers for a while, and was
programmed to respect all human life, but a Neo-Nazi reprogrammed him into hating several
minorities (WTF?). This Robo-Egghead still appears with the Young Masters in some stories.
-Overall, Egghead would be just fine if it wasn't for his dumb name- a recurring Mad
Scientist would be a fine opponent. His vendetta against Pym justified numerous storylines,
and the thing with Hawkeye's brother was a good use of grudges, though all of that ended
with the mid-1980s, so is pointless to bring up now. His resurrection was kind of pointless as
nothing much was really done with him, and the robot version is around simultaneously, but
that's modern comics for you.

Egghead (Robot)

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Mar 27, 2020 8:26 pm

Created By: Paul Cornell & Mark Brooks
First Appearance: Dark Reign: Young Avengers #1 (July 2009)
Role: Legacy Villain
Group Affiliations: The Young Masters, The Masters of Evil
PL 7 (135)

Intimidation 4 (+3)


"Android Body"
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 6 [6]
"Vague Robotic Senses" Senses 2 (Infravision, Extended Hearing) [2]

Insubstantial 4 [20]
Flight 1 (4 mph) [2]
"Phase Through Brains" Damage 8 (Extras: Penetrating) Linked to Weaken Mental Abilities
8 (Extras: Broad, Progressive +2) [48]

Unarmed +6 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Phase Through Brains +6 (+8 Damage & Affliction, DC 23 & 18)
Initiative +1

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +6, Fortitude --, Will +2

Relationship (Big Zero)
Hatred (Non-Whites)- Egghead has been reprogrammed by Big Zero.

Total: Abilities: 16 / Skills: 4--2 / Advantages: 0 / Powers: 108 / Defenses: 9 (135)

-Egghead II is a Vision-like Android who's been programmed to be super-racist by Big Zero,

who is also his lover. He later joins Zodiac's army, and appears with the Shadow Council's
variation of the team, as well as in an Avengers A.I. story where he joins an android
revolution seeking more rights.

-Thanks to Greycrusader, I have a bit more to go on, as Egghead's online bios are TERRIBLE
for lack of facts and vague "He might have _____" statements. Which is bizarre- characters
like X-23 and Rogue have friggin' ESSAYS written about everything they've ever done since
their Wikipedia page was first written- naturally, their pre-Wiki history is a few paragraphs
at-best. Meanwhile, almost any post-Wikipedia character has a pathetic bio that's short on
Ego the Living Planet

Post by Jabroniville » Thu May 09, 2019 3:14 am

"I began to experiment ...and that's how Ego came about. ... A planet that was alive; a planet
that was intelligent. That was nothing new either because there had been other stories
[about] live planets but that's not acceptable. ... You would say, 'Yeah, that's wild,' but how
do you relate to it? Why is it alive? So I felt somewhere out in the universe, the universe ...
becomes denser and turns liquid — and that in this liquid, there was a giant multiple virus,
and if [it] remained isolated for millions and millions of years, it would ... begin to evolve by
itself and it would begin to think. By the time we reached it, it might be quite superior to us
— and that was Ego.
-Jack Kirby


Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Thor #132 (Sept. 1966)
Role: Living Planet
PL 19 (694), PL 20 (694) Saves

Deception 2 (+8)
Expertise (Science) 4 (+20)
Expertise (Cosmic Lore) 9 (+25)
Expertise (Space Traveller) 9 (+25)
Intimidation 2 (+8, +23 Size)
Investigation 4 (+11)
Perception 4 (+14)
Persuasion 2 (+8)
Technology 3 (+19)

Beginner's Luck, Benefit (Ambidextrous), Daze (Intimidation), Diehard, Eidetic Memory,
Fascinate (Intimidation), Fast Grab, Fearless, Great Endurance, Improved Aim, Improved
Critical 2 (Cosmic Blast), Improved Grab, Jack-of-All-Trades, Last Stand, Power Attack,
Ranged Attack 12, Startle, Withstand Damage

"Cosmic Being"
Immunity 12 (Aging, Life Support, Sleep) [12]
Immortality 3 (1 week) [6]
Regeneration 6 (Feats: Regrow Parts) [13]
Flight 14 (32,000 mph) [28]
Movement 2 (Space Travel 2) [4]

"Cosmic Mind"
Comprehend 4 (Languages 4) [8]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Space) [2]
Quickness 6 (Flaws: Limited to Mental Tasks) [3]
Immunity 20 (Mental Effects) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [10]
"Cosmic Sight" Senses 12 (Radius Sight, Extended Vision 8- 1 billion miles, Microvision,
Analytical Vision) [12]

"A Living Freaking Planet"

Growth 30 (Str & Sta +30, +30 Mass, +15 Intimidation, -15 Dodge/Parry, +2 Speed, -30
Stealth) -- (192 feet) (Feats: Innate) (Extras: Permanent +0) [61]
Growth +54 (+84 Mass, -84 Stealth) -- (16,384,000 feet) (Extras: Permanent +0) (Flaws:
Limited to Non-STR & STA Gains) [54]
"Planetary Crust" Protection 4 (Extras: Impervious 31) [35]

"Vary His Appearance" Morph 4 (Any Object's Appearance- Paradises, Trees, Goateed
Awesome Guy, etc.) [20]
"Antibodies" Summon 5 (Extras: 32 Minions +10, Controlled, Horde, Active) [75]
"Atmosphere" Immunity 3 (Suffocation 2, Vacuum) (Extras: Affects Others Only +0, Area-
4,000 miles +21) [63]
"Tentacles" Extra Limbs 10 [10]
"Planetary Deflection Field" Enhanced Dodge & Parry 8 (Flaws: Limited to Ranged Attacks)

"Phenomenal Cosmic Power"

"Elemental Wave" Damage 19 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 10, Variable Descriptor 2)
(Extras: Area- 500ft. Cone +4) (108) -- [132]

 Dynamic AE: "Elemental Stream" Damage 19 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 10,

Variable Descriptor 2) (Extras: Area- 250ft. Line +4) (108)
 Dynamic AE: "Elemental Burst" Damage 19 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 10,
Variable Descriptor 2) (Extras: Area- 250ft. Burst +4) (108)
 Dynamic AE: Cosmic Blast 24 (Feats: Dynamic, Penetrating 14, Extended Range 10-
x102,400 ft., Split, Variable Descriptor 2) (76)
 Dynamic AE: "Topographical Features" Environment 21 (Impede Movement 2, Cold)
(4,000 miles) (Feats: Dynamic) (64)
 Dynamic AE: "Internal Heat" Environment 21 (Heat 2) (4,000 miles) (Feats:
Dynamic) (Flaws: Limited to Those Within His Body) Linked to Damage 14 (Extras:
Area- 120ft. Burst +3) (Flaws: Limited to Those Within His Body) (64)
 Dynamic AE: Move Object 20 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Perception Range) (61)
 Dynamic AE: Communication (Mental) 5 (Feats: Dynamic, Subtle, Dimensional)
(Extras: Area, Selective) (33)
 Dynamic AE: Mind-Reading 18 (Feats: Dynamic, Subtle) (Extras: Sensory Link) (56)
 Dynamic AE: "Plants and Rock" Snare 16 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Area- 120ft.
Burst +3) (Flaws: Touch Range) (49)
 Dynamic AE: "Earthquake" Affliction 14 (Dodge; Hindered/Prone) (Feats: Dynamic)
(Extras: Area- 500ft. Burst +5) (Flaws: Limited Degree, Instant Recovery, Limited to
Grounded Targets) Linked to Damage 10 (Extras: Area- 250ft. Burst +4) (Flaws:
Limited to Grounded Targets) (83)
 AE: "Sense Energy" Senses 22 (Detect Energy- Ranged 17- 1,600 trillion miles,
Acute & Analytical, Tracking) (22)
 AE: "Sense Life" Senses 22 (Detect Life- Ranged 17- 1,600 trillion miles, Tracking)
 AE: "Absorb Living Beings" Damage 8 (Extras: Area- 500ft. Burst +5) Linked to
Weaken Toughness 6 (Extras: Area- 500ft. Burst +5) (84)
 AE: "Devour Worlds" Damage 26 (Extras: Affects Objects Only +0, Limited to
Planets, Distracting) Linked to Weaken Toughness 26 (Flaws: Affects Objects Only
+0, Limited to Planets, Distracting) (13)

Unarmed +12 (+23 Damage, DC 38)
Cosmic Blast +12 (+24 Ranged Damage, DC 43)
Cosmic Waves +19 Area (+19 Damage, DC 34)
Mind-Reading -- (+18 Mind-Reading, DC 28)
Devour Worlds +8 (+26 Damage & Weaken, DC 41 & 36)
Snare +16 Area (+16 Affliction, DC 26)
Earthquake +14 Area (+14 Affliction & +10 Damage, DC 24 & 25)
Absorb Beings +8 Area (+8 Damage & +6 Weaken, DC 23 & 16)
Initiative -5

Dodge +0 (+10 Deflection Field, DC 20), Parry +0 (+10 Field, DC 20), Toughness +30 (+16
Impervious), Fortitude +26, Will +14

Weakness (The Hunger of Ego)- Much like Galactus, Ego must consume large sources of
energy to sustain his massive existence. He has devoured starships, alien races, and entire
Enemy (Galactus)- Ego and Galactus have feuded in the past- Galactus sought to consume
Ego for his own sustenance, and once placed a star-drive engine on Ego to force him to
constantly fly through the cosmos (so that he would not threaten other beings).
Involuntary Transformation (Brain)- Though massively strong, Ego's "skin" is really only as
durable as hard earth up-close- beings on his surface can blast through and find access to
Ego's brain, which is a mere Toughness 20 and much more vulnerable to attack.
Responsibility (Going Insane)- At various times, Ego has gone insane due to cosmic stuff,
The Supreme Intelligence, mechanical parts in his brain, stuff like that.
Relationship (Alter-Ego)- Ego was created, alongside his brother Alter-Ego, by The Stranger,
who arranged Alter-Ego's kidnapping by The Collector, then a battle between the two Living
Planets- all of this in order to determine if imprisonment can increase someone's fighting
Responsibility (Egotistical & Violent)- As his name suggests, Ego has a massive superiority
complex. If thwarted, he can be provoked into a tremendous emotional outburst.

Total: Abilities: 42 / Skills: 42--21 / Advantages: 30 / Powers: 556 / Defenses: 42 (694)

Ego- Comics Personified:

-You know what's freaking great about comics? Ego. A living freaking PLANET. Sure, there
have been others in sci-fi stories or whatever (Jack Kirby admits this), but how many of them
also have GOATEES? So this giant, goateed, planet-eating menace travels throughout the
cosmos, messing up heroes, being the base for the entire Nova Corps., turning pro- and
antagonist at seeming random, and exists as one of those weird iconic things in the comics.
Ego debuted fighting Thor, but eventually shifted more to Marvel's "Cosmic Scene", starting
up a natural rivalry with Galactus, and largely being off-and-on until the "Silly Era" of
Marvel made him an ideal character. The second Guardians of the Galaxy feature playing
him as a murderous, incomprehensible father to Star-Lord was a great turn that has helped the
character's popularity, too. He's one of the singular most bizarre things in Marvel Comics,
and a great example of the versatility of the medium.

-Ego was formed millennia ago, slowly transforming into a Cosmic Being of sorts.
Eventually amassing enough power to conquer the universe, he frightens the alien Rigellians
enough that they contact the superhero Thor in order to stop the Living Planet's grab for
power. Thor defeats the villain, and a humiliated Ego swears never to conquer the galaxy. In
his next appearance, the humbled Ego now begs for Thor's ASSISTANCE, as he's weakened
and Galactus has arrived to feed on him (the Devourer of Worlds against... a WORLD...
being the most natural of stories). Together, the two drive off the Devourer, in a then-rare
loss for Galactus. In gratitude, Ego allows his surface to be the new home of the Wanderers-
a group of aliens who have lost their worlds to Galactus over the billions of years.

Ego's Revolving Door of Concepts:

-Alas, it was not to last, as other writers kept screwing with the concept. In his very next
appearance, the Rigellian Tana Nile takes some samples of Ego's form (hoping to fertilize
sterile worlds with him, even though he's so powerful he threatens all of creation), an act
which drove him insane. Going berserk, he absorbed all of the Wanderers, killing them
forever, and lashed out further- Thor was now forced to team up with GALACTUS to stop
him. Thor, Hercules, and Firelord (the new Herald of Galactus) hold off Ego while Galactus
constructs a massive starship engine to attach to Ego's south pole (yes, they literally
STRAPPED A ROCKET TO HIS ASS), which sent him careening through space. This kept
him from attacking other planets.

-Ego vanishes for a decade, reappearing in the '80s after finally learning to control his ass-
rocket. He causes widespread devastation on Earth, but the Fantastic Four now meet up with
him- they tear off one of his rockets, and while he's trying to fight off the Thing's attempt to
toss it into his vulnerable brain, Ego activates the others- the missing rocket causes an erratic
flight path, resulting in Ego flying directly into the Sun- the gravity breaking him apart and
finishing his threat. Ego soon shows up in Rom: Spaceknight, having reformed a bit and
absorbed some Dire Wraiths to replenish his energies, and later allies with the Elders of the
Universe in order to kill Galactus, against whom he still nurses a grudge. However, the Silver
Surfer defeats him before he can aid the Elders. Later, the Korbinite Fleet and Beta-Ray Bill
destroy the Ass-Rocket (which was driving Ego further mad), and he's forced to flee from the
"Super-Ego", a sentient bio-verse.

Modern Ego:
-Ego thus vanishes until the 2000s, where the Kree Supreme Intelligence drives him mad
(AGAIN?), this time beaten by the Surfer, Professor X, and Cadre K- he's reduced to an
"infant" spore form and sent to Earth. He nearly consumes the Earth in his growing phase, but
Quasar stops this by absorbing him. This becomes a problem in Annihilation when Quasar is
killed, as Ego is unleashed once more. When the Worldmind of Xandar asks him to join the
Nova Corps, Ego instead supplants the Worldmind and controls the Corps himself- Richard
"Nova" Rider is able to kill Ego by lobotomizing him, blowing up his brain. The Corps then
use his corpse as their base. When Ego recovers, Rider sees him off by placing some
Mindless Ones near his brain.

-Years later, Ego learns that he was created by The Stranger for a science experiment, and
that his brother "Alter-Ego" has been held in captivity by the Stranger since birth. When Ego
attempts to free his brother, however, it's revealed that the Stranger's experiment was
REALLY to see if "captivity breeds a stronger will", as Alter-Ego has been manipulated into
hating his brother. Ego nearly shatters Alter-Ego, but Thor prevents him from striking the
fatal blow. A broken-apart Alter-Ego thus form's Ego's "moon", and the two brothers begin to
travel together as a family. Ego, sans moon (now how did I know the very next writers would
forget that?) ends up in The Ultimates, at first fighting Galactus, but soon coming to terms
with the new "Life-Bringer". We learn that Ego's original form was a man named Egros,
similar to how Galactus was once the man named Galan. Galactus uses his new abilities to
form a BODY for Ego's planet-head, and he becomes Ego-Prime, aiding Galactus and the
Ultimates against the First Firmament (the first iteration of all that is- that is, the Eternity of
the preceding universe). He's actually integral to the saving of the universe, and the
unchaining of Eternity since the rebirth of the universe following Secret Wars.

-Ego was shockingly used for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as his more openly-silly
concept (I mean, a bearded, living PLANET?) was perfect for the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Here, he replaces the ruler of Spartax as Star-Lord's Mysterious Space Father. Connecting
Ego to the established world, Ego now identifies as a "Celestial" (the beings shown wielding
Infinity Stones in the backstory), and is seen trying to create children for himself. Played by
Kurt Russell as a friendly, somewhat charming, fairly weird man (obsessed with the song
Brandy and talking in a very lyrical way), Ego reveals a darker side- he slaughtered all of his
children when they proved unable to use powers similar to his own. And we learn that his
love for Star-Lord's mother was so great that he DELIBERATELY KILLED HER so that he
would never be tempted to give up on his goals. This, predictably, enrages his son, who uses
his own Celestial-ish powers and the Guardians' own ingenuity (and the death of his REAL
DADDY, in one of the greatest moments in MCU history) to kill Ego forever. This sadly
failed to lead to an "Ego Push" from Marvel, though he did interact with Rocket Raccoon in a
later story (hiring him to clean bugs off of his body), probably because Star-Lord has a
DIFFERENT origin story there.

The Power of Ego:

-Ego is really high-powered, but not invincible. He's also one of those guys that tests a game
system like no others. When Gazman (who sadly isn't around anymore) built him, he went
with an "Insubstantial Intelligence that controls his homeworld", but I went with the standard
"crap-tons of ranks of Growth making a super-tough guy" set-up. And it's pretty funny how
the dude needs SO MANY ranks of Growth (he's apparently 4 times the size of Pluto, and his
diameter was given as 4165 miles). He also has a ton of other "planetary" features, creating
Environments on a massive scale, tripping guys up, setting off Earthquakes, heating his
insides, etc.

-There's a weird thing with a guy this big- at this scale, people can just land on him and walk
around. Attacking him at that range is essentially an automatic hit (it's why he has Dodge &
Parry only with Ranged Damage), and you can much more easily burrow into him and attack
his brain that you could just blast away and hope to damage a Toughness THIRTY guy.
Overall, he's powerful enough to challenge Galactus or an Elder God and possibly win- PL
19 can take out most guys in the COSMIC scale, much less the Heroic one.

-Some other things: Ego has an Atmosphere of sorts, which costs a ludicrous amount for
something that effectively hurts him (allowing people to breathe while on him), but hey- I
wasn't concerned about cost and I thought it would be funny to add it. He creates tentacle
limbs, Antibody Minions, and alters his form- this can effectively make his titanic 4165-mile-
wide frame look more mountainous, fluid, cross-hatched, or goateed- whatever your heart
desires. Humorously, because Ego is thousands of miles across, the formation of entire
mountain ranges and forests is just a simple 20-point Morph power. He can also see all
around him (it's how he "sees" people walking on the side without the face, which is really
just something he can form on the surface anyways), and really far across space. Also, good
luck overcoming his Fortitude Save (note: he is still alive and organic, hence he still has
Fortitude). He's also got a noticeably low Will Save for a Cosmic Being, but still higher than
most Heroes.
Role: Minions
PL 9 (73)- Minion Rank 5

Perception 2 (+3)

Ranged Attack 6

Energy Blast 12 [24]

Unarmed +6 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Blast +6 (+12 Ranged Damage, DC 27)
Initiative -1

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +12, Fortitude +12, Will -1

Total: Abilities: 36 / Skills: 2--1 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 24 / Defenses: 6 (73)

-These beings pop up on Ego any time his "surface" is invaded by sentients.


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Nov 15, 2022 7:54 pm
TREMENDOUS. It's a pity nobody read "Sleepwalker" because this is a top-tier "Goofy
Villain" design.

8-BALL (Jeff Hagees)

Created By: Bob Budiansky & Bret Blevins
First Appearance: Sleepwalker #1 (June 1991)
Role: Jobber Villain
Group Affiliations: 8-Ball's Gang
PL 8 (100)

Athletics 4 (+6)
Acrobatics 2 (+5)
Deception 3 (+5)
Insight 2 (+5)
Perception 1 (+4)
Stealth 2 (+5)
Technology 6 (+11)

Equipment 5 (Four-Man Hovercraft, Grenades, Fireworkds, etc.), Improved Critical (Cue
Stick Shot), Inventor, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 5, Startle

"Cue Stick" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [10]
"Charge Objects With Massive Force" Blast 8 (Quirks: Requires Objects) (15) -- (16 points)

 AE: "Smash With Cue" Strength-Damage +4 (4)

Unarmed +8 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Cue Smash +8 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Cue Shot +8 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +3

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +3, Fortitude +5, Will +4

Motivation (Greed)- After losing his job as a weapons designer, 8-Ball becomes a career

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 15 / Powers: 9 / Defenses: 14 (100)

-A pool player who was also a weapons designer, Jeff Hagees fell into gambling debts and
was fired from his job. He went to the logical progression and became a costumed super-
villain, threatening the new hero Sleepwalker in his second issue. He actually does pretty
well, escaping the hero a couple of times (one time, Rick Sheridan woke up, thus negating
Sleepwalker's presence on Earth), and leaves the book after one final bout (in which Rick was
disguised as the hero after they switched bodies- 8-Ball realized the ruse, and left).

-After his run in Sleepwalker, his distinctive look and name made him PERFECT for being
one of those "Jobber Legions" that show up in group scenes- he's seen jobbing to She-Hulk,
at the Bar With No Name (watching a fight between the Serpent Society ladies and three
other women), teaming with the crime lord Celia Ricadonna, and more. Alas, this last mission
got him killed- he was murdered by the Wrecker on Ricadonna's orders so that he couldn't
give up any information to Misty Knight & Colleen Wing. However, the same appearance
that made him a popular backgrounder also resulted in "Eightballs" appearing in SEVERAL
other books, with unnamed people taking up the costume in tons of books, like as part of
Roderick Kingsley's "Supervillain Kickback" scheme.

-The original 8-Ball apparently returned when The Hood resurrected several minor super-
villains, at which point the guy went right back to his old habits, like fighting Moon Knight in
the hero's quest against the new Zodiac, and more. The two later befriend each other when
they end up in NYC Mayor Wilson Fisk's super-prison during his crackdown on superheroes
& supervillains.

-8-Ball has a pretty cool power- his Cues can strike objects and imbue them with MASSIVE
force, turning everyday objects into dangerous projectiles. he's tossed tires, dumpsters and
even CARS at Sleepwalker and other foes! He's a bit quicker on the uptake than some other
Jobbers, and is actually pretty good at running away and living to fight another day... up to a
point. He's PL 8 at range, and PL 7 defensively- enough to annoy Sleepwalker in his early

Post by Jabroniville » Thu May 30, 2019 11:37 pm

Created By: Jim Valentino
First Appearance: Guardians of the Galaxy #3 (Aug. 1990)
Role: Space Thief
Group Affiliations: Force
PL 8 (103)

Deception 4 (+6)
Expertise (Space Thief) 6 (+8)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 3 (+5)
Perception 3 (+5)
Stealth 2 (+6)
Technology 4 (+6)
Vehicles 2 (+6)

Ranged Attack 4

"Magnetic Control"
Blast 8 (Extras: Multiattack) (Power Loss- Ferrous Materials) (23) -- [25]

 AE: Move Object 8 (Flaws: Limited to Ferrous Materials) (8)

 AE: Snare 8 (Power Loss- Ferrous Materials) (23)

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Initiative +4

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +4

Motivation (Greed)- The members of Force are thieves, and admit to it.

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 25 / Defenses: 9 (103)

-Eightyfive was a pink Kree who was kept in a prison camp by the blue-skinned Kree, who
were attempting to control their population- his people were named after their cellblocks, and
so he is "Eightyfive". He immediately attacked the GOTG member Replica, as she was a
Skrull, as that old racial hatred was still a thing in the 30th Century. The two deciding to ally
in the end helped end the fight between Force & the Guardians.


Post by Jabroniville » Thu May 30, 2019 11:37 pm

Created By: Jim Valentino
First Appearance: Guardians of the Galaxy #3 (Aug. 1990)
Role: Space Thief
Group Affiliations: Force
PL 8 (103)

Deception 4 (+6)
Expertise (Space Thief) 6 (+8)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 3 (+5)
Perception 3 (+5)
Stealth 2 (+6)
Technology 4 (+6)
Vehicles 2 (+6)

Ranged Attack 4

"Magnetic Control"
Blast 8 (Extras: Multiattack) (Power Loss- Ferrous Materials) (23) -- [25]

 AE: Move Object 8 (Flaws: Limited to Ferrous Materials) (8)

 AE: Snare 8 (Power Loss- Ferrous Materials) (23)

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Initiative +4

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +4

Motivation (Greed)- The members of Force are thieves, and admit to it.

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 25 / Defenses: 9 (103)

-Eightyfive was a pink Kree who was kept in a prison camp by the blue-skinned Kree, who
were attempting to control their population- his people were named after their cellblocks, and
so he is "Eightyfive". He immediately attacked the GOTG member Replica, as she was a
Skrull, as that old racial hatred was still a thing in the 30th Century. The two deciding to ally
in the end helped end the fight between Force & the Guardians.

Elder God Template

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Aug 01, 2017 7:23 am


Created By: Various
Role: Elder Evil, Super-Powered Entity
PL 19 (620)

Deception 9 (+15)
Expertise (History) 8 (+16)
Expertise (Magic) 16 (+24)
Expertise (God) 9 (+17)
Insight 6 (+11)
Intimidation 13 (+19)
Perception 5 (+10)
Persuasion 6 (+12)

All-Out Attack, Artificer, Daze (Intimidation), Diehard, Fearless, Improved Critical (Godly
Blasts) 4, Improved Hold, Last Stand, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 10, Ritualist, Startle,
Well-Informed, Withstand Damage

"Immortal God"
Immunity 16 (Aging, Life Support, Fatigue Effects) [16]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Senses 7 (Detect Magic- Ranged 3, Acute & Analytical, Tracking By Magic) [7]
"Elder Entity" Immunity 20 (Mental Effects) [20]
"Speaks All Languages" Comprehend 3 (Languages- Speak & Understand) [6]
Flight 14 (32,000 mph) [28]
Movement 1 (Space Travel) [2]

Impervious Toughness 29 [29]
Regeneration 14 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [15]

"Variable Size"
Features 5: Increased Mass 5 [5]
Elongation 1 [1]

"Elder God"
Variable 17 (119) -- [123]

 AE: "Godly Wave" Damage 18 (Extras: Area- 500ft. Cone +4) (90)
 AE: "Godly Beam" Damage 18 (Extras: Area- 250ft. Line +4) (90)
 AE: "Godly Storm" Damage 18 (Extras: Area- 250ft. Burst +4) (90)
 AE: "Godly Blast" Blast 26 (Feats: Extended Range 4, Penetrating 14) (70)

"Empower Others" Variable 15 (Feats: Reversible) (Extras: Affects Others Only,

Continuous) [121]

Unarmed +12 (+24 Damage, DC 39)
Blast +12 (+26 Ranged Damage, DC 41)
God Attack Area +18 (+18 Damage, DC 33)
Initiative +0

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +24 (+15 Impervious), Fortitude +24,
Will +14

Motivation (Gathering Worshippers & Might)
Weakness (Trapped)- Almost all of the Elder Gods are trapped within their own dimensions,
having been beaten years ago by The Demogorge. Despite their great power, they are usually
bound to their dimensional boundaries.

Total: Abilities: 162 / Skills: 72--36 / Advantages: 26 / Powers: 365 / Defenses: 21 (620)

-Marvel actually has a hell of a lot of these guys, though Chthon (big dude) and Set (big
snake) are by far the most common. The Juggernaut is empowered by Cyttorak, a God of
Slaughter & Destruction. There's also Dr. Strange's allies The Vishanti, made up of three
separate beings that always show up together. There's a TON of Satan-analogues as well,
including beings like Satannish. Any one of these guys could probably beat Odin in a fair
fight, but The Demogorge would annihilate them by virtue of his Immunity to most of their
attacks (a bit cheesy, but effectively represents the dude).
-These stats effectively make Elder Gods capable of doing anything- which is effectively
what Variable represents- Magic at it's highest and most-incomprehensible levels. Most of
these guys can Variable some Illusions, Growth, Remote Sensing, and more. They can
Empower Others, which is generally their most-common Power, as guys like Cain Marko &
Doctor Strange can tell you ("The Crimson Bands of Cyttorak!").

-The problem with most of these guys is that they're utterly generic, nothing characters, and
always defeated the same way- you undo some scheme, and they're magically unable to come
to Earth and enact slaughter. But given that there's a hundred of these guys, the Demogorge
exists to hunt them, and Earth has 90 different Pantheons of powerful Gods... just WHY ON
EARTH can't anyone manage to stop them by any means other than trickery? In any cause,
the stories about these guys tend to be a dime a dozen cookie-cutter quests. Made worse by
the fact that it's literally impossible to one-up the greatest way to send a monster back to the
depths ever, so all further stories just come off as disappointments.

The Power Platoon

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Jun 10, 2022 12:11 am

Created By: Mark Gruenwald & Mike Manley
First Appearance: Quasar #4 (Dec. 1989)
Role: Weird Backstory Guys
Group Affiliations: The Dakkamites

-The Power Platoon (initially called "The Elect") were a band of ten Dakkamites like
Wundarr the Aquarian and Quantum, whom only Mark Gruenwald really remembered. They
had been sent to Earth's solar system by their race when it was discovered that Wundarr had
gained super-powers from being on Earth, close to Earth's sun. They were left in stasis much
closer to the sun than Wundarr had been, but all but one were abducted by The Stranger. The
remaining one gained vast powers and became known as Quantum, joining Graviton, Half-
Life & Zzzax as part of a "fundamental forces of the universe" team that attacked the
Avengers West Coast. The Elect were instead placed on the Laboratory World, where they
were found by Quasar and freed, at which point they attacked him and his allies and
eventually escaped.

-They reappear four years later in Avengers West Coast, now called the Power Platoon, where
they fight Moondragon, Clint "Goliath" Barton and War Machine before Clint's smoke arrow
blocks out the sun, causing their powers to fade and the heroes to capture them. But Wundarr,
mind-controlled by Quantum, breaks them free- in the resulting scrap, they abandon the fight
and leave when ordered to kill the Avengers, as they had only sought out Quantum and didn't
want to actually hurt anyone unnecessarily. They disappeared until being seen years later in
Maximum Security, apparently having been arrested and sent to a space-prison. On Earth,
they were seen battling Nate "X-Man" Grey.

-Each member of the Power Platoon had super-strength, but each possessed a single unique
power- Durability, Growth, Stretching, Re-Directing Attacks & "Opti-Force" Blasts were
shown. Despite their supposedly being ten of them, only eight other than Quantum are ever
seen active at once.
The Elders of the Universe

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Mar 07, 2022 8:32 am


-I think the Elders of the Universe are low-key one of comics' best concepts- very, VERY
few groups can set off the sheer amount of stories these guys can- and that's JUST the
Grandmaster & Collector! There are tons of others and any one of them can set off a huge
amount of stories!

The Elders are effectively a group comprised of the remnants of the first sentient races in the
known universe- the original beings to sprout up after The Big Bang (or Horrendous Space
Kablooey, if you prefer). These uniformly-humanoid creatures were able to survive as their
fellows died around them, all because each of them had found one particular aspect of life to
focus on above all others- one became a collector of rarities and oddities, one a trader of the
same, one a destroyer, and one a martial combatant- it goes on. This has left them a group of
millennia-old, immortal beings of tremendous power, each one being much more dangerous
than your everyday superhero. Not all are malevolent, and others are mere "shades of grey"
characters. Some have even proven to be great heroes and allies.

The chief Elders have always been The Grandmaster and The Collector, both of whom have
threatened The Avengers- Roy Thomas created both guys in his Avengers run in the late
1960s. Next up is the Gardener, who was a much more positive character- more of a
Switzerland-style neutral character who often had to be shamed into doing the right thing.
Next up was The Champion of the Universe, a Cosmic Space Butt-hole who threatened to
destroy the Earth if The Thing and others didn't fight. Vaguely related, we have The Stranger,
a totally forgettable nobody of a 1960s Cosmic Being who lacks much charm or innovation-
he was a dime-a-dozen even in the '60s. After that we have The Runner, and behind HIM is a
whole squad of relatively-unknown guys, almost all of whom debuted in Steve Englehart's
Silver Surfer run's early issues.

I find it odd that all of them but one are male humanoids- is this some kind of Old Boys

The Elders weren't usually seen assembled- the Grandmaster & Collector didn't show up in
the same story until Contest of Champions, in which the former tries to finagle the
resurrection of the latter. In the end, Death is so aggravated that she decrees that all Elders are
banned from her domain- effectively making them all SUPER Immortal! It wasn't until a
Silver Surfer book had been created, written by Steve Englehart, in which all the Elders
united forces- in this opening arc for the book, a whole host of others were created- the
Astronomer, Contemplator, Trader, Obliterator & Possessor all showed up on Ego the Living
Planet, forming a plot to destroy Galactus and replace him- their realization that his status as
the TRUE oldest being in the universe made them inadequate, and that since he was
fundamental to the natural function of the universe, his demise would create an armageddon-
the Elders, being immune from Death's touch, would become the universally-powerful
"Galacti" of the next universe that formed. And so they gathered the Soul Gems (what would
later be known as the Infinity Gems) and attacked.

The Silver Surfer, Mantis (OF COURSE Mantis) & Nova thwart this scheme, and five Elders
(Champion, Collector, Gardener, Grandmaster and Runner) are devoured alive by Galactus
when he finds out. The five consumed Elders survive within the Devourer, and give him a
case of "cosmic indigestion", then make a deal with the resurrected In-Betweener, who later
betrays the group and has Death vaporize three survivors- Astronomer, Trader & Possessor.
The five consumed Elders are then released by Master Order & Lord Chaos, and convinced to
aid Galactus in the subsequent battle against the In-Betweener. The survivors grab the Soul
Gems and travel far away from a vengeful Galactus.
Later, the five Elders are hunted down one-by-one by Thanos, who seeks their Soul Gems (he
renames them "Infinity Gems")- here, in Thanos Quest, the Mad Titan pretty-easily outsmarts
the lot of them. Sure, the Runner & Champion are easily-fooled doofuses, but guys like the
Grandmaster and Collector should have some proper tech. At least Thanos was using Death's
Magic Well of Whatever to discover the Gems's true power, which gave him an unfair
advantage. In the end, Thanos gains omnipotence and threatens the entire universe, and the
Elders are merely a means to an end (The Gardener is killed).

Mark Gruenwald (of course) would later deal more with them, and point out that there are a
"thousand or so" Elders, though we only meet three more (The Architect, The Explorer &
The Judicator). After this, it's just some more random stories for the characters, and they have
only teamed up as recently as seven years ago- 2016's Contest of Champions sees twelve
Elders compete for cosmic energy by using Earth superhumans as proxies. This is mostly an
excuse to have big fights... which is really what the Elders are for anyways. A handful more
have been created in recent years, mostly as one-off threats.

But really, they're PERFECT. Their sheer age and experience makes them respectable and a
bit frightening- how do you face someone who's been alive for billions of years? Their threats
are varied and they can produce ANY story- the Possessor is power-hungry, the
Contemplator is a wise aide to heroes, and more... but then you get The Champion- a man so
obsessed with conflict he just wants to fight the strongest people he can find one-on-one.
What a perfect Excuse Plot for a bitching tournament or a "this issue is all about one fight"
story! The Collector and his mass gathering of items can produce even MORE stories- maybe
you're charged with finding something for him- or someone stole an item and is doing
something horrible with it. Maybe YOU'RE the item he's after? It's wild how much stuff can
come from just this one guy. And then The Grandmaster- the ultimate "Excuse Plot"
character. Anything imaginable can happen to your heroes when this guy plays a random
game with someone!

The Elders of the Universe:

The Architect
The Astronomer
The Caregiver
The Challenger
The Champion of the Universe
The Collector
The Contemplator
The Explorer
Father Time (inexplicably added later by Gruenwald)
The Gardener
The Grandmaster
The Judicator
The Obliterator
The Possessor
The Profiteer
The Promoter
The Runner
The Trader
The Stranger (... maybe?)

There's a few that are only mentioned, but not given substantial appearances or bios: The
Architect, The Explorer (Zamanathan Rambunazeth- a blue guy) and The Judicator (who
looks like an old lady with '50s hair and glasses). One can only guess as to who has which
focus. Ego is also considered a technical Elder, but I built him already. The Stranger isn't
actually a member according to most, but I haven't posted him here yet, so he'll be here, too!.
One thing I notice while building these guys is that many of them tend to be more or less like
my Olympians & Asgardians- high PL and VERY expensive, as in the upper 200s and lower
300s- that surprised me a bit, but it's actually quite fitting- Elders of the Universe are
effectively Gods, and should almost be MORE powerful than they're portrayed. Yet very few
of these guys are anywhere near Skyfather Level- most of them have Human-level stats as
their baseline, in fact.

Electro (Kill-O-Bot)

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Apr 12, 2017 7:31 pm

Created By: Otto Binder & Frank Giacoia
First Appearance: Marvel Mystery Comics #4 (Feb. 1940)
Role: Golden Age Hero
Group Affiliations: The Twelve
PL 9 (61)


Fast Grab, Improved Critical (Unarmed), Ranged Attack 2

Speed 6 (120 mph) [6]
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 10 [10]

Unarmed +8 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +4

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +10, Fortitude --, Will --

Enemy (Nazi Germany)
Responsibility (Lonely)- The robot doesn't have much of a mind, but still carries some of his
creator's brainwaves within him- during the long suspended animation of the Twelve, he
called out for companionship, finding it only in Dynamic Man, whose control was still
evident much later. Electro finds himself compelled to carry out Dynamic Man's wishes.

Total: Abilities: 4 / Skills: 00--0 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 46 / Defenses: 7 (61)

-Electro is a robotic creation that uses the telepathic brainwaves of his creator, Philo Zog, to
function. He is briefly used by The Blue Blade for a variety show, but soon kills the hero,
under the direction of Dynamic Man. He's as generic as a Kill-O-Bot gets, justified by his
ancient origins- despite that, in the relatively "low-powered" world of The Twelve, it's shown
being rather horrifying in its effectiveness. Under DM's direction, he invades a gay club,
"tearing them apart like they were dolls", and a shot in World War II showed the thing
picking up a Nazi soldier and literally pulling him in half. By the end of the series, the robot
is being used as a weapon of war by the military, with The Laughing Mask controlled a
masked Electro against Iranian soldiers, sporting a "Tehran or Bust!" paintjob instead of the
old "Berlin or Bust!" one.

-Electro is PL 8 on offense (much more than Blue Blade or any of the other human-level
guys), PL 9 on defense- he's powerful, and stands out even moreso because he's on a team
with mostly regular guys, but got whupped pretty good by Captain Wonder. It's more
demonstrative of how terrifying even a PL 8 threat would be in real life- a bulletproof robot
that can literally rend people to pieces.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat May 13, 2017 7:53 am

ELECTRO III (Maxwell Dillon)
Created By: Stan Lee & Steve Ditko
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #9 (Feb. 1964)
Role: Energy-User, Mook With Powers
Villain Ranking: B-List (occasionally ventures to A-List)
Group Affiliations: The Sinister Six, The Emissaries of Evil, The Frightful Four
PL 11 (156)

Athletics 4 (+6)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+8)
Deception 5 (+5)
Expertise (Criminal) 5 (+5)
Expertise (Electrical Lineman) 6 (+6)
Intimidation 7 (+7)
Perception 1 (+1)
Ranged Combat (Electricity) 7 (+10)

All-Out Attack, Improved Aim, Improved Critical (Electricity) 2, Improved Initiative,
Improved Smash, Power Attack, Startle

"Electrical Powers" (All Powers are Dynamic)
"Power Blast" Blast 11 (Feats: Split) (Extras: Penetrating 10) (34) -- [53]

 Dynamic AE: "Multiple Bolts" Blast 10 (Extras: Multiattack) (31)

 Dynamic AE: "Lightning Bolt" Damage 11 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Line +2) (34)
 Dynamic AE: "Lightning Burst" Damage 11 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (23)
Dynamic AE: "Boosted Aura" Energy Aura 8 (33)
 Dynamic AE: "Short-Out Electrical Power" Nullify Electrical Devices & Powers 10
(Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst, Concentration) (31)
 Dynamic AE: "Brain-Fry" Affliction 10 (Fort; Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras:
Ranged) (21)
 Dynamie AE: "Boost Strength & Toughness" Enhanced Strength 4 & Stamina 3 (15)
 Dynamic AE: "Boost Speed & Agility" Enhanced Agility 2, Dodge & Parry 2 (9)
 AE: "Control Machines" Affliction 10 (Toughness; Entranced/Compelled/Controlled)
(Extras: Ranged) (Flaws: Limited to Machines) (10)
 AE: "Wire-Riding" Speed 4 (30 mph) (Flaws: Limited to When Riding Power Lines)
 AE: "Ionizing Metals" Move Object 10 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (Flaws: Limited to
Metals) (20)

"Electrical Aura" Energy Aura 3 [12]

"Electrical Sense" Senses 3 (Acute & Ranged Detect Electricity) [3]
Immunity 10 (Electrical Effects) [10]

Unarmed +8 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Power Blast +10 (+11 Ranged Damage, DC 26)
Multiple Bolts +10 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Lightning Bolt +11 Area (+11 Damage, DC 26)
Lightning Burst +11 Area (+11 Damage, DC 26)
Aura +8 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Boosted Aura +8 (+11 Damage, DC 26)
Short-Out +10 (+10 Nullify, DC 20)
Brain-Fry +10 (+10 Ranged Affliction, DC 20)
Control Machines +10 (+10 Ranged Affliction, DC 20)
Boosted Strength +8 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +7 (+9 Boost)

Dodge +10 (+12 Boost, DC 20-22), Parry +10 (+12 Boost, DC 20-22), Toughness +3 (+6
Boost), Fortitude +6, Will +4

Motivation (Greed)
Enemy (Spider-Man)
Responsibility (Inferiority Complex)- Max was driven to low self-esteem by his over-
protective mother, and is convinced he isn't any good at anything. Attempts to surpass this
can occasionally drive him, but it's ultimately his Achilles Heel.
Power Loss/Weakness (Electricity)- Electric Powers can be more or less effective depending
on various factors. Non-conductors such as rubber, stone or Spider-Man's webs, are relatively
immune to his powers. Spidey can web his fists up to hit Electro as a result. Water will also
totally short him out if he's "charged", and often KOs him flat-out.
Power Loss (Various Powers)- Electro's powers ebb and flow with the winds. He can act as a
PL 12 sometimes, but usually acts as a PL 10. His Power Feats and stunts are pushed to the
max one day, then disappear with his next appearance. Any new powers Electro gets with HP
Spent typically disappear after a few adventures.

Total: Abilities: 32 / Skills: 38--19 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 78 / Defenses: 19 (156)

Electro- The Most Classical Super-Villain Of Them All:

-Electro is SUCH a classic super-villain- I think he may actually be the single-greatest
example of the Generic Super-Villain ever: How did he get his powers? By accident. What
does he wear? Garish tights. Why is he a criminal? Because he's an asshole. Hell, his name is
even one of those 1960s "regular word that ends with '-o'" names.

-Electro's another long-time classic Spidey villain, but has gone through more phases than
most of the others. He was a big threat right away, providing an Aura-based threat against a
melee fighter, requiring tricks (usually using the weaknesses of electricity- like non-
conductors or water) to defeat. He remained that way for a good while, but suffered from
some Villain Decay over the years like other Spidey guys. Despite that, he was less of a joke
than guys like The Vulture, often given cred for his powers, but not his personality (he was
depicted as weak-willed, dumb and generally low of wisdom), enough so that he got some
MAJOR power-ups here and there. Of course, all of those get forgotten eventually- Electro is
the DEFINING example of "Back To Basics Syndrome", as every new power-up or costume
update inevitably gets forgotten by the next creative team.

-Electro fought Daredevil a lot at first, too- something I didn't realize. He'd even gathered The
Emissaries of Evil in a revenge plot, though Stilt-Man, Leap-Frog and The Matador aren't
even "Serpent Society" material- the only good villain on his squad was The Gladiator. He
even joined one incarnation of The Frightful Four, and gathered with other Spidey villains for
The Sinister Six on a few occasions. He temporarily quit villainy after Electro: Light Up The
Night in the 1990s adjectiveless Spider-Man book, but this was forgotten in a few years. He
got a power upgrade from The Hand, rejoined The Six, fought Nate Grey with OTHER
enhanced powers, broke out a ton of super-villains in the debut of the updated Bendis-
Avengers squad, and got a couple of costume upgrades- he was one of the few pre-1990s
villains to get a LOT of various appearances over the years in Marvel, even through eras that
often ignored older characters.

-And yes, there are four Electros in total- the forgotten '40s Robot, the forgotten '50s
Communist one-off villain, Max Dillon, and then Frankie Frye, a modern character who's an
Electro-mimicking clone.

Electro- Emperor of Garish Costumes:

-His classically-cheesy '60s costume gets him a lot of grief, but honestly, every single time
they try to change it, he goes right back to the classic green & yellow mess he ALWAYS
wears, because that's what makes Electro iconic. I thought the Marvel Knights: Spider-Man
costume was the coolest, myself- the modern "I'm all scarred and middle-aged!" version just
sucks. Sure the outfit looks idiotic in REAL life, and it's hopelessly garish, but it's got its own
style. BAD style, but style nonetheless. It's... kind of beautifully eye-burning, if you think
about it.

-Personally, I like Electro. A classic, unpretentious power-theme, high levels of power, but
the mind of a generic Mook, and you've got a great background guy with whom you can
occasionally show some depth. He's actually a mama's boy who had low self-esteem, and that
can be used for good "Character" stories, alongside his tremendous powers. I just wish they'd
stop boosting him for five seconds (the Nate Grey fight- though don't even get me STARTED
on the Power Creep notable in that series) and just let him stick with his baseline powers and
not get KO'd in a few hits. He varies so often that he's challenging freaking X-Man in one
issue, then getting casually punched out as part of the Sinister Six or cowering before Luke
Cage in others.

Electro In Other Media:

-He's had some odd appearances in Spider-Media. In the 1990s Cartoon, he was one of the
most notably-absent guys (alongside The Sandman), only appearing in the series' VERY
LAST ARC, and as a different guy- Electro was the son of The Red Skull, and given
extraordinarily vast powers that made him a Magneto-level Teamwrecking threat. Why the
show never thought to use the guy until then eludes me (maybe his mask is too hard to
draw?), especially since guys like The Chameleon, Scorpion & Shocker got a lot of play. I
mean, why VOLUNTARILY not use one of the most-famous villains? The Amazing Spider-
Man 2 used him as a major baddie, but it was kind of a mess- Jamie Foxx hasn't been really
good since Ray (and it's WAY easier to do an imitation than an original character), and he
was inexplicably made this mealy-mouthed, friend-obsessed nerd. The blue look wasn't awful
(it's not like the 1960s costume was workable in real life), and I liked how his face appeared
on NYC skyscrapers.

Electro's Stats:
-Electro is an example of a really good villain for Spider-Man and guys like him. He's PL 10
or 10.5 with most of his powers, having a fairly-good output but only an average level of
accuracy. But with Area Attacks, his stock in trade, he's a full-on PL 11 on the damage end of
things. Toughness-wise, he's highly vulnerable and a Glass Cannon, but since Spidey can
really only PUNCH HIM, that +11 Aura power is going to be a bitch and a half to deal with.
Therefore, Spidey has to use his head to win, getting water involved (a fully-charged Electro
activates that Weakness pretty badly), webbing up his fists, or just dumping a stack of things
onto him or something- I once saw a small kid take him out with a hockey puck in an Anti-
Drug Issue (Electro was a DRUG LORD? The SCUM!). Villains that are nigh-unstoppable
but for an Achilles Heel are always great.

-Max gets a few side-powers listed, such as his "Brain Stun" thing, controlling or nullifying
machines/electrical devices, that "Ionizing Metal" trick he did in Marvel Knights, a
Multiattack, etc. He also has some Detection abilities, and his Aura is modified to either be
based off of his standard +3 power, or a boosted +11, requiring him to utilize part of his huge
Dynamic Array to activate it- using the power to its fullest drops his effectiveness at range by
quite a ways.

-Wikipedia says that he can boost his Strength, Speed & Agility using his powers, but I've
never in my entire life seen any evidence of that, and I've read a TON of Electro stories.
Apparently it's true, but it's REALLY weird and mostly-ignored. Electro's self when he was
powered-up versus Nate Grey is probably PL 12-13, and has a REALLY powerful Mental
Stun, likely going to Perception Range. No ideas what other powers he could be packing, but
generally, if you're a GM using Electro, feel free to go completely nuts with him, or just
make him a Jobber in a team. Either way, you can't say you're going against continuity .


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:57 am

Created By: Chris Claremont & Dave Cockrum
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #107 (Oct. 1977)
Race: Shi'ar
Role: Blaster
Legionnaire Basis: Cosmic Boy
Group Affiliations: The Shi'ar Imperial Guard
PL 10 (143)

Deception 1 (+3)
Expertise (Space Hero) 4 (+6)
Insight 6 (+8)
Intimidation 5 (+7)
Investigation 2 (+4)
Perception 4 (+6)
Ranged Combat (Electricity) 2 (+10)
Stealth 3 (+6)
Technology 3 (+5)
Vehicles 2 (+6)
Benefit (Imperial Guard), Equipment 4 (Anti-Gravity Device), Great Endurance, Improved
Aim, Improved Smash, Leadership, Move-By Action, Ranged Attack 4, Set-Up, Teamwork

Electrical Blast 10 (Feats: Improved Critical, Split, Penetrating 5) (27) -- [35]

 AE: "Electrical Bolt" Damage 10 (Feats: Penetrating 5) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Line) (25)
 AE: "Multi-Bolt" Damage 10 (Feats: Penetrating 5) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Shapeable)
 AE: "Machine Animation" Summon Technology 4 (Flaws: Requires Technology) (4)
 AE: "Wreck Machines" Affliction 10 (Tech Skill of Creator;
Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras: Cumulative, Ranged) (Flaws: Limited to
Machines) (20)
 AE: Electrical Aura 6 (24)
 AE: "Magnetic Control" Move Object 8 (Extras: Perception Range) (Flaws: Limited
to Metallic Objects) (16)
 AE: Deflect 10 (Flaws: Limited to Metallic Objects) (5)
 AE: Force Field 5 (5)

"Shi'ar Anti-Gravity Device"
Flight 5 (10)
Space Travel 1 (1)
Immunity 7 (Suffocation 2, Cold, Hot, Radiation, Vacuum, Pressure) (7)

Unarmed +8 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Electricity +10 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Area Bolts +10 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +5 (+10 Force Field), Fortitude +7, Will

Responsibility (The Shi'ar Imperial Guard)

Total: Abilities: 62 / Skills: 32--16 / Advantages: 16 / Powers: 35 / Defenses: 14 (143)

-Electron is a frequently-seen Guardsman, being one of the clearly Shi'ar members, with a
pretty decent generic power-set. He takes on a leaderly role in most stories that don't involve
Gladiator (ie. ones that want to give the heroes a reasonable chance of victory), and seems
pretty noble and good compared to many of the somewhat-aggressive members of his team.
Unusual in that he takes more after Lightning Lad than Cosmic Boy (his Magnetic stuff
usually just comes across as power stunts of his main power), even though there already IS a
Lightning Lad-Expy on his team.

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Feb 19, 2022 8:51 pm

ELEKTRA (Elektra Natchios)
Created By: Frank Miller
First Appearance: Daredevil #168 (Jan. 1981)
Role: Femme Fatale, Ex-Girlfriend, The Sacrificial Girlfriend
Group Affiliations: The Hand, HYDRA, The Chaste, S.H.I.E.L.D.
PL 10 (182)

Acrobatics 8 (+15)
Athletics 8 (+10)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 4 (+16)
Close Combat (Sai) 4 (+16)
Deception 6 (+8, +10 Attractive)
Expertise (Ninja) 12 (+14)
Insight 7 (+10)
Intimidation 6 (+8)
Investigation 4 (+7)
Perception 10 (+13)
Ranged Combat (Ninja Weapons) 5 (+13)
Sleight of Hand 4 (+6)
Stealth 8 (+15)
Treatment 2 (+4)

Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, Assessment, Attractive, Chokehold, Contacts, Defensive
Attack, Defensive Roll, Defensive Throw, Diehard, Equipment (Sai), Evasion, Extraordinary
Effort, Fast Grab, Fearless, Grab Finesse, Great Endurance, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved
Critical 5 (Sai 3, Unarmed 2), Improved Defense, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative,
Instant Up, Languages (English, Greek, Japanese, Others), Last Stand, Luck, Move-By
Action, Power Attack, Precise Attack (Close/Concealment), Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 6,
Seize Initiative, Skill Mastery 2 (Stealth, Ninja), Takedown 2, Tracking, Trance, Uncanny
Dodge, Weapon Bind, Weapon Break

"Martial Artist" Strength-Damage +1 [1]

"Twin Sai" Strength-Damage +1 (Feats: Split, Improved Disarm) (3) -- (4)

 AE: "Thrown Sai" Strength-Damage +1 (Extras: Ranged 3) (Flaws: Limited to Two)

(Diminished Range -1) (3)

Unarmed +16 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Sai +16 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Thrown Sai +13 (+3 Ranged Damage, DC 18)
Initiative +11

Dodge +16 (DC 26), Parry +16 (DC 26), Toughness +3 (+4 D.Roll), Fortitude +7, Will +7

Relationship (Matt Murdock)- Elektra and Matt were lovers in college, but split when her
father was killed. Now, they are a mix of deadly adversaries, old lovers with issues, and
uneasy allies.
Responsibility (The Hand)- Sometimes they want to kill her, sometimes she's a member,
sometimes she leads them.
Enemy (Bullseye)- Bullseye murdered her because she took his "spot" as The Kingpin's
personal assassin. And also because he's just evil and does stuff like that.

Total: Abilities: 66 / Skills: 88--44 / Advantages: 50 / Powers: 1 / Defenses: 21 (182)

Elektra- The Ultimate One-Story Character... Who Got a Billion More Stories:
-Elektra was a great storyline in Daredevil, and it's kind of a shame what became of it. This
dangerous, mysterious never-before-seen ex-girlfriend of Matt's shows up, kicks some ass
(but loses one of her very first fights to some common thugs- something you'd NEVER see
nowadays!), feuds with Matt, attracts a legion of male fans thanks to her sexiness (she's based
off of bodybuilder/nude model Lisa Lyon, and had long raven tresses), then gets murdered by
a lethal bastard named Bullseye. Along the way, we learned her tragic backstory (Matt had
attempted to save her father from terrorists and failed- she ran out of his life, breaking his
heart), and then her modern ways- she'd become a merciless assassin (being trained by Matt's
own mentor Stick, but showed too much darkness in her sould and joined The Hand), nearly
killing Ben Urich, and teamed up with Matt to face The Hand and their lethal warrior, Kirigi.
But when the Kingpin made her his personal assassin and sent her after Foggy Nelson, she
found herself unable to go through with it when they recognized each other. And then
Bullseye, angry and hurt over losing his job with the Kingpin, decided to impress people by
hunting down Elektra and murdering her in cold blood- she crawled to Matt's home and bled
out in his arms.

-This fantastic little self-contained story (she was around for only slightly greater than a
YEAR) basically MADE Daredevil the way The Dark Phoenix Saga made the X-Men, and
Frank Miller leveraged that success into The Dark Knight Returns, and all that cemented him
as one of the all-time greats. Elektra REALLY left an impression on people- the great design
(with the flowing bandana and giant sais), the tragic backstory, the broken romance in the
past... it was so darkly romantic and "Film Noir", yet very "Comic Book" in how she was a
fantastic martial artist and super-dangerous physically. So this Elektra character, who wasn't
really that deep, but had some conflicting elements, was now ultra-famous and people
demanded to see more of her. Miller & Bill Sienkiewicz did an incredibly-artsy, incredibly-
weird series Elektra: Assassin in 1986, teasing fans even more- the series is either out of
continuity, or takes place before she first appears in Daredevil. And Marvel, of course,
appeased the fans and finally brought her back... to do nothing interesting at all.

Elektra Returns:
-See, Elektra was a far better character when she died than she ever was alive. She had just
enough pathos to keep going, and an incredible design, so no wonder fans were impressed,
but where was there really to GO from here? Frank Miller finally agreed to resurrect her-
Daredevil & Stone, a member of Stick's organization, had worked to resurrect her- they failed
at first, but Matt purified her soul in the process, and Stone later completed it. However,
Frank only did so with the promise that she would never be used again- as you might
imagine, Marvel broke their promise on this BIG-TIME, and Frank never worked for them

-Worse still, Marvel COMPLETELY wasted her- the 1990s was in full swing, and so a ton of
garbage writers were just floundering on all sorts of books, and nobody really cared much
about Daredevil to quality-check it. She even got a bunch of Limited Series with some
nobodies working on the book, likely trying to earn some cred for themselves (who the hell is
D.G. Chichester?). Now, she's just some ninja chick who runs around, fights with/leads The
Hand, occasionally sees Daredevil but usually doesn't, and otherwise just kind of hangs
around. She re-enters Daredevil's life during some nonsense story-arc with the "Snakeroot"
group, and briefly teams up with Wolverine when he's a noseless beast-man.

-There's a brief Elektra series when Marvel was desperately trying to make this one cover-
artist named Greg Horn a big megastar. His "exagerrated realism" style, with photorealistic
women's faces (CLEARLY drawn/traced from professional models), was suddenly used to
sell THREE different books starring women- Emma Frost, The Black Widow (Yelena
Belova) and Elektra, but every one of the books quickly died. Then Elektra largely vanishes
again, appearing in the late 2000s as part of a goofy story in which The Hand kills and
resurrects tons of characters as Hand agents- Elektra fights them, but is herself slain, then
made their leader. But this was all part of her plan, and now she has mystical powers and
helps the heroes win. Then she pops up in Bendis's New Avengers, and it's revealed that at
some point, she was replaced with a SKRULL! This is the first step in the huge Secret
Invasion story-arc. She is released a couple years later, and finally gets her win back over
Bullseye- he was sent by Norman Osborn to kill her, but she wins. Later, she joins a
Thunderbolts squad led by the Red Hulk, then acts as a double agent in Shadowland to get
close to a demon-possessed Matt Murdock.

-Along the way, she was played horribly by Jennifer Garner in both a Daredevil movie and
even a solo Elektra film- one so disastrous that it helped destroy all attempts to make a
superhero movie centered around a woman for YEARS until Wonder Woman came out.
Every series featuring her has been a bust, and she's really a nobody. Shows you that you
shouldn't ALWAYS bow down to fan interests, I guess, but there's really no way they were
getting around it- the fans WANTED her back, and giving the fans WHAT THEY WANT is
kind of something comics isn't always good at. So it's a shame that in this case, it turned out

Elektra's Abilities:
-Elektra's much like Daredevil, in that she's a world-class fighter (a bit better than Matt, but
weaker) who costs a fair bit- she's equal to most of the top-tier fighters in the Marvel
Universe, but lacks the true Unarmed Potential. TONS of Combat Advantages, a great
number of ninja Skillz, some not-bad Ability Scores, and a world-class fighter. Since she has
no super-powers, she arguably fits what ANY PL 10 Ninja character could be- that price-
point is high, but still around what my Bullseye costs, and a ways less than Daredevil does.

-Note: More recent depictions of Elektra have off-and-on shown telepathic powers, minor
mind control, and the ability to "live in people's minds", whatever the hell that means
(Possession, I guess?). But I'm ignoring all that, since it's unnecessary pseudo-mystical crap
and doesn't really fit the character either.

The Elements of Doom

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Jul 02, 2020 11:13 pm


Created By: Bill Mantlo & John Byrne
First Appearance: The Avengers #188 (Oct. 1979)
Role: Jobber Army, Elementals

-The Elements of Doom were a great idea- a bunch of Elemental beings, all based around
single elements on the Periodic Table. The only issues were the fact that the whole army
made it so that they were basically Mooks who were easily pushed over one-on-one, and that
most writers aren't also scientists, meaning that most of the Elements just ran around and
punched guys. If this were Silver Age DC, we'd probably have a bunch of Mr. Wizard-type
science lessons about the way all these elements react together, but the most we saw was that
some chemicals were poisonous, some were radioactive, and that Sodium would blow up if
put into contact with water. They've taken part in all of three stories, and in each one, the
Elements revolt against Generic Mad Scientist Creator and go off on their own, until they are
defeated by the heroes destabilizing their brain-matrixes and dissolving them.

-In the first appearance, they fought the Avengers, choking out the Wasp & Falcon, but were
beaten when said weakness was found. In Thunderbolts, they were recreated by AIM and
took over Central Park and killed Techno (Iron snuck up behind him and snapped his neck),
but Jack of Hearts got involved and the scientist who'd invented them pointed out their
weakness, and they were beaten once more.

-Plus it gives me a chance to do some quickie-research online and figure junk out about the
Periodic Table- I was kind of interested in it in High School, and I had a bunch of it
memorized, but unfortunately I didn't care so much about how they bond together, their
electron make-up, or any of that junk. I was a pretty spectacularly bad science student
(especially when it came time to put all this stuff into equations), and scarcely made it out of
High School without failing both Chem & Physics 30- retrospect says that I would've done
better at Biology by a CONSIDERABLE ways, but Bio in H.S. was really damn boring- all
stuff about zygotes and cell division and junk- I just wanted to know stuff about animals.

-On an individual basis, these guys are pretty weak- heroes can whup them good and easy,
smashing right through their weak metallic (usually) shells. The most-commonly-seen guys
are the Metals- Carbon, Zinc, Copper, Iron, etc. They all look pretty well the same- big
neckless dudes that don't even have their Elemental names or symbols on their chests or
anything (despite this, most heroes seem able to figure out what they are just by looking at
them). They do a HELL of a lot of awkward "Comic Book Naming" as every one speaks to
each other by name ("Sodium! Helium! Nickel! Do this!" "Sure thing, Zirconium!") so we
know who's who.

-PL 7 suits most of them just fine- they're weak Powerhouses if they're metals, and annoying
Insubstantial guys the rest of the time. A handful of them are tougher, and some have some
CRAZY side-powers. This is a fun little attempt by me at gathering some random Chemical-
based info, though some of this is a bit too in-depth for me (I looked up what "Transitional
Metals" meant, and then had to look up FIFTEEN OTHER WORDS to reason out that
description), so if anyone else is more of a Chem Dork than I was, feel free to chip in with
other things.

-Many of these guys can be assumed to have Involuntary Transformation if merged with
other stuff. Listing every chemical reaction ever is a BIT too much work for me, so I'll leave
it alone for the most part.





PL 7 (91)

Deception 2 (+1)
Expertise (Science) 4 (+4)
Intimidation 8 (+7)

Fast Grab, Improved Hold, Set-Up, Teamwork

"Elemental Being"
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 8 (Extras: Impervious 3) [11]
Elongation 1 [1]
Regeneration 2 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [3]
"Wings of Metal" Flight 4 (30 mph) (Flaws: Winged) [4]
Morph 2 (Flaws: Limited To Same Colours) [8]
"Heavy" Features 1: Increased Mass [1]

Unarmed +6 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +0

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +8 (+3 Impervious), Fortitude --, Will +1

Motivation (Power)- The Elements often want to take control of the world, and/or convert
people into elements themselves.
Involuntary Transformation (Compounds)- Most Elements can be merged together or with
other substances to make new compounds, possibly causing them to lose their form.
Weakness (Destabilisation)- The Elements are often defeated by a character creating a ray to
turn off their crystal-matrix-brains, reducing them to piles of non-moving sludge.

Total: Abilities: 14 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 58 / Defenses: 8 (91)

-The Metallic Elements of Doom are the foot-soldiers and brawlers- the most common
among them in the books. HORDES of them came out of the woodwork to brawl with The
Thunderbolts, and despite not being a match for them one-on-one, they teamed up in a BIG
hurry, handily taking out guys like Atlas. Curiously, some of the Metals proved capable of
Morphing some WINGS for themselves. Now, how a being comprised of frickin' CARBON
can do such a thing just by growing some flattened arms is beyond me, but that's comics for

-Keep in mind that many, MANY elements are dangerous to humans if inhaled over a long
period of time- this generally goes un-statted, because it requires powdering the Elements
(which is, y'know, lethal to them), and takes too long. For the most part, the Metals are
brawlers, regardless of how poisonous they are.

ZIRCONIUM (Zr)- PL 10 (106): Fighting 8, Close Combat- Unarmed 2, Int 1, Awa 1, Pre
1 [15]

MAGNESIUM (Mg): Hyper-flammable, and will pretty much die with one hit of fire. This
is apparently unlikely in a non-powdered form, but MACH-1 took him out in one shot in

Boron. Hafnium.

BORON (B), HAFNIUM (Hf)- PL 7 (96): Immunity 10 (Heat Effects) (Flaws: Limited to
Half) [5]
-Hafnium, curiously, was depicted as a Fire/Radioactive Blaster-type guy in "Thunderbolts",
but all the evidence I have suggests he's just metallic.
ANTIMONY (Sb)- PL 7 (103): "Poisonous" Weaken Stamina 4 (Extras: Progressive +2)
IRON (Fe)- PL 9 (96): Fighting 8, Close Combat: Unarmed 2 [5]
-Iron appeared to be more dangerous than the other Elements, by virtue of snapping Techno's
neck from behind, resulting in his more-powerful Robot Form.

URANIUM (U)- PL 8 (149): "Radioactive" Weaken Stamina 4 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst,
Reaction +3), Weaken Stamina 10 (Extras: Progressive +2) (AE: Blast 8), Ranged Attack 6,
Ranged Combat: Blasts 2 [68]

PLUTONIUM (Pl)- PL 10 (175): "Radioactive" Weaken Stamina 4 (Extras: Area- 30ft.

Burst, Reaction +3), Weaken Stamina 8 (Extras: Progressive +2) (AE: Blast 8), Ranged
Attack 6, Ranged Combat- Blasts 2, Radiation Aura 8 [84]




PL 8 (95)

Deception 2 (+1)
Expertise (Science) 4 (+4)
Intimidation 8 (+7)

Fast Grab, Improved Hold, Set-Up, Teamwork

"Elemental Being"
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 12 (Extras: Impervious 9) [21]
Elongation 1 [1]
Regeneration 2 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [3]
"Wings of Metal" Flight 4 (30 mph) (Flaws: Winged) [4]
Morph 2 (Flaws: Limited To Same Colours) [8]
"Heavy" Features 1: Increased Mass [1]

Unarmed +6 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +0

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +12 (+5 Impervious), Fortitude --, Will +1

Motivation (Power)- The Elements often want to take control of the world, and/or convert
people into elements themselves.
Involuntary Transformation (Compounds)- Most Elements can be merged together or with
other substances to make new compounds, possibly causing them to lose their form.
Weakness (Destabilisation)- The Elements are often defeated by a character creating a ray to
turn off their crystal-matrix-brains, reducing them to piles of non-moving sludge.

Total: Abilities: 18 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 58 / Defenses: 8 (95)

-The Densest and toughest of the Elements are PL 8 Powerhouses, fitting a weak Acolyte or
Serpent Society member's stats, which wouldn't be so impressive if they didn't have 102 other
guys for back-up.

CARBON (C)- PL 10 (111): "Diamond Form" is Base Form, with Graphite Form as an Alt-
Effect, Fighting 8, Close Combat- Unarmed 2, Int 1, Awa 1, Pre 1 [16]

 AE: "Graphite Form" Insubstantial 1 & Elongation 1 (6)

VANADIUM (V)- PL 10 (110): Fighting 8, Close Combat- Unarmed 2, Int 1, Awa 1, Pre 1
-Vanadium almost appeared Leader-like, bossing others around and giving orders. He seemed
brighter than the usual dumb-assed Element who was all "uhhhh how do you take this guy's
armour off?"



PL 7 (82)

Deception 2 (+1)
Expertise (Science) 4 (+4)
Intimidation 6 (+5)

Fast Grab, Improved Hold, Set-Up, Teamwork

"Elemental Being"
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 6 [6]
Elongation 1 [1]
Regeneration 2 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [3]
"Wings" Flight 4 (30 mph) (Flaws: Winged) [4]
Morph 2 (Flaws: Limited To Same Colours) [8]

Unarmed +6 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +0

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +6, Fortitude --, Will +1

Motivation (Power)- The Elements often want to take control of the world, and/or convert
people into elements themselves.
Involuntary Transformation (Compounds)- Most Elements can be merged together or with
other substances to make new compounds, possibly causing them to lose their form.
Weakness (Destabilisation)- The Elements are often defeated by a character creating a ray to
turn off their crystal-matrix-brains, reducing them to piles of non-moving sludge.

Total: Abilities: 12 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 52 / Defenses: 8 (82)

-The Softer Elements of Doom are flat-out weaker for the most part- Citizen V was able to
trounce Tellurium & Indium in the background of panels just by cutting and kicking them, so
they're not as tough as really solid materials. Dysprosium, Cadmium & Erbium helped do
some damage to an airplane in mid-flight, though (alongside the tougher Carbon). So they're
basically lower-statted version of the "good" Elements, being PL 6.5 offensive, PL 6
defensive creatures. I mean, Tin & Iodine aren't exactly famed for their durability, to say
nothing of Sodium.

ARSENIC (As)- PL 8 (112): "Super-Poisonous" Weaken Stamina 10 (Extras: Progressive

+2) [30]

CADMIUM (Cd)- PL 7 (87): "Non-Flammable" Immunity 10 (Fire Effects) (Flaws: Limited

to Half-Effect) [5]
STRONTIUM (Sr): Reacts strongly in oxygen or water- not quite sure how this guy doesn't
just explode.
SULFUR (S)- PL 7 (96): "Pungent" Dazzle Scent 7 (Extras: Area- 15ft. Cloud) (Flaws:
Touch Range) [14]


-These don't really differ from the other Soft Elements at all, but they're made by man, and
don't occur in nature. Just some meaningless information.


SODIUM (Na), POTASSIUM (K), RUBIDIUM (Rb): These metals will explode violently
on contact with water- this was how Meteorite/Moonstone defeated Sodium once.
LITHIUM (Li)- PL 7 (97): Immunity 10 (Heat Effects) (Flaws: Limited to Half),
"Corrosive" Weaken Toughness 2 (Extras: Reaction +3, Affects Objects) [15]


"Radioactive" Weaken Stamina 3 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst, Reaction +3), Weaken Stamina
8 (Extras: Progressive +2) (AE: Blast 8), Ranged Attack 6 [46]
RADIUM (Rd), POLONIUM (Po)- PL 8 (166): "Radioactive" Weaken Stamina 4 (Extras:
Area- 30ft. Burst, Reaction +3), Weaken Stamina 8 (Extras: Progressive +2) (AE: Blast 8),
Ranged Attack 6, Ranged Combat- Blasts 2, Radiation Aura 8 [84]
-Note that Radioactive guys are MUCH more dangerous- Spider-Man & Justice were
basically crapping their pants at the idea of a handful of these guys striding out into greater
Manhattan. Spidey even posits that Plutonium could wipe out an entire city, though I would
assume this would mean his death.
PL 7 (94)

Deception 2 (+1)
Expertise (Science) 4 (+4)
Intimidation 6 (+5)

Fast Grab, Improved Hold, Set-Up, Teamwork

"Elemental Being"
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 6 [6]
Elongation 2 [2]
Regeneration 2 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [3]
"Wings" Flight 4 (30 mph) (Flaws: Winged) [4]
Morph 2 (Flaws: Limited To Same Colours) [8]
Insubstantial 1 [5]
"Heavy" Features 1: Increased Mass [1]

Unarmed +7 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +2

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +6, Fortitude --, Will +1

Motivation (Power)- The Elements often want to take control of the world, and/or convert
people into elements themselves.
Involuntary Transformation (Compounds)- Most Elements can be merged together or with
other substances to make new compounds, possibly causing them to lose their form.
Weakness (Destabilization)- The Elements are often defeated by a character creating a ray to
turn off their crystal-matrix-brains, reducing them to piles of non-moving sludge.

Total: Abilities: 18 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 59 / Defenses: 7 (94)

-These guys are more able to twist, stretch and bend than the other Elements, and are kinda
like Mr. Fantastic as fighters- Silver & Gold managed to tie up Songbird in a big tendril-pile,
but she quickly fought her way out and beat the snot out of them while commenting on how
"soft" their bodies were. They recovered shortly thereafter, but another Sonic Blast wiped 'em
GOLD (Au)- PL 7 (99): Dissolves in aqua regia, Mercury and other substances. Features 2:
Increased Mass 2, Immunity 5 (Acid Damage) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [5]

SILVER (Ag), COPPER (Cu)- PL 7 (124): Deflect 10 (Extras: Redirection, Reflection)
(Flaws: Limited to Electricity), Immunity 10 (Electrical Effects) [30]
THALLIUM (Tl)- PL 7 (118): "Poisonous" Weaken Stamina 8 (Extras: Progressive +2)
MERCURY (Hg)- PL 7 (121): "Fluid" Insubstantial 2, Regeneration 4, Immunity 40
(Bludgeoning, Piercing & Slashing Damage) (Flaws: Limited to Half) [27]

CESIUM (Cs), GALLIUM (Ga)- PL 7 (121): "Fluid" Insubstantial 2, Regeneration 4,

Immunity 40 (Bludgeoning, Piercing & Slashing Damage) (Flaws: Limited to Half) [27]
-An Alkali like the other Soft Metals, but Liquid, like Mercury. Even a small amoung of
Caesium basically EXPLODES on contact. Gallium's melting point is so low, it will melt in
your hand.

BROMINE (Br)- PL (154): Fighting 8, "Corrosive" Weaken Toughness 8 (Extras: Reaction

+3, Affects Objects), "Internal Damage" Damage 8 (Feats: Penetrating 10) (Extras: Fortitude
Save +0) [60]
-Bromine REALLY messed up Meteorite- getting into her throat, lungs and burning her body
and metallic suit badly. Too bad she never got any personal revenge, because she was DONE
for like an entire issue because of it.
PHOSPHORUS (Ph)- PL 10 (161):
"Explosive Reaction" Damage 10 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (20) -- [21]

 AE: Blast 10 (20)

"Amophorous Body" Insubstantial 2 [5]

Immunity 40 (Bludgeoning, Piercing & Slashing Damage) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect)
"Sticky Body" Snare 4 (Extras: Reaction +3) (Flaws: Touch Range) (20) -- [21]

 AE: "Fire Body" Fire Aura 5 (20)

PL 8 (118)

Deception 2 (+1)
Expertise (Science) 4 (+4)
Intimidation 6 (+5)

Set-Up, Teamwork

"Elemental Being"
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 4 [4]
Elongation 2 [2]
Regeneration 2 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [3]
Flight 4 (30 mph) [8]
Insubstantial 3 (Extras: Permanent +0) [15]

"Asphyxiant" Affliction 8 (Fort; Fatigued/Exhausted/Incapacitated) (Extras: Affects

Corporeal, Cumulative) [24]

Unarmed +7 (No Damage)
Asphyxiation +7 (+8 Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +2

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +6, Fortitude --, Will +1

Motivation (Power)- The Elements often want to take control of the world, and/or convert
people into elements themselves.
Involuntary Transformation (Compounds)- Most Elements can be merged together or with
other substances to make new compounds, possibly causing them to lose their form.
Weakness (Destabilisation)- The Elements are often defeated by a character creating a ray to
turn off their crystal-matrix-brains, reducing them to piles of non-moving sludge.
Vulnerable (Air Powers)- Gases can be merely blown away with enough force.

Total: Abilities: 8 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 86 / Defenses: 7 (118)

-The Gases are able to choke people, as anything that isn't actual Oxygen can if used in high
enough concentrations. Their very nature makes them more dangerous (you can't punch out
gaseous Xenon), they can also be handily blown away by someone with good Create powers.


HYDROGEN (H)- PL 8 (130): Concealment 2 (Visuals), "Coolant" Environment 1 (Cold),

"Hydrogen Embrittling" Weaken Toughness 6 (Flaws: Affects Objects Only +0, Limited to
Metals) [12]
NITROGEN (N), NEON (Ne)- PL 8 (122): Concealment 2 (Visuals) [4]

HELIUM (He), ARGON (Ar), XENON (Xe), KRYPTON (Kr)- PL 8 (122): Concealment
2 (Visuals), "Super-Asphyxiant" Affliction 8 (Fort; Impaired Powers & Fatigued/Disabled
Powers & Exhausted/Powerless & Asleep) (Extras: Affects Corporeal, Extra Condition,
Cumulative) (Flaws: Powerless Limited to Vocal Powers) [24]
OXYGEN (O)- PL 10 (128): Replace Asphyxiant with "Convulsions Via Overdose"
Affliction 8 (Fort; Fatigued/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras: Affects Corporeal, Cumulative),
"Oxidize Flames" Damage 10 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (Flaws: Requires Flames) [10]


CHLORINE (Cl), FLUORINE (F)- PL 8 (143): Damage 8 (Feats: Reach, Penetrating 8)

(Extras: Fortitude Save +0) Linked to Weaken Stamina 8 [25]

RADON (Rn), ASTATINE (At)- PL 8 (157): Concealment 2 (Visuals), "Radioactive"
Environment 2 (Radiation), Weaken Stamina 8 (Extras: Progressive +2) (AE: Blast 8),
Ranged Attack 6 [39]


UNUSEPTIUM (Uus), UNUNOCTIUM (Uuo), Vibranium (Vb)

The Elf With a Gun

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Mar 27, 2021 7:45 pm

ELF WITH A GUN (Numerous Characters, Including Melf & Relf)
Created By: Steve Gerber & Sal Buscema
First Appearance: The Defenders #25 (July 1975)
Role: Recurring Weird Character
Group Affiliations: None
PL 7 (65)

Athletics 6 (+6)
Deception 4 (+4)
Expertise (Murderer) 5 (+5)
Insight 3 (+4)
Perception 2 (+3)
Stealth 4 (+8)

Equipment 2 (Pistol), Improved Aim, Improved Critical (Pistol), Ranged Attack 2

Unarmed +5 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
Pistol +8 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +4

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +2, Fortitude +4, Will +3

Motivation (Chaos)- Closest answer you're gonna get- trust me. Some are agents of some
Time Tribunal thing, though.

Total: Abilities: 36 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 11 (65)

-Remember, Steve Gerber was the TEETOTALLER of his little group of Marvel writers.
And he created THIS. A short essay about the Elf With A Gun: ... a-gun.html.

-The Elf With A Gun was a recurring element in The Defenders- he appeared at random,
killing civilians while dressing like a Keibler Elf. He is killed by a moving truck while
attempting to execute a child. He ends up in "The Land of the Lost", re-creating the Sixties
alongside a horde of other pop culture icons like KISS, and casually escapes that realm at
some point. Gerber only intended the character to be a "reflection of the chaotic nature of the
universe" rather than any kind of serious thing- he was simply a running gag. In fact, it was
Roger Slifer (later a major writer on the G.I. Joe and Jem cartoons) who killed the guy, as
Gerber left The Defenders before explaining what the hell the Elf/Elves were all about.

-During the DeMatteis run on the book, he fires his gun at the original Defenders- Dr.
Strange, The Hulk, The Silver Surfer & Namor! Here, the Defenders are teleported into a
confrontation by an all-powerful "Tribunal" that declares that the four of them must split up,
lest a prophecy come forth that they will destroy the Earth thanks to their intervention
resulting in the death of an Alien Prince. All the while, the Elf (alongside another, identical
one) snarks along, talking more or less like Jim Starlin's Pip The Troll does (I guess these
guys all thought it was REALLY, REALLY FUNNY for short guys to talk like uncultured
boors to more powerful beings).

-Seven years later, Peter David would Retcon out that thing as a "Cosmic Hoax", but not
explain much further (like, it was a one-panel explanation. Seriously). Years after THAT,
Gerber would introduce Relf, the nephew of Melf (the original Elf, duh) in a Spider-Man
Team-Up issue that also involved "Officer Dragon" and Destroyer Duck, thus becoming the
second part of a crossover with Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon and his own Destroyer Duck (a
character created for a "F*ck You, Marvel Comics"-themed book about Marvel's treatment of
Gerber's Howard the Duck). Relf allies with the Circus of Crime for some mysterious
purpose, but they're beaten by Peter Parker & Ben Reilly, and Relf decides to run off with
Princess Python. He has never appeared again- Gerber being dead, we'll probably never know
what Relf's true goal was.

-So yeah, some Elves are basically just agents for a Tribunal (the Living Tribunal, maybe?)-
since a Cosmic Being can't jump through time and the physical world without causing
problems, they use the Elves (some of their "killing" is actually teleporting beings away so
that they won't enact the prophecy). Other Elves are just murderers with some bizarre,
unknown goal in mind. These stats'll work for either one, though the Tribunal's agents use a
"Time Displacement Gun" (Area Movement Attack- Dimensional/Time Travel- enough to
grab all four original Defenders at once).

Elias Bogan

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Nov 15, 2022 12:49 am

Created By: Chris Claremont & Salvador Larocca
First Appearance: X-Treme X-Men #1 (July 2001)
Role: Mind-Possesser
Group Affiliations: The Hellfire Club
PL 12 (138)

Deception 4 (+8)
Expertise (Business) 10 (+13)
Expertise (History) 6 (+9)
Stealth 10 (+12)

Benefit 5 (Wealth)

"Mutant Powers: Possession"
Mind Control 12 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Possession) (Noticeable- "Bleeding Eyes") (60) --

 Dynamic AE: "Telepathy" Mind-Reading 11 Linked to Communication (Mental) 4

(Feats: Dynamic) (35)
Dynamic AE: "Telelocation" Senses 4 (Mental Detection- Ranged 2, Acute) (Feats:
Dynamic) (5)

Immunity 1 (Aging) [1]

Unarmed +4 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
Possession -- (+11 Perception-Ranged Affliction, DC 21)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +2, Fortitude +3, Will +6

Motivation (Greed, Power)
Enemy (Tessa)- Tessa once cost Elias the "services" of Emma Frost (I'm willing to bet I
know what that means), and he holds a grudge.

Total: Abilities: 42 / Skills: 30--15 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 65 / Defenses: 11 (138)

-Elias Bogan is a wealthy, powerful recluse who is rumored to be the founder of the Hellfire
Club in the 1780s, and remains a powerful figure to this day. Years ago, he wagered against
Sebastian Shaw in a poker game- if Bogan won, Emma Frost would be his; if Shaw won, his
fortune would be made. Shaw's agent Tessa turned the game towards her boss, and he
achieved the impossible, leaving Bogan bitter (this retcons Shaw's personally-forged fortune
a bit). Bogan later captured Tessa, and Shaw abandoned her rather than pay the ransom
(which would have cost him everything)- Storm and the X-Men freed her instead. This brings
us to Claremont's weird X-book X-Treme X-Men, which was basically a collection of his
favorites with some REALLY pretty Larocca art, as the Editors let him do his own thing in
his own little world after his attempt at actually running the whole X-line kind of faltered.

-In any case, Bogan headed to the Xavier Institute in search of Jeffrey Garrett, who'd
murdered someone on Bogan's property- he took possession of Emma Frost & Bishop, and
recaptured Tessa (now Sage) before Storm drove him off. The next time the X-Men fought
him, he turned out to have been possessing Rachel Summers for some time. The X-Men
eventually shattered the crystal that held Rachel & Bogan's essences, freeing Rachel. Bogan
psionically attacked the following day, but the attack made Magma, who was also present,
burn down the catacombs of his base. He has never reappeared, nor been mentioned
following M-Day (translation: the later writers wrote out all the X-Treme X-Men characters).

-A mysterious, shadowy figure (I can't find any good pics of him), Bogan is a REALLY
powerful Telepath, as his "Possessions" include Emma Frost and Rachel Summers- not the
easiest people to take a hold of.

The Eliminator

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Feb 12, 2021 8:48 pm

Created By: Len Wein & George Perez
First Appearance: The Fantastic Four #184 (July 1977)
Role: Kill-O-Bot
PL 10 (130)

Perception 6 (+4)

Power Attack, Ranged Attack 8

Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 12 (Extras: Impervious 9) [21]
"Air Jets" Flight 7 (250 mph) [14]

"Omni-Beam" Blast 12 (24) -- [25]

 AE: "Incendiary Fingers" Blast 8 (Extras: Multiattack) (24)

Unarmed +8 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Omni-Beam +8 (+12 Ranged Damage, DC 27)
Incendiary Fingers +8 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +0

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +12 (+5 Impervious), Fortitude --, Will +0

Motivation (Removing All Memory of Agatha Harkness)

Total: Abilities: 18 / Skills: 6--3 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 90 / Defenses: 10 (130)

-The Eliminator is just a one-off Kill-O-Bot meant to kill the FF because he was trying to
eliminate all the evidence that Agatha Harkness existed. He captured Johnny Storm, but was
confronted by the other members of the FF. He did pretty well, but when Sue convinced him
that he had killed her and the others (she turned them all invisible), he self-destructed because
his mission was thought to be complete. He blew up just as he realized his mistake. A pretty
goofy story just designed to fill time before the Salem Seven/Nicholas Scratch storyline got
moving, really. Though I find it funny that a mystical wizard named after Satan has a giant
robot working for him.

-The Eliminator is a bare-bones PL 10 Kill-O-Bot, powerful enough to challenge the FF once.

Honestly, things like this are tricky, because you'd have to be PL 11-12 to take on the entire
FF even in the 1970s, but you know damn well he'd be New Villain Stink'd down to being a
lesser threat after that.

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Dec 29, 2016 1:52 am

ELIXIR (Joshua Foley)
Created By: Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir & Keron Grant
First Appearance: New Mutants #1 (July 2003)
Group Affiliations: X-Students, The New Mutants, The Young X-Men, X-Force
Status: Alive
Role: Villain-Turned-Good, Team Healer
PL 9 (133)

Acrobatics 3 (+6)
Athletics 2 (+3)
Deception 4 (+6)
Persuasion 3 (+5)
Intimidation 2 (+4)
Expertise (Pop Culture) 4 (+4)
Expertise (Science) 12 (+12) -- (Flaws: Limited to Biology) 
Treatment 8 (+8)
Perception 3 (+3)
Stealth 3 (+6)
Defensive Attack, Daze (Deception), Equipment (X-Student Uniform- Communications,
Protection +1), Luck, Ranged Attack 2, Set-Up, Taunt, Teamwork

"Mutant Powers: Healing Touch"
Healing 12 (Feats: Stabilize, Persistent, Regrow Limbs) (Extras: Restoration, Resurrection)
(Flaws: Resurrection Requires Skill Check: Treatment) (45) -- [46]

 AE: "Death Touch" Weaken Stamina 10 (Extras: Disease +2) Linked to Damage 6

Regeneration 4 (Extras: Affects Others) [8]

"Knows the Sickness" Senses 3 (Detect Disease- Analytical) [3]

Unarmed +7 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Death Touch +7 (+10 Weaken & +6 Damage, DC 20 & 21)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3 (+4 Uniform), Fortitude +5, Will +4

Relationship (Rahne, Laurie, Loa)- Josh briefly hooked up with Wolfsbane when she was
going through a "phase". He also had a Love Triangle with Wither over Wallflower. He
eventually hooks up with Loa.
Guilt (The X-Students' Deaths)- Joshua failed to save the X-kids killed in the Busplosion, as
well as Laurie. He became introspective and "zen-like" as a counter to this.
Prejudice (Obvious Mutant)- Josh either has golden or black skin.

Total: Abilities: 36 / Skills: 38--19 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 57 / Defenses: 12 (133)

-How in the living hell did it take comic book superheroes SEVENTY YEARS to create a
major character with a Healing power? Seriously- friggin' D&D used it in, what? The '70s?
Video Games, other RPGs, etc. had all used this power a dozen times. Guys like Wolverine
popularized Regeneration as a power as well. Dr. Mid-Nite's a DOCTOR type of healer I
guess, but Elixir's something new. He can basically bring people back from the brink of
death, which, in an era where people regularly take horrific "realism-based" levels of damage
from super-combat, is about the most useful thing ever. I still remember laughing when I read
Joss Whedon's "Astonishing X-Men" and it revealed how the team survived their "SURELY
Joss can't write them out of THIS one!" horrific beating at the hands of Danger (Kitty & Peter
were IMPALED)- Josh just came in and healed them all! I Mean, DUH!! It's not even an Ass
Pull- he'd been an established student for years! And I was all worried and crap!

-He had the unique starting point of being a Anti-Mutant Bigot who discovered his mutant
nature later in life, creating a major situation with his team... but it then got glossed over. And
really, they eventually went a little too nuts with him. Having him make out with a teacher
(RAHNE!! NO! How dare they ruin your character!), then turn golden, then gain KILLING
POWERS as he murders William Stryker (this makes him an offensive fighter, too), then get
philosophical, then go through weird power-shifts... well, it's too crazy and they should've
kept him as the healing-guy. Then they added him to the newer incarnation of X-Force (aka
Cyclops' personal "dirty mission" team), giving the Vanisher a fatal tumor to ensure his
loyalty to the squad- he later reveals to the villain that the tumor was removed ages ago, but
his previously-contracted SYPHILIS is what's keeping him sick. Hee.

-During Necrosha, Elixir kills Wither (his old friendly-rival turned into a super-villain mass-
murderer) in a one-on-one fight to the death. He quits X-Force afterwards, getting tired of all
the death. He resurfaces a couple of times in smaller stories, but is executed by Gauntlet of
the Dark Riders (?!?), who have been murdering mutants with healing powers. Which... was
really kind of a waste of the character- he kind of had the most happen to him out of his
"generation" of Mutant Kids, and it's kind of a shame to wipe him out, what? Twelve-ish
years after his debut? Sure, he'd gone down all kinds of crazy roads in that time, but timeline-
wise, MOST of the X-Men kind of had after a point, y'know?

-Of course, he was a fast-learner even as a rookie, because sure as shootin' Elixir CAME
BACK FROM THE DEAD, regenerating thanks to... well, being a Healer. He killed,
resurrected and then killed the Dark Riders over and over again in revenge for his slaying,
being quite mentally deranged by the whole experience. He is apparently still alive.

-Elixir is more costly (and a straight-up PL 9) than the other teammates, mainly because he
can make someone erupt in a pus-filled explosion just by touching them (a "Death Touch"
that mixes Damage with Weaken Stamina- he can even give specific cancers & tumors,
enabling 2e's "Disease" Extra that takes effect later), do a TON of stuff with his Healing
(bring back powers, raise the recently-dead, regrow limbs and even organs, etc.), and has a
few Advantages & Skills to his name as well (particularly the ones he gained telepathically
from The Beast- wonder why the REST of the X-Men don't just do that if it's so easy... stupid
plot holes). He can also gain a Healing Factor, and enhance those of others (such as X-23).
He needs a Skill Check on the Resurrection Extras of his Healing power, which adds up to a
Half-Flaw, but other than that, he's kind of all-around decent at PL 9.

Elloe K.

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Feb 24, 2017 2:22 am

Created By: Greg Pak & Carlo Pagulayan
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk #94 (June 2006)
Role: Melee Fighter
Group Affiliations: The Warbound
PL 11 (152)

Acrobatics 5 (+11)
Deception 3 (+6)
Expertise (Animal Handling) 4 (+7)
Expertise (Soldier) 5 (+7)
Insight 4 (+6)
Intimidation 4 (+7)
Perception 6 (+8)
Stealth 4 (+10)
Technology 4 (+6)
Vehicles 3 (+8)
Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, All-Out Attack, Assessment, Benefit (Ambidexterity),
Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Diehard, Equipment 2 (Swords or Spears +2- Penetrating
5), Evasion, Great Endurance, Improved Critical (Sword), Improved Defense, Improved
Disarm, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 5, Seize Initiative, Takedown,
Teamwork, Uncanny Dodge

Unarmed +13 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Weapons +13 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Initiative +6

Dodge +14 (DC 24), Parry +14 (DC 24), Toughness +7 (+8 D.Roll), Fortitude +8, Will +7

Obsession (Destroying the Imperials)- Elloe's father and lover were killed by the Red King's
forces, and so she hates them specifically more than most of the others.
Responsibility (The Hulk, Warbound)

Total: Abilities: 90 / Skills: 42--21 / Advantages: 26 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 15 (152)

-Elloe was the least-used and most hard to figure out of the Warbound. One of the main race
on Sakaar, "The Imperials", she was the daughter of a senator who spoke out against the Red
King that ruled the continent, and was killed as a result. Left with the other Warbound to
survive, she lived mostly by luck early on, but her natural athleticism allowed her to
eventually become a great fighter. Having some vague "I hate the Empire" mentality, she was
usually the most bloodthirsty warrior, and came into her own nicely, though was still a barely
"Peak Human" fighter.

-All of a sudden, during World War Hulk, she was wearing some kind of armour, was
breaking people's katanas like they were nothing, and she summarily whupped SPIDER-
MAN, Hawkeye/Ronin and Echo, which were some crazy-ass feats of power. And then her
character basically vanished after the story's end, being by far the most "background" of the
Warbound after the fact.

-I've determined that the armour Elloe was wearing is a full-blown Device, because it allowed
her to defeat some fighters she had NO business taking out (freakin' SPIDER-MAN?)
otherwise, and she certainly wasn't capable of breaking swords with her hands before that.
Later on, she got a power boost while aiding the team against The Leader, and no longer
needs the Device. Prior to that, her physical stats were STR 3, STA 4 & AGI 6. So she ends
up being a PL 11 fighter leaning towards accuracy.

Elsa Bloodstone

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:29 am

From bimbo Buffy rip-off to snarling angry bad-ass. Comics are weird.

Created By: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning & Michael Lopez
First Appearance: Bloodstone #1 (Dec. 2001)
Role: Monster Hunter, Buffy Knock-Off
Group Affiliations: The Valkyrior
PL 9 (183)

Athletics 6 (+13)
Deception 3 (+4)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+11)
Expertise (Monsters) 10 (+12)
Expertise (History) 4 (+6)
Insight 1 (+4)
Intimidation 6 (+7)
Investigation 7 (+10)
Perception 8 (+11)
Stealth 6 (+12)
Treatment 3 (+5)
Vehicles 3 (+8)

Accurate Attack, Beginner's Luck, Benefit 2 (Wealth), Chokehold, Diehard, Equipment 7
(Huge Arsenal), Favoured Foe (Monsters), Great Endurance, Improved Critical 2 (Firearms,
Swords), Improved Initiative, Jack-of-All-Trades, Languages 3 (Numerous), Quick Draw,
Ranged Attack 6, Tracking

"Immortal" Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support) [11]
Regeneration 6 (Feats: Regrows Limbs) [7]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
Leaping 1 (15 feet) [1]
Power-Lifting 1 (6 tons) [1]

Immunity 1 (Vampire Bites) [1]

"Her Blood is Anathema to Vampires" Damage 5 (Extras: Reaction +3, Progressive +2)
(Flaws: Limited to When Blood is Drunk -2, Limited to Vampires -2) [10]

"Huge Arsenal"
"Swords" Strength-Damage +1 (Feats: Improved Critical, Penetrating 4) (7)
"Knives" Strength-Damage +0 (Feats: Improved Critical) (1)
"Firearms" Blast 6 (12)
"Sawed-Off Shotgun With Exploding Shells" Blast 7 (14)

Unarmed +11 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Swords +10 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Firearms +11 (+6-7 Ranged Damage, DC 21-22)
Initiative +10

Dodge +11 (DC 11), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +7, Fortitude +7, Will +6

Motivation (Hunting Monsters)- It's pretty much all she talks about in Fearless Defenders,

Total: Abilities: 82 / Skills: 58--29 / Advantages: 30 / Powers: 33 / Defenses: 9 (183)

-Bloodstone was one of apparently several projects at Marvel in the late '90s/early 2000s era
that was basically a rip-off of Buffy the Vampire Slayer- Marvel execs saw the attention the
show was getting, and wanted a female-focused & targetting project that mimicked it.
Charmed got a similar rip-off with Tarot, and they also eventually added a Sex & the City
knock-off to complete these weird attempts at "Getting female readers just means copying
chick shows, right?". Written by DnA of Annihilation fame, it was pretty tongue-in-cheek
(her buddies included a Vampire Lawyer, and she fought Nosferatu while writing an online
blog and monster encyclopedia). She also appeared in Nextwave, a deliberately-silly book
that may or may not be in continuity (several characters were acting WAY out of their old

-Elsa Bloodstone is the daughter of Ulysses Bloodstone (and no, she was never mentioned in
the DECADES of that character's existence until 2001), and was trained from childhood to
become a monster hunter in a manner that's typically shown as comically-abusive, as he
forces her to fight monsters and gives her inadequate weaponry to do so. She started off fairly
silly, but like a lot of Nextwave characters, she sort of co-opted that version's persona, this
one being a more snarly, angry type of intense character. She's later shown teaching at The
Braddock Academy, and has joined Valkyrie's Fearless Defenders team, which is the only
place *I* know her from. Unfortunately, she's bland as HELL in that, basically being yet
another snide character in a team full of them, and just talks about wanting to fight monsters
all the time. I mean, she literally only has a few snippets of dialogue, despite being an actual
TEAM MEMBER of the namesake group.

-She later shows up in A-Force, showcasing a never-before-seen and never-seen-again power

(an energy blast from a hand her father had replaced with a cybernetic prosthesis). She then
appears in Monsters Unleashed, as it's generally her BRAND to, you know, kill monsters-
she helps out the heroes and is central to showing "Monster-Fighting Tactics" and protecting
Kei "Kid Kaiju" Kawade from the Mother of Monsters.

-Elsa's basically a lesser verison of her father, minus some Bloodstone Powers, plus some
Anti-Vampire powers (10 points seems fair for something that kills Vampires, but ONLY if
they bite you first- no Vampire would try it after the first time, or if they'd heard about the
power). Overall, she's a PL 9 background character, but still rather handy (check out the
points-cost- she's smart AND versatile). Her powers may be the result of the Bloodstone
Choker around her neck- at least they once were- this would make her a bit cheaper.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed May 30, 2018 3:16 am

And yes, that dialogue got old after a point.

Created By: Larry Hama & Marc Silvestri
First Appearance: Wolverine #37 (1991)
Role: Kid Sidekick
Group Affiliations: The Reavers
PL 8 (68)

Athletics 5 (+10)
Deception 4 (+5)
Expertise (Science) 6 (+12)
Stealth 3 (+6)
Technology 6 (+12)

Eidetic Memory, Ranged Attack 2

"Android Body"
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 8 [8]
"Interface With Computers" Communication (Electronic) 2 [8]
"Computer Brain" Quickness 6 (Flaws: Limited to Mental Tasks) [3]
"Robo-Legs" Speed 5 (60 mph) [5]
Leaping 2 (30 feet) [2]
Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision) [1]

Unarmed +7 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +3

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +8, Fortitude --, Will +5

Vulnerably (Magnetic, Electrical Attacks)- Being made of metal, Elsie-Dee will take more
damage from magnetic and electrical effects.

Total: Abilities: 44 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 3 / Powers: 54 / Defenses: 8 (68)

-Elsie-Dee was a character that bugged me back in the day- reading my friend Robbie's
Wolverine comics, it was the big Hama arc featuring a tiny girl android (who had Elmuh
Fudd Syndwome regarding her inability to pronounce "R"s correctly) and a Wolverine
Android named Albert. Nowadays, knowing that Hama is the genius behind G.I. Joe and its
comic series, I might have to take another look. But in any case, Elsie & Albert had a lot of
adventures as background characters (though I recall her interacting with the real Wolverine
very little), and eventually just kind of petered-out.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:19 pm

Aaaaaaaaand we're in the '90s, I see...

Created By: Doug Moench & Pat Broderick
First Appearance: Captain Marvel #59 (Nov. 1978)
Role: Bad Girl Turned Good
Group Affiliations: The Titanian Eternals
PL 7 (139)

Expertise (History) 3 (+6)
Perception 2 (+5)
Technology 1 (+4)

Diehard, Great Endurance, Jack-of-All-Trades, Ranged Attack 4

"Eternal Physiology"
Immunity 7 (Disease, Poison, Aging, Drowning, Pressure, Cold, Heat) [7]
Immortality 6 (Flaws: Must Maintain Mental Control of Her Molecules- Can Be Dispersed
Too Far) [6]
Regeneration 5 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [6]
Flight 5 (60 mph) [10]

"Eternal Powers"
"Transmutation" Transform (Anything to Anything Else) 4 (20) -- [25]

 AE: Cosmic Blast 6 (Feats: Split) (13)

 AE: "Telekinesis" Move Object 6 (12)
 AE: Mind-Reading 2 (4)
 AE: "Unpleasant Teleportation" Teleportation 8 (Flaws: Distracting) (8)
 AE: Force Field 0 (Extras: Affects Others 6) (6)

"Transmute Others" Affliction 2 (Fort; Entranced/Disabled/Transformed) (Extras: Ranged,

Continuous +3) [10]

Unarmed +6 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Cosmic Blast +6 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Transmutation +6 (+2 Ranged Affliction, DC 12)
Transmute +6 (+2 Ranged Affliction, DC 12)
Initiative +3

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +7, Fortitude +7, Will +4

Responsibility (Titanian Eternals)
Relationship (Mar-Vell)- She later has his test-tube babies. And they're aged to adulthood.
Because comics.

Total: Abilities: 62 / Skills: 6--3 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: 64 / Defenses: 3 (139)

-Elysius is an artificial being created by ISAAC to allow the evil computer to take over Titan.
Eventually, she did the classic "Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter" thing and betrayed him
to the heroes- Captain Mar-Vell & Drax the Destroyer. She then hooked up with Mar-Vell,
and later stayed by his side while he was claimed by cancer. This could have been it, but she
ended up going all weird and having babies with Mar-Vell's "genetic material", then SUPER-
AGING them for some reason, which is COMPLETELY INSANE and a bizarre trope that
pretty much only exists because writers both love the "Long-Lost Child" trope, but never plan
ahead and have the hero with children in the FIRST place, nor do they ever want the hero to
be that old. So they have these babies, and then the babies are SUPER-AGED to adulthood so
that we can have this powerful adult character around. It's SO WEIRD and yet SO
COMMON. It's one of the few "Not Ever" edicts I think I would issue were I to be made
Editor-In-Chief of a comic book company (along with "Never hire Rob Liefeld again" and
"Anyone who suggests creating another Symbiote-based character will be drawn and

-Physically, she's no different from any other Titanian Eternal. At one point, she wielded one
of ISAAC's weapons- a Blaster that could also dissolve Force Fields.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Dec 08, 2021 8:00 pm

EMBER (Jason Pierce)
Created By: Sean McKeever & David Baldeon
First Appearance: The Young Allies #1 (Feb. 2011)
Role: Hedonistic Terrorist
Group Affiliations: The Bastards of Evil
PL 8 (103)

Expertise (Terrorist) 4 (+4)
Intimidation 4 (+4)
Perception 2 (+2)

Startle, Ranged Attack 1

Fire Blast 8 (Accurate 2) [18]
Fire Aura 4 [34]
"Dermal Armor" Protection 4 [4]
Unarmed +5 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Fire Aura +5 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Fire Blast +8 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +3

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +3 (+7 Dermal Armor), Fortitude +4, Will

Motivation (Causing Destruction)- They even have roving robotic cameras around to
document their brutality.
Responsibility (Brainwashed Teens)- The Bastards are not only NOT the sons and daughters
of super-villains, but are not even responsible for their actions. Some, like Ember, appear to
not even care.

Total: Abilities: 30 / Skills: 10--5 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 56 / Defenses: 10 (103)

-The apparent Son of Pyro. Ember looks cool, what with skin that looks like volcanic rock as
lava flows underneath it, but that's about it. He's openly-racist to the Latina Spider-Girl, and
shoots liquid-looking Fireballs. Like Aftershock, he is seen imprisoned on the Raft, so may
have always been a criminal, or simply doesn't care about his origins.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:27 pm

Created By: Howard Mackie & unknown artist
First Appearance: Ghost Rider/Blaze- Spirits of Vengeance #17 (Dec. 1993)
Role: Demon Worshipper
PL 7 (114)

Athletics 4 (+9)
Expertise (History) 6 (+8)
Expertise (Demon Lore) 6 (+8)
Intimidation 4 (+7)
Perception 3 (+5)
Stealth 1 (+5)

All-Out Attack, Ranged Attack 2, Startle

Immunity 3 (Aging, Disease, Poison) [3]

Fire Blasts 8 (Feats: Split) (17) -- [19]

 AE: "Fire Burst" Damage 8 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Cone) (16)

 AE: Healing 8 (16)

Unarmed +8 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Eye Blasts +6 (+8 Range Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +4

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +5, Fortitude +7, Will +4

Responsibility (Follower of Zarathos)
Relationship (Raydard- Father)- Embyrre's father was one of the Blood, who opposed the
Fallen. She was sent against him, but clearly still held some sentiment, as he was instrumental
in her turning her back on Zarathos.

Total: Abilities: 66 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 22 / Defenses: 8 (110)

-Embyrre was a black woman who had joined the Fallen, but was impressed when she battled
Morbius (his comic was the first time she got any focus)- he not only refused to kill her, but
sought endlessly to save both his former lover Martine (who was possessed by a demon at the
time) and Raydar, Embyrre's own father! This caused her to switch allegiance back to the
Blood, and even save Martine's life with her own powers! During the final battle, she took the
side of the Midnight Sons, but found her own power being drained in order to empower
Zarathos further. The Demon Lord killed Raydar for attempting to stop this, and Embyrre
refused his offer to resurrect Raydar if she rejoined him- instead, she immolated herself, thus
reducing Zarathos's power further.

-Embyrre has healing and blasting powers.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Jan 28, 2017 1:23 pm

Behold: one of the most douchey, soul-destroying things a comic book character has ever
done. Casually forcing a pair of innocent people to rape each other for weeks, to the point
where they were shattered by the experience.

EMPATH (Manuel Alfonso Rodrigo de la Rocha)

Created By: Chris Claremont & Sal Buscema
First Appearance: The New Mutants #16 (June 1984)
Role: The Supreme Royal Dick of the Universe, The Manipulator, Mind-Controller
Group Affiliations: The Hellions
PL 11 (125)

Acrobatics 1 (+4)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+6)
Deception 5 (+8)
Expertise (History) 2 (+4)
Insight 4 (+6)
Intimidation 1 (+4)
Perception 2 (+4)
Persuasion 2 (+5)
Stealth 1 (+4)
Vehicles 2 (+2)

Benefit (Wealth), Defensive Roll

"Mutant Powers: Emotion Manipulation"
"Focused Control" Affliction 11 (Will; Entranced/Compelled/Controlled) (Extras: Perception
Range +2, Cumulative, Sustained +2) (Flaws: Distracting) (Noticeable- Glowing Eyes -1)
(54) -- [56]

 AE: "Crowd Control" Affliction 8 (Will; Entranced/Compelled/Controlled) (Extras:

Area- 120ft. Cone +2, Cumulative, Selective, Sustained +2) (Flaws: Distracting)
(Noticeable- Glowing Eyes -1) (47)
 AE: "Focused, Intense Control" Affliction 7 (Will; Entranced/Compelled/Controlled)
(Extras: Perception Range +2, Cumulative, Progressive +2) (Flaws: Distracting)
(Noticeable- Glowing Eyes -1) (34)

"Emotion Detection" Mind Reading 10 (Flaws: Limited to Emotions) [10]

Unarmed +8 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Focused Control +10 (+10 Perception Affliction, DC 20)
Crowd Control +8 Area (+8 Affliction, DC 18)
Intense Control +7 (+7 Perception Affliction, DC 17)
Initiative +3

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +2 (+3 D.Roll), Fortitude +4, Will +4

Prejudice (Mutant)
Reputation (Evil Dick)- Empath is purest, evilest dickishness in it's most concentrated form,
and everyone knows this.
Relationship (Magma)- Magma is attracted Empath for some reason, and he likes her back.
Power Loss (Concentration)- Empath requires concentration to use his powers. If he's focused
on one individual, and another slaps him or otherwise hurts him, he will likely lose all power
over his thrall.

Total: Abilities: 34 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 66 / Defenses: 12 (125)

-Oh dear sweet God in heaven, WHAT A TOOL. Seriously, very few characters in the
history of comics were as unlikeable and downright-rotten as this no-good-son-of-a-bitch.
First off, he was a rich Spanish egomaniac who bragged about his family's lineage. That's
already a dick move. But he's also an Emotion Manipulator at a high level, who frequently
used it to screw with people. And REALLY mess with them, too- not just the typical "get
them to attack their friends for a second" junk.

-At one point, he casually makes a group of kids terrified of one of their friends, so that they
will always associate them with terror, and thus avoid them forever, breaking the friendship.
Just because they were playing "Mutant Hunters". Then he made various female members of
his team fall in love with him for shits & giggles (worst part was that Roulette ACTUALLY
LIKED HIM, and Empath just screwed with her for fun). Then he weakened Magneto's
resolve to make him give the New Mutants over to Emma Frost, and when the X-Mansion's
staff (Tom Corsi & Sharon Friedlander) noticed him, he laughingly made them fall
desperately in ecstacy with each other, to the point where they spent three straight days on an
orgy-bender that left them emotionally and spiritually broken and shamed. And they didn't
gloss this over as some minor thing- they were MESSED-UP. Only Emma calling in The
Avengers, and the need for a peaceful solution, prevented Magneto from exterminating
Manuel then and there.

-This is a guy who ENJOYED using his power to dangerous effect, and loved to manipulate
and ruin people. It got so bad that the New Mutants, in revenge for the Tom & Sharon
incident, scooped him up out of bed, threw him into LIMBO; taunted him with a faux-
Moonstar that he manipulated to "love" him until she revealed herself to be a sharp-toothed
Nightmare-Fuel-inducing demon. Warlock threaten to Transmode him, saying that though he
was not human, he was certainly closer than Empath (when WARLOCK THE PACIFIST is
seriously considering murdering you, you are a prick). And finally, Sunspot nearly beat him
to death before the team realized that this revenge business just made them feel dirty; like
they'd just crawled into the pit WITH Empath.

-And after this, the Hellions came to the rescue, but pretty much went "yeah, he deserved it"
and let the New Mutants go free. HIS OWN TEAMMATES DIDN'T LIKE HIM. Then
Thunderbird punched him out for being a tool, telling him to stay in line. This guy was so
nasty that Professor Xavier himself said in a bio-file that he was possibly the living definition
of evil. He once even tried to rape his teacher (hint: Emma Frost is a more powerful telepath
than Empath is. It did not end well), and repeatedly gloated to himself that he would get even
with her some day. Despite all this, he managed to have the New Mutants' Magma fall for
him ON HER OWN, and she left her team to be with him. They would both be written out of
the New Mutants book, still together, and break up only off-panel (it would be revealed that
Magma had discovered that Empath was slowly manipulating her emotions, and that he was
part of Selene's plan to mind control the people of Nova Roma).

-His Royal Douchiness even got to survive the Hellions massacre- he was mysteriously
absent from the latter part of the issue, but only popped up years later during the
"Younghunt" Upstarts-based storyline (he briefly aids the others, but still finds himself
without Magma's love (her anger over his manipulating her and her people was too great for
them to ever be together again), then went into Comic Book Limbo for ANOTHER decade-
and-a-half, popping up in the new X-books, as a villain (naturally) again. He's still an
unlikeable tool, and Magma still might carry the torch for him (ain't it always the way,
fellas?). However, she ended up going on a few dates with Mephisto, perhaps realizing that it
was a step towards honesty for her. Empath showed up in a few brief arcs in recent years,
being controlled by the Red Queen and her Sisterhood, and he got his ass kicked by Pixie a
few times, her Souldagger "Shattering his consciousness".
-Young Empath is still powerful, much moreso than all of his teammates, but is nonetheless a
really weak fighter otherwise. He's PL 7, 8 & 10 in his respective Powers, and PL 5 on
Defense, plus his powers are Distracting, as virtually every time he used them in the comics,
he got smacked by somebody else- he's just easier to hit while using his powers (mostly he's
standing still), which is virtually the definition of "Distracting" as a Flaw.
Haha- Magik, who's immune to Empath's powers, basically jumps on him and flirts,
threatening to send him to the hellish Limbo, while gleefully-pointing out that she's
EXACTLY evil enough to do so. Magnificent.

EMPATH (Manuel Alfonso Rodrigo de la Rocha)- Hypothetical Elite Version

Created By: Chris Claremont & Sal Buscema
First Appearance: The New Mutants #16 (June 1984)
Role: The Supreme Royal Dick of the Universe, The Manipulator, Mind-Controller
Group Affiliations: The Hellions, X-Corporation
PL 12 (165)

Acrobatics 3 (+6)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+8)
Deception 9 (+12)
Expertise (History) 2 (+5)
Insight 5 (+8)
Intimidation 3 (+6)
Investigation 3 (+6)
Perception 4 (+7)
Persuasion 5 (+8)
Stealth 3 (+6)
Vehicles 4 (+4)

Benefit (Wealth), Defensive Roll, Ultimate Deception, Ultimate Persuasion

"Mutant Powers: Emotion Manipulation"
"Focused Control" Affliction 12 (Will; Entranced/Compelled/Controlled) (Extras: Perception
Range +2, Cumulative, Sustained +2) (Noticeable- Glowing Eyes -1) (71) -- [73]

 AE: "Crowd Control" Affliction 10 (Will; Entranced/Compelled/Controlled) (Extras:

Area- 120ft. Cone +2, Cumulative, Selective, Sustained +2) (Noticeable- Glowing
Eyes -1) (69)
 AE: "Focused, Intense Control" Affliction 10 (Will;
Entranced/Compelled/Controlled) (Extras: Perception Range +2, Cumulative,
Progressive +2) (Noticeable- Glowing Eyes -1) (59)

"Emotion Detection" Mind Reading 10 (Flaws: Limited to Emotions) [10]

Unarmed +8 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Focused Control +12 (+12 Perception Affliction, DC 22)
Crowd Control +10 Area (+10 Affliction, DC 20)
Intense Control +10 (+10 Perception Affliction, DC 20)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +2 (+3 D.Roll), Fortitude +5, Will +5

Obsession (Being an Asshole)- He can't stop!
Reputation (Evil Dick)- Empath is purest, evilest dickishness in its most concentrated form,
and everyone knows this.
Relationship (Magma)- Magma was attracted Empath for some reason, and he liked her back.
Their current relationship is on odder ground.
Power Loss (Concentration)- Empath requires concentration to use his powers. If he's focused
on one individual, and another slaps him or otherwise hurts him, he will likely lose all power
over his thrall.

Total: Abilities: 40 / Skills: 44--22 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 83 / Defenses: 16 (165)

-Empath's power levels are nuts compared to the rest of his team- in upgraded form, he
manipulates emotions as a PL 12 character, but notably only for one power in his array. He's
got three distinct Control-based Affliction effects- a Focused one (+12, Sustained), a Crowd-
based one (+10, Cone Area- he kind of has to be looking that way or something), and an
Intense form of Control (the one Tom & Sharon got- +10, Progressive so he doesn't have to
be around them). This is truly horrific stuff, so it's a good thing he's a PL 6 Defensively, and a
weenie otherwise. Like most Psionic-types, he's a Glass Cannon.
The Empathoid

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Dec 16, 2020 2:07 am

Created By: Archie Goodwin, Gerry Conway & Sal Buscema
First Appearance: The Spectacular Spider-Man #6 (May 1977)
Role: A Different Kind of Kill-O-Bot
Group Affiliations: Some Alien Race
PL 9 (170)


Fast Grab

"Android Physiology"
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Insubstantial 4 [20]
Regeneration 8 (Feats: Regrows Limbs) [9]
Protection 4 [4]
Immortality 10 [20]

Mind Control 10 (Extras: Possession, Continuous +3, Affects Corporeal) (Flaws: Touch
Range -2) [70]

Unarmed +8 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Possession +8 (+10 Affliction, DC 25)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +4, Fortitude --, Will --

Motivation (Eating Emotions)
Vulnerable (Over-Eating)- Emotions of too high a strength, in too much density, will cause
the Empathoid to shut down.

Total: Abilities: 10 / Skills: 00--0 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 153 / Defenses: 6 (170)

-The Empathoid is an Emotion-Eating Android that threatened Spider-Man in a pretty goofy-

sounding story- he possessed Morbius (who for some reason was on an alien planet), went to
Earth and began causing mass panic in order to feast on emotions better. He then possessed
Spider-Man, but Spidey went to a football game, where the athletes' emotions were too much
for the android, shutting it down. Spidey took the inanimate robot to the Baxter Building,
where Reed Richards took it for safekeeping- it has never reappeared, and may have been
destroyed by the time the building exploded.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Dec 17, 2016 11:27 pm

-S'Byll was one of five claiming the leadership of the Skrull Empire, which at this point in
the Silver Surfer book (written by Steve Englehart), had split and all Skrulls had lost their
shape-shifting powers. She resurrected the Super-Skrull, then tricked the Surfer into fighting
the Kree. Eventually, she and the Skrulls were re-empowered, and she hooked up with Kl'rt,
forming a relationship. All of this had allowed her to become Empress of the Skrulls- she
even replaced Kl'rt with Reptyl after the later slew him. The Skrulls won the war, but the
Kree refused a peace offering- a truce was all they would accept. She only appeared a couple
of other times before the next writer forgot she was a thing.

Emma Steed

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Jun 07, 2021 3:01 am
The top: Age of Apocalypse; the bottom: Marvel 616.

Created By: Warren Ellis & Ken Lashley
First Appearance: X-Calibre #1 (March 1995- AoA Version), Excalibur #96 (April 1996-
616 Version)
Role: Evil Woman
Group Affiliations: The Hellfire Club (London Branch)
PL 7 (104)

Deception 6 (+6)
Expertise (Business) 4 (+7)

Benefit 2 (Wealth)

"Mutant Powers: Low-Level Psionic"
"Psionic Weapons" Damage 8 (Feats: Affects Insubstantial) (Extras: Will-Based) [17]
Immunity 20 (Mental Effects) [20]

Unarmed +6 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Psionic Weapons +6 (+8 Will Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +3, Fortitude +4, Will +5

Motivation (Power & Greed)

Total: Abilities: 48 / Skills: 10--5 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 37 / Defenses: 12 (104)

-A little more "on the nose" with the whole Avengers link than even the ORIGINAL Club
was, Emma Steed (named for Emma Peel & John Steed, the protagonists of the '60s TV
series) is the Black Queen of the London branch of the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle. She'd
initially appeared as "Damask" during the Age of Apocalypse alternate continuity series, and
like a few other characters shown there, actually got to show up for real in the standard
universe as well. However, unlike most of them (Holocaust, Sugar Man & Dark Beast fled
into the main dimensional timeline), she is a different person in both. Steed appears killing
her Club's Black King for being turned insane by a demon (whom he'd attempted to use to
control London), and had some vague connection to Onslaught. When Brian Braddock
confronted her about weird goings-on in London, she attacked him with Psionic Blades, but
was easily-beaten. Weird.

-Emma's powers are basically like Betsy Braddock's Psychic Knife, affecting the minds of
her opponents. However, she's apparently not so great that Captain Britain can't take her out
pretty quickly. She's also Immune to Mental Effects (a 20-point power in the Marvel


Post by Jabroniville » Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:40 pm

EMPLATE (Marius St. Croix)
Created By: Scott Lobdell & Chris Bachalo
First Appearance: Generation X #1 (Nov. 1994)
Role: Series-Specific Villain, Super-Vampire
Group Affiliations: The Hellions III
PL 10 (238)

Athletics 4 (+8)
Deception 5 (+6)
Expertise (Dimensions) 4 (+7)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 12 (+13)
Perception 8 (+10)
Persuasion 3 (+4)
Stealth 4 (+7)

All-Out Attack, Fast Grab, Improved Hold, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Ranged
Attack 2, Startle

"Mutant Powers: Power Duplication Via Bone Marrow Drain" 
Variable 14 (Powers of Other Mutants) (Flaws: Touch Range, Grab-Based) (Quirk: Limited
to Mutants) [69]
Linked to
"Bone Marrow Drain" Weaken Strength 10 (Flaws: Touch Range, Limited to One Rank Per
Round on Mutants) [2]

"Transform Others to Emplates" Affliction 8 (Will; Dazed/Stunned/Transformed to

Emplates) (Extras: Continuous +3) (Flaws: Limited to Drained Victims) [24]
Movement 1 (Dimensional Travel- Wherever He Lives) [2]

"Unsynched to Reality"
Concealment (Visuals) [8]
Insubstantial 4 [20]

"See Mutants' Auras"

Senses 4 (Detect Mutant Powers- Ranged, Acute, Analytical) [4]
Mind-Reading 8 [16]

Unarmed +10 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Marrow Drain +10 (+10 Weaken, DC 20)
Transformation +10 (+8 Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +7

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +5, Fortitude +8, Will +8

Disabled (Requires Bone Marrow From Mutants)- Marius requires bone marrow to stay on
this physical plane.
Disabled (Respirator)- Emplate cannot breathe without a respirator, thanks to spending time
in a dimension where he is tortured by other beings.

Total: Abilities: 60 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 141 / Defenses: 16 (238)

-Emplate is the Big Bad of Generation X as a whole, specifically hunting his sisters, M &
Penance, as well as trying to feed on mutants in general. He has a GREAT look for a villain,
though looks a little "90s" these days, but his biggest problem is that he's got little to do
outside of Gen-X- he's appeared only once since then, fighting Bling!, a bottom-tier character
of the Young X-Men, in a single story. Emplate is responsible for turning Monet into
"Penance" (her sisters, of course, mimicked M's appearance to others), but was exiled to
another dimension, where he was badly-injured by its inhabitants, requiring a respirator from
then on. He attempted to feed on Chamber in the inaugural Gen-X issue, which is where the
team first encountered him, driving him off.

-He later appeared with a whole group of characters with powers like his own, and put Synch
in his thrall- his Gen-X teammates brought him out of it. In his next appearance, he was
merged with his sisters into "M-Plate", where he became even MORE evil and tried to gain
some Cosmic Macguffin for all-conquering power. When the mutant Dirtnap swallowed M-
Plate, the digestive process caused the three beings to split once more, and Banshee KO'd
Emplate with a Sonic Scream. Next, he showed up with an altered team of characters (never
called "Hellions" on-panel, they were given that name on issue covers), but again lost. After
this, he vanished for several years (Generation-X had long-since been cancelled and mostly-
forgotten), before a post-M-Day story featured him fighting the Young X-Men, and being
defeated by Rogue. He was last seen being surrounded by the giant demons that live in his

-Emplate is a very highly-powered Mimic-type villain with Vampiric tendencies and a TON
of side-powers (Phasing, Transform Others, Detecting Auras- Powers & Notable
Facts/Thoughts), but only PL 10, since a group of PL 8-ish kids have defeated him on various


Post by Jabroniville » Sun May 20, 2018 2:30 am

CHRIST, he just goes ON like this. Imagine an entire issue of this dialogue.

EMPYREAN (Jonathan Chambers)

Created By: Fabian Nicieza & Ian Churchill
First Appearance: X-Men Annual #2 (1993)
Role: Pretentious Villain, Energy Vampire
PL 10 (111)

Deception 2 (+6)
Insight 4 (+7)
Persuasion 4 (+8)

Benefit 3 (Wealth), Ranged Attack 4

"Mutant Powers: Suffering-Based Plasma"
Plasma Blast 12 (Flaws: Source- Pain & Suffering) [12]

Unarmed +6 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Plasma Blasts +8 (+0-12 Ranged Damage, DC 16-25)
Initiative +3

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +4, Fortitude +6, Will +5

Motivation (Power)- Empyrean wishes for a never-ending supply of loss and suffering in
order to power his abilities.

Total: Abilities: 58 / Skills: 10--5 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: 12 / Defenses: 9 (111)

1993 saw the production of a series of Annuals in the Marvel Universe, each of which
featured a brand-new character, and was packaged with a trading card featuring that
character. In almost every case, these characters were horrible one-offs and almost none
of them ever reappeared. Most are extremely dated to their early-1990s point of

-Empyrean is a prime example of the worst aspects of Fabian Nicieza as a writer. While I
found him an adequate X-writer, and a fantastic guy on The New Warriors, he had one very,
VERY prominent weakness, that is especially noticeable when you read a lot of his books in
a row: he CAN NOT write good "Mega-Villain" Dialogue. All of his villains are basically the
same guy- big, pretentious A-holes who wax faux-philosophical about everything, using
terms like "Forever-Walker" and garbage like that. And he wastes PAGES on this crap. This
X-Men Annual, which I've actually read, features the most bland, un-creative "I'm SMRT"
dialogue I've ever read, made worse by the fact that this guy, who I'd never heard of till then,
never mattered.

-Empyrean was an energy vampire who could absorb the physical & emotional pain, and
redirect it as... well, Plasma Blasts, because it was 1993. Seeking more power, he used his
financial reserves to create a sort of convalescent home on a secluded island for sufferers of
the Legacy Virus. His debut issue features an awful lot of Pyro, who was revealed as one of
the few relatively-big names to suffer from the Virus (usually, it was used as "Spring
Cleaning", wiping out un-used characters like Aminedi or throwaway characters like

-The X-Men took issue with this, but he pointed out that in giving up their energy, the Virus
sufferers would at least die in peace. The X-Men were like "Man, this guy is a dick", but left
him to his own devices, being unwilling to just shut down the good the operation was doing.
The character has NEVER REAPPEARED, despite being a fairly important name in the
"Legacy Virus Story", which meandered along for many years before finally being solved. I
mean, he was stupid, but you'd think he'd have factored in. It's not even clear if he maintained
his powers after M-Day.

-Empyrean could have various degrees of power, putting him anywhere from PL 6 to PL 10.
Since he was surrounded by diseased and dying people, his power sources were basically
limitless on his little private island.

The Enchanters Three

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Oct 14, 2017 3:23 am

THE ENCHANTERS THREE (Forsung, Brona & Magnir)
Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Thor #143 (Aug. 1967)
Role: Evil Wizards
Group Affiliations: The Enchanters Three
PL 10 (193)

Deception 7 (+10)
Expertise (Magic) 12 (+15)
Insight 4 (+8)
Intimidation 8 (+11)
Perception 5 (+9)
Persuasion 4 (+7)

Improved Critical (Blast), Ranged Attack 8, Ritualist

"Immortal Beings"
Impervious Toughness 7 [7]
Regeneration 4 (Feats: Regrowth) [5]
Immunity 10 (Aging, Starvation & Thirst, Heat, Cold, Disease, Fatigue Effects) [10]
Immunity 4 (Drowning & Suffocation, Poison, Pressure) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [2]
Power-Lifting 1 (25 tons) [1]
"Mystical Might"
Transform (Anything to Anything Else) 8 (40) -- [44]

 AE: Movement 3 (Dimensional Travel 3) (6)

 AE: Magical Blast 10 (20)
 AE: Move Object 10 (20)
 AE: "Transform Others" Affliction 10 (Fort; Dazed & Hindered/Compelled &
Stunned/Transformed & Controlled) (Extras: Ranged, Extra Condition) (30)

Unarmed +9 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Mystic Bolt +10 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Transform Others +10 (+10 Ranged Affliction, DC 20)
Initiative +2

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +9 (+4 Impervious), Fortitude +9, Will

Motivation (Power)- The brothers wish to conquer Asgard, and Earth.
Enemy (Asgard)

Total: Abilities: 82 / Skills: 40--20 / Advantages: 10 / Powers: 69 / Defenses: 12 (193)

-One-off Thor foes, this trio appeared in a single story arc in 1967, and then spent thirty-one
years on the shelf before 1999 brought them back! The Enchanters Three are brothers from
Ringsfjord, with magical powers amplified by Living Talismans in their possession. They
follow Balder & Sif to Asgard with intentions to conquer it, but Thor beats two of them,
while Odin slays Forsung in battle- the other two are exiled to a limbo-like dimension.

-Years later, Thor finds that Mjolnir is working funny (veering off-course; not returning), and
a fourth Enchanter appears from the hammer- Enrakt. The last of the brothers (who was in
training during the first battle), his brothers are freed while he fights Thor to a standstill. The
battle moves to Asgard, where Odin defeats Brona and crushes his Living Amulet, the Scarlet
Witch trapping Magnir in solid rock, and Thor nearly killing Enrakt. The beaten villain is
then revealed to be the corpse of "Ceranda", a woman Thor met off-world and once loved-
Enrakt had been using her body and Mjolnir to hold his spirit. Odin eventually banished all
three Enchanters.

-The Enchanters are vaguely-powerful, essentially having an "Any Power Ever" effect, like
creating Elemental Storms thanks to their Living Talismans, which are actual living beings
that speak and can transform into humanoid creatures that are around Class 10.

The Enchanters:
MAGNIR- PL 10 (194): Equipment (Sword +1) [1]
-Magnir is the "baseline" brother, and the least powerful.

BRONA- PL 10 (197): ST +1, STA +1 [4]

-Brona is a little more powerful than Magnir.

FORSUNG- PL 15 (235): ST +7, STA +7, FIGHTING +4, Impervious Toughness +6,
Blasts +8 [42]
-Forsung is so mighty that he was able to brawl with ODIN for a significant length of time,
and even pummeled the High Evolutionary in Avengers Prime, which saw him as one of
Hela's legions.

ENRAKT- PL 12 (217): ST +4, STA +4, FIGHTING +4, Blasts +4 [24]

-Enrakt is less powerful than Forsung, but still incredibly-strong.

The Enchantress

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Sep 30, 2017 12:30 pm

Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #103 (April 1964)
Role: The Seductress (duh), Evil Sorceress, The Manipulator
Group Affiliations: The Masters of Evil, The Lady Liberators, Asgard, The Mandarin's
PL 12 (218)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 1 (+6)
Deception 5 (+12, +17 Attractive)
Expertise (Magic) 14 (+19)
Expertise (History) 6 (+11)
Expertise (Asgardian Lore) 6 (+11)
Insight 2 (+7)
Intimidation 1 (+8)
Investigation 5 (+10)
Perception 4 (+9)
Persuasion 4 (+11, +16 Attractive)
Ranged Combat (Magic) 5 (+12)
Treatment 3 (+8)
Artificer, Attractive 2, Daze (Deception), Eidetic Memory, Fascinate 2 (Deception,
Persuasion), Luck, Ranged Attack 5, Ritualist, Taunt, Well-Informed

"Asgardian Physiology"
Immunity 2 (Aging, Disease) [2]
Immunity 4 (Drowning & Suffocation, Poison, Pressure) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [2]
Regeneration 2 (Feats: Regrowth) [3]
Senses 1 (Extended Vision) [1]
Power-Lifting 2 (25 tons) [2]

"Magical Might"
Illusion (All Senses) 11 (Flaws: Distracting) (44) -- [56]

 AE: "Paralyzing Bolt" Affliction 12 (Will; Dazed & Fatigued/Stunned &

Defenseless/Paralyzed) (Extras: Ranged, Cumulative) (36)
 AE: "Impair Others" Affliction 12 (Will; Impaired/Disabled/Transformed to
Powerless) (Extras: Ranged, Cumulative) (36)
 AE: "Age Others" Affliction 10 (Will; Impaired & Hindered/Disabled &
Exhausted/Transformed to Elderly) (Extras: Ranged, Cumulative, Extra Condition)
 AE: Deflect 12 (12)
 AE: Movement 3 (Dimensional Movement 3) (Extras: Portal +2) (12)
 AE: Teleport 8 (Extras: Accurate, Extended Only +0) (24)
 AE: Transform (One Element to Another) 8 (Feats: Increased Mass- 25 tons) (41)
 AE: Eldritch Blast 12 (Feats: Variable 2- Any Magical Descriptor) (26)
 AE: Force Field 5 (Extras: Affects Others 10, Ranged 10) (25)
 AE: "Telekinesis" Move Object 12 (24)
 AE: "Brainwashing" Affliction 11 (Will; Dazed/Compelled/Transformed Mind)
(Extras: Sustained +2, Ranged) (Flaws: Distracting) (33)
 AE: "The Enchantress' Kiss" Mind Control 14 (Extras: Progressive +2) (Flaws: Touch
Range -2, Requires Grapple) (42)

Unarmed +5 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Eldritch Blast +12 (+12 Ranged Damage, DC 27)
Brainwashing +12 Ranged (+11 Ranged Affliction, DC 21)
Enchantress' Kiss +6 (+14 Affliction, DC 22)
Initiative +2

Dodge +9 (DC 19), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +9 (+14 Force Field), Fortitude +11, Will

Relationship (Thor)- Amora is obsessively-infatuated with the Thunder God, and a huge
portion of her schemes are to win him over.
Power Loss (Magic)- Magic requires both free hands and an open mouth. Binding Amora's
hands or mouth (and it'll happen, especially in the '90s) will leave her unable to cast spells.
Total: Abilities: 90 / Skills: 56--28 / Advantages: 16 / Powers: 70 / Defenses: 14 (218)

-The Enchantress is an all-star villain of Thor, repeatedly plaguing him (except for that brief
"Oh so 90s" period when Mike Deodato was drawing, where she was his scantily-clad
bedmate) with her wicked feminine wiles in- she's no "Standard '60s Wilting Flower" of a
love interest- she's an aggressive broad out to seduce the hero (this was meant to be a more-
villainous quality... though obviously added to her OTHER evil attributes), but fans would
take to pushier types as time went on). She's much more of a trickster than a front-liner, but is
more than a capable villainess, and her tricks cause no end of trouble for the good guys.

-Amora was a constant presence in 1960s Thor stories, alongside The Executioner. A
combination Sorceress/Seductress, her primary motivation seemed to be jumping Thor's
bones (and this was before he was played by Chris Hemsworth!), but she also allies with
those who wish him dead, such as Skurge and Loki. The two even join Baron Zemo's Masters
of Evil for numerous storylines, and she later forms the "Lady Liberators" under false
pretenses, and has a bunch of female superheroes assault Avengers Mansion (this was during
the start of the "Women's Lib" movement, y'see). She didn't get up to much during the 1970s,
but got some renewed energy under Walt Simonson during his run on Thor. Here, we
discovered that she had a sibling rivalry with a sister, Lorelei, and there was some stuff with
her in Secret Wars (she decided to say "F it" to the whole fight, and try to teleport away with
Thor as her bedmate).

-She truly mourns the loss of Skurge when he dies at Gjallerbru, began a dalliance with
Heimdall, and goes through a bit where she's the occasional ally of the Asgardians, often in
situations where she would die if she didn't (such as when Surtur invades). However, the
1990s run of Thor that saw Mike Deodato on art featured her and Thor as MUTUAL lovers-
this being Deodato's work, she was frequently seen in back-bending poses while wearing
teeny-tiny nighties... and was also bound & gagged at least once. She disappears for the most
part after Heroes Reborn (since Thor was dead and all, and later writers apparently had little
use for her), and dies at Loki's hands during Ragnarok. She is resurrected with the others
following the event, and engages in a small handful of schemes once more. She's a bit more
"old school" than a lot of Thor's modern-day foes, but I'll be dipped if those funny leggings
don't have a certain kind of STYLE to them.

-The Enchantress is HIGHLY powerful, both in Power Level (one below Dr. Strange). Like
the comics state, she's not a spell-slinging super-powerhouse (I would pick Dr. Strange over
her in a straight-up magical battle), she's just VERY capable, preferring to cast illusions &
enchantments over people, and forcing others to do her muscle-work. Generally, anyone who
costs 218 points is going to be dangerous no matter what, and Amora is no exception. She's
more of a campaign-long threat than even a final boss, but you wouldn't want to get on her
bad side. Both her Deception & Persuasion Skills are perilously high, especially for someone
who can use Mind Control at Touch Range, and she can still Spell-Sling with the best of

The Enchantress (Lushton)

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:56 pm
Created By: Paul Cornell & Mark Brooks
First Appearance: Dark Reign: Young Avengers #1 (July 2009)
Role: Spoiled Sorceress
Group Affiliations: The Young Masters, The Masters of Evil
PL 9 (96)

Deception 4 (+5)
Expertise (Magic) 5 (+7)
Persuasion 3 (+4)
Ranged Combat (Magic) 2 (+8)

Ranged Attack 3, Ritualist

"Magical Might"
Transform (One Element to Another) 8 (40) -- [46]

 AE: "Paralyzing Bolt" Affliction 10 (Will; Dazed & Fatigued/Stunned &

Defenseless/Paralyzed) (Extras: Ranged, Cumulative) (30)
 AE: Teleport 8 (Extras: Accurate, Extended Only +0) (24)
 AE: Eldritch Blast 10 (Feats: Variable 2- Any Magical Descriptor) (22)
 AE: Force Field 6 (Extras: Affects Others 8, Ranged 8) (24)
 AE: "Telekinesis" Move Object 10 (20)
 AE: Mind Control 8 (32)

Unarmed +5 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Paralyzing Bolt +8 (+10 Ranged Affliction, DC 20)
Eldritch Blast +8 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Mind Control -- (+8 Perception-Ranged Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +2

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +2 (+8 Force Field), Fortitude +3, Will +3

Prejudice (Slight Lisp)
Relationship (Melter II)

Total: Abilities: 32 / Skills: 14--7 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 46 / Defenses: 7 (96)

-The second Enchantress is a normal girl given powers by Loki to confound The Young
Avengers- she wants to join their team, but is actually being used as an unknowing "mole" to
wreck their magical defense systems. And so she has her teammates in The Young Masters
back her up to put a hurting on the heroes for booting her out of their homebase. Determined
by fight's end to choose her own destiny (The Young Avengers want her on the team after
all), she helps the YAs get rid of the Sentry, and runs off with her boyfriend, Melter II. But
then she just turns up as a generic Background Villain in a number of storylines: She aids
Jeremy Briggs in Avengers Academy (he's trying to strip Earth's superhumans of their
powers), is a Magical Mook in Caroline Le Fay's "Dark Valkyrior" team in The Fearless
Defendesr, and shows up with the Young Masters on the Shadow Council version of the
team, too. And then later, she shows up on the Hood's version of the Illuminati, disguised as
the original one. She just kind of... shows up in a lot of stuff, even more than the other
members of her team.

-Oh, goody- my second-favourite powet-set. "Generic Magic Powers". Every other power-set
in the history of comics is tied for first. I only know a handful of her powers, and I'm
assuming the rest is Enchantress Lite, being a non-Asgardian version of the character who
only fits as a background fighter in bigger super-battles. I mean, if she was higher than PL 9,
she'd be way beyond most Rookie Heroes like The Young Avengers.

The Enclave

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Aug 20, 2021 12:37 pm

Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: The Fantastic Four #65 (Aug. 1967)
Role: Mysterious Boring Science Guys
The Roster: Dr. Jerome Hamilton, Maris Morlak, Dr. Wladyslav Shinsky, Carlo Zota
Group Affiliations: None
PL 8 (86)

Deception 4 (+7)
Expertise (Science) 6 (+14)
"Field of Expertise" Expertise (Science) 3 (+17) (Limited to Electronics, Biology, Genetics or
Nuclear Physics)
Perception 2 (+5)
Technology 7 (+15)
Vehicles 3 (+7)

Equipment 7 (Whatever They Need), Inventor, Ranged Attack 4

Unarmed +5 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Gear +8 (+6-8 Ranged Damage, DC 21-23)
Initiative +1

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +2, Fortitude +2, Will +6

Motivation (Fixing the World)- Truly mad, the Enclave seek to fix the world by ruling it,
usually by creating a "Master Race" of powerful humans under their own control.

Total: Abilities: 54 / Skills: 25--12 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 8 (86)

The Enclave- A Whole Lotta Stuff For Guys Who Don't Matter:
-The Enclave are a trio of scientists who largely only matter because it was they who created
the ultimate Artificial Man- the being known as Adam Warlock. They were initially a quartet
of men from different disciplines who had formed together when they met at a convention
and discovered their similar world views. Faking their deaths, they hid away in an "enclave"
called the Beehive. Their inventions were great, including molecular-bond-severing blades, a
vacuum car rail system, and a teleporting "Transfer Grid", and their ultimate goal was the
creation of an artificial race of humans who would help them subjugate the rest of the planet.
However, their first creature, nurtured to adulthood, broke free. Named only "Him", he
produced blinding lights that kept the scientists from him, and through a bizarre set of
circumstances (they wanted to know what he looked like, so got the blind sculptress Alicia
Masters to agree to touch and thus sculpt his features, since she was unaffected by light), the
FF got involved.
-Alicia agreed to help the men, but Him attacked and the leader of the scientists, Dr.
Hamilton, was killed in the battle. Reed Richards arrived and got everyone out of there, and
Him nearly destroyed the Beehive escaping and leaving to be developed by other writers-
Roy Thomas & Jim Starlin used him after Jack left Marvel shortly after this story came out,
but the Enclave curiously NEVER SHOWED UP in either's stories, as Warlock developed
without his creators. The Enclave took TEN FRIGGIN' YEARS to appear again... essentially
just trying again with a new being named "Paragon". Here, the remaining three scientists got
Dr. Strange to use his neurosurgeon skills (neat that writers Len Wein & David Kraft actually
remembered his expertise there) to ensure the new creation would obey his masters. The
Enclave then ordered the newly-born Paragon to slay Strange, but his back-up (the Hulk)
arrived. Paragon ultimately destroyed the Beehive and escaped, entering a cocoon and
emerging years later as the female "Her".

The Enclave- Random Background Scientists:

-A few years later, the Enclave go to war with the Inhumans in John Byrne's FF book, allying
with Maximus, but he betrays them when he finds that Medusa, whom he lusts after, will be
executed. Three years later, Roger Stern has Maximus team with them again, but Zota &
Morlak (Shinsky was too infirm to make the trip) are captured in the end. They were freed by
Shinsky, but were all arrested trying to flee the FBI, and their fallen creation actually led to
the pod that held the living JEAN GREY from a bay in New York harbor. So that's how
THAT whole thing came about.

-Ultimately the characters undergo a major shift about twenty issues after Her shows up in
Quasar- a bedridden Shinsky and the other two abduct Her/Kismet while she's cocooned, and
use it to give Shinsky a new, healthy form. An A.I.M. agent they'd been teaming with for this
endeavor betrays them, revealing himself as an Adaptoid, and battles both Kismet and the
men, all of whom gain golden bodies from their own cocoons. Kismet decides to leave Earth
and "teach" her three fathers. A later story overseen by Mark Gruenwald (who used them in
Quasar) saw them try to save the world (their conquering desires had faded with their new
forms, but their desire to "fix the world" remained)- they did a whole lot of heroics, but over-
did it by too much interference (a recurring element in Gru's work) and Kismet had to save
the day due to a volcano they'd let erupt.

The Enclave- Reappearing De-Powered:

-Then, suddenly, the Enclave reappear as normal humans on Earth in a few random stories
here and there- the writers seemingly had forgotten they'd turned into golden guys and they
were de-powered off-panel. They faced Spider-Man & the Thunderbolts, escaping to take
over a group of monks that worshipped Doctor Doom, soon having an armor forged- the FF
then encountered a man named "Crucible"- a bald-faced attempt at creating a "new Doom"
for the book. Crucible (probably Morlak in disguise) robbed Reed of his genius and
transferred it into himself, the Enclave invade Genosha, and "at some point" (the Marvunapp
writer's humorous way of saying "this was outta f*ckin' nowhere and was not explained"- I've
grown good at reading between the lines of that site) they find Kismet and brainwash her into
serving them as "Ayesha".

-The story goes completely nuts from this point- Morlak goes increasingly insane from the
influx of thoughts of Reed's genius, and the Thing, Torch & Invisible Woman have their
minds switched with Enclave goons, who use their bodies to kill people. Then suddenly
Shinsky arrives in his own suit of Crucible armor and executes Morlak, who is happy to
finally be free of all these thoughts. Ultimately the FF regain their powers and fight back, but
a Genoshan magistrate of all people solves everything by pulling out a "Black Hole Grenade"
that sends him, Ayesha & Crucible... far, far away, never to return! Seriously- that's it!

-BUT WAIT! Okay, so apparently Al Ewing did some writing, and indicates that the Enclave
started out as Golden Age heroes, "The Three Xs". And the Thunderer was a member, who
was empowered by them but later quit, and they killed him for it. Hamilton's death is now
rewritten so that he survived, blinded. He used the mask that empowered the Thunderer to
become the murderous vigilante "Blind Justice". He teamed up with Hawkeye, who
prevented him from killing others, and he once again faked his death. And then at some
random point he was killed by an unknown guy who aged him dto death.

So... Huh.:
-In the end, the Enclave has a ridiculously-complicated backstory for a bunch of guys who
don't matter. They're largely just a quartet of faceless old guys, with one sorta being always
sick and Hamilton dying in their debut story, but end up used off-and-on for a few years as
Generic Evil Scientists. Then Gruenwald turns them into Gods and Roger Stern & Kurt
Busiek of all people just completely ignore that and bring them Back To Basics, and a couple
years later they're mostly dead, killed off by Chris Claremont. Like, what a weird story for a
bunch of guys so minor I'd literally never built them until just now, only choosing to do so
because "Hey, I'm doing Warlock & Her, right? Might as well do a profile of these dinks".
So, um... here's these dinks.

The Enclave's Capabilities:

-The Enclave are true genius, unlike a lot of whackadoo one-off scientists in the Marvel
Universe. These aren't guys who build a Vulture Harness or a Powersuit and call it a day-
these guys created a MASSIVE, Kirby-drawn super-science building complete with tons of
inventions held within, created two artificial people of great power, built a good Powersuit,
and were a constant threat any time they showed up. So their Skills are way up... but at the
same time limited. See, despite being geniuses, they're also GIANT MORONS, being turned
on by both of their creations plus Maximus and even each other, unable to tell when others
are manipulating or lying to them, and constantly being led into traps. So they're great
Scientists but total dopes at everything else. They can't even win fights! In Quasar they
ended up as Matter-Transmuting Flying Bricks with powerful Space Blasts or whatever, but
this didn't last.

The Individual Members:

JEROME HAMILTON: A ringleader of the group at first; a muscular guy with a buzzcut
who was actually a MARINE BIOLOGIST. He lured Alicia Masters in to sculpt "Him", but
fought back against his creation and was killed. He has never reappeared.
MARIS MORLAK: A Lithuanian nuclear physicist. Bald and with a chinstrap beard, he was
the first Crucible. He went mad after stealing Reed Richards's genius, and was killed by
WLADYSLAV SHINSKY: An old, balding man with a white mustache. A famed Polish
geneticist, having taught Frederic Wertham (the High Evolutionary), Arnim Zola & Jonathan
Drew (Spider-Woman's father). By the '80s, was depicted as on the brink of death constantly.
He was ultimately cured by Kismet and became godlike like the others, but at some point lost
his powers. He killed Morlak for being "weak" and took the role of Crucible for himself, but
was sent away with Ayesha/Kismet and has never returned.
CARLO ZOTA: A Spanish electronics technician who looks humorously like the cartoon
version of Egon Spengler from Ghostbusters. He showed up in every Enclave story except
the Crucible one, meaning he's entirely unknown and the least-developed of the group.

The Enforcer (Original)

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Nov 21, 2020 5:41 am

THE ENFORCER I (Charles L. Delazny, Jr. or Carson Collier- see below)
Created By: Gerry Conway, Don Glut & Don Heck
First Appearance: Ghost Rider #22 (Feb. 1977)
Role: D-League Villain, Gun Guy
Group Affiliations: The Committee
PL 8 (119)

Acrobatics 4 (+8)
Athletics 3 (+5)
Deception 6 (+8)
Expertise (Criminal) 4 (+7)
Insight 3 (+5)
Intimidation 5 (+7)
Perception 5 (+7)
Ranged Combat (Bullets) 1 (+11)
Stealth 2 (+6)
Technology 2 (+5)
Vehicles 2 (+4)

Accurate Attack, Equipment 3 (Body Armour, Car), Evasion, Improved Aim, Improved
Critical (Gun), Improved Disarm, Improved Smash, Power Attack, Precise Attack 2
(Ranged/Cover & Concealment), Ranged Attack 8, Tracking

"Twin .45 Pistols" (Flaws: Easily Removable -2) [13]
"Tranquilizer Pellets" Affliction 6 (Fort; Fatigued/Exhausted/Asleep) (Extras: Ranged,
Cumulative) (Diminished Range -1) (17) -- (21 points)

 AE: Blast 5 (Feats: Split) (11)

 AE: "Pyrogranulate Capsules" Blast 5 (Extras: Area- 15ft. Burst +1/2) (13)
 AE: "Tingler- Metabolism Changer" Blast 6 (Feats: Triggered- Time) (Extras:
Penetrating) (Flaws: Limited Ammo) (Diminished Range -1) Linked to Affliction 6
(Will; Dazed/Compelled) (Extras: Ranged) (Flaws: Limited Degree, Limited Ammo)
(Diminished Range -1) (15)
 AE: "Blackout Darts" Dazzle Visuals 6 (Diminished Range -1) (11)

"Body Armour" Protection 3 (3)
Features 1: Silver Plating (Repels Werewolves) (1)
"Facemask" Senses 2 (Darkvision) (2)

Unarmed +10 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Disintegrator Ring +10 (+8 Ranged Damage & +6 Weaken, DC 23 & 16)
Pistol +11 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Tranquilizers +10 (+6 Ranged Affliction, DC 16)
Pyro Capsules +5 Area (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Metabolism Changer +10 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +4

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +3 (+6 Armour), Fortitude +6, Will +4

Relationship (Father & Brother)- Charles' father was the owner of Delazny Studios in
Hollywood. His unnamed brother eventually became the Scourge of the Underworld, and
killed Charles for embarassing the family and breaking their father's heart.
Motivation (Greed)

Total: Abilities: 56 / Skills: 36--18 / Advantages: 21 / Powers: 13 / Defenses: 11 (119)

The Enforcer- Ghost Rider & Spider-Woman Villain:
-The Enforcer is a CLASSIC Jobber, but his costume is surprisingly decent- the simple two-
colour scheme is much more design-friendly than some of the garish monstrosities you'll see
among the rest of the victims of the Scourge of the Underworld (apologies to Turner D.
Century's legions of fans), and its metallic sheen makes it look pretty sharp. He might have
been decent, but he got stuck with the "forgotten" books- Ghost Rider & Spider-Woman stuff
was all he ever really got. He allies with Daredevil's foe The Gladiator in order to kill the Eel
and steal his gear, and begins wielding a Disintegration Ray. His concept was kind of
interesting eventually- a Gimmick Weapon User, but with an authentic PISTOL instead of a
bow & arrow or juggling balls or something comic-booky. He then tries to take over his
father's movie studios from a criminal gang, vaporizing their boss in the process. The original
Ghost Rider is then able to defeat him, and Enforcer's miniaturized Disintegration Ring falls
into the ocean.

-He recovers the Ring and allies with the Water Wizard against Ghost Rider, but again loses-
GR is depowered and tied to a motorcycle, which is then dumped off a cliff, but he survives
and beats both villains. After this, he shifts to other rogues galleries- he threatens Werewolf
By Night and Spider-Woman, losing again, and giving his name as Carson Collier instead of
Charles Delazny, as in the GR appearances. He poisons an associated of Spider-Woman's,
and forces her to work with him on a variety of heists in order to get the antitode- finally, he
admits it was all a ruse and he HAD no antidote, so she ruined her reputation over nothing...
then he just turns himself in like a complete dick, denying her even the satisfaction of
capturing him! Okay, that's pretty amazing.

The Enforcer Dies:

-Later escaping prison, he is hired by some gamblers to fix a race between Johnny Blaze &
Flagg Fargo, shooting Flagg and stealing a ton of money from the joint- he is driven into the
lake in his exit, and avoids capture. Later, Madame Masque hires him to kill the criminal
known as Termite, but on the mission, the Enforcer suffers the most ignoble of fates- he
becomes the first criminal to be killed by the Scourge of the Underworld. This ongoing story-
arc leads through many titles and ends in Captain America, with Cap capturing "Scourge",
who reveals that he kills criminals over a family shame- he is the YOUNGER BROTHER of
the Enforcer, and killed him and other villains in retaliation for embarassing the family.
Gruenwald later came to regret wiping guys like him and the other Scourge victims out- at
least SOME of them could have potentially been saved. However... it's probably 100 times
more likely that they'd just become Background Jobbers, as the '90s didn't use many classic
Jobbers, and the 2000s turned them into The Hood's goons. A second Enforcer, named Mike
Nero (the nephew of the first), debuted during Dark Reign being written by Frank Tieri, and
he had some Magic Weapons and befuddled the Hood & the Wrecking Crew. He has yet to
reappear. And curiously, despite a Punisher arc resurrecting most of Scourge's victims, the
Enforcer was not included among these- Death Adder, Letha, the first Titania, and TURNER
D. CENTURY all got reborn, but THE ENFORCER? Nope.

-The best thing about him, though? THIS: That's right- an ENORMOUS debate on the
Official Handbook website has sprung up regarding the real identity of this loser gimmick, all
based off of some continuity errors (two different writers using two different real names for
the guy) and bad writing. I love the internet for stuff like this- people spending hours upon
hours trying to explain what's going on, to the point where there's like TWO PAGES OF
TEXT on this one guy and a minor screw-up in character names.
The Enforcer's Capabilities:
-The Enforcer is a PL 8 all-around, packing half-decent accuracy and a Gun with some funny
add-ons that make it a Device rather than Equipment (since it's gimmick-defining for him).
He does little damage like most "Gun Guys" (Guns just aren't that dangerous to superhumans
in the comics, really- Scourge is an exception). He could tangle with '70s-era Ghost Rider &
Spider-Woman, who were both rookie heroes, but someone in the PL 10 weight class would
make mincemeat out of him. His Protection is okay- +6 isn't bad for a human-level guy, but
someone like Scourge just ate right through it. His weapons are more interesting- a Blast, an
Incendiary dart that allows him to make a post-hypnotic suggestion that allows him to make
people WILL THEMSELVES AFLAME (I guess that's Affliction- Compelled and a Blast), a
Fire Burst, and a dart that Blinds people.

-Note that Enforcer carted around a Disintegration Ring in his early appearances which was
INSANELY powerful, probably making him a PL 10 guy or worse- he apparently
disintegrated a DESTROYER (ie. one of the giant freaking ships) with it.

The Enforcer (Nero)

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Nov 21, 2020 1:09 pm


Created By: Frank Tieri & Antonio Fuso
First Appearance: Dark Reign- Made Men #1 (Nov. 2009)
Role: One-Off Villain, Gun Guy
Group Affiliations: None

-The second Enforcer debuted almost twenty years after the original died- in 2009. Mike
Nero is the nephew of the original Enforcer, and was trained to take over the "family
business". He made a name for himself killing werewolves & vampires as a mercenary
(which... was not the Enforcer's thing at all), and was hauled before The Hood over money he
owed a loan shark allied with the man. He ended up using a bunch of stolen Aztec artifacts to
make his escape, taunting The Hood on the way out, saying he was just getting started... and
then he never appeared again.

The Enforcers

Post by Jabroniville » Fri May 12, 2017 11:02 pm

Role: Early Threat-Turned-Jobbers
Villain Ranking: Debuted at C-Level, quickly gravitated to D-Level, then E-Level

-The Enforcers are a classic case of "Elite Mooks". Debuting in the VERY early days of
Spider-Man (pre-dating almost his entire Rogues Gallery), they were the elite henchmen of
"Mr. Big", a new crime-boss figure that only lasted a short time. In the early going, they
pummeled the rookie Spidey, but he quickly learned how to overcome these odds (even back
THEN this was the way things went), and got used to their fighting style (one of the first
times this happened- also a good "in-universe" example of Gaining XP) like some kind of
Shonen Manga hero, and the next fight was his. And the next. And the next. Pretty soon,
these guys were utterly discredited as a threat (having jobbed while allied with the Green
Goblin, then The Sandman), and were downgraded to dealing with Daredevil (then a
struggling solo hero).

-Ox was killed, and the team teamed with a new "Big Man" (actually the daughter of the
original), then a new Crime Master. A new Ox (lazily the twin brother of the first) joined the
team, then they ally with The Lightmaster. They job to Dazzler, then gain two new members
in Snake & Hammer, but are beaten when The Sandman reforms from a life of crime and
saves Spider-Man from the gang. The newbies only make one more appearance with the
team- jobbing to Daredevil- and soon the original Ox is somehow revived by The Kingpin.

-They pretty much vanished for decades until the "Ultimate" Spidey universe brought them
back in an identical role, and even the recent Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon series uses
them (and upgraded Montana into becoming The Shocker while they were at it). This led to a
reappearance in the Mainstream U, but again as joke villains who were barely better than
your common A.I.M. "Buckethead" or Hydra goon- they were used as backgrounders in The
Hood's army and in numerous other issues here and there, usually in the role of "Named
Mooks" who have no credibility, but are nonetheless recognizable. Alas, they didn't get much
more cred- Montana & Fancy Dan were killed in a fight against the new Hobgoblin- Phil

Enitharmon the Weaver

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Mar 17, 2021 4:38 am

Created By: Peter Gillis & Chris Warner
First Appearance: Doctor Strange #78 (Aug. 1986)
Role: Studious Sorcerer
Group Affiliations: None

-Enitharmon is an interesting side-character- not a fighter but a helpful aide. Enitharmon is a

master of "threads"- able to taste the lifethreads of others, while repairing literal threads as
well. Doctor Strange meets this short, elderly Protoceratops-looking guy with a blue tongue,
who agrees to repair the damaged Cloak of Levitation (which had been torn in a fight with a
demon). His apprentice, Rintrah, later helps Strange out and becomes HIS apprentice, as well,
and Enitharmon is last seen helping Kaluu restore Strange's proper personality when he loses
himself during a battle against Shuma-Gorath.

-Enitharmon does no fighting and it's unknown just what he's capable of, but the calm,
collected sorcerer is able to detect where people are from via their "lifethreads" and can
predict their life-paths and true nature.


Post by Jabroniville » Wed May 08, 2019 8:46 pm

Created By: Jim Starlin
First Appearance: Captain Marvel #28 (Sept. 1973)
Role: Cosmic Mentor
PL 16 (391)

Deception 4 (+8)
Expertise (Cosmic Lore) 12 (+26)
Expertise (Space Traveller) 8 (+22)
Expertise (History) 8 (+22)
Insight 4 (+10)
Perception 10 (+16)
Persuasion 2 (+6)
Stealth 8 (+7)
Technology 2 (+16)

Beginner's Luck, Eidetic Memory, Jack-of-All-Trades, Ranged Attack 8, Well-Informed
"Immortal Entity"
Regeneration 6 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [7]
Immunity 12 (Aging, Life Support, Sleep) [12]
Impervious Toughness 13 [13]
Flight 9 (1,000 mph) [18]
Senses 7 (Detect Energy- Ranged 4, Acute, Analytical) [7]

"Cosmic Mind"
Comprehend 4 (Languages 4) [8]
"Cosmic Sight" Senses 9 (Extended Vision 4, Analytical Vision, Precognition) [9]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Space) [2]
Quickness 14 (Flaws: Limited to Mental Actions) [7]
"Mental Detection" Senses 5 (Mental Awareness- Ranged 2, Radius, Acute) [5]

"One With The Universe: Cosmic Awareness"

Features 1: Directed Inspiration- May ask the GM a Question With an HP [1]
Senses 1 (Cosmic Awareness- Ranged 3) [4]
Enhanced Skills: Expertise (Current Events) 12 (+26) (Flaws: Requires Time) [3]

"Telepathy" Communication (Mental) 5 Linked to Mind Reading 8 [36]

"Variable Size"
Growth 5 (Str & Sta +5, +5 Mass, +2 Intimidation, -2 Dodge/Parry, -5 Stealth) -- (15 feet)
Growth +5 (+10 Mass, +5 Intimidation, +1 Speed, -10 Stealth) -- (36 feet) (Flaws: Limited to
Non-STR & STA Growths) [5]

Cosmic Blast 20 (Feats: Extended Range 3, Penetrating 8) (51) -- [57]

 AE: Movement 5 (Space Travel 3, Dimensional Movement 2) (Extras: Portal +2,

Instant Travel) (25)
 AE: Force Field 7 (Extras: Impervious 19) (26)
 AE: "Energy Arms" Extra Limbs 6 (6)
 AE: Remote Sensing 24 (Visual, Hearing) (64,000 miles) (Feats: Dimensional,
Subtle) (Flaws: Physical Body is Defenseless) (50)
 AE: Teleport 12 (Extras: Extended, Accurate) (48)
 AE: Illusion (All Senses) 8 (40)

"Reanimate Dead" Summon 3 (Extras: Continuous, 8 Minions +6) (Flaws: Requires Dead
Bodies) (24) -- [25]

 AE: "Generate Psuedopods" Summon 4 (Extras: Continuous, 2 Minions +2) (20)

Unarmed +2 (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Growth +2 (+17 Damage, DC 32)
Blast +12 (+20 Ranged Damage, DC 35)
Initiative +2
Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +10 (+15 Growth, +22 Force Field, +10
Impervious), Fortitude +12 (+16 Growth), Will +14

Motivation (Protecting The Universe)

Total: Abilities: 92 / Skills: 58--29 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 229 / Defenses: 29 (391)

-Eon was Quasar's mentor for the first chunk of his book, but debuted much earlier, in
Captain Marvel. He is the child of Eternity and Infinity, as well as that of the Celestial Axis
(the life thread of the universe), having been born eight billion years ago. His duty is to
protect the Celestial Axis, and observing & nurturing the evolution of sentient life throughout
the universe. It was in this assignment that he chose to empower a single "Protector of the
Universe", wielding Quantum Bands of Eon's own creation. The Protectors go back five
billion years, but the most recent ones are all contemporary Marvel characters- the first was
Captain Mar-Vell of the Kree, though he was not given the Quantum Bands. Eon largely left
Mar-Vell to his own devices, but appeared to him once or twice. He was pretty odd-looking,
with his giant eye and occasional growth of hands, and the fact that he was all small and
brown and stuff- kinda made him look like a big leafy turd with a face on it.

-It was in Quasar that Eon served a more major role, acting a bit dry and unemotional given
his role as Guardian of Life & Time. But he was okay at his job- choosing a Guardian Of The
Universe to defend against various threats (Quasar was chosen to fight Maelstrom). They had
a falling out, however, when Quasar's father (who had befriended Eon, who was hanging out
at Quasar's parents' place) died, and Eon chose to keep the information from his champion.

-Ultimately, Eon himself died- when Maelstrom nearly wrested the secret of Cosmic
Awareness from his mind, Eon ordered Quasar to kill him via a Cosmic Blast to the vital part
of Eon's brain. At Eon's funeral, his corpse was used as a weapon by Thanos, but ultimately
his daughter Epoch sprung from his Cosmic Womb, with Quasar promising to protect her as
she grew.

-Eon's power is nearly impossible to assess, because he was a Cosmic Being that never
fought anything- he has some extra-normal powers (and he defines Cosmic Awareness), but
he was generally a non-combatant who probably had little, if any, combat ability. In any case,
he was weak enough that he could willingly sacrifice his life by allowing Quasar to kill him
(when he was being controlled by another). He also has vast Cosmic Awareness, allowing
him to discover pretty much anything about anything, but he requires time (a standard Flaw-
basically a slower Skill that takes longer to assess or gather his checks or whatever)>


Post by Jabroniville » Wed May 08, 2019 11:59 pm

Created By: Mark Gruenwald & Greg Capullo
First Appearance: Quasar #27 (1991)
Role: Cosmic Mentor
PL 14 (315)

Expertise (Cosmic Lore) 1 (+13)
Expertise (Space Traveller) 2 (+14)
Expertise (History) 1 (+13)
Perception 10 (+13)
Persuasion 2 (+6)
Stealth 8 (+7)

Beginner's Luck, Eidetic Memory, Jack-of-All-Trades, Ranged Attack 8, Well-Informed

"Immortal Entity"
Regeneration 6 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [7]
Immunity 12 (Aging, Life Support, Sleep) [12]
Impervious Toughness 13 [13]
Flight 9 (1,000 mph) [18]
Senses 7 (Detect Energy- Ranged 4, Acute, Analytical) [7]

"Cosmic Mind"
Comprehend 4 (Languages 4) [8]
"Cosmic Sight" Senses 9 (Extended Vision 4, Analytical Vision, Precognition) [9]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Space) [2]
Quickness 10 (Flaws: Limited to Mental Actions) [5]
"Mental Detection" Senses 5 (Mental Awareness- Ranged 2, Radius, Acute) [5]

"One With The Universe: Cosmic Awareness"

Features 1: Directed Inspiration- May ask the GM a Question With an HP [1]
Senses 1 (Cosmic Awareness- Ranged 3) [4]
Enhanced Skills 16: Expertise (Current Events) 12 (+26), Cosmic Lore 8 (+19), Space
Traveller 4 (+18), History 5 (+18), Technology 2 (+14), Science 3 (+15) (Flaws: Requires
Time) [8]

"Telepathy" Communication (Mental) 5 Linked to Mind Reading 8 [36]

"Variable Size"
Growth 5 (Str & Sta +5, +5 Mass, +2 Intimidation, -2 Dodge/Parry, -5 Stealth) -- (15 feet)
Growth +5 (+10 Mass, +5 Intimidation, +1 Speed, -10 Stealth) -- (36 feet) (Flaws: Limited to
Non-STR & STA Growths) [5]

Remote Sensing 21 (Visual, Hearing) (8,000 miles) (Feats: Dimensional, Subtle) (Flaws:
Physical Body is Defenseless) (44) -- [50]

 AE: Cosmic Blast 16 (Feats: Extended Range 3, Penetrating 8) (43)

 AE: Movement 5 (Space Travel 3, Dimensional Movement 2) (Extras: Portal +2,
Instant Travel) (25)
 AE: Force Field 5 (Extras: Impervious 15) (20)
 AE: "Energy Arms" Extra Limbs 6 (6)
 AE: Teleport 12 (Extras: Extended, Accurate) (48)
 AE: Illusion (All Senses) 8 (40)

Unarmed +2 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Growth +2 (+14 Damage, DC 29)
Blast +8 (+16 Ranged Damage, DC 31)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +9 (+14 Growth, +19 Force Field, +8
Impervious), Fortitude +12 (+16 Growth), Will +14

Motivation (Protecting The Universe)
Responsibility (New At This)- Epoch is constantly gaining new information as the fountaine
of Cosmic Awareness.
Total: Abilities: 72 / Skills: 24--12 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 200 / Defenses: 19 (315)

-Epoch was the daughter of Eon, birthed in its womb upon the latter's death- she has all the
powers of Eon, but at a much lower level, and she's horribly inexperienced. As such, she is
dependent upon Quasar to be her Guardian, and isn't as good in a fight (not that either
Cosmic Entity did much fighting). We never really saw much of her, as Quasar's own series
died out not too long after her debut, and she didn't get much play on the Cosmic Scene
afterwards, not having much of a defined role. Quasar's death during Annihilation caused her
to show up once more, in the pages of Fantastic Four, where she resurrects and empowers
Gravity as her champion. He saves the day against a powerful Alien Bio-Weapon, but
respectfully asks to be let go from the position of "Protector of the Universe". Epoch thinks
for a second and then is basically "You have served me well, my Champion" and lets him go
back to Earth at his original power level. Curiously, the character has not reappeared, even
though Quasar had regained his Quantum Bands and the "Protector" title now belongs to
someone named Avril Kincaid.

-Epoch is... even more vague than Eon, having millennia less experience and less versatility
than her father.


Post by Jabroniville » Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:18 am

"And now... to kill the one who mixed my reds with my whites!"

Created By: Roy Thomas & Neal Adams
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #62 (Nov. 1969)
Role: Jobber Villain, Status Affecter
Group Affiliations: The Savage Land Mutates
PL 9 (102)

Athletics 3 (+4)
Deception 4 (+6)
Expertise (Survival) 4 (+5)
Perception 4 (+6)
Persuasion 4 (+6)
Stealth 3 (+5)


"Mutate Nature: Vertigo or Hypnosis Through Eyes"
"Vertigo" Affliction 9 (Fort; Dazed & Impaired/Disabled & Stunned/Incapacitated &
Unaware) (Extras: Area-Visual Perception, Extra Condition, Concentration Duration,
Selective) (45) -- [46]
AE: "Hypnosis" Affliction 9 (Fort; Dazed/Compelled/Controlled) (Extras: Cumulative, Area-
Visual Perception, Concentration Duration, Selective) (45)

Unarmed +5 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Vertigo +9 Area (+9 Affliction, DC 19)
Hypnosis +9 Area (+9 Affliction, DC 19)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +2, Fortitude +5, Will +4

Motivation (Leader's)- All the Mutates will readily follow the most dominant personality, and
do whatever they say.

Total: Abilities: 30 / Skills: 22--11 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 46 / Defenses: 14 (102)

-That is one god-awful design concept. Big bug eyes, a huge round collar, and a pink tunic?
That artist must have been a completely-incompetent hack... NEAL ADAMS??? What in the
HELL?!!? So this guy's another loser, designed to shake up and confuse heroes, but limited to
JUST THAT, like most of his buddies. Not a bad guy to have around in a fight, but the
Mutates seem to be stuffed with about 60-70% of these guys, and are seriously lacking in
overall power. Notably, Equilibrius was basically replaced by a hot chick in Vertigo, thus
becoming redundant, and he hasn't actually been seen in over a decade by my watch (and the
Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe's).


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Dec 13, 2020 6:07 am

EQUINOX, THE THERMODYNAMIC MAN (Terrance "Terry" Sorenson)
Created By: Len Wein & Gil Kane
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up #23 (July 1974)
Role: Elementalist Guy
Group Affiliations: Freedom Force (Initiative Version)
PL 10 (192)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+10)
Expertise (Criminal) 2 (+2)
Intimidation 10 (+10)
Perception 1 (+1)
Ranged Combat (Elements) 5 (+10)

Power Attack, Ranged Attack 5

Immunity 20 (Cold & Fire Effects) [20]
Senses 1 (Infravision) [1]
Movement 1 (Sure-Footed) (Flaws: Limited to Ice) [1]
Flame Aura 4 (Feats: Precise) [17]
Protection 1 [1]

"Ice Bonds" Affliction 10 (Strength; Hindered & Vulnerable/Prone & Defenseless/Paralyzed)

(Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Cumulative, Extra Condition, Ranged) (41) -- [63]

 Dynamic AE: "Ice Wave" Affliction 10 (Strength; Hindered & Vulnerable/Prone &
Defenseless/Paralyzed) (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Cumulative, Extra Condition, Area-
60ft. Cone) (41)
 Dynamic AE: "Ice Stream" Affliction 10 (Strength; Hindered & Vulnerable/Prone &
Defenseless/Paralyzed) (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Cumulative, Extra Condition, Area-
30ft. Line) (41)
 Dynamic AE: "Ice Slick" Affliction 10 (Strength or Agility; Hindered/Prone) (Feats:
Dynamic) (Extras: Area- 60ft. Burst +2) (Flaws: Limited Degree) (21)
 Dynamic AE: "Ice Slick" Affliction 10 (Strength or Agility; Hindered/Prone) (Feats:
Dynamic) (Extras: Area- 60ft. Shapeable +2) (Flaws: Limited Degree) (21)
 Dynamic AE: Create Ice 8 (Feats: Dynamic, Innate, Precise) (Extras: Continuous)
 Dynamic AE: Environment 5 (500 feet) (Impede Movement, Visibility, Cold 2)
(Feats: Dynamic) (21)
 Dynamic AE: "Cone Blast" Damage 10 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Area- 60ft. Cone)
 Dynamic AE: "Line Blast" Damage 10 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Area- 60ft. Line +2)
 Dynamic AE: "Fireball" Blast 10 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (31)
 Dynamic AE: "Advanced Flame Aura" Flame Aura 6 (Total 10) (Feats: Dynamic)
 AE: "Make Brittle" Weaken Toughness 8 (Extras: Ranged, Affects Objects Only +0)
 AE: "Power Blast" Fire Blast 10 (Feats: Dynamic, Split, Variable- Fire or Ice,
Penetrating 8) (32)

Unarmed +10 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Ice Bonds +10 (+10 Ranged Affliction, DC 20)
Ice Snares +10 Area (+10 Affliction, DC 20)
Brittle-ize +10 (+8 Ranged Weaken, DC 18)
Fire Blast +10 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Fire Cone +10 Area (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Fire Line +10 Area (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Fireball +10 Area (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Flame Aura +8 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Advanced Flame Aura +8 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +3

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +12, Fortitude +11, Will +4

Motivation (Destruction)- Equinox is flat-out nuts thanks to the accident that gave him
powers. He destroys just to destroy much of the time.

Total: Abilities: 64 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 103 / Defenses: 9 (192)

-Equinox is one of those nutty Marvel Team-Up villains that only shows up for a few
appearances over 30 years. He was a kid who gained super-powers in a lab accident caused
by his scientist father. He originally fought The Human Torch & Iceman (in a natural team-
up), but I've read an appearance where he threatens Spider-Man and The Wasp, after
seemingly killing Yellowjacket. He had Torch AND Iceman powers, and his body repeatedly
went through thermodynamic changes, as his Aura constantly shifted about his body. He was
actually REALLY powerful at first, taking all of Spidey's best punches like they were
nothing, and he just kept moving forward. In a battle of attrition, he was almost certainly
going to win. Together, the heroes finally seem to cure him using the Fantastic Four's lab.

-The character thus disappeared for around twenty years, turning up as a random
backgrounder fighting the Falcon. He joined Vil-Anon to try and quit villainy, and is captured
during Civil War by the Heroes For Hire. He joins Montana's "Initiative" team, Freedom
Force, alongside Challenger, Cloud 9, Think Tank, and Spinner, but turns out to be one of the
Super-Skrull infiltrators and was shot through the head by Cloud 9, the team's sniper. After
that storyline was over, he was beaten by Spider-Man using some Green Goblin gear, then
Mark Waid recently used him for his Avengers run, as a minion of Kang with numerous time-
travel-based "Duplicates". Spider-Man managed to trick him into revealing which one was
the "first" (by seeing who was surprised when he did something weird), thus knocking them
all out with one punch.

-Equinox is "only" PL 10, but he's able to use many of the best powers of both Johnny Storm
and Bobby Drake, complete with the Aura. He was a great early example of "New Villain
Stink", seemingly being invincible against most kinds of harm, but this is because he fought
lower-tier superheroes, as well as having recently debuted. He's a pricey bugger, though, as
both Johnny & Bobby have incredibly-diverse power-sets with TONS of Alt-Effects

Eradikator 6

Post by Jabroniville » Sun May 20, 2018 4:09 am

Created By: Pat Mills & Dave Hoover
First Appearance: The Punisher Annual #6 (1993)
Role: One-Off Villain, '90s Kill-O-Bot
PL 7 (94)

Perception 6 (+6)

Ranged Attack 2

Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 7 [7]
"Sensor Array" Senses 3 (Infravision, Extended Vision & Hearing) [3]
"Spider-Legs" Extra Limbs 4 [4]
Leaping 3 (60 feet) [3]

Unarmed +7 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +3

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +7, Fortitude --, Will +2

Motivation (Eradikation)
Total: Abilities: 36 / Skills: 6--3 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 47 / Defenses: 6 (94)

1993 saw the production of a series of Annuals in the Marvel Universe, each of which
featured a brand-new character, and was packaged with a trading card featuring that
character. In almost every case, these characters were horrible one-offs and almost none
of them ever reappeared. Most are extremely dated to their early-1990s point of

-The Eradikator 6 appears to be a robot designed for, well, eradication. It targeted The
Punisher, but there's so little information about it that I don't even have a full bio- just a list of
some stuff it could do. I figure it for a basic Kill-O-Bot, but I can't find a list of weapons.


Post by Jabroniville » Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:32 pm

ERG (Andreas Konig)

Created By: Louise Simonson & June Brigman
First Appearance: Power Pack #12 (June 1985)
Role: Background Character, Blaster
Group Affiliations: The Morlocks
PL 5 (70)

Athletics 4 (+5)
Deception 4 (+4)
Expertise (Sewer Dweller) 7 (+8)
Expertise (History) 3 (+4)
Expertise (Streetwise) 4 (+5)
Insight 2 (+3)
Intimidation 3 (+4)
Investigation 3 (+4)
Perception 4 (+5)
Stealth 4 (+6)


"Mutant Powers: Electrical Blast Through Eye"
Blast 6 [12]

Unarmed +5 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Blast +4 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +2

Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +5 (DC 15), Toughness +2, Fortitude +4, Will +3

Prejudice (Mutant)
Power Loss (Energy)- Erg's Electrical Blast requires nearby energy to be drained and
converted. Kinetic energy from punches and the like will suffice, however.
Power Loss (Eye)- Only one eye releases Erg's power, and if he cannot open it, he cannot use
his power.

Total: Abilities: 32 / Skills: 38--19 / Advantages: 0 / Powers: 12 / Defenses: 7 (70)

-Erg's a low-rent Blaster who's surprisingly still alive, given how many of these guys have
been killed over the years. He's got a bit of a family history of Biker Gangs, and seems
obsessed with that aspect, and he coined the "198" badge of honor among mutants (based off
of the outlaw bikers' "1%" badge), but he's really minor, with a simple Blast. He's pretty
much existed as a minor background character for thirty years, somehow being that unique
combination of "not important enough to matter" yet "not important enough to kill for
dramatic purpose".

Eric Gruning

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Oct 13, 2020 6:07 am

Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #41 (May 1963)
Role: Exiled Axis, Jobber
Group Affiliations: The Axis Powers
PL 6 (80)
Athletics 2 (+4)
Deception 3 (+5)
Expertise (Military) 6 (+8)
Intimidation 3 (+5)
Perception 2 (+4)
Technology 2 (+4)
Vehicles 2 (+6)

Equipment 2 (Electrified Whip- Strength-Damage +3- Reach 3), Fast Grab, Improved
Disarm, Ranged Attack 2, Weapon Bind

Unarmed +6 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Whip +6 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +3

Dodge +7 (DC 17), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +5

Prejudice (Axis Powers)- The Exiles are hiding away on a lost island, fearful of being
punished for war crimes.
Rivalry/Relationship (The Red Skull, Other Nazis)- The Exiles are loyalists to the old Axis
powers, but have fought against the Skull before. Each wants power for themselves.

Total: Abilities: 52 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 9 (80)

-Another German, Gruning uses an Electrified Whip as a weapon. He was the Exile most
loyal to the Red Skull, immediately befriending him again on the villain's return. He is
presumed dead after a castle was collapsed on him by S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Daisy "Quake" Johnson.

Dr. Erica Sondheim

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Jul 11, 2022 12:18 am

Created By: David Michelinie & Bob Layton
First Appearance: Iron Man #120 (Dec. 1978)
Role: Side Character, Doctor

-Dr. Sondheim is a side character that goes WAY back, joining Tony Stark's team in 1978. I
guess it figures that the dude with the heart condition would need a good doctor on staff. She
actually debuted being kidnapped by Darren Cross, who was hoping to have the famed
surgeon repair his own heart. She was rescued by Scott Lang, who was trying to get
Sondheim to save the life of his own daughter, Cassie- Darren's heart gave out in the resulting
battle. She & Lang later tried to cure Bruce Banner of becoming the Hulk, but it didn't take.
Much later, she enters into a relationship with a fellow side-character, the older Abe Zimmer,
mostly off-panel. She is later shown worrying about him attempting to take a more direct role
in a rescue operation- she led the team in cryogenically freezing Tony during the time he was
dying of a techno-parasite, saving his life.

-She is later named the Head of Stark Medical, but mostly disappears from the books, having
a child behind the scenes named after Abe, who dies fighting some mercenaries in a 1996
book. Her final appearance was apparently in 1995, making her one of the characters who
luckily/unluckily gets forgotten. Shockingly, however, she has shown up in very recent
comics, being forced to transplant Cassie Lang's heart into Cross by Cross's son! This
temporarily de-powered Cassie, who got an emergency new heart.

Erik Killmonger

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Feb 03, 2018 2:11 am

Created By: Don McGregor & Rich Buckler
First Appearance: Jungle Action #6 (Sept. 1973)
Role: Mirror Image Villain
Group Affiliations: Wakanda
PL 10 (136)

Athletics 7 (+12)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+15)
Deception 3 (+6)
Expertise (Science) 3 (+7)
Expertise (Survival) 4 (+8)
Insight 2 (+6)
Intimidation 3 (+6)
Perception 3 (+7)
Persuasion 3 (+6)
Stealth 2 (+7)
Technology 4 (+8)

Beginner's Luck, Chokehold, Diehard, Equipment 2 (Poisons), Extraordinary Effort, Fast
Grab, Improved Critical (Unarmed) 2, Improved Hold, Improved Trip, Ranged Attack 4,

Unarmed +15 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +5

Dodge +13 (DC 23), Parry +14 (DC 24), Toughness +5, Fortitude +8, Will +6

Enemy (T'Challa)- Killmonger's family was exiled by the Panther for their link to Ulysses
Klaw- Killmonger has sworn revenge.
Motivation (The Old Ways)- Killmonger wishes to return Wakanda to its more traditional

Total: Abilities: 88 / Skills: 36--18 / Advantages: 16 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 14 (136)

-Erik Killmonger is pretty much the closest thing to the Black Panther's "Arch-Nemesis" in
comics- he's resurrected during each T'Challa push, acts as a "Mirror Image Villain" of sorts
(wanting to usurp the Wakanda throne), and has similar capabilities. He's even going to be
the villain of the Black Panther film, played by Michael B. Jordan of Creed fame.
-N'Jadaka was the child of one of Ulysses Klaw's minions (he was, in fact, press-ganged into
joining Klaw's group), and was exiled upon Klaw's defeat by The Black Panther- he grew up
with a hatred of both men as a result. He changed his named to Erik Killmonger and went to a
good school in an attempt to get revenge. He attempted to rid Wakanda of its "white
colonialist" ways and return it to the old ways (a rare instance where the "old ways" are seen
as a BAD THING- most of the time you'll see the "old ways" being promoted by a wise old
master or something, with the clueless modernists being swayed by story's end). He staged a
coup d'etat when T'Challa was off doing Avengers stuff, but was soon defeated & killed,
being knocked off a cliff by a young kid as he prepared to make a final blow on the Panther.
The Mandarin resurrected him, and he threatened the Panther, Iron Man & James Rhodes,
died when Mandarin took back his "Resurrection"-focused Ring, and was resurrected again
by his followers.

-During Christopher Priest's run, he finally defeated T'Challa in ritual combat to become the
new Black Panther (one of the most advanced nations on Earth, and it settles political debates
by RITUAL COMBAT?), but went comatose for a while when he tried to injest the fabled
"heart-shaped herb" that was added to the Panther's origin story by Jack Kirby. Killmonger
was doomed to die, but T'Challa chose to spare his life, keeping him alive (and comatose),
even though it would have been much more convenient to let him die.
-Killmonger would return and attempt to manipulate Kasper Cole, getting him to drop the
mantle of Black Panther and become his "White Tiger", but Cole used the power-boost
Killmonger gave him to avoid owing him a favor. Killmonger later turns up ruling Niganda, a
country neighboring Wakanda- he is killed by Monica Rambeau after he captured her.
Killmonger's son is then seen swearing vengeance against the Panther, the same way T'Challa
once did after the death of his own father.

-Killmonger is actually a pretty big deal in combat if he's able to defeat T'Challa in a fair
fight even in modern times (most villains turn into more Jobbery types as time goes on)- he's
a full PL 10, using his elite fighting skills in combination with borderline-superhuman
physical stats. He was also known to use Baron Macabre (a charlatan pretending to raise
zombies) and Madam Slay (a woman who had a bunch of trained/controlled leopards) as
minions way back in the '70s.

Erik the Red

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Nov 15, 2022 4:13 am

Looking at it now, this feels very much like "Dave Cockrum Evoking Jack Kirby".

ERIK THE RED (Davan Shakari)

Created By: Chris Claremont & Dave Cockrum
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men #97 (1975)
Role: Forgotten X-Foe
Group Affiliations: The Shi'ar
PL 8 (139)

Deception 2 (+5)
Expertise (Space Soldier) 4 (+7)
Intimidation 3 (+6)
Perception 3 (+6)
Technology 5 (+8)
Vehicles 3 (+7)

Benefit 3 (Shi'ar General), Equipment 1 (Rebreather), Ranged Attack 4

"Shi'ar Senses" Senses 4 (Extended & Low-Light Vision, Extended Hearing, Acute Scent) [4]
Leaping 1 (15 feet) [1]
"Talons" Strength-Damage +1 [1]

"Red Armour" (Flaws: Removable) [34]

Enhanced Strength 3 (6)
Protection 3 (3)
Mind Control 8 (32) -- (33)

 AE: Force Blasts 8 (16)

-- (42 points)

Unarmed +8 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Armour +8 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Blasters +8 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +4

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +5 (+8 Armour), Fortitude +6, Will +5

Responsibility (The Shi'ar Empire)
Total: Abilities: 74 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 40 / Defenses: 7 (139)

-Erik the Red is kind of a relic of the 1970s- way more than most X-foes (even the Space
Pirates!). He was kind of based off of an old '60s story featuring Cyclops disguising himself
as a super-villain in order to infiltrate a bunch of bad guys, but is in fact a Shi'ar agent, used
repeatedly in the early going of the "Shi'ar Stuff" Claremont & Cockrum were doing in X-
Men. Davan Shakari was employed by Emperor D'Ken to observe Earth- the link between he
& Cyclops having the same alternate identity has never been explained, and is probably just a
REALLY big coincidence (unless Erik was attempting to confuse the X-Men). He dominated
the minds of Havok & Polaris into trying to kill Charles Xavier on D'Ken's behalf, but was
defeated by Phoenix & the X-Men. He then freed Black Tom Cassidy & the Juggernaut from
prison and set them up in Cassidy Keep for a story that's now more well-known for
introducing the Tom/Juggy pairing and the f*ckin' LEPRECHAUNS in the Keep getting
involved- Erik's part in this has largely been forgotten. He later attempted to send Firelord
against the X-Men, too, but his biggest impact on continuity was that HE was the one who re-
aged Magneto back to adulthood (he'd been de-aged by Alpha the Ultimate Mutant in a story
that's now been forgotten). After this, he kidnapped Lilandra just as she reached our heroes,
but the X-Men invaded Shi'ar space and beat D'Ken's army, including Erik. The character
thus vanished.

-Years later, he apparently died when his spaceship exploded during a fight with Genis-Vell
& X-Treme. And for a Claremont Original, that is a VERY minor run- this is a guy who
trotted out minor-league Ms. Marvel & Iron Fist characters and retrofitted them to be X-
Villains that became huge stars in comics like Mystique & Sabretooth, and he basically
NEVER used this guy again, especially not in a major way! Even in big Shi'ar groups, you
never see a new "Erik" or any of that- he's just forgotten. Last time we saw something like
him was a disguise Magneto wore during the "Trial of Gambit" when he was charged for his
crimes for bringing the Marauders to the Morlocks. It really kind of comics off like he was a
"filler" character meant to create "Excuse Plots"- re-aging Magneto is a BIG one (it couldn't
be some random thing- you had to have alien tech to justify something like THAT), but stuff
like justifying why Juggernaut & Black Tom are hanging around together or why Firelord
would fight the X-Men- he's just some random backgrounder manipulating stuff until they
didn't need him any longer. There really was never more to him than that.

-Erik is a standard PL 8 guy- actually pretty well-rounded and expensive as far as that type
goes, but he never threatened anybody after the 1970s, so he fought a weaker set of X-Men
than we see today.


Post by Jabroniville » Thu Oct 26, 2017 11:41 pm

ERIS (aka Discord, Discordia, Strife, Enyo)
Created By: Roy Thomas & Geof Isherwood
First Appearance: Doctor Strange #54 (June 1993)
b]Role:[/b] Greco-Roman Goddess of Strife, Discord
Group Affiliations: The Olympian Pantheon
PL 10 (184)

Deception 15 (+16)
Expertise (Goddess of Strife) 11 (+14)
Insight 10 (+13)
Intimidation 9 (+10)
Perception 3 (+6)

All-Out Attack, Beginner's Luck, Benefit (Goddess), Diehard, Great Endurance, Improved
Critical (Claws), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 2, Startle 

"Immortal God"
Immunity 5 (Aging, Starvation & Thirst, Heat, Cold, Disease) [5]
Immunity 4 (Drowning & Suffocation, Poison, Pressure) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [2]
Leaping 2 (30 feet) [2]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
"Wings" Flight 6 (120 mph) (Flaws: Winged) [6]

"Goddess of Discord"
Mind-Reading 10 (Flaws: Limited to Hypocracies & Shames) [10]
"Claws of Strife" Affliction 9 (Will; Entranced/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras: Cumulative)

Unarmed +11 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Claws of Strife +11 (+9 Affliction, DC 19)
Initiative +8

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +9, Fortitude +10, Will +5

Responsibility (The Olympian Pantheon)- Eris is loyal to the Olympian Pantheon.
Responsibility (Strife)- Eris is devoted to causing pain and strife throughout the world. Sort
of like an immortal Internet Troll.

Total: Abilities: 86 / Skills: 48--24 / Advantages: 11 / Powers: 45 / Defenses: 18 (184)

Eris in Mythology: Eris, sometimes known as Strife and Discord, is one of the lesser-known
Gods, and appears infrequently. In some works, she is a mere Personification Goddess,
mother to countless other bad things (Toil, Famine, Forgetfulness, Pains, The Fightings, The
Battles, The Murders, The Quarrels, The Lies, The Disputes, Lawlessness & Ruin), most of
which kind of just get mentioned in passing as stuff that happens- she is said by Hesiod to be
the daughter of Nyx, the night itself (along with most of the other fundamental things in the
universe). In other works, like those of Homer, she's a more standard Goddess, sister to Ares.
She is primarily known for the infamous apple meant "To The Fairest", which set off the
beauty contest between Goddesses that spiralled into the Trojan War- Eris is thus the
ultimate shit-disturber- someone that will deliberately create minor conflicts that spiral into
greater wars. Sometimes her sister is Harmonia, the Goddess of Order. She appears less
frequently than the main Gods in most adaptations of the works, but was the main villain in
the 2003 "Sinbad" DreamWorks movie that nobody saw, and was a frequent ally of Ares in
"Hercules: The Legendary Journeys", which depicted her as a goofy sidekick who dragged
around her dopey son, Strife.

-In the mythology, she only really did a couple things, but one of them was VERY, VERY
BIG. Being the Goddess of Internet Trolls, it was decided to not allow her to attent the
wedding of Peleus & Thetis. Feeling slighted, she threw a Golden Apple into the wedding
party, labelled "To The Fairest". Eris realized what would happen- Hera, Athena &
Aphrodite, uptight egomaniacs all, immediately figured the apple was FOR THEM. They
immediately went to Zeus and asked him which of them was the fairest. Being not born
YESTERDAY, Zeus passed the duty off to the mortal Prince Paris, who ended up giving it to
Aphrodite after she promised him the hottest woman on Earth for his wife (Hera & Athena
merely offered him total power & knowledge, like THAT compares to boobs & butts). Paris
stole off with Helen (aka "Of Troy"), sending her husband and the multiple loyal Kings of
Greece against Paris' City-State of Troy. Yup- Eris is responsible for the entire decade-long
Trojan War, the deaths of thousands, and the elimination of an entire city. All because she
was a bitch.

-Eris in Marvel is basically a two-shot character, and only briefly appeared fighting the super-
heroes in a big fight during "Assault on New Olympus". She slashed U.S. Agent, causing him
to go into mental fits because she struck him with all the hypocracies in his life- his country's
prosperity is based off of theft (from Natives), his freedom from slavery (Africans, etc.), and
his safety came from terror (the Atomic Bomb). Granted, there's all reasons for this, but
nonetheless that's her power- the ability to screw with people's heads.

Divine Offspring:
By Herself (I guess): Ponos (God of Toil), Lethe (God of Forgetfulness), Limos (Starvation),
The Algea (Pains), The Hysminai (The Fightings), The Makhai (The Battles), The Phonoi
(The Murders), The Androktasiai (Man-Slaughters), Neikea (The Quarrels), The Pseudo-
Logoi (The Lies), Amphilogiai (The Disputes), Ate (Ruin) & Horkos (Oath)

Ernst & Eye Boy

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:37 am

Like Cassandra Nova, a perfect chance for Frank Quitely to utilize his inability to draw
anyone under the age of sixty as a POSITIVE.

ERNST (Real Name Unknown)

Created By: Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely
First Appearance: New X-Men #135 (Feb. 2003)
Group Affiliations: X-Students
Status: Alive
Role: Background Character
PL 6 (50)

Expertise (Pop Culture) 2 (+2)
Deception 2 (+2)

Equipment (X-Student Uniform- Communications, Protection +1), Ranged Attack 2

"Mutant Powers: Super-Strength in Diminutive Body"
Protection 2 (Extras: Impervious 3) [5]

Unarmed +2 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +0

Dodge +2 (DC 12), Parry +2 (DC 12), Toughness +7, Fortitude +5, Will +2

Prejudice (Looks Like a Little Old Lady)- Ernst resembles an elderly woman instead of a
teenage girl, and will thus be treated differently by everyone around her.
Relationship (No-Girl)- Ernst is quite close her the Brain-In-A-Jar.

Total: Abilities: 36 / Skills: 4--2 / Advantages: 3 / Powers: 5 / Defenses: 4 (50)

-Ernst is another classic "Frank Quitely is a weirdo" character design, and an ingenious one.
Think- someone drawn by Quitely who is actually SUPPOSED to look like they're ninety
years old! Normally he just does that by accident! Other than that, we know little about her,
other than the fact that she's still living at the Institute, having not been de-powered. She's
probably got the least characterization (mainly because you can't write Shipping-heavy
stories about an old geezer... Rule 34 aside) of the entire X-Students class, though. Spider-
Man and the X-Men (a very funny, short-lived series that was essentially Spider-Man & X-
Men Villain Team-Up, featuring odd pairings) had her "betray" the team to Mister Sinister
because he promised to help out her bodiless friend No-Girl, however. The others forgave her
in the end.

-Ernst is a bit odd for a Super-Strong type, since she's got a +10 Strength damage bonus, but
is very small. Given that she's never seen fighting, I can't imagine she's any good at it, so
she's a mere PL 6 Powerhouse build on a little old lady's body. She's a borderline case of
"Shrinking", but since it has very little effect on her character and it'd be a HUGE pain in the
ass to stat up (I'd have to increase her other abilities), I left it out.
EYE BOY (Trevor Hawkins)
Created By: Jason Aaron & Nick Bradshaw
First Appearance: Wolverine and the X-Men #9 (Dec. 2012)
Group Affiliations: X-Students
Status: Alive
Role: Goofy-Powered Kid, Obvious Freak
PL 3 (53)

Athletics 2 (+3)
Deception 2 (+2)
Expertise (Pop Culture) 2 (+2)

Equipment (X-Student Uniform- Communications, Protection +1), Precise Attack
(Ranged/Cover), Ranged Attack 7, Second Chance (Failing Visual Dazzle Check)

"Mutant Powers: Numerous Eyes"
Senses 18 (Extended Vision 2, Analytical & Microscopic Vision 4, Counters Concealment &
Vision, Detect Magic, Darkvision, Infravision & Ultravision, Radius Sight) [18]
"Too Many Eyes To Dazzle" Immunity 2 (Visual Dazzles) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect)

Unarmed +2 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Initiative +2

Dodge +4 (DC 14), Parry +3 (DC 13), Toughness +1 (+2 Uniform), Fortitude +2, Will +4

Prejudice (Obvious Mutant)- He is covered in eyes.

Total: Abilities: 16 / Skills: 6--3 / Advantages: 10 / Powers: 17 / Defenses: 7 (53)

-Eye Boy is one of the goofy new characters created for the new Wolverine & The X-Men
series, and is predictably covered entirely in eyes. This lets him see into various spectrums,
see Magic (he saw snakes & stuff twirling through the air), and more, which is fairly
expensive, but as yet he's a mostly-untrained student, so his Power Level is ultra-low. Also,
humorously enough, I forgot I built someone with almost the same damn powers in Argus
Panoptles, thus meaning I couldn't be lazy and just Cut & Paste my way to the build! I had to
read all those Senses all over again!


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:34 am

ERO (Miss Arrow)
Created By: Reginald Hudlin & Mike Wieringo
First Appearance: Marvel Knights Spider-Man #22 (March 2006)
Role: Background Villain
Group Affiliations: None
PL 10 (225)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+10)
Deception 5 (+6)
Intimidation 11 (+12)
Perception 8 (+8)
Stealth 8 (+12)


"Body Made of Spiders"
Enhanced Advantages 5: Evasion 2, Improved Critical (Spider Bites), Improved Initiative,
Move-By Action [5]
Senses 5 (Infravision, Radius Sight 2, Ranged Touch- Extended) [5]
Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling, Slithering) [4]
Elongation 3 [3]
"Spidery Arms" Extra Limbs 2 [2]

"Does Not Set Off Spider-Sense" Concealment 1 (Spider-Sense) (Extras: Continuous) [3]

"Difficult to Destroy"
"Fluid" Insubstantial 1 (Feats: Innate, Selective) [7]
Immunity 30 (Bludgeoning, Slashing Damage) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [15]
"Multiply" Regeneration 8 [8]

"Spider Bites" Blast 5 (Feats: Dynamic, Accurate 3) (Extras: Multiattack) Linked to Weaken
Stamina 6 (Extras: Progressive +2) (37) -- [53]

 Dynamic AE: "Spider Bite" Weaken Strength 10 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras:

Progressive +2) (31)
 Dynamic AE: "Spider Aura" Damage Aura 3 (Feats: Dynamic) Linked to Weaken
Strength 4 (Extras: Reaction +3) (29)
 Dynamic AE: "Spider Storm" Damage 5 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst)
Linked to Weaken Stamina 6 (Extras: Progressive +2) (29) 
 Dynamic AE: "Spider Line" Damage 5 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Area- 60ft. Line)
Linked to Weaken Strength 6 (Extras: Progressive +2) (29)
 Dynamic AE: "Spider Wave" Damage 5 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Shapeable) Linked to
Affliction 2 (Fort; Impaired/Disabled/Paralyzed) (Extras: Area, Cumulative) (17)
 Dynamic AE: "Webbing" Snare 10 (Feats: Accurate 3, Dynamic) (34)
 Dynamic AE: "Web Parachute" Flight 2 (Flaws: Gliding) (2)
 Dynamic AE: "Stingers" Weaken Stamina 8 (8)

"Taking Their Skin" Morph 2 (Humanoids) [10]

"Summon Minions- Spider Swarm" Summon 3 (Feats: Mental Link) (Extras: Active,
Controlled) [13]

Unarmed +10 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Spider-Bite +10 (+10 Weaken, DC 20)
Spider Aura +10 (+3 Damage & +4 Weaken, DC 18 & 14)
Spider Area Attacks +5-6 (+5 Damage & +6 Weaken, DC 20 & 16)
Spider Bites +10 (+5 Ranged Damage & +6 Ranged Weaken, DC 20 & 16)
Webbing +10 (+10 Ranged Affliction, DC 20)
Initiative +8

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +3, Fortitude +10, Will +4

Motivation (Breeding)- Ero wishes to lay an egg-sac in Flash Thompson's mouth- KINKY.
Weakness (Holy Weapons)- Silver Bullets and crosses can do extra damage to Ero.

Total: Abilities: 66 / Skills: 34--17 / Advantages: 0 / Powers: 128 / Defenses: 14 (225)

-Ero (taking her name from a genus of spider) comes from the weird Other part of Spider-
history- with Pete being reborn into a new body, his old one was consumed by Spiders...
which of course became sentient and started to fight him. As "Miss Arrow", she started
working at the same High School as Peter Parker. She then tried to eat Flash Thompson, and
use his body as an incubator for her egg-sac (there's a new fetish I haven't heard of... god I
don't wanna try searching that, though...)- Spider-Man fights her with his new "stingers",
which are revealed to only come out when he fights people "aligned with chaos and darkness"
like Ero & Morlun, and her sac is shot by Betty Brant (who was dating Flash at the time).
Spider-Man lures her into an aviary, which causes her demise- the birds attack, consuming all
but one of his spiders, which is then squashed by Spidey.

-Ero is made entirely of Spiders, which is thankfully something I've statted before (how many
times can someone say THAT?), making her very similar to one-off foe The Thousand.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Feb 20, 2022 8:44 pm

So a color-shifted Elektra is basically Mileena then, lol- good to know.

Created By: D.G. Chichester & Scott McDaniel
First Appearance: Daredevil #322 (Nov. 1993)
Role: Mirror Image Villain (of Elektra)
Group Affiliations: The Snakeroot
PL 9 (166)

Acrobatics 8 (+15)
Athletics 8 (+10)
Close Combat (Unarmed) 4 (+14)
Close Combat (Sai) 4 (+14)
Deception 6 (+8, +10 Attractive)
Expertise (Ninja) 12 (+14)
Insight 7 (+10)
Intimidation 6 (+8)
Investigation 4 (+7)
Perception 10 (+13)
Ranged Combat (Ninja Weapons) 5 (+13)
Sleight of Hand 4 (+6)
Stealth 8 (+15)
Treatment 2 (+4)

Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, Chokehold, Contacts, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll,
Defensive Throw, Equipment (Sai), Evasion, Fast Grab, Fearless, Grab Finesse, Great
Endurance, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Critical 2 (Sai, Unarmed), Improved Defense,
Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Instant Up, Languages (English, Greek, Japanese,
Others), Luck, Move-By Action, Power Attack, Precise Attack (Close/Concealment), Quick
Draw, Ranged Attack 6, Seize Initiative, Takedown 2, Tracking, Trance, Uncanny Dodge,
Weapon Bind, Weapon Break

"Martial Artist" Strength-Damage +1 [1]

"Twin Sai" Strength-Damage +1 (Feats: Split, Improved Disarm) (3) -- (4)
AE: "Thrown Sai" Strength-Damage +1 (Extras: Ranged 3) (Flaws: Limited to Two)
(Diminished Range -1) (3)

Unarmed +14 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Sai +14 (+4 Damage, DC 19)
Thrown Sai +13 (+3 Ranged Damage, DC 18)
Initiative +11

Dodge +14 (DC 24), Parry +14 (DC 24), Toughness +3 (+4 D.Roll), Fortitude +7, Will +7

Motivation (Evil)- Erynys is just concentrated darkness.

Total: Abilities: 62 / Skills: 88--44 / Advantages: 40 / Powers: 1 / Defenses: 19 (166)

-Yes, there was a Mirror Image Villain for Elektra- just accept it. Appearing in only one
story, Erynys was created by the Snakeroot, who wanted Elektra with her "darkness" intact-
she had been since purified via her resurrection, and so the Snakeroot abducted agent John
Garrett, who had mind-melded with Elektra before she encountered Daredevil, and still had
that darkness intact. Erynys (an "Xtreme Kool Letterz" version of the Erinyes, or Furies, of
Greek Mythology) was formed by imbuing this darkness into a corpse, wielding extra-jagged
sais like she was one of The Magus's evil doppelgangers or something. Aaaaaaaaaand then
she just stood around, doing absolutely nothing. Like, several issues of just standing there
observing the Snakeroot, until the final fights, when she killed Stick (... this does not appear
in any of Stick's other bios) and the Hellspawn (an actual Magus doppelganger- but of
Daredevil) and is then "skewered" by Daredevil tossing her own sai at her- this destroyed
Erynys, and transfers the darkness from her back into Elektra, corrupting her anew.

-Erynys is basically "Elektra, But More Evil" and is apparently still a lethal fighter. I figure
her for about as good as Elektra might have been in the '90s, but she was still one-shotted by

Eternal Brain

Post by Jabroniville » Fri May 31, 2019 8:05 pm

"Close your eyes, give me your hand, darlin'
Do you feel my heart BEATING?
Do you understand?
Do you feel the same?

THE ETERNAL BRAIN (Dr. William Carmody)

Created By: Joe Simon & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Red Raven Comics #1 (Aug. 1940)
Role: Brain in a Jar
Group Affiliations: The First Line
PL 8 (128)

Expertise (Science) 7 (+13)
Intimidation 1 (+3)
Technology 4 (+10)

Inventor, Ranged Attack 4

Communication (Mental) 4 Linked to Mind-Reading 8 (Feats: Dynamic) (33) -- [35]

 Dynamic AE: Mind Control 8 (Feats: Dynamic) (33)

"Robotic Body"
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 6 [6]

Unarmed +6 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Mind Control -- (+8 Perception-Ranged Affliction, DC 18)
Initiative +1

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +6, Fortitude --, Will +4

Prejudice (Brain in a Jar)

Total: Abilities: 36 / Skills: 12--6 / Advantages: 5 / Powers: 71 / Defenses: 10 (128)

-One of about 9,000 "Brains In a Jar" in comics, The Eternal Brain is one of the earliest (I
assume this is an ancient "Science Fiction" trope). He was a geneticist who figured out the
secret to keeping brains alive. He was shot by some gangsters, and instructed his assistant to
do the experiment upon HIMSELF, thus allowing him to cheat death. He rescued his
daughter from some thugs (and the exiled ruler of Mongolia, because COMICS). This, his
Origin Story, was also his ONLY APPEARANCE, until showing up as a random "Forgotten
Golden Age" character in The Lost Generation, where he founded an institute that backed up
a lot of the "Filler" heroes between the Golden Age and the Silver Age of comics (at this
point, that was a HUGE amount of time, and growing). He was thought-dead alongside the
rest of his team, but reappeared with some other goofy characters as part of Howard the
Duck's "Ducky's Dozen", and fought some Nazi Zombies. The Eternal Brain sacrificed his
life in order to allow the others to escape (naturally, a BRAIN would distract zombies very

-The Eternal Brain is a standard Brain in a Jar, but has Telepathic abilities. And he's one of
the only HEROIC examples of that archetype in comics!

The Eternals

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Nov 09, 2017 10:08 pm


Now here's a group I was always dreading- I'd statted the majority of the Marvel Universe,
but something always kept me back from statting up Jack Kirby's final big addition to
comics. Part of it was that I'd never grown up reading about The Eternals- in fact, the only
comics I own featuring Ikaris & Thena (major characters) is in The Incredible Hercules,
which is a book from like EIGHT YEARS AGO. I own one book featuring Makkari (as a
side character in Quasar), one with Gilgamesh (The Avengers fighting The U-Foes), and one
arc with Ajak (The God Squad versus The Skrull Gods). In fact, the only Eternals characters
with whom I was at ALL familiar was Sersi, and even then it was only because I got into
comics when she was an Avenger! And even THEN I didn't know who the hell she was or
how to pronounce her name (I always said it like "SIR'S-eye")- when Fantasma said "Calm
yourself, Eternal!", I thought she was just using an odd phrase at the end of her sentence.

So you can imagine why I was a bit hesitant to stat up a group where everyone has TONS OF
POWER with this limited amount of first-hand knowledge. SECOND of all, the very idea of
the group always bothered me, for reasons I'll get into later with their origins. THIRDLY,
they were entirely much too powerful- the weird crap Sersi & Starfox do in Avengers stories
puts some of the Magic Heroes out there to shame in terms of ass-pulling stuff to save the

But I eventually decided that was enough hemming and hawing- I couldn't just always stat up
the characters I LIKE- it was time to finally lay out the entire group of these butts once and
for all! And thus, in September 2014 (SEVEN YEARS after I started statting up comic book
characters in M&M!), I finally decided to lay out builds for all of The Eternals.

The 1970s:
-Jack Kirby's run at DC had ended in 1970- his New Gods failed to set the world on fire in
terms of sales, and he was now considered old-timey and actively washed-up by the
generation of comics fans who'd grown up on his work- his stuff now looked dated compared
to what comics had turned in to, and Kirby's own lack of writing ability had hampered things
as well. And so, Kirby's first act when he returned to Marvel (he'd quit over a lack of credit
and Marvel holding back funds while profiting off of his creations... something that every
comic company would do a hell of a lot MORE of) was to basically use the same theme of
"Space Gods" with a new saga.

The Eternals was meant to be a stand-alone book outside of normal Marvel Continuity- this is
easily understood when you get the whole story of humans seeing these God-like beings with
names like "Zuras" and "Makkari" and shifting them to "Zeus" and "Mercury" when coming
up with their own mythologies. Kirby was effectively describing the origins of human mythos
in Europe with these guys, which isn't a bad idea. BU-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-T by this point Kirby
& Marvel had already established that Zeus, Mercury (Hermes) and other Gods were
ACTUALLY LIVING BEINGS in the mainstream Marvel Continuity, which makes the
existence of The Eternals redundant and overly-complicated! This could have been easily-
avoided by keeping the story out-of-continuity, but Marvel just HAD TO add them in once
they liked where the story was going, and so they stuck Nick Fury into things in issue #16.

Soon, it was established that Eternals had taken Greek & Roman-like names as part of a
treaty, and that Eternals had long since been part of our Earth's history- a few other races
were Retconned into being long-lost Eternal Tribes, and eventually a grander cosmology was
created, featuring the idea that The Celestials seed living worlds with the potential for
developing Eternals (Super-Powered Gods), Deviants (Ugly Mutated Freaks) and sometimes
Mutants. Kirby added elements from the work of other sci-fi authors, using the whole
"Ancient Astronauts" concept of the world (adding in stuff like Nazca Lines being a
spaceport or ancient cultures getting high technology from these "Gods"). This in itself is
actually pretty cool, however clumsy the Greek link became, so in effect, the series had a
positive influence on Marvel as a whole, despite the fact that low sales resulted in its early
cancellation (and 12-issue Mini-Series would come out in the '80s, but Jim Shooter would
drop the writer after eight, and have Walt Simonson re-write Peter B. Gillis' work in the last
four). But still, there are issues.

Neil Gaiman would bring them back for a Mini-Series in recent times, having them return to
Earth with no memory of their past lives (probably to avoid fans having to deal with elaborate
continuity issues), and it was pretty well-received (apparently this Gaiman dude can write).
Another ongoing was attempted, but low sales got it cancelled quickly- and so we once again
have a large group of super-powered beings who just don't matter.

Eternal History:
-So the Celestials- Cosmic Space Gods- visited Earth 5 million years ago and perform genetic
experiments on proto-humans, creating two distinct races: The long-lived Eternals and the
gross-looking Deviants- things that had been performed on other races (The Skrull race is in
fact comprised of the surviving Deviant population, which had wiped out the baseline and all
but one Skrullian Eternal- Klyb'n, their chief deity). The Eternals and Deviants would soon
go to war, with The Eternals protecting nascent humanity. There was a civil war between
Eternal factions as well, leading to Kronos leading the good guys against his warlike brother
Uranos, who would be exiled from Earth and settle on Uranus, building a new colony. An
offshoot of Uranos' group tried to stage another attack, but were attacked by a passing Kree
ship and settled on Saturn's moon Titan, forming ANOTHER colony, and thus giving the
Kree an idea to experiment on the nearby humans, creating The Inhumans- this already seems
like excessive complications and weak Retconning to explain various things.

On Earth, Kronos would destroy himself accidentally while performing experiments (he
would eventually become a Cosmic Being- the embodiment of time), but the explosion would
give all the Eternals the ability to channel Cosmic Energy. The race formed the first Uni-
Mind, a combination of all their psyches, and allowed Kronos' son Zuras to take charge- his
brother A'lars would leave for Titan to avoid setting off another Civil War, and discovered a
sole survivor of ANOTHER Civil War, Sui-San, whom he married and repopulated Titan.
These Titanian Eternals, combining the powerful genes of A'lars with Sui-San's more regular
ones, produced some lower-powered Eternals. A'lars would eventually change his name to
Mentor, and father two children- Eros and Thanos.

The Eternals, now led by Zuras, build Olympia near the Olympians' home dimension,
creating some confusion with nearby humans, who mistake one group for the other quite
often. An agreement was made between all these Gods, whereby Eternals would impersonate
Olympians to their followers. The Celestials would return to Earth 18,000 years ago, and sink
the continents of Mu & Atlantis after the Deviants attacked them. Celestials would reappear a
few more times to investigate their experiments. A human scientist made contact with the
Uranian Eternals, and his son would become the first Marvel Boy in the 1950s- these Eternals
would later be killed by Deathurge in a Quasar storyline. The Earth Eternals would split
between Olympia & Polaria, and would sometimes be rivals.

The Eternals finally revealed themselves to humanity in the modern era, being forced to when
The Celestials arrived once again, judging Earth. The Celestials easily fought back the assault
of the Uni-Mind and the Asgardian Destroyer, the attack killing Zuras. His spirit left his
daughter Thena in charge, while most of the Eternals left Earth in a Uni-Mind after the
Celestials judged Earth favourably (thanks to the intervention of Thor and Gaea, the Earth
Goddess, who had shown the Celestials a group of worthy humans, known as The Young
Gods). Eternals like Eros (calling himself Starfox), Gilgamesh and Sersi would join The
Avengers, while Thanos would threaten the entire universe numerous times. Eternals
Makkari, Ajak & Ikaris would also deal with various super-heroes.

Eternal Physiology:
-Eternals are ludicrously powerful- each one has access to a staggering number of powers,
usually in different proportion to each other. Some Eternals can focus nearly-entirely on
Strength (Gilgamesh), others Speed (Makkari), and others Transmutation (Sersi).

In short, they have:

* Immunity to Environmental Stuff (they can breathe underwater, don't age, and are immune
to disease, poisons, pressure, cold and heat)
* Super-Strength
* Durability
* Immortality (they can regenerate from basically anything)
* Cosmic Blasts
* Flight
* Telekinesis
* Reading/Controlling Minds
* Illusions
* Teleportation (rarely-used, as they find it uncomfortable)
* Force Fields
* Can form the Uni-Mind, a collective being of all the psionic energy of The Eternals.

The Problems:
-So herein lie the problems with the race and their concept:

* Too Powerful:
Eternals are INCREDIBLY powerful, and capable of nearly any action, making them too
capable of wiping out nearly any foe. In particular, their war with The Deviants seems
RIDICULOUSLY one-sided and goofy, as The Eternals are smart, beautiful and highly-
powerful, whereas the Deviants are ugly and dumb. This basically makes it look like a giant
bully-job- it's like if MENSA teamed up with the UFC to beat up a group of mentally-
retarded, crippled people.

In my personal favourite instance of "What the **** is THAT?", during Operation: Galactic
Storm, an Avengers squad is doomed- their ship is set to explode in outer-space, killing the
entire group. Another squad comes across them, finding lifeless bodies floating in space.
BUT WAIT- it turns out that Starfox just happens to remember a game the Eternals played as
children, whereby they'd put themselves in suspended animation, and have another kid
change them back! And so Starfox realizes that Sersi has just put her squad into suspended
animation, and he just casually pops them back, saving the day! Hooray, right? But reading
this, I was like "HUH? They have TWO PEOPLE who can solve basically every problem?

Sersi on The Avengers was always trouble- she could basically do everything, instantly
Transmute anyone around her, and was ALSO super-strong and durable! She was basically
Zatanna without the limitations or vulnerability!
* They Look Stupid:
Jack Kirby had some great visual ideas in the 1960s, but after a point, he just got WAY too
obsessed with through giant circles and lightning-bolt lines all over everything, resulting in
entire squads of these overly-detailed doofuses running around. Ikaris looks okay, but Thena
is rather plain (what's with the giant body-stocking?), Makkari is overly-complex and some
of the others background guys are exactly what people joke about when they make cracks at
Kirby's design theories. They're not as bad as some of the New Gods (I can't think of anybody
who matches Orion's ridiculous Tiny Space Tricycle), but as a whole, they look silly.

* Too Confusing:
Look at that history I wrote up above. Look at how many Retcons got involved- they
retroactively made them the progenitors of TWO Space Races in our own galaxy, latching
them onto the origins of Thanos, Starfox and the '50s Marvel Boy. Then they had to explain
away the snafu of "The basis for Greek Mythology" existing in the same universe as THE
ACTUAL GREEK MYTHOLOGY, leaving us with Thena & Athena, Ikaris & Icarus, Zuras
& Zeus, and Makkari & Mercury. And the GIANT swack of history these guys have means
that you either explain it all every time one of them shows up, or you leave the audience
utterly confused (as I often was).

* A Few Too Many Guys:

Okay, so only a couple really matter anymore- Ajak, Ikaris (usually The Hero), Gilgamesh (a
former Avenger), Sersi (ditto), Thena (the current leader), Makkari and a couple random
background guys. But there's still an enormous group still around, and it makes things
complicated. If Earth is at risk, the whole heroic community comes out to help, right? Well
then WHY DON'T THE ETERNALS? Why are THEY sitting on their asses all the time?
Then you see random instances of one or two Eternals helping out in a story- where are the
others? You don't think they'd call for help now and then? It's a bit iffy.

* Very Vague Usage of Powers:

This one is frustrating to me as a builder of guys in RPGs. I just CAN NOT FIGURE OUT
how powerful any of these guys are supposed to be! I look at someone like Zuras, who's
probably gonna be powerful because he's the boss, and think he fits at PL 11 or 12. But then
some random bio says that he FIGHTS ZEUS at one point! All of the other "named"
characters are supposed to be tough, but every description of them interacting with other,
established characters features losses to Marvel guys. BUT, said Marvel guys are types like
Thor, who are REALLY POWERFUL. The easiest ones to go on are Sersi, Starfox &
Gilgamesh, because they were all Avengers, and generally were mid-tier Powerhouses, with
Gilgy being Thor Lite.

ANYWAYS, let's get to it-

The Roster:
Earth's Eternals:
Kronos- First leader, now Cosmic Being of Time.
Zuras- Former leader.
Thena- Current leader. Hottie with low standards.
Ikaris- Generally the "Main Character" or Hero of the stories.
Makkari- 1940s Superhero Retcon. Quasar ally.
Ajak- Celestial Ally, Incan helper.
Gilgamesh, The Forgotten One- Solitary hero.
Sersi- The "Circe" of Greek Myth. Avenger and hedonist.
The Interloper- Hermit hero.
Druig- Commie asshole.

Titanian Eternals:
Mentor- Genius and... mentor.
Starfox- Avenger and love-bug. Potential rapist.
Thanos- Looks like Super-Skrull had sex with a California Raisin. Cosmic menace.

The Deviants:
Warlord Kro- Leader. Not that bad a guy. Loves Thena.
Karkas- Giant Deviant guy.
Ghaur- Lemurian High Priest. Part of the Summer Annual Event Atlantis Attacks.

Eternal Template

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Nov 10, 2017 12:27 am

Created By: Jack Kirby
First Appearance: The Eternals #1 (July 1976)
Role: Elite Race of Perfection
Group Affiliations: The Eternals
PL 7 (155)

Expertise (History) 3 (+6)
Perception 2 (+5)
Technology 1 (+4)

Diehard, Great Endurance, Languages 2 (A Few), Jack-of-All-Trades, Ranged Attack 4

"Eternal Physiology"
Immunity 7 (Disease, Poison, Aging, Drowning, Pressure, Cold, Heat) [7]
Immortality 6 (Flaws: Must Maintain Mental Control of Their Molecules- Can Be Dispersed
Too Far) [6]
Regeneration 8 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [9]
Flight 6 (120 mph) [12]

"Eternal Powers"
"Transmutation" Transform (Anything to Anything Else) 4 (20) -- [25]

 AE: Cosmic Blast 8 (Feats: Split) (17)

 AE: "Telekinesis" Move Object 7 (14)
 AE: Mind-Reading 4 (8)
 AE: "Unpleasant Teleportation" Teleportation 8 (Flaws: Distracting) (8)
 AE: Force Field 0 (Extras: Affects Others 8) (8)

"Transmute Others" Affliction 2 (Fort; Entranced/Disabled/Transformed) (Extras: Ranged,

Continuous +3) [10]

Unarmed +6 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Cosmic Blast +6 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Transmutation +6 (+2 Ranged Affliction, DC 12)
Transmute +6 (+2 Ranged Affliction, DC 12)
Initiative +3

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +8, Fortitude +8, Will +4

Responsibility (Olympia)
Enemy (The Deviants)

Total: Abilities: 70 / Skills: 6--3 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 69 / Defenses: 4 (155)

-This is a build that represents your common, everyday, circle-wearing Eternal. And yes, the

The Various Background Eternals:

Left Earth With The Uni-Mind:

DOMO- PL 7 (168): INT 8, Technology 6 (+14) [13]
-The "Head Technologist" in charge of monitoring all of Olympia's advanced systems.
VALKIN- PL 8 (166): ST 8, FIGHTING 8, AWA 4, PRE 4, Leadership [11]
-The leader of The Polar Eternals who'd left Olympia, and father of the evil Druig. Led the
Eternals into space as The Uni-Mind (after a brief leadership issue because most Eternals
wanted him, rather than Thena, to lead them).
ZARIN- PL 7 (159): Vehicles 8 (+10) [4]
-Valkin's Pilot.
SIGMAR- PL 7 (168): INT 8, Technology 6 (+14) [13]
-Genius inventor with an elderly appearance.

Stayed on Earth:
THE DELPHAN BROTHERS- PL 8 (160): FIGHTING 8, Improved Critical (Unarmed)
-Boxing brothers always eager for a fight. They tried to force Sersi back to Olympia, and she
briefly turned them into armadillos as punishment.
KINGO SUNEN- PL 10 (176): FIGHTING 10, Expertise (Samurai) 6 (+9), Expertise
(Acting) 4 (+6), Expertise (Film Production) 4 (+7), Improved Critical (Sword), "Sword"
Strength-Damage +2 (Penetrating 8) [21]
-A master swordsman and samurai who is also an actor in modern times.
SPRITE- PL 10 (199): Deception 10 (+13), Transmutation at 11 ranks, AE: Illusion (Vision
& Hearing) 10 [44]
-A mischievous young-looking male Eternal who pranked mortals, and the inspiration for
Puck from A Midsummer Night's Dream and Peter Pan. Is responsible for the hiding of The
Eternals in Gaiman's updated book (as punishment for their constantly treating him like a
child), and killed by Zuras for it.
PIXIE- PL 8 (195): "Transmute Others" Affliction 10 (Fort;
Entranced/Disabled/Transformed) (Extras: Ranged, Continuous +3) [40]
-A trickster who liked to turn people to stone (her "pixie dust"). A member of The First Line,
from Marvel's Lost Generation of super-heroes.
PHASTOS- PL 7 (178): INT 8, Technology 6 (+14), "Hammer of Phastos" Move Object 10
(Flaws: Limited to Machines) [23]
-Similar to Hephaestos, he builds most of the Eternals' devices after Sigmar left Earth.
KHORYPHOS- PL 7 (182): PRE 4, Expertise (Music) 10 (+14), Mind Control 6 (Feats:
Subtle, Insidious) (Flaws: Limited to While Playing Music) [27]
-Mistaken for Orpheus & Horus, a musician who fell in love with Ydrisis (a Deviant woman),
and use his mandolin to subtley control the thoughts of others.
-The children of Thena & Warlord Kro, birthed during the Vietnam War. Thena implanted
the embryos in an infertile human woman, and only later revealed their origins. Could
combine and turn into a being called Tzabaoth, then later turned into Dark Angel. Oddly, in
each story, the twins were meant to have been transforming for the "first time"- meaning that
the second writer (on Heroes For Hire) DIDN'T REALIZE THE STORY HAD ALREADY
BEEN DONE. The twins appear to have no powers, but their combined forms are Standard

MASTER ELO- PL 7 (155): A Himalaya-dwelling guy who showed Makkari how to
channel his powers into increased speed.
AGINAR- PL 8 (164): FIGHTHING 8, Expertise (Military) 10 (+13) [9]
-Doesn't like the Olympian Eternals. Military leader of the Polar ones.
ARLOK- PL 7 (155): Not explained.
TITANIS- PL 7 (155): A gladiator.
ASTRON- PL 7 (155): A follower of Uranus- killed by Deathurge when he shattered the
dome protecting them.
VIRAKO- PL 7 (155): Ikaris' father, who was mistaken for Quetzalcoatl when doing
missionary work to "lesser cultures".
CYBELE- PL 7 (155): Thena's mother and Zuras' wife, but lives as a hermit in Colorado,
only helping her people out rarely. Often gets mistaken for The Earth Mother of various
cultures (like Gaea or Rhea).
EL VAMPIRO- PL 7 (157): Deception 4 (+7) [2]
-A Pro Wrestler who pretends to be a vampire-type guy (oddly, there IS an El Vampiro
Luchadore, though he's actually Canadian).


Post by Jabroniville » Fri May 10, 2019 12:11 am

Created By: Stan Lee & Steve Ditko
First Appearance: Strange Tales #138 (Nov. 1965)
Role: Cosmic Being, Conceptual Being
PL 24 (1,160)

Deception 5 (+13)
Expertise (Cosmic Lore) 9 (+34)
Expertise (Science) 8 (+33)
Expertise (Space Travellier) 9 (+34)
Expertise (History) 2 (+27)
Insight 2 (+14)
Intimidation 12 (+20, +28 Size)
Investigation 2 (+14)
Perception 8 (+20)
Persuasion 4 (+12)
Technology 7 (+32)

All-Out Attack, Beginner's Luck, Benefit 6 (Cosmic Status- Is The Universe), Daze
(Intimidation), Diehard, Eidetic Memory, Fascinate (Intimidation), Fearless, Improved Aim,
Improved Critical (Cosmic Blasts) 4, Improved Initiative, Improved Smash, Jack-of-All-
Trades, Last Stand, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 9, Ritualist, Startle, Takedown, Trance,
Ultimate Cosmic Lore Skill, Ultimate Science Skill, Well-Informed, Withstand Damage

"Immortal Entity"
Immortality 3 (1 week) [6]
Regeneration 14 (Feats: Regrow Limbs) [15]

"Untouchable Substance"
Insubstantial 4 (Feats: Selective, Subtle 2) [23]
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 14 (Extras: Impervious 35) [49]
Features 1: May Spend 2 Hero Points and get to Double Area Effects (ie. 4,000ft. Bursts) [1]

"Cosmic Force"
Flight 20 (2,000,000 mph) (40) -- [41]

 AE: Speed 20 (2,000,000 mph) (20)

Quickness 20 [20]
Movement 3 (Space Travel 3) (Extras: Instantaneous) [9]
Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation- Space) [2]
"Immune to the Ravages of Space" Immunity 2 (Proximity to Stars & Suns) [2]
Senses 7 (Detect Energy- Ranged 4, Acute, Analytical) [7]
"Knows All Languages" Comprehend 4 (Languages 4) [8]
"Cosmic Sight" Senses 11 (Extended Vision 8- 1 billion miles, Microvision, Analytical
Vision) [11]
"All-Seeing" Remote Sensing 31 (Visual, Hearing) (8,192,000,000 miles) (Feats: Dynamic,
Dimensional, Subtle) (Extras: Simultaneous) [127]

"Huge Size" Growth 16 (Str & Toughness +16, +16 Mass, +8 Intimidation, -8 Dodge/Parry,
+2 Speed, -16 Stealth) -- (96 feet) [32]

"Wields the Power Cosmic"

"Titanic Damage I" Damage 18 (Extras: Area- 8,388,608,000 trillion miles Burst +51,
Penetrating 10) (496) -- [537]

 AE: "Titanic Damage II" Damage 18 (Extras: Area- 8,388,608,000 trillion miles Line
+51, Penetrating 10) (496)
 AE: "Titanic Damage III" Damage 18 (Extras: Area- 16,777,216,000 trillion miles
Cone +51, Penetrating 10) (496)
 Dynamic AE: "Cosmic Stream" Damage 24 (Feats: Dynamic, Variable 2- Any
Energy) (Extras: Area- 2,000ft. Line +7, Selective) (219)
 Dynamic AE: "Cosmic Burst" Damage 24 (Feats: Dynamic, Variable 2- Any Energy)
(Extras: Area- 2,000ft. Burst +7, Selective) (219)
 Dynamic AE: "Cosmic Wave" Damage 24 (Feats: Dynamic, Variable 2- Any Energy)
(Extras: Area- 4,000ft. Cone +7, Selective) (219)
 Dynamic AE: "Cosmic Blast" Blast 32 (Feats: Dynamic, Variable 2- Any Energy,
Extended Range 6, Indirect 4, Penetrating 14) (79)
 Dynamic AE: "All-Reaching Blast" Blast 24 (Feats: Dynamic, Variable 2- Any
Energy, Indirect, Penetrating 14) (Extras: Perception Range) (75)
 Dynamic AE: Force Field +0 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Affects Others 20,
Impervious 23) (43)
 Dynamic AE: Illusion 14 (Feats: Dynamic) (All Senses) (71)
 Dynamic AE: Healing 20 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Ranged, Restorative,
Resurrection, Area- 60ft. Burst +2) (Flaws: Limited to Others) (121)
 Dynamic AE: Mind-Reading 20 (Feats: Dynamic, Subtle) (Extras: Sensory Link,
Effortless) (82)
 Dynamic AE: Communication (Mental) 5 (Feats: Dynamic, Subtle, Dimensional)
(Extras: Area, Selective) (33)
 Dynamic AE: Concealment 10 (All Senses) (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Affects Others,
Ranged) (41)
 Dynamic AE: "Remove Powers" Affliction 17 (Fort; Impaired/Disabled/Transformed
to Powerless) (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Perception Range +2) (52)
 AE: "Brainwashing" Affliction 18 (Will; Dazed/Compelled/Transformed Thoughts &
Memories) (Extras: Perception Range +2, Progressive +2) (90)
 AE: "Create Worlds" Create 25 (Feats: Innate, Precise, Increased Mass 20) (Extras:
Movable, Continuous) (121)
 AE: "Capable of Nearly Any Effect" Variable (Cosmic) 30 (210)
 AE: "Restructure Reality" Transform 25 (Anything to Anything) (Feats: Increased
Mass 30- Planets) (Extras: Continuous) (180)
 AE: Teleport 20 (Feats: Increased Mass 10) (Extras: Extended, Accurate) (90)
 AE: Movement 9 (Dimensional Travel 3, Time Travel 3, Space Travel 3) (Feats:
Increased Mass 5) (Extras: Attack 20, Area- 500ft. Burst +5 on 20 Ranks) (23)
 AE: "Move The Stars Themselves" Move Object 40 (262,144,000,000 tons) (Extras:
Perception Range) (120)
 AE: "Teleport Others" Teleport 20 (Feats: Increased Mass 5) (Extras: Attack, Ranged)
 AE: "Drain Energy" Affliction 20 (Will; Impaired/Disabled/Transformed to
Powerless) (Extras: Perception Ranged +2) (Flaws: Limited to Energy Powers) (40)
 AE: "Bestow Cosmic Awareness" Features 1: Directed Inspiration- May ask the GM a
Question With an HP (Extras: Affects Others +0, Area- 120ft. Burst +3) Linked to
Senses 4 (Cosmic Awareness- Ranged 3) (Extras: Affects Others +0, Area- 120ft.
Burst +3) (20)
 AE: Movement 4 (Dimensional Travel 2, Space Travel +0, Time Travel 2) (Extras:
Attack 20, Ranged 20) (48)
 AE: Movement 4 (Dimensional Travel 2, Space Travel +0, Time Travel 2) (Extras:
Affects Others 20, Perception Range +2) (30)
 AE: "Sense Energy" Senses 22 (Detect Energy- Ranged 17- 1,600 trillion miles,
Acute & Analytical, Tracking) (22)
 AE: "Sense Life" Senses 22 (Detect Life- Ranged 17- 1,600 trillion miles, Tracking)

Unarmed +10 (+25 Damage, DC 40)
Cosmic Blast +14 (+32 Ranged Damage, DC 47)
Cosmic Waves +24 Area (+24 Damage, DC 39)
Remove Powers +17 Area (+17 Affliction, DC 27)
Mind-Reading -- (+20 Mind-Reading, DC 30)
Portals +20 (+20 Movement Attack, DC 30)
Drain Energy -- (+20 Perception Ranged Affliction, DC 30)
Initiative +1

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +30 (+18 Impervious), Fortitude --, Will

Responsibility (Himself)- Eternity demands little other than his own survival- threats to the
universe itself (The Infinites, The Infinity Gauntlet, Dormammu) will be met with his
aggression, but he cares for little else. For example, he has refused to aid against Amatsu-
Mikaboshi because he was a "part of himself", and a "Ruler of the Cosmos" type also doesn't
concern him.
Weakness (Attacks Against The Universe)- Certain odd things, like someone observing too
much of the universe, can cause Eternity pain.

Total: Abilities: 130 / Skills: 68--34 / Advantages: 40 / Powers: 920 / Defenses: 36 (1,160)

The Living Universe:

-Eternity is a great idea- the physical, sentient embodiment of the Universe. His visual
appearance is FANTASTIC, too. He's all this giant starfield shaped like a person, but with a
cool half-mask and a super-long arm or something, making this Ditko-made guy the coolest-
looking Cosmic Being in the Marvel Universe by a ways. He's the biggest dog we usually get
to see on the Cosmic Scene, being a hyper-unknowable, rather arrogant being with
tremendous power. He first appeared being challenged by Dormammu, but has gone on to be
the primary opponent of guys as powerful as the wielders of the Infinity Gauntlet. And it's
funny that despite all his great power (he basically IS the Universe!), he's often challenged by
things like lesser Magical Gods, scientists, Cosmic Cubes, Gauntlet Wielders as Super-Giant
Cosmic Guys. But it's the pratfall of being such a powerful guy- the Silver Surfer can often
suffer from the same thing. Only Thor in the entire Marvel Universe seems comparatively
immune to the "Get your ass kicked to make the newest powerful guy seem OH SO
POWERFUL). But really, EVERY STORY seems to feature him being trapped or de-
powered by bad guys, and needing to be saved. Sort of like how DC makes a big deal out of
The Spectre- a guy who is effortlessly mind-controlled every other week into slaughtering

-He first appeared being challenged by Dormammu, but has gone on to be the primary
opponent of guys as powerful as the wielders of the Infinity Gauntlet. And it's funny that
despite all his great power (he basically IS the Universe!), he's often challenged by things like
lesser Magical Gods, scientists, Cosmic Cubes, Gauntlet Wielders and Super-Giant Cosmic
Guys. But it's the pratfall of being such a powerful guy- the Silver Surfer can often suffer
from the same thing. Only Thor in the entire Marvel Universe seems comparatively immune
to the "Get your ass kicked to make the newest powerful guy seem OH SO POWERFUL"
effect. For example, Eternity has been threatened by Dormammu, Nightmare, Thanos, The
Magus and more- he often requires the efforts of superheroes to save him (such as when the
teen hero Gravity had to be used as a "scalpel" to fix damage caused by the experimentations
of an alien race). His power and wisdom can be great, however- the Avengers summon him
to help them defend the universe from The Infinites, and once freed from whatever a Cosmic
Villain has done to him, he often completely routs them- and Dormammu & Nightmare are
not easily-routed, in general.

Eternity's History:
-Eternity debuted giving some advice to Doctor Strange in his battles against Baron Mordo &
Dormammu- he advices Strange that he needs no assistance to defeat his foes. Eternity later
beats Dormammu for attacking him. He is next imprisoned by Nightmare (a far lower-level
being), then rescued by Strange and the Juggernaut (??). The Defenders later aid Eternity by
finding three missing fragments of him, rejoining the being. Later, John Byrne excuses Mr.
Fantastic's saving of the life of Galactus by having Eternity show up at Reed's trial and
granting "Cosmic Awareness" to the entire journey, explaining that Galactus and his frequent
genocidal behavior is a cosmic necessity, allowing for rebirth.

-Eternity is the primary leader of the Cosmic Beings during the Infinity Gauntlet debacle-
being unaware that Thanos has been amassing infinite power, Eternity is horrified to find a
mortal being so powerful, and gathers Galactus, the Celestials, Order & Chaos, Love & Hate,
Eon and others to his side against Thanos. The beings are powerful, but Jim Starlin (who
ADORES Thanos, legendarily so) has the Mad Titan defeat them one-by-one after some
Grand Cosmic Fight Scenes. Later, the Beings are embarrassed by a shocked, stunned Nebula
when SHE grabs the Gauntlet- while I thought this would be the end of her, Starlin bluntly
claims that a wielder of the Gauntlet would inevitably defeat all these guys no matter HOW
little experience they had.

-Eternity thus spends the 1990s being kind of a goon in this way- he gets whiny with Adam
Warlock owning the Infinity Gems, largely because it makes people more powerful than him.
Starlin really did the Cosmic Beings no favors with stuff like this. He is held captive by The
Magus during The Infinity War, but the combining of him with a female counterpart named
Infinity (the space/time continuum represented as a busty chick) defeats the villain.

Modern Eternity:
-Eternity's whole "SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER-Powerful Yet Very Vulnerable" thing
continues- in Avengers Infinity, the Infinites breaking into our dimension to destroy it makes
him look weak, but he's at least able to empower a group of Avengers to talk the Infinites
down. He, Infinity and the Living Tribunal are beaten when Thanos uses the Heart of the
Universe to undo and remake reality. And in JLA/Avengers he is trapped by the villain Krona,
who is eventually beaten by both teams. This splits him up with Krona, the sexy embodiment
of the DC Universe, breaking his heart. Later, he has his power stolen by Umar &
Dormammu until the Defenders arrive to win it back.

-He was thought to have given Hank Pym the title of "Scientist Supreme"
(BAAAAAAAAAAARFFF!!!) in the Mighty Avengers series, but this was revealed to have
been Loki in disguise, which is thankful because that was a total Mary-Sue'd Pym and it was
AWFUL. He was one of the last beings wiped out by The Beyonders in Jon Hickman's
pretentious, 547-part, overly-convoluted, boring-ass "End of the Universe" story in Avengers-
I'd complain more about using such a powerful being as a Jobber to put over the big threat
(especially since the MOLECULE MAN proves to be their undoing), but that's practically
been Eternity's job since the beginning of his creation.

-The Ultimates would later give a bit of insight to the origins of Eternity- they're rooted in the
beginnings of Creation. The initial, primal cosmic force was revealed as being The First
Firmament, and that was the being destroyed in the universe prior to ours- the one where the
researcher Galen was the sole survivor, becoming Galactus. He has been "reborn" since the
Secret Wars event, too. He apparently has several children: Empathy, Eulogy, Expediency,
Entropy, Epiphany, Enmity, and Eon. Only Eon ever really did anything.

The Power of Eternity:

-Eternity is often said to be "nigh-omnipotent" and junk, but there's still a TON of stuff he
can't do- he's probably been in mortal danger more often than Galactus himself. He was once
nearly killed by some advanced races' use of universe-observing technology, and Dormammu
& Umar were somehow able to double-team K.O. him. His Power Level could be
theoretically anything, but I stuck with PL 24- he's above Galactus, but not by so much that
he's unstoppable or unkillable. He can casually move entire worlds (technically it's like
moving his own arm or something), blow stuff up, hit massive Area Attacks (he could
probably also fire out a Parsec-spanning Burst like Galactus did that one time, but he never
has). He is, by a WIDE MARGIN, the most expensive build I'd ever done... but lost the
record to the next guy immediately.

Ethan Edwards

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Feb 07, 2021 1:32 am

ETHAN EDWARDS (aka The Tiller, Moral Man, Virtue)
Created By: Reginald Hudlin & Billy Tan
First Appearance: Marvel Knights Spider-Man #13 (June 2005)
Role: Another Freaking Heroic Skrull
Group Affiliations: The Daily Bugle
PL 9 (156)

Expertise (Reporter) 4 (+4)
Investigation 1 (+5)
Perception 3 (+7)
Ranged Combat (Blasts) 2 (+6)

Ranged Attack 2

"Skrull Physiology"
Morph 4 (Any Form) [20]
Shapeshift 1 [8]
Power-Lifting 1 (100 tons) [1]
Flight 8 (500 mph) [16]
Senses 2 (Infravision, Ultravision) [2]
Regeneration 4 [4]
Energy Blast 10 [20]

Unarmed +6 (+11 Damage, DC 26)
Blast +6 (+10 Ranged Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +2

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +10, Fortitude +10, Will +4

Responsibility (A Skrull)- Ethan is actually Skrull-born (his father was the creator of the
"Super-Skrull" project), and this can lead to him acting a little nutty.

Total: Abilities: 66 / Skills: 10--5 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 71 / Defenses: 12 (156)

-(from 2016) Didn't I JUST BUILD A GOOD SKRULL??? Yes, here's ANOTHER one. This
guy actually has the cutesy origin of "Superman's Origin, but he's a Skrull instead", and was
given the lesson "With great power, there must also come great responsibility" by his super-
Christian, ultra-moral father. He used his Skrullian powers to become Moral Man, while also
being a reporter at the Daily Bugle. He then allies with Spider-Man, and Spidey begins
reluctantly training the rookie in how to be a hero. However, upon realizing that he's a Skrull,
he goes nuts and his identity gets revealed, but he's calmed down by Aunt May, who
convinces him he's a good man, and he moves overseas to help the less fortunate. He later
appears on Wonder Man's goofy "Revengers" team as "Virtue", attacking the Avengers
because of his race's defeat during Secret Invasion. So they COMPLETELY IGNORED HIS
ENTIRE STORY. Okay so it's just a Reggie Hudlin story, but come on.

The Ethicals

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Mar 16, 2022 3:05 am

THE ETHICALS (Akra, Kora & 3 Others)
Created By: Marv Wolfman & Steve Ditko
First Appearance: Machine Man #12 (Dec. 1979)
Role: Weirdo Shroom-Induced Beings, Uplifted Gods

-Created by a late-70s Steve Ditko and Marv Wolfman, the Ethicals were a band of humans
who had been blasted by an electrical bolt created by Machine Man, frustrated over the
madness of humanity. The bolt mixed with some chemicals the scientists had been using, and
so they awoke as super-powered beings, going off in search of their "father". Showcasing
great power and very ethereal personalities, they stopped Machine Man from executing a
criminal for shooting another man- saying this would not be "ethical", they beseeched the
hero to try and uplift humanity to the future they had foreseen. However, the child of the man
who'd been shot came to Machine Man's defense, saying he was worthy as a hero for trying
to defend people who hated him. Impressed with the defense, the Ethicals let the boy choose
the criminal's fate- he chose to spare the man, and he went to jail. The Ethicals then went off
to find a world to call their own. Their only other appearance in comics history was of course
in the Quasar issue where they turned up on the Stranger's laboratory world. When Quasar
offered to spring them, they said "that would not be ethical" and instead broke out when the
prison lab was wrecked.

-Sooooo... drugs. Lots of drugs. This has both Ditko's penchant for weird stories and
punishment, but is fairly soft by his standards, as the criminal is spared. Wolfman, of course,
was prone to lots of wacked-out stories like this. The whole thing is more or less "Fancy
Space Children" with vague declarations of morality and the future as they ascend to
godhood or whatever- the kind of stuff you write while high, which you saw a lot of in the
late 1970s.

-The Ethicals seemed to be able to fly and travel through space, and were resistant to
anything Machine Man did.

Euroforce & Gemini

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:07 pm


-Many, many years ago, I was asking around for sone foreign heroes to add to my Marvel
builds. Woodclaw, who was then a major commenter on the site (before leaving for several
years- I think I remember him saying he was frustrated with GR's lack of book releases) was
good enough to hand me the names and power-sets of TWO groups of characters, all from the
same Limited Series in the mid-90s. And WOW, were these guys "Nineties". They exemplify
SO MANY of the tropes iconic to that era- guys with guns, everyone's Blasting away or has
Claws, the token Telepath/Telekinetic Power-Set so emblematic of female characters in this
era, etc.

-The sad thing is, despite me ASKING to do them, I actually have this specific recollection of
these being this HUGE slog. Probably because I'd never seen the characters and was going
entirely off of Woodclaw's notes- it was basically the kind of "Blind Build" that I learned that
I hated doing- it might have actually burned me on the idea entirely. Like... what kind of PL
do I give to a character I've never seen, who fights OTHER people I've never seen? And then
there's the fact that they were all Military Guys- the WORST kind of character to build in 2nd
Edition, as it requires a mountain of skills in their more "open" Skill tree). Believe it or not,
but looking over the big list o' 2e Skills is actually what led to me getting tired of building
characters back in the day, leading to a big hiatus for several months. Nowadays I even post
crap on my VACATIONS.

-But seriously, this was so bad that I remembered the pain of doing it more than SEVEN
YEARS LATER. And I felt badly over how much I considered it a chore, because Woodclaw
was good enough to give me the information in the first place, because I ASKED for it! It's
just one of those funny things .

-Euroforce was created by Marvel Italia, the Italian branch of Marvel comics (which explains
why the Italian Woodclaw knew about it). It was formed from the merger of two teams- Task
Force and Eurolab. Both were divisions of "Euromind", the European division of
S.H.I.E.L.D. (when it's not an aspect of the American government, I mean). Eurolab was a
scientific research team, while Task Force was all about military-style combat.

Eurolab: Key, Danger, Deep Sight, Nuage and Picaro.

Task Force: Dragonfly, Argento, Blue Condor, Iceboy and Tiger.

-An investigation into a crashed U.F.O. saw three Japanese cyborgs attack the team (I HATE
it when that happens!), killing Dragonfly & Blue Condor before they could do anything in the
book. The surviving three members joined Eurolab and fled to their Spanish base, and they
discover a conspiracy within S.H.A.P.E. (which I guess is the European branch of
S.H.I.E.L.D.'s name. How they relate to Euromind is beyond me), then fake their deaths so
they can act without observation.

-The book basically vanished without a word after this five-issue Mini-Series, and a new
Euroforce showed up in a one-off Avengers World story, led by the Black Knight. The story
was pretty good (a nice diversion from Hickman's overly-long Infinity nonsense), but the
characters were such one-offs that statting them is impossible.

-First up is a group called "Gemini", who are related to the team via their link to Europe-
they're all Italians, and I can't find much information about them online. They were newborns
who were resurrected by the demon "Nosferath" and imbued with some of his power. They
fought against Nosferath and his agent, Caine, killing the latter- they've never been seen
since. They were apparently rejected by Nick Fury for being too "ruthless".

Dr. Evelyn Necker

Post by Jabroniville » Wed Sep 07, 2022 9:46 pm

You'll never guess which design is rooted in the 1990s.


Created By: Dan Abnett & Liam Sharp
First Appearance: Death's Head II #1 (March 1992)
Role: Sexy Doctor, The Hero's Boss
Group Affiliations: Advanced Idea Mechanics
PL 6 (84)

Athletics 3 (+4)
Deception 4 (+7)
Expertise (Science) 5 (+12)
Investigation 3 (+4)
Perception 2 (+3)
Technology 6 (+13)
Treatment 2 (+9)
Vehicles 3 (+5)

Equipment 4 (Laser Gun +5- Multiattack, Time Machine- Time Travel 3), Inventor, Ranged
Attack 4

Unarmed +5 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Guns +6 (+5 Ranged Damage, DC 20)
Initiative +7

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +2, Fortitude +4, Will +5

Enemy (Death's Head II)- When the cyborg warrior learns just how duplicitous his former
boss is, he decides she needs to be taught a lesson.
Obsession (Inventions)- Dr. Necker is so laser-focused on her inventions, either for the sake
of creation or to prove herself to her bosses, that she will engage in ethical lapses (including
murder) and careless planning just to see her work completed. This often comes back to bite
her, as her inventions go out of control.

Total: Abilities: 48 / Skills: 28--14 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 13 (84)

-Okay, this one is REALLY weird- among the more inexplicable characters of Marvel UK,
Dr. Necker is Death's Head II's boss AND creator, coming along for a ton of his missions and
being responsible for a lot of things that happens, but instead of just being a regular
boss/inventor she's also a giant sexpot/Miss Fanservice always decked out in kinky outfits
and she's also maybe evil? And then Dan Abnett goes and makes her a recurring character in
Nova fifteen years later, lol.

-So Dr. Necker is a member of A.I.M. in the distant future (like... 2020) of "our Earth" (ie.
now it has a designation as an alternate Earth), and created the "Minion" cyborg project,
which A.I.M. funds because their precognitive division has perceived a threat which will
destroy them all. She appears as a somewhat regular boss at first, having created the Minion
and programmed him to go out and copy the minds of 106 of the deadliest people in the
world so he'd be a spectacular warrior- however, he goes haywire when he assimiliates
Death's Head, and she & Reed Richards have to figure out how to fix things- bringing that
robot's mind to the forefront to calm the cyborg down. Dr. Necker crushes on Reed, saying it
was wonderful to meet him, and they're off... leading to Baron Strucker V becoming
"Charnel" and taking over the body of the original Death's Head, threatening all existence
with his absorptive powers. Death's Head II then abandons her, and calls Necker out on her
responsibility for all this, pointing out the Minion co-opting Death's Head's personality left
the body for Charnel to threaten all reality.

-Various Death's Head II spin-offs detail the origins of the Minion cyborg, and we learn that
she cut corners so as to keep her funding (using a car's combustion engine instead of a cold
fusion or nuclear power source) and required "Bio-Organics" and so SHOT AND KILLED a
homeless alcoholic and put his brain into Minion. This of course results in a Minion that's a
violent alcoholic, who swipes a time machine and goes to get a drink, making Necker look
like a moron. This guy becomes "Death Wreck" and escapes with a human companion after
Necker downloads his important features for the next Minion. By this point, it's become clear
she's fairly amoral and doesn't think things through all the way.
-The subsequent Death's Head II ongoing features her in a more background role, trying to
get the powerful warrior Kite to be the host of a new Minion cyborg- this ALSO proves to be
moronic, as Kite is one half of the previously-bisected Charnel, and he re-forms to cause
them even more trouble. Death's Head II and the mercenary Requiem Sharks invade Necker's
lab and start blowing stuff up, DHII demanding to be told his origins, but Charnel's arrival
makes everyone work together to stop him- a device Necker had implanted into Kite's body
proves critical to stopping Charnel, and DHII kills him. The resulting blast covers Dr.
Necker's escape, and she quits A.I.M. to join the Omni-Corporation of her timeline. She
creates ANOTHER Minion, who becomes Death Metal, in the ludicrous "Death³" comic, and
Death's Head II meets him AND Death Wreck, his "older brother", and suggests he needs to
find Necker and make her pay. However, Marvel UK is quickly cancelled and this doesn't go
anywhere- nor does the fact that two of the Sharks are revealed to be Necker's parents.

-Shockingly, a past version of Dr. Necker appears in OUR time, when Dan Abnett, her
creator, uses her as a member of Project: Pegasus in the 2000s Nova comic, when Richard
Rider shows back up on Earth! Here, she is seen as more curious while working as their
robotics expert, and she works on her "Minion" program (which, in our timeline, has never
been completed yet). She accidentally leads to the resurrection of Wendell "Quasar" Vaughn
when searching for a power source, and begins to crush on Rider. Here, she's seen as less
ridiculous, and more helpful to the heroes, though she's still prepared to work for A.I.M. just
to see her research done, which naturally can lead to the Necker of Marvel UK.

-This version is somewhat curious, and thankfully an Unofficial Appendix writer also worked
on her OFFICIAL bio, explaining some of this. So the Dr. Necker in Marvel UK is of course
set 20-25 years in the FUTURE, with her parents being the contemporary (to 1993 Marvel)
Requiem Sharks members. And so with a couple years down the road, it seems the Sharks
(who, to be fair, can travel time and dimensions) raised her in another timeline and so she's
now an adult, but with none of the "Death's Head" stuff ever having happened in our timeline
yet. And of course a Revolutionary War: Death's Head comic gives that whole thing a new
origin, as she gets A.I.M. funding to create an army of cyborg killers!

Everett Ross

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Feb 05, 2018 10:49 pm

EVERETT K. ROSS (Everett Kenneth Ross)
Created By: Christopher Priest & Kenny Martinez
First Appearance: Ka-Zar #17 (Sept. 1998)
Role: The Regular Guy, Exposition Magnet
Group Affiliations: The U.S. Government
PL 1 (34), PL 2 (34) Saves

Deception 6 (+8)
Expertise (Wakanda) 5 (+8)
Expertise (Government) 3 (+6)
Insight 4 (+7)
Perception 2 (+5)

Benefit (Status- Government Agent)

Unarmed +0 (+0 Damage, DC 15)
Initiative +1

Dodge +1 (DC 11), Parry +1 (DC 11), Toughness +1, Fortitude +1, Will +4

Relationship (The Black Panther)- The two have grown to respect and like one another.
Responsibility (The U.S. Government)

Total: Abilities: 22 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 1 (34)

-Like all comic book writers, Christopher Priest liked to re-use characters he'd created for
third-tier, low-selling books, placing them on much higher-rated titles. So while Chris
Claremont stuck all his Ms. Marvel characters onto the popular X-Men title, Priest threw
Everett K. Ross, who'd debuted in Ka-Zar, into The Black Panther. His job, of course, was to
be the "Audience Surrogate" character in that book, giving a more grounded, "regular world"
view of a pretty fantastical world- a sci-fi world mixed with tribal legends.

-Ross's personality was based off of Chandler from Friends, which was then the hottest thing
going- his sarcastic nature would give the super-serious T'Challa someone to play off of. He
also was, importantly, a white male- Priest recognizing the main comics-buying audience
might need a "white male at the center", giving his own assumptions and misgivings about
the Panther that reflected those of the fans. He also wanted Ross to voice those things he
suspected whites said about blacks when they weren't around- not necessarily RACIST
things, just un-PC, stream-of-consciousness "why do they do ____?" stuff.

-Everett was a U.S. government guy sent to Wakanda as their ambassador, becoming close
with the Black Panther as various threats come underway. He & T'Challa eventually grow to
be friends, often helping each other out. Without Priest covering the character, he fell into
misuse, not showing up much in any other run- just little bits here and there.


Post by Jabroniville » Fri Jan 17, 2020 8:11 pm

EVILHAWK (Dargin Bokk)
Created By: Danny Fingeroth & Mike Manley
First Appearance: Darkhawk #20 (Oct. 1992)
Role: Mirror Image Villain
Group Affiliations: Some Alien Mob
PL 9 (150)

Aerobatics 3 (+8)
Deception 4 (+7)
Expertise (Space Criminal) 4 (+8)
Intimidation 4 (+7)
Perception 5 (+8)
Ranged Combat (Chest Beam) 3 (+10)
Stealth 3 (+5/+8)

Benefit 4 (Space-Wealth), Evasion, Improved Defense, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 2

"Darkhawk Replacement Body" (Activation -1) [-1]
Enhanced Strength 5 [10]
Enhanced Agility 3 [6]
Enhanced Advantages 4: Close Attack, Ranged Attack 3 [4]
"Armour" Protection 5 [5]
Senses 2 (Extended & Infravision) [2]

Flight 7 (250 mph) (Flaws: Winged) [7]

"Chest Beam" Blast 8 (16) -- [17]

 AE: "Shield Generator" Enhanced Dodge & Parry 2 (Extras: Sustained +0) (4)

"Grappling Claw"
Movement 1 (Swinging) (2) -- [3]

 AE: Strength-Damage +1 (1)

Unarmed +9 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Claw +9 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Chest Beam +11 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +3 (+5 Armor)

Dodge +8 (+10 Shield, DC 18-20), Parry +8 (+10 Shield, DC 18-20), Toughness +3 (+8
Armour), Fortitude +7, Will +5

Motivation (Greed)
Enemy (Darkhawk)

Total: Abilities: 62 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 56 / Defenses: 10 (150)

-A sure sign of half-assed writing? Making a Mirror Image Villain with the same powers and
look as the hero... and just putting the word "evil" in his name. Evilhawk is an Alien
Crimelord, creating Darkhawk androids for some scheme. When the scientists doing the work
turned on him, he took control of one and watched as his original body died, trapping himself
in "Evilhawk". When he learns that Chris Powell got some of the same tech, he came to Earth
and fought the kid- he was destroyed in the ensuing battle. He appeared later on the Astral
Plane, but was unable to resurrect himself, and has never reappeared, with later comics
indicating that the whole "Dargin Bokk" thing was a psychosomatic creation of the
Darkhawk suit in the first place, meaning it's questionable as to whether or not Evilhawk
even EXISTS now. But Darkhawk has a whole group of Mirror Image Villains anyways, so
he doesn't need this guy.

-Evilhawk is just a copy of Darkhawk with "Space Crimeboss" traits.

Ex Nihilo

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Jun 16, 2020 1:59 am

Created By: Jonathan Hickman & Jerome Opena
First Appearance: Avengers #1 (Feb. 2013)
Role: Super-Creator
Group Affiliations: The Garden, The Avengers
PL 11 (280)

Expertise (Space Events & History) 10 (+18)
Expertise (Science) 8 (+16)
Expertise (Science) 8 (+24) -- Flaws: Limited to Genetics
Intimidation 4 (+6)
Perception 8 (+12)
Technology 8 (+16)

Assessment, Ranged Attack 6

"Ex Nihilo" Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support) (Extras: Affects Others on Life Support) [21]
Regeneration 12 (Feats: Regrows Limbs) [13]
"Bring Life To Dead Worlds" Transform (Living World to Dead World) 10 [20]
Senses 1 (Communication Link- Abyss) [1]

"Vine Snares" Snare 11 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (44) -- [46]

AE: "Eye Beams" Damage 11 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Cone) (22)
AE: "Powerful Snare" Snare 12 (36)

Mind Control 10 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Burst +3) (Flaws: Limited to Nihilo's Creations, Tough
Range -2) [40]

Unarmed +6 (+1 Damage, DC 16)
Eyebeams +11 Area (+11 Damage, DC 26)
Mind Control +10 Area (+10 Affliction, DC 20)
Initiative +3

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +12, Fortitude +12, Will +10

Motivation (Seed & Redevelop Worlds)- Ex Nihili have been sent by The Builders to remove
certain life forms and replace them with new ones. When he discovers the other members of
his race are being forced to simply destroy life, he finds this abhorrent.

Total: Abilities: 94 / Skills: 42--21 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: 141 / Defenses: 17 (280)

-Ex Nihilo is one of the central characters of Jon Hickman's Magnum Opus for The
Avengers... but is still kind of a blank slate, as Hickman immediately went about creating a
dozen new characters and then spent all of one issue each on them. Hell, I had to re-read the
first three issues just to figure out if he had any combat powers. A smiling, overconfident
douche, he basically goes around "seeding" worlds with new life, but it has a tendency to
wipe out what was there before (like the Genesis Device from The Wrath of Khan). The
Avengers showed up and gave him and his allies a beat-down, but they gave up upon the
arrival the new Captain Universe (whom they recognized as having "power we must obey").
So despite their "seeds" killing tons of people, the Avengers left them to their own devices.

-Nihilo was allowed to terraform Mars so long as he left the Earth alone, and created the
artificial human Nightmask, who joins the Avengers. Then... Nihilo and his group just kinda
sat around and then helped fight The Builders' armies during the big Infinity story, the
Avengers having decided that these vague characters are powerful enough to ally with against
this new oncoming threat. Nihilo himself felt insulted at having been forgotten and
disregarded by his masters, and told to quit evolving things, so he stoically aided the
Avengers in destroying the Builders. At the end of Hickman's tale, Ex Nihilo went off with
his fellow Nihilii and tries to fix the damage The Builders caused (I completely forget that
part). However, he, Abyss and the other Gatherers were killed trying to reprogram one of the
Beyonders who was planning on destroying the multiverse- they sacrifice themselves in the
process, and are never seen again. Mostly because only Hickman really cared about or
understood any of that.

-And as such, I kinda had to eyeball and guess many of his powers and levels- he's tough and
can use Eye Beams, and can control the beings he's created (though Falcon overcame his
control of the bird-like ones, so it has limits), but I can't find as much evidence of any real
power feats (or having a Summon power of his own). I could have missed something in his
85,000-part Infinity cross-over, though. His sister Abyss (who has even LESS
characterization, but made out with Thor once, who then promised to spare her when the
Avengers came to kick some ass) is sort of a Darkforcey Snare-User with Mind Control


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Dec 16, 2020 4:37 am

EXCALIBER (Jason "Slappy" Struthers)
Created By: Marv Wolfman & Carmine Infantino
First Appearance: Spider-Woman #2 (May 1978)
Role: One-Shot Villain
Group Affiliations: None
PL 9 (103)

Deception 2 (+4)
Expertise (Thief) 6 (+8)
Sleight of Hand 2 (+6)

Power Attack

"Copy of Excalibur" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [46]
Enhanced Strength 6 (12)
Enhanced Stamina 8 (16)
Enhanced Agility 1 (2)
Enhanced Fighting 6 (12)
"Stun Bolts" Affliction 8 (Fort; Dazed/Stunned/Incapacitated) (Extras: Ranged) (16) -- (17)

 AE: "Sword Slash" Strength-Damage +2 (Extras: Penetrating 8) (10)

"Control Steeds" Enhanced Strength & Stamina 1 (Extras: Affects Others Only +0) (Flaws:
Limited to Steeds) (2)
Mind Control 5 (Extras: Sustained +2) (Flaws: Touch Range -2, Limited to Steeds) (15)
-- (76 points)

Unarmed +2 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Enhanced Strength +8 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Sword +8 (+10 Damage, DC 25)
Initiative +2 (+3 Sword)

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +2 (+10 Sword), Fortitude +2 (+10
Sword), Will +2

Involuntary Transformation (Without The Sword)- The possession ends whenever Struthers
lets go of the sword- he may be disinclined to pick it back up.

Total: Abilities: 46 / Skills: 10--5 / Advantages: 1 / Powers: 46 / Defenses: 5 (103)

-"Slappy" Struthers was the most unfortunately-named thief in existence, and was out to steal
Excalibur itself from The London Museum- alas, it turns out that the sword was a copy
created by Morgan Le Fay, and he got possessed by the spirit of one of Morgan's knights. Le
Fay used him against Magnus The Magician & Spider-Woman, but knocking the Sword from
his hand ended the possession. The character subsequently NEVER reappeared, and since
Chris Claremont created Excalibur for Marvel in the next decade, he probably never will.

-Excaliber was powerful enough to shrug off Jessica's Venom Blasts, and derail trains with
his sword, but that Easily-Removable Flaw is a HUGE deal. Also, he can turn regular Police
Horses into a Personal Steed (I'm assuming its just tougher).


Post by Jabroniville » Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:00 pm


-One of the later '80s Spin-Offs of The X-Men, Excalibur took advantage of another of Chris
Claremont's favourite things- The U.K. Having lived there in his youth, Claremont had a
tendency to have characters vacation or visit there. Having written part of Captain Britain's
book in the 1970s, Chris added Brian Braddock to the book, alongside his girlfriend Meggan
and three former X-Men: During the Mutant Massacre, Kitty Pryde & Nightcrawler were
badly-injured, and were left in Scotland to recover. Rachel Summers (aka the second
Phoenix) had left the team much earlier for her own reasons. They were thus in the vicinity of
the U.K. when Warwolves and the Technet attacked, and also watched the X-Men "die" in
Dallas (the start of the Australia Era). Because of this, the five grouped together to form
Excalibur, and become Britain's defenders.

-Claremont joined forces with Alan Davis, a brilliant penciler who had the ultra-rare ability to
generally just very, very good. They decided to make Excalibur an exception to the Grim 'n'
Gritty style of X-books, having them engage in weird and whacky adventures that often
involved parallel relaties. The stories were the kind of "are they taking LSD"-type weird stuff
that REALLY makes you question their sanity. While the books were brilliantly-drawn, I
actually felt they were a bit too silly to enjoy. I mean, there was stuff like Galactus eating a
world because "it is too silly to live". Also, they wiped out one of Braddock's love interests,
then replaced her with a doppelganger (Courtney Ross & Opal-Luna Saturnyne)... then
basically just appeared to drop the storyline completely, as I don't remember it ever coming
up again.
-Some of the issues were pretty good- there's a neat one when Nightcrawler becomes the
lover of some hot psychopathic Queen chick and Excalibur has to come save him. But for the
most part, I had trouble getting into it, even though I loves me some Kitty Pryde. There's also
the fact that Claremont just absolutely LOVED Rachel Summers, forcing her down the fans'
throats by going on and on about how hot and super-powerful she was (Kitty is shown
moping frequently about how much hotter Rachel is, and Alistair Stuart seems to agree... to
say that most comic book fans think quite the opposite is an understatement). She kind of
took too much of the attention, while Captain Britain himself was portrayed as a bit of a
pathetic, clueless boob, frequently ignoring his girlfriend Meggan or getting into foolish

-Davis left with issue #24 (1990), and Claremont with #34, but Davis would eventually return
as sole creative force, adding the characters Kylun, Cerise & Micromax to the book. Scott
Lobdell would take over in 1993, and rapidly alter the book from something that felt like
"just another X-Men spin-off"- Captain Britain & Meggan left, the team moved to Muir
Island and they made a lot of closer associations to the X-Men... which is actually the
opposite of their intentions. Phoenix also left, replaced by Douglock & Britannic (a modified
Captain Britain), and Amanda Sefton. This was pretty poorly-received, and so Warren Ellis
took over a year later, using his trademark dark sense of humor, and utter inability to NOT
include a cigarette-smoking Self-Insert in every book, thus giving us Pete Wisdom. Naturally,
he had his Self-Insert boink Kitty Pryde. Wolfsbane (late of X-Factor joined the team, as did
Colossus, having quit The Acolytes, making it more X-related.

-Ellis left two years later, and sales soon badly faltered, which resulted in the book's
cancellation in 1998 with Excalibur #125- Meggan and Captain Britain were married,
capping off the series. Kitty, Nightcrawler & Colossus were placed back onto the X-teams,
which some of them hadn't been on for more than a DECADE. We'd see a reboot in 2001
with Ben Raab, the writer of the failing years of the original- it didn't last long. In 2004, they
rebooted it with Claremont at the helm, dealing with Professor Xavier & Magneto's attempts
to rebuild the devastated mutant nation of Genosha. It was cancelled just over a year later, as
The House of M cross-over interfered. New Excalibur, also by Claremont, came out a year
later, with some of the usual suspects (Sage & Psylocke, naturally)- it lasted two years.
Ironically, Captain Britain himself would have a very critically-beloved run in a NON-
Excalibur format as a member of MI:13, but it was too focused on using unpopular characters
to really succeed, and lack of sales killed it after three Trades.

-What's odd about this book is that to me, Kitty and Nightcrawler were ALWAYS members
of Excalibur, and were never X-Men. I mean, I KNEW on a fundamental level that they were
former X-Men, but since I started reading at around 1991, they were already established
Excalibur members, and stayed that way for years. I'd actually started and STOPPED
collecting before they re-joined the team, and when they finally re-joined the team while I
was doing my "read them on the stands and never buy them" phase, it actually felt weird
because I'd never associated the characters with the X-Men (while a spin-off, Excalibur
almost neverdealt with the mainstream book, even avoiding the Cross-Overs that were now
ubiquitous to the X-Books, involving major events in the mutant community, like X-Tinction
Agenda, The X-Cutioner's Song and others).

Captain Britain and MI-13:

This was a quite good, doomed-to-Early-cancellation, book from 2010-ish. I mean, iit was well
written and well drawn... but a CAPTAIN BRITAIN book? With Pete Wisdom, Black Knight and Spitfire
as his major supporting cast?

The arcs are quite interesting, and I liked how it focused more on quick thinking and tactics over just
punching. The first arc is all Secret Invasion stuff, as Brian gets all this mystical destiny stuff and offs a
Super-Skrull with the combined might of all England's magic. In the second story, the team faces off
against one of the monstrous demons unleashed by Wisdom in order to beat the Skrulls (he freed
Satannish, and was granted one boon- apologizing to the people he couldn't resurrect, Wisdom said
"No More Skrulls", saving England). The final arc is most fascinating, as it's all a tactical game of chess
between Wisdom and Dracula himself, who plots the total overthrow of England. And Wisdom pulls
some great stuff in that arc.

One of the only problems with the book is a lack of exposition. For example... nobody explains why
Spitfire is a vampire! Or why her son wears a funny costume (it's Baron Blood's)! Or who Captain
Fate is. Or who Captain Midlands (who ends every sentence with a comma and "like") is. Or why
Meggan disappeared! They explain where she was, but all you see at one point is that she was
missing- she's basically ignored for the entire story until it's relevant. She's the hero's WIFE. Hell,
they never even explain minor stuff, like anyone's origins, or what their powers actually are. I mean-
you can make fun of Claremontisms, but you understood what everyone could do! *I* know that
Pete throws Hot Knives, but think of new readers!


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Jul 15, 2017 10:49 pm

EXCAVATOR (Ricky Calusky)
Created By: Brian K. Vaughn & Adrian Alphona
First Appearance: The Runaways #1 (April 2005)
Role: Elite Jobber Villain, Marvel Universe Punching Bag, Most Generic Costume Ever
Group Affiliations: The Wrecking Crew
PL 7 (59)

Deception 2 (+2)
Intimidation 2 (+2)
Ranged Attack 2

"Durability" Impervious Toughness 3 [3]
Immunity 2 (Poison, Disease) [2]

"Enchanted Shovel" (Flaws: Easily Removable) [3]

Strength-Damage +1 (Extras: Penetrating 4) (5 points)

Unarmed +6 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Shovel +6 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +2

Dodge +6 (DC 16), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +7 (+2 Impervious), Fortitude +7, Will +2

Reputation (Job Squad)- The Wrecking Crew, despite their power, have lost to virtually every
hero in the Marvel Universe, so don't get a lot of respect. 
Power Loss- The Wrecking Crew must touch The Wrecker's mystical Crowbar for it's magic
to infuse them with powers. The Wrecker may take all this power for himself otherwise,
leaving the rest de-powered. Excavator's standard Abilities are then STR 0, STA 1.
Relationship (Piledriver- Father)

Total: Abilities: 40 / Skills: 4--2 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 8 / Defenses: 7 (59)

-Excavator briefly joined his father's team in the first arc of Brian K. Vaughn's Runaways,
basically acting like a Joke Villain- he boatsed an "Enchanted Shovel", and thinned the
Crew's powers even FURTHER, reducing all of their stats by a certain amount. He gets one
shot- he breaks his Shovel over Molly Hayes' head, and is then one-punched down the street.
This remains the Crew's single-biggest jobbing in histor, as they were demolished like a
group of A.I.M. Bucketheads at the hands of a group of rank amateurs- even dividing their
power FIVE ways shouldn't have done THAT.

-He's recently appeared in another book, so we'll see what becomes of him. As of now, he's
still just a weak PL 7 Mini-Powerhouse.


Post by Jabroniville » Sat Sep 30, 2017 2:48 am

"They made a fool of me, Balder. They laughed at me. Everybody laughs at Skurge. Hela,
Mordonna, even the Enchantress I love, they all laugh at me. Except you. Balder is too kind
to laugh at Skurge. And every time they do, I hurt inside. Maybe I die a little. I think... maybe
I am dead already. And my axe was destroyed with Naglfar. So I will stand behind and the
last laugh will be mine. [...] *I* will hold the bridge."
-The Executioner


"They sing no songs in Hel, for silent is that dismal realm, and cheerless... but the story of
the Gjallerbru and the God who defended it is whispered across the Nine Worlds... and when
a new arrival asks about the one to whom even Hela bows her head... the answer is always
the same: 'He stood alone at Gjallerbru...' and that answer is enough."
-The Final Narration, because this is how you goddamn COMIC.


Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #103 (April 1964)
Role: Silver Age Rival (to Thor), Obsessive Lover (to Amora, not Thor)
Group Affiliations: The Masters of Evil, The Einherjar, The Mandarin's Minions
PL 12 (171)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 2 (+11)
Expertise (Asgardian Soldier) 8 (+8)
Investigation 2 (+2)
Intimidation 13 (+13)
Perception 5 (+5)

All-Out Attack, Chokehold, Diehard, Improved Critical (Axe) 2, Improved Hold, Improved
Initiative, Improved Smash, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 11, Startle, Takedown 2, Tracking

"Frost Giant/Skornheimian Physiology"
Immunity 9 (Aging, Disease, Cold, Poison, Fatigue Effects) [9]
Regeneration 2 (Feats: Regrowth) [3]
Senses 1 (Extended Vision) [1]
Impervious Toughness 11 [11]

"The Bloodaxe" (Flaws: Easily-Removable) (Feats: Restricted to Strong Men) [27]

"Fire Line" Damage 12 (Extras: Area- 60ft. Line +2) (36) -- (42 points)

 AE: "Ice Beam" Snare 11 (33)

 AE: "Axe Smash" Strength-Damage +3 (Feats: Reach, Affects Insubstantial 2,
Dimensional 3, Improved Critical 2) (Extras: Penetrating 14) (25)
 AE: "Cut Through Space" Movement 3 (Dimensional Movement 3) (Extras: Portal
+2) (10)
 AE: "Teleport Others" Movement 3 (Dimensional Movement 3) (Extras: Attack +0)
 AE: "Fire Blast" Blast 13 (26)
 AE: "Destroys Illusions" Nullify 14 (Illusion Effects) (Extras: Simultaneous,
Effortless) (Flaws: Touch Range) (14)

Unarmed +11 (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Axe Smash +9 (+15 Damage, DC 30)
Ice Beam +11 (+10 Ranged Affliction, DC 20)
Fire Blast +11 (+13 Ranged Damage, DC 28)
Fire Line +12 Area (+12 Damage, DC 27)
Initiative +2

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +12, Fortitude +13, Will +6

Relationship (Amora, the Enchantress)- Skurge loves The Enchantress deeply, which she
uses to control him. As Walt Simonson wrote, she has "the flowing blonde hair that always
dances before his eyes".
Enemy (Thor)
Honour- The Executioner is truly villainous, but he still fights with honour. In fact, that's how
he dies.

Total: Abilities: 72 / Skills: 18--9 / Advantages: 24 / Powers: 51 / Defenses: 15 (171)

-The Executioner was originally the "Recurring Dumbass Foe" of Thor for years, being The
Enchantress' easily-controlled buffoonish henchman. He shows up ALL OVER THE PLACE
in the '60s stories (usually as a member of the Masters of Evil, or as Amora's lackey), but his
odd appearance mixed with his simplistic characterization led to a big de-push for him. In
response, Walt Simonson years later gave him a heroic send-off and face-turn, thanks to one
of his greatest moments as a writer. Upon being rejected by The Enchantress one final time
(she now seeks to bed Balder), he allied with Thor and his Asgardian brothers in order to
regain his honour. Their mission takes them to Hela's realm, and she sends her endless
Legions of the Dead against the heroes. Skurge, in one final great moment, holds the way for
them by sacrificing his life against a demonic horde, allowing his allies to escape.

-This scene is the absolute PICTURE of how you write a heroic sacrifice. It takes a character
so flat that he'd disappear if he turned sideways, and makes him seem like the most bad-ass,
complex, courageous character in history- it stands above Supergirl's death during the Crisis.
It stands above Barry Allen's. Even Ferro Lad's. How can you tell? Those guys came BACK.
Nobody would DREAM of ruining Skurge's demise in that manner- he meant almost nothing
as a character before it, and became a legend afterwards. It's not just the death itself- plenty of
heroes have died fighting insurmountable odds- it's the combination of the art, the dialogue
(the quote above? EPIC), the depiction of the Undead Hordes, the menace of Hela, the
personal need for Skurge to make amends and make something of his existence, and the
absolute RESPECT every character (even HELA, who was actively TRYING to kill him!),
all of it- It makes his death MEAN SOMETHING. Keep in mind that people like Barry Allen
and Supergirl were FAMOUS, IMPORTANT characters- the Executioner was just some
forgotten relic of the Sixties. And his final moments are STILL talked about today. And
THAT is writing.

-Subsequent appearances have involved him in the Norse afterlives- he met Thor in Hel while
the Thunder God's spirit was trapped in the Destroyer armor, and was released to Valhalla
when even Hela recognized that his noble spirit belonged somewhere better. Eventually, as
promised, Thor & Balder drank in Skurge's honor, and even Amora realized that she truly
cared for the man she'd only ever used as a minion.

-Skurge fought THOR of all people, time and time again, so he's at least PL 12, statting up
like a high-powered Brick, who's also a Weapons Guy. He's rather strong normally, but does
a HELL of a lot of damage once he's got that Axe in his hands- he's then a match for Thor,
Hercules or any other God-level being (most of whom are PL 13-14). I was thinking of
making him PL 13 (he seems to be a good fighter, and his Axe is hella-powerful), but... well,
he's got absolutely zero wins over anybody who's legit, and he was Thor's regular Jobber for
years. Much less versatile than Thor all-around, but he's still a bad-ass, and enough to give
any Avenger pause for a while. Note that his Axe has a bunch of powers I've never heard of-
I had to use ComicVine, Wikipedia, and Taliesin's build to pick up a bunch of stuff- notably
all the Dimensional-based attacks.

Executioner (Crazy Gang)

Post by Jabroniville » Sun Mar 26, 2017 5:34 pm

Created By: David Thorpe, Paul Neary & Alan Davis (Original), Alan Moore & Alan Davis
(616 Version)
First Appearance: Marvel Superheroes #377 (Sept. 1981- Original), The Mighty World of
Marvel #10 (March 1984- 616 Version)
Role: Joke Villain
Group Affiliations: The Crazy Gang
PL 6 (38)

Intimidation 2 (+6)

Equipment 2 (Axe +3, Penetrating 5)

Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30]
Protection 6 [6]

Unarmed +4 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Axe +4 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +0
Dodge +5 (DC 15), Parry +6 (DC 16), Toughness +6, Fortitude --, Will --

Responsibility (The Red Queen's Will)

Total: Abilities: -8 / Skills: 2--1 / Advantages: 2 / Powers: 36 / Defenses: 7 (38)

-The Executioner is an android for whatever reason, and he never speaks. His only role is to
attempt to chop off the head of whomever the Red Queen has targeted with her trademark
phrase. It was once destroyed, but has been repaired before. I mean, it's a ROBOT.

The Executioner (Dubois)

Post by Jabroniville » Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:10 pm

Created By: Paul Cornell & Mark Brooks
First Appearance: Dark Reign: Young Avengers #1 (July 2009)
Role: Legacy Villain
Group Affiliations: The Young Masters, The Masters of Evil
PL 7 (86)

Deception 4 (+5)
Expertise (Streetwise) 4 (+6)
Insight 2 (+2)
Intimidation 4 (+5)
Stealth 2 (+6)

Equipment 3 (Rifles, Baseball Bats & Stuff), Fast Grab, Improved Critical (Unarmed),
Improved Hold, Improved Initiative, Ranged Attack 3, Startle

Unarmed +9 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Bat +9 (+5 Damage, DC 19)
Rifle +8 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +8

Dodge +10 (DC 20), Parry +10 (DC 20), Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Will +3

Responsibility (Wants To Be A Hero)- The Executioner wants to join The Young Avengers.

Total: Abilities: 56 / Skills: 16--8 / Advantages: 11 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 11 (86)

-The Executioner is a wealthy kid who hunts down and kills "criminal scum", and also
doesn't have an issue killing pets- ironic for the son of Princess Python (who must have
SOME KIND of genetics, given what she looks despite having a teenage son). He knows
Kate Bishop from school, and tries to blackmail his way onto the Young Avengers by using
his knowledge of her secret identity. He shows up in most versions of the Young Masters, but
has been a backgrounder for ages.

-Executioner III is a bare-bones, simple PL 7 scrapper who uses melee and ranged weapons.

The Exemplars

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Oct 31, 2017 1:40 pm

Created By: Kurt Busiek, Howard Mackie, John Romita, Jr. & Roger Stern
First Appearance: Peter Parker: Spider-Man #1 (Nov. 1999)
Role: Uber-Powerful Villain, Forgotten Character
Group Affiliations: The Exemplars
PL 9 (85)

Intimidation 4 (+6)
Perception 2 (+2)

Power Attack, Startle, Ranged Attack 4

Impervious Toughness 5 [5]

Unarmed +8 (+6 Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +8 (DC 18), Toughness +10 (+3 Impervious), Fortitude +10, Will

Motivation (Destruction)

Total: Abilities: 60 / Skills: 6--3 / Advantages: 6 / Powers: 5 / Defenses: 11 (85)

-The Exemplars were created when a batch of Avengers & Spider-Man creative teams got
together and came up with a kind of Cross-Over- eight beings known as the "Octessence"
make a wager to see which of their number is the most powerful- each will empower a
champion, and those champions will battle to the death. The only one we'd seen beforehand
was Cyttorak's champion- the Unstoppable Juggernaut. All eight Exemplars shared a
common bond- they all were frustrated at not getting what they wanted out of life.

-An increasingly-heroic Juggy managed to team up with Iron Man, Spider-Man & Professor
X to split the Exemplars up and send them across the world. They would return, capturing
him and threatening to execute him, but the Avengers broke it up with a massive team
(adding Quicksilver, Spider-Man, Nova and Hercules to their full roster)- there was a titanic
battle, with the heroes at first doing well because they could fight as a team, while the
Exemplars could not (Cap baited Conquest into a punch from Wonder Man, while flipping
into Carnivore, for example). However, the tide soon turned, as the vast power of the
Exemplars won the day- Decay dumped a wall onto Spider-Man & Cap. Bedlam mind-
blasted Scarlet Witch, Justice & Wonder Man. Tempest wiped out Firestar with a wind-blast.
Conquest snatched Quicksilver as he ran by, slamming him through a wall. Inferno took out
Nova & Giant-Man with a double-blast. Stonecutter took mental control of Iron Man's armor
and threw him about. At this point, all seven Exemplars then dogpiled onto Thor & Hercules,
the last fighters left- the narration makes it clear they might win against a couple Exemplars,
or even FOUR... but seven? The heroes were all defeated save Captain America, who was
able to convince the Exemplars that they were being manipulated- Bedlam mind-blasted the
others into getting their original personalities back.

-With that, the Exemplars departed in order to "find out what to do next"... at which point we
NEVER SAW THEM AGAIN, because none of the creators cared enough to come up with a
new story, and no later creative teams could think of one, either. It doesn't help that most of
them look dumb, like the creators KNEW they weren't being used again, and so didn't bother
to make memorable designs.

-Their base Template is rather unimpressive, being PL 9 and low on points... however, that's
just the BASIC set-up, which already makes them highly-durable and strong. Every one of
them costs a lot more points than that, thanks to heavy-duty powers that exist way outside of
the Template.

The Exiles

Post by Jabroniville » Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:20 am

Created By: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #41 (May 1963- possible old allies seen), Captain
America #104 (June 1964- confirmed)
Role: Exiled Axis Powers, Jobbers
Group Affiliations: The Axis Powers

-Marvel's original Exiles, these guys are a band of arseholes who fought on behalf of the Axis
Powers during World War II (allying with the Red Skull), then hid away on an island in the
Sargasso Sea until modern times. Curiously, none were Japanese- instead, we had a Chinese
man and a RUSSIAN on the team. Odd, as both of their homelands were the invaded enemies
of the Reich and Empire of Japan. It's theoretically-possible that they still fought on the side
of the Axis, of course (there were probably plenty of traitors and turncoats who allied with
the "new powers"- think Inspector Renault in Casablanca), but still a bit odd that nobody
would mention this in ANY of their stories. The obvious "out-of-story" reasoning for this is
of course that China and Russia were enemies of the United States AT THE TIME THE
STORY WAS WRITTEN- so now they'd joined the other "evil" nations. But still, there's no
Japanese man on the team to go along with the Italian & German. So really, two of the four
main Exiles were from non-Axis nations.

-When the Red Skull returned from suspended animation, he immediately recruited his old
allies for a mission- by the Sixties, they would have aged a mere twenty years; nowadays,
you begin to wonder how in hell they were all still around in such great shape. They captured
Sharon Carter and Captain America, but he broke out when the group argued with the Skull
over who would control which part of the world (they'd put a piece of "nuclear tape" on Cap
to make him do their bidding or they'd blow up Washington with a bomb).

-The next year, in 1969, they started hating the Skull, as he refused to share his Cosmic
Cube's power with them, then sent Cap (who was trapped in the Skull's body) to their island,
hoping they'd attack him. This story actually led to the debut of The Falcon, as SkullCap took
off his mask (so nobody would recognize him) and had to train his new ally against the

-In a bizarre story in Astonishing Tales a couple of years later, they again teamed with the
Skull in order to conquer LATVERIA while Doctor Doom was vacationing in the Riviera.
They gassed him and knocked him unconscious when he returned (!!), then paraded him
around the town square... then his power absorbed enough solar radiation to "power up"
again, and he kicked all of their asses quickly. You would NEVER see Doom humiliated like
that by mere goons later on. Doom hypnotized them into making them think they were a few
inches tall, then dumped them back on the Island of Exiles. The group went decades without
seeing the light of day (a gap from 1971-2010! Nearly forty years!) until a recent set where
Baron Zemo encountered some in a minor alliance, and then in a 2011 Bendis Avengers story
when Sin (the Red Skull's daughter) sent them and Master Man against Captain America and
some allies- this was more or less their swan song, as two were killed on-panel (Victoria
Hand shot General Ching through the head; Sharon Carter shot Iron Hand through the chest),
and the others presumed dead after S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Daisy "Quake" Johnson used her
powers to demolish their castle.

-The Exiles aren't great fighters on their own- as a unit, they can challenge Captain America,
but generally have to cheat. Their main advantage comes from their high-tech island (it has
"Mechanical Kelp" to attack the heroes), and numerous soldiers that fight on their side.
They're just such a wild, goofy assortment of guys, though- the classic "Kirby Kretins".
Lumpy, ugly, malformed and bulky, they make ideal "Glorified Mooks".


Post by Jabroniville » Wed Dec 12, 2018 9:49 pm
-I was a major fan of this comic while it was out (well... when it was good, anyways), and
always MEANT to do builds of it, but for some reason I'd always delayed, and didn't get
them done until three years into M&M's 3rd Edition, back in March 2014. Maybe it's because
Blink struck me as a tough build to pull off, or the fact that I didn't really feel like re-reading
the entire series (I mean, I was behind on my comic reading ALREADY). But I figured what
the hey- I still remembered it well enough, and the characters were interesting for their time.

Exiles is basically directly inspired by both the TV show Sliders, and The Age of Apocalypse,
an "Alternate Timeline" story in Marvel that involved a world in which Charles Xavier was
murdered at a young age, and Apocalypse had taken over North America as a result. This
story featured a TON of costume redesigns by hot artist Joe Madureira, and was enormously
popular for a very dark period in comic history (especially in terms of sales). AoA's use of
deceased character Blink and villain Sabretooth as major heroic characters excited a lot of
fans, and years later, Marvel FINALLY took fan demand for Blink's return seriously, and
made her the central character of a brand-new series.

Thankfully, this was no mere attempt at capitalizing on a Doom Patrol Fandom for one
character- by putting a TEAM around her, Marvel successfully made a good series instead of
a sure-to-fail solo book. The Exiles were basically a bunch of Alternate Universe-drawn
Marvel heroes (related to the X-Books, mostly... pretty much entirely, actually), set up by a
mysterious Timebroker to "Slide" (like Sliders, basically) into Alternate Realities and then
"fix" something that went wrong. Blink led the team, and her teammates included the
daughter of Nightcrawler (from another Alternate Future idea that excited readers), the son of
Magneto, a heroic Mimic, an AoA-like Morph, and various other characters. The recurring
cast gave the book a heart, and the overall concept gave it a wide-open universe with endless
possibilities. Being a more minor book with "unknown" or alternate characters meant they
could also KILL people, giving the book an edge most Mainstream books lack entirely.

The book was written by Judd Winick at first (you can tell because it added a gay character
when lots of books weren't doing that) and drawn by Mike McKone (I can always tell it's him
because men's mouths always look funny- he sorta fixed this by Avengers Academy), but
other creative staff soon took over. Jim Calafiore basically took over the regular art chores,
but I wasn't too big a fan- this and his Secret Six stuff is full of really harshly-shaded, boxy-
looking people with no pupils and angry-faces all the time. BUT, that said, he's probably
every writer & company's dream- the dude NEVER missed an issue, meaning he was
probably fast as hell (just as big an advantage to an artist as overall skill). Winick later
dropped out, being replaced by both Chuck Austen (doing an... oddly okay job, given that it's
CHUCK AUSTEN, one of the worst bastards ever to crap on the medium) and Tony Bedard
(who wrote almost half the overall issues).

The Initial Cast:

Blink- A teleporting pink-skinned girl, drawn from Generation-X, who used her as an "Early
Installment Fatality/Sacrificial Buddy", who died saving the team right away. Age of
Apocalypse made her a highly-requested star. She ends up the team leader, reading the
"Tallus", which both Teleports the team to new Universes, and gives them their missions.
Morph- Shapeshifter and comic relief. Generally can't be serious, which of course makes him
the heart of the team.
Mimic- Calvin Rankin, with lowered powers and a classically-heroic sensibility.
Nocturne- Nightcrawler & The Scarlet Witch's daughter, with the ability to Possess others
(rarely seen).
Thunderbird- John Proudstar, not dead but horribly-mutated by Apocalypse into a Super-
Powerhouse that can go out of control.
Magnus- The son of Rogue & Magneto, and our very own Sacrificial Buddy.
Sunfire- Mariko Yashida, now a teenage lesbian with Sunfire's powers.

They are also challenged by "Weapon X", a squad under the same mission the Exiles are, but
are generally more "hardcore", and get the missions that involve killing and stuff. They end
up being led by the AoA Sabretooth (the mentor/father-figure of Blink), and feature more
generic versions of nasty mutants, like Wolverine, Kane, Deadpool, Maverick, Mesmero and
others. They frequently swap out members, and eventually include a Symbiote-powered
psychopathic Peter Parker.

The Story of the Exiles:

-I actually don't have the first trade that introduces everybody and offs Magnus, but I've got
most of the others, up to a point. A great one is when the team ends up on a Skrull-controlled
Earth (which they'd taken over in the late 1800s), and plan to free it... when Galactus
suddenly shows up. They end up having to lead an army of Super-Humans who've been
forced into gladatorial combat for their entire lives (Spider-Man, Hulk, Thing and pretty
much all the classic guys) against Galactus & Terrax, fighting them off with raw numbers.
There's a FANTASTIC moment where Winick builds up how these guys have never known
freedom in their entire lives, finally got out of captivity, "... and they see THIS idiot standing
in front of them"- at which point every hero on Earth screams out with an
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" and annihilates Terrax in seconds. This
mission leaves Thunderbird comatose, and he's replaced by Sasquatch (a black version
Doctor Heather Hudson).

Other missions include a world dominated by Namor, an Earth crushed under the Phalanx, in
which Sunfire falls in love with a lesbian version of Mary-Jane, who has Spider-Man's
powers; their relationship is both cute and tragic- Mariko is TWICE forced to "slide" away
from her. There's another where an evil Mimic dominates as the top villain with his
Brotherhood, and demands to know secret to why our HEROIC Mimic didn't turn out as
awful. Thinking that Mimic was just born lucky, and had an easier life, he digs through
Mimic's entire life story... finding that every bit of it is exactly the same: the rough start, the
life of crime, etc. The only difference? When Charles Xavier offered his help, our Mimic
joined him. The villainous one spit in his face. Realizing that his entire dark life was entirely
his own fault, he turns it around and eventually becomes known as a great hero in his own

Blink eventually leaves (and is replaced by an amoral Magik), and Nocturne switches places
with Beak (back when he was a major character), leaving her in the Mainstream Marvel
Universe. Blink soon returns, saving the Earth from Ego (who basically "birthed" a new
sentient planet in the Earth, who fights against daddy alongside some Celestials), and the
team has to square off against the evil, lethal Hyperion, who slaughters various Earth's heroes
wholesale and tries to set himself up as a God on every Earth he finds himself on. This is sort
of the big arc of the whole story, as he wipes out a chunk of heroic characters (including
some of the team), finally stopped by Beak (who was generally useless in a fight, but fairly

The Series Falters:

Next, they end up fighting the body-hopping Proteus, and this is about when I dropped off the
series. They kinda kept certain things going a bit too long, the writing had gotten weaker,
they revealed The Timebroker to be a bunch of space bugs (a "WTF" moment to top all
"WTF" moments- they had the biggest mystery in the series and THAT was the best they
could come up with?!?) and they'd pulled an Oz by killing off too many interesting characters
and replacing them with weaker ones (in the end, only Blink & Morph remained of the
original cast, and the newbies were useless and boring by contrast). Moving into the boring-
as-hell New Universe world didn't help, and neither did the fact that the first collection I
didn't get was like FIFTY DOLLARS or something ridiculous- I basically refused to buy it
on principle, and never picked up another issue.

The series ended up dying a horrible, slow death, as Chris Claremont got a hold of it, and
replaced everybody with his favourite female characters, then went on another "Cross-Time
Caper" like his Excalibur run, featuring Saturnyne, the Captain Britain Corps, and others. He
had LONG since delved right into self-parody about this, but plopping Shadowcat, Psylocke
(the actual, 616 version), Rogue AND MOTHERF*CKING SAGE into the book just to get
his jollies off about his favourite Pet Characters on a book that was at the time totally
different from anything else in comics was just WAY too much for fans to take. Sales
dropped and the book was cancelled- Claremont killed off "Cat" (their Kitty Pryde) and had
Rogue marry a Saurian on a world dominated by HYDRA, then hooked up Sabretooth with
Psylocke. The team at the end of the book is Sabretooth, Psylocke, Sage, Morph, Valeria
Richards and Mystiq (a variant of Mystique).

New Exiles (Failed Reboot):

-Jeff Parker and Salvador Espin created a second series in 2009, but it only lasted from April
to October- a truly pathetic run. Alternate versions of The Witch, Beast, Forge, Polaris & The
Panther are picked up and join Blink, who pretends to be new to this. Their Witch is killed
and replaced with an alternate Scarlet Witch in secret, and Blink soon reveals that she
intended to teach the team and give them some experience, and then fake her death and find
her own replacement, thus allowing the Exiles to continue on their mission without her. In the
final issue, the team (who had been snatched from their "moment of death" to be kinder and
less disruptive) decides to remain together, while Blink trains new teams. Nocturne and
Morph are also seen with this squad, while all the other previous Exiles are revealed to have
been stuck inside the Panoptichron for some reason.

Following this book's failure, the mainstream Psylocke was returned to her homeworld. AoA
Sabretooth was killed sacrificing himself to stop some X-Terminators from killing his home's
X-Men. Sage joined Dazzler's own multiverse-spanning team with much the same role as the
Exiles. Spider-Man 2099 ended up in the "Spider-Verse" event and getting a new lease on

Another Failed Reboot:

-2017 saw a new attempt at an Exiles book, but this one failed spectacularly, not even lasting
ten issues before it was cancelled. This team was formed by Nick Fury, and featured Blink,
Kamala Khan, Iron Lad, Wolvie & Valkyrie. Morph was also featured.

The Rest of the Cast:

Sabretooth- The AoA version, who basically has a Wolverine-like personality, right down to
the attachment to young girls.
Sasquatch- Heather Hudson, a black doctor.
Magik- A nasty, amoral Sword-wielder with no demonic link.
Beak- Well, I already statted him. He's the one guy smart enough to realize that when you
have access to alternate universes, you should fight an unstoppable Hyperion with OTHER,
Namora- A blue-skinned Atlantean chick version of Namor, with the same imperious
personality. Basically a fanservice/Powerhouse character.
Holocaust- The evil son of Apocalypse. Basically the same as the regular comics version, I
Power Princess- Already statted her, naturally. The Squadron Supreme character became the
new Powerhouse of the team.
Spider-Man 2099- Because they weren't using any of those guys, so why not?
Psylocke- The mainstream version, and Claremont's pet. Later hooks up with Sabretooth.
Sage- Claremont's favorite Pet Character from X-Treme X-Men, also joining the team.
Cat- An alternate Kitty Pryde.
Longshot- I think the mainstream version. He's only there for a little bit, because Claremont
adores him.

There's a TON of alternating people who joined the team after this, but I wasn't reading then
and so I'm going to assume they all either sucked or were just like their Earth-616
counterparts (in a few cases, like in Claremont's favourites, they WERE the same characters).


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:40 am

Such a generic pile of '90s tropes- glowing eyes, energy powers, Faux-Claremont villainous
dialogue and a goddamn cape.

EXODUS (Bennet du Paris)

Created By: Scott Lobdell & Joe Quesada
First Appearance: X-Factor #92
Role: Uber-Powerful Villain, The Dragon (to Magneto), Generic '90s TK/TP Guy
Group Affiliations: The Acolytes, The Marauders, The Brotherhood of Mutants, The
Fate: Still alive and on the team
PL 14 (247)

Expertise (Crusading Knight) 5 (+7)
Expertise (Acolyte) 6 (+8)
Intimidation 6 (+8)
Perception 6 (+7)
Ranged Combat (Telekinetic Blast) 3 (+10)
Technology 2 (+4)
Vehicles 2 (+2)

Equipment (Acolyte Gear), Fearless, Great Endurance, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 7,

"Mutant Powers: So Much F$*%ing Power It's Ridiculous"
Immunity 1 (Aging) [1]
Flight 6 (120 mph) [12]

"Group Mind Control" Mind Control 12 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst,
Selective) (Flaws: Ranged) (61) -- [69]

 Dynamic AE: "Mental Blast" Damage 14 (Extras: Perception Range +2, Will Save)
 Dynamic AE: Mind Reading 12 (25) Linked to Mental Communication 3 (Extras:
Area, Selective) (18) -- (43)
 Dynamic AE: Mind Control 14 (44)
Dynamic AE: "Mass Mind Control" Mind Control 4 (Extras: Area- 1,000ft. Burst +6,
Selective) (Flaws: Touch Range -2) (37)

"TK Force Field" Force Field 12 (Extras: Affects Others, Area- 60ft. Burst +2, Impervious)
(61) -- [74]

 Dynamic AE: "TK Grab" Snare 14 (Extras: Area- 30ft. Burst) (62)
 Dynamic AE: Teleport 13 (Extras: Affects Others, Extended) (53)
 Dynamic AE: Move Object 15 (Feats: Increased Mass 5) (Extras: Sustained) (51)
 Dynamic AE: "TK Blast" Blast 16 (Extras: Penetrating) (49)
 Dynamic AE: "Return the Dead to Life" Healing 10 (Extras: Resurrection Only +0)
 Dynamic AE: Immunity 10 (Life Support) (Extras: Affects Others) (20)

"Acolytes Gear" Communications (1)

Unarmed +7 (+2 Damage, DC 17)
Mental Blast +14 Perception (+14 Perception Damage, DC 29)
Mind Reading +12 (DC 22)
Mind Control +14 Perception (+14 Perception Affliction, DC 24)
Group Mind Control +4-12 Area (+4-12 Affliction, DC 14-22)
TK Grab +14 Area (+14 Affliction, DC 24)
TK Blast +10 (+16 Ranged Damage, DC 31)
Initiative +2

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +4 (+16 Force Field), Fortitude +10, Will

Motivation ("Mutant Power!")
Relationship (Magneto)- Exodus has often followed Magneto religiously, to the point of

Total: Abilities: 40 / Skills: 30--15 / Advantages: 12 / Powers: 155 / Defenses: 25 (247)

-I HATE character like this- Exodus is just a masturbatory excercise for Power Fetishists.
He's one of those super-powerful uber-types that were invented solely to be all "OMG this
guy is so POWWWWWERFULLLL!!!" and he sucks because there's nothing else to him
other than a sycophantic follower. I can't stand guys who just have limitless power from the
Grab Bag of "oh, I dunno, he can do _______, I guess", able to wipe out entire super-team
with ease... actually, y'know I can. Magneto can do stuff like that (sorta), Graviton can and
he's cool, etc. It's theoretically possible for a villain to be that tough and still be cool, since
villains are SUPPOSED to be more powerful than the heroes. But those guys have
CHARACTER. ORIGINALITY. Something that sets them apart. They didn't just whip
powers out of their asses. Exodus is just another modification of the Phoenix Power-Set that
we were inundated with during the '90s. So much of this went down with guys like Exodus,
X-Man and more, to the point where I just got sick of all of them. Exodus' silly '90s look
didn't help matters- a big flowing cape, glowing eyes, etc.- he looks like the kind of thing
Liefeld would have created (except for his lack of pockets). Pretty much everything that
applies to Overly-Versatile Magic Characters applies to Exodus as well.

-The WORST part about him may just be the fact that the Power Geeks salivate over him.
I've actually read SEVERAL forum threads where people are like "Oh man, the Acolytes
SUCK! Except for EXODUS- that guy is AWESOME!" It's like...  I know that any fan can
like any character, but if you like Exodus, then you are wrong and you should feel bad.

-Exodus was just a Magneto follower, having been trapped for centuries in a mountain after
the Crusades (during which he was a knight). He followed Mags religiously, did stuff, and
was a mega-villain during "Fatal Attractions", where he had the ludicrous power-feat of
threatening all Genosha with a Force Field Blast, while trapping three powerful mutants, and
fending off the attacks of the ENTIRE Avengers & X-Men line-ups. The stuff of legend for
some guys, but the general uninteresting nature of Exodus ruined it (plus the fact that the
crossover sucked anyways).

-He was basically a big mishmash of crap on one character, given a hundred powers, weird
quasi-intellectual scripture to spout, and amped at a power level beyond most of the X-Men.
With all that, you'd figure they'd use him more, but for the most part, he's just been Magneto's
stock "second in command" who would come up with all the lame plans that never quite
worked out. Much like Mr. Sinister, the writers did so little actual planning or caring about
things that they'd simply toss in a new power every once in a while- he actually casually
pulled out "oh yah I can also resurrect people" effect. He should normally be able to become
a dominant character, but lack of personality or care in writing him stagnated Exodus into
being an also-ran who's too powerful to use in a more regular context. As such, he never
really got the chance.

-Exodus was with the Acolytes for some time, but after being weakened fighting Holocaust
(after The Age of Apocalypse) and losing to X-Man, he was sealed underground. He reformed
the Acolytes in a war against the High Evolutionary, but were stopped by Quicksilver and the
Heroes For Hire, and re-sealed. I'm sensing a pattern, here. He attempted to reform and make
Genosha peaceful, but failed when the X-Men revealed he was controlling the populace. A
new Brotherhood of Mutants is formed, but he quickly rejoins the Acolytes, then the
MARAUDERS in the hunt for the "Mutant Messiah", Hope Summers. Seriously, they
REALLY pass this guy around from team-to-team. He is beaten back again and again,
usually in Psychic Battles (once by Hope copying his powers and Rogue depowering him

-And yeah, POWER. A full array of Mind Control, Snares, TK Blasts, Mental Blasts, etc.,
combining to make him a PL 14 character, the equivalent of the Hulk, my Thor build, and my
Magneto one. He's THAT powerful. Sure, during the Fatal Attraction battle he showed
power levels he never again possessed (he was like PL 15-17 level there!), but he's still
baseline incredibly nuts, and even now still has enough stink on him to take out entire groups
of the X-Men at once. He sometimes varies a bit (early on, he wipes out a ton of X-Force, but
Warpath is left standing- and he later leads a Brotherhood team that loses)- another sign of a
weak villain with whom nobody quite knows how to deal.

The Explorer

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Mar 11, 2022 12:05 am

THE EXPLORER (Zamanathan Rambunazeth)
Created By: Mark Gruenwald & Andy Smith
First Appearance: Quasar #47 (June 1993)
Role: Cosmic Explorer
Group Affiliations: The Elders of the Universe

-Mark Gruenwald added a small handful of Elders in his Quasar run, I guess figuring out
some things that had yet to be touched. Very similar to The Astronomer is The Explorer, a
blue-skinned guy in a weirdo tricorn hat that flies around space investigating stuff. The only
thing he cares about is the journey and finding something new- once it's been studied, who
loses interest in it and moves on (this is actually similar to The Runner's concept as well, now
that I think about it). He investigated the cosmic fetus that turned out to be Origin, losing
interest once Quasar had figured it out. The character does not appear outside of this one
issue until 2016's Contest of Champions, in which the writer had apparently found the
Marvunapp page because where ELSE would you know about this dink? Again he does
nothing of note.

-The Explorer is a billions-of-years-old explorer (I mean, duh) who can teleport pretty much
anywhere at-will.

The Exterminatrix

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Jul 15, 2022 6:22 am

Created By: Grant Morrison & J.G. Jones
First Appearance: Marvel Boy #1 (June 2000)
Role: Evil Dominatrix, Emma Frost's "Mongul"
Group Affiliations: The Midas Foundation
PL 9 (146)

Acrobatics 8 (+13)
Athletics 8 (+11)
Deception 6 (+10)
Expertise (Business) 5 (+10)
Insight 4 (+8)
Intimidation 3 (+7)
Perception 5 (+9)
Stealth 3 (+8)

Accurate Attack, Beginner's Luck, Benefit 4 (Wealth), Defensive Roll 2, Equipment 8 (Guns
+6- Multiattack, Motorcycle w/ Machine Guns, Vibranium Boots- Wall-Crawling), Improved
Aim, Improved Critical (Guns), Improved Defenses, Improved Initiative, Jack of All Trades,
Precise Attack (Ranged/Cover), Ranged Attack 8
Unarmed +12 (+3 Damage, DC 18)
Guns +12 (+6 Ranged Damage, DC 21)
Initiative +9

Dodge +12 (DC 22), Parry +12 (DC 22), Toughness +4 (+6 D.Roll), Fortitude +6, Will +8

Motivation (Greed & Power)- Oubliette typically tries to gain more money or power.

Total: Abilities: 82 / Skills: 42--21 / Advantages: 30 / Powers: 0 / Defenses: 13 (146)

-A brutally-obvious fetish character, the Exterminatrix hails from Grant Morrison's weird,
kinda forgotten Marvel Boy series. She dresses in full latex (with the original design just
having red lips sticking out of a full gimp mask) and carries whips. She is the daughter of Dr.
Midas, who imbued his pregnant wife with a "chemical hot-house of information-rich toxins"
to ensure Oubliette developed and aged quickly, with great intelligence. Forced to wear a
mask as she was said to be horribly-scarred, she was raised in an oxygen-rich environment to
gain further power, and was taught to kill every kind of living being- she was said to have
killed vampires, Greek Gods, aliens and more. Midas then sent her against Noh-Varr, who
had escaped Midas's capture, but instead she teamed up with the hero, who made her discover
that she was in fact not disfigured- turning on her abusive father, she ultimately killed him at
the end of the series (he actually survived) as Noh-Varr was captured by the American
government, then promised to destroy theme parks around the world until Noh-Varr was
freed. In the series' final moments, it was mentioned that the U.S. was sending "hunter-
destroyer telepaths" against her.

-She later appeared as a generic super-villain who was already imprisoned (Morrison had
long since departed Marvel), then she & her father reappear as allies, inexplicably, in
Original Sin, stealing Uatu the Watcher's eyes after his death. Midas was killed and
Oubliette, now running his business, returned to Earth. And... that's basically it. And then she
actually becomes a RECURRING VILLAIN- showing up abducting and torturing an evil
industrialist in The Mighty Thor for her own gain, then showing up in America, posing as the
headmistress of a rival school to America Chavez's, then trying to take over America's as
well. This ended up being a big scheme to take over the Multiverse using all the hidden
"ancestral places" of the universe using an army of cyborgs, but America defeated her.

-I honestly don't know what to make of this character- the obvious fetish aspects were
downgraded (because duh- modern Marvel) but she ended up being an "every couple of
years" character out of nowhere? Inexplicably allying with her father again in Original Sin
for some reason? And... seeking power and wealth? Like she's almost being used in place of
Emma Frost when writers can't use Emma Frost- a FEMALE Evil Industrialist, I guess? But
with Morrisonian aspects like you see a lot from Morrison's followers, where it's all weird
and cosmic and full of "big ideas" with an odd motivation that doesn't make sense in text. But
yeah, it feels like they wanted an Emma Frost but she was busy with X-shit, so they used this
forgotten character instead.

-Oubliette was a good fighter and a genius, able to hold off various heroes at once, though we
haven't seen enough of her to truly judge. She has vibranium boots for wall-crawling, as well
as energy weapons and guns.

The Externals

Post by Jabroniville » Fri Jul 16, 2021 3:00 am

-Welcome to that horrible morass of evil that all comic book readers fear to tread... the realm
of The Liefeld. The Externals (or High Lords- they could never settle on a permanent name,
which was very confusing for the narrative... Jim Shooter would not approve)... that's gotta
go down as one of those weird things in comics- an idea that was such an obvious knock-off
that when the whole lot of them were discarded, it came off like a quickie legal decision.

Basically, the latter-day New Mutants issues had been given a massive shot in the arm by this
wild, untested Liefeld kid, and so he was given his way and allowed to introduce just
DOZENS of new characters. As I stated with the Upstarts set, Marvel seemed to want to get
rid of all the villains from Claremont's run and replace them with new guys, giving them all
big (if misaimed) pushes. In Rob's case, X-Force suddenly found themselves facing the
gigantic Mutant Liberation Front, alongside the slow building of Weapon: P.R.I.M.E. And
then THIS douche comes along...

Gideon & Co.:

Gideon appears as an "Old Friend" of Sunspot's whom we've never seen before, sporting
mutant powers and a giant green ponytail, as well as arms covered in banded metal for some
reason. He is immediately revealed as a bad guy, having Sunspot's father killed (wiping out a
semi-important character to New Mutants lore)- Roberto inherits his father's company, but the
unprepared kid is immediately taken in by Gideon, who plans to train him in the ways of
business. And it turns out, through a pretty bizarre storytelling trick, that this is all because
Gideon suspected Roberto was one of Gideon's kind- immortal mutants called "Externals",
who sought to control the world through business means, since they had ages to set up their
schemes. Past important, immortal characters such as Selene and even APOCALYPSE were
explained as being unaffiliated members of the same group. And that this was some big deal
to find a new one. Gideon thus spends many of the first couple years of X-Force training a
reluctant Sunspot in the ways of business and warfare, at times impressed by how much the
boy has learned. HOWEVER...

It turned out to be Cannonball, not Sunspot, who was the "New Immortal" (they are "born"
by being killed- they then raise from death and never age thereafter)- this being the reason
Cable had decided to enter Earth at this precise timeline, because the rise of a new "High
Lord" was supposed to be the key to changing Cable's horrible future world ruled by
Apocalypse. When Gideon discovers this, he casually has Roberto beaten and tortured via
machines that test out his solar absorption abilities. Crule, another External with a Toyetic
design, is sent after Cannonball, but badly beaten and nearly crippled. Gideon is uncaring, but
when 'Berto is sprung by X-Force (Cannonball, his best friend, has to promise Gideon not to
interfere in his business anymore, and Gideon tells him where Sunspot is), he gains all-new
powers... and by this point, Liefeld was gone and they were going an entirely different route
with a lot of X-stuff anyways. So Gideon is given a RAPID de-push.

So first of all, Gideon introduces us to Saul, who's even older than he is, and we learn that the
Externals are actually DYING- the new Legacy Virus cooked up by the new X-writers can, in
fact, kill them. Saul & Gideon watched their ally Nicodemus burn himself out with flames
and die, terrifying both. So the horrified Gideon & Saul realize they need to get Cannonball
on their side because he is supposed to be their "last hope" or whatever. And so Saul assaults
and abdcuts three members of X-Force- Siryn, Warpath & Boomer- holding them hostage
unless Sam joins them. Sam, beholden by his promise... decides to send the OTHERS to
rescue their allies (thanks to some all-new gear found in the crashing of Cable's warship
Graymalkin), figuring this doesn't technically break his promise ("I didn't interfere. The
OTHERS did"). Worst of all for Gideon & Saul, they're simply knocked on their asses by an
APC crashing through the wall of their mansion (they don't have cameras up? Or goons to
warn them?) and beaten in a single panel each- Rictor shake & bakes Saul while Sunspot
calls dibs (in a panel & dialogue arrangement that's always irked me- Ric gets the first line
and says "the old man is mine" first, and THEN Sunspot is like "That's alright, just as long
as... GIDEON'S MINE!")- Gideon is one-shotted by him, and then manhandled as their
friends are rescued.

And I mean they KICKED HIS ASS. See... Gideon had been given a solid little push in the
Liefeld years, but he still managed to get his ass handed to him more than once (Black Tom
one-shot-KO'd him), and once Liefeld left the books and Fabian Nicieza took over full
writing duties, the Externals concept fell by the wayside. So with that, the Externals are just
laughably reduced to nothing as a threat. A few issues later (right near the end of my first
collecting phase), the Externals calmly come to Cannonball's family home and plead with
him to hear them out. Absalom is introduced, also dying of the Legacy Virus, while Saul &
Gideon give some backstory as to their own origins.

Truth be told, this story (in X-Force #37) was actually quite well done, and made some good
points on the part of Sam Guthrie, who ripped on the Externals for doing nothing of value
with eternal life, while he knew men who'd done far more, with much less time. Art by Paul
Pelletier, long before I noticed his work on The Titans (he was the guy who drew a SUPER-
hot Argent), and when he did stuff in Marvel's Cosmic & Hulk lines more recently.

The Immortals Die:

-You'd think that was leading to something big, but then you'd forget that comics changes
creative teams a lot by the mid-to-late-'90s, which would result in the whole thing being
RAPIDLY dropped, as X-Force runs into a room one day to see Selene (an External who was
NEVER seen hanging around the others- the '90s involved the X-Books dropping almost all
of the 1980s-era villains), stealing the life energy of ALL the surviving Externals (Saul,
Gideon, Crule, Absalom, etc.), then taunting Sam that he was NEVER immortal all along!
Which of course doesn't explain that one time he get his guts ripped apart by Sauron and
healed within a half an hour, but that's comics for you. Storyline dropped, Gideon's never
seen again, The End.

This was SO poorly-done and rapid-fire that TO THIS DAY, you will find fans who claim
that it was done to appease the lawyers for the Highlander franchise, who were allegedly
going to sue Marvel. It's been proven wrong since, however. Still funny, though.

The Immortals Un-Die:

-Strange things can happen over the ages. Cannonball's immortality went ignored, but he was
shot a few times once and the Beats comments on it (MAYBE being joking). Apocalypse &
Selene both get called "Externals" once in a while (though Selene has to absorb life energy to
stay young). HOWEVER, very recent comics have revealed that all the Externals had, in fact,
survived! "As it turns out, apparently the only way of effectively killing an External is by
destroying their hearts, but when that happens the life-force of the slain External is channeled
into the others making them virtually all powerful"... which is even more like the Immortals
of Highlander fame. But it turns out that if even two Externals survive, then the rest will
return. And this is proven later when one is killed and reborn as a baby.

All the dead Externals are summoned by Apocalypse, now accepted as one of their number,
to Krakoa, and the mega-villain has Selene, Gideon & Absalom turn on Saul, Candra,
Nicodemus & Crule (aka the ones comics wasn't using), using their life energy to fuel the
crystals that allow teleportation capabilities on Krakoa.

So yeah, these completely discarded, failed '90s villains have had this weird new lease on life
as minor background villains. Comics. Are. WEIRD.

The Eye Killers

Post by Jabroniville » Mon Mar 22, 2021 5:01 am

Created By: Chris Claremont & Bob Hall
First Appearance: Doctor Strange #38 (Dec. 1979)
Role: Two-Off Foes, Life-Drainers
Group Affiliations: None
PL 8 (126)

Deception 5 (+7)
Intimidation 6 (+8)
Perception 5 (+8)
Stealth 4 (+6)

Fast Grab, Improved Hold, Ranged Attack 4, Startle

"True Forms"
Morph 1 (Humanoid) [5]
Movement 1 (Slithering) [2]
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2]
"Owl Senses" Senses 3 (Low-Light Vision, Accurate Hearing) [3]

Eye Blasts 8 (16) -- [18]

 AE: "Stealers of Souls" Weaken Awareness 8 (8)

 AE: "Claws" Strength-Damage +1 (Feats: Split) (2)

Unarmed +8 (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Claws +8 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Soul-Stealing +8 (+8 Weaken, DC 18)
Eye Blasts +8 (+8 Ranged Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +4

Dodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +9 (DC 19), Toughness +7, Fortitude +8, Will +6

Motivation (Killing People)

Total: Abilities: 70 / Skills: 20--10 / Advantages: 7 / Powers: 30 / Defenses: 9 (126)

-The Eye Killers are very random, attacking disparate characters like Doctor Strange and
Storm... but the answer why becomes obvious once you realize it was a very young Chris
Claremont who'd invented them for what is probably a one-off Doctor Strange story. They
are a brother/sister pair of demons with the bodies of snakes, heads of owls, and claws of
mountain lions, but take human form. Claiming an ancient history focused on Native
Americans, they encounter Strange when they kill a friend of his secretary's. Strange follows
their "psychic signature" to Inwood Park in Manhattan, where he & Clea fight them. They
shrug off his spells until he reveals their true forms using the Eye of Agamotto- they fall into
an abyss he creates, but it's suggested they will return.

-Chris, who has a very long memory, brings the Eye Killers back in Uncanny X-Men. Here,
they fight a de-powered Storm and the Cheyenne shaman Naze while on their "Vision
Quest". Naze is drained by the female, but Storm knocks her into a fire, which reveals her
natural form. The brother attacks to save his sister, but Storm stabs him in the throat,
whipping him into his sister, where the two die in flames.

-The Eye Killers are kinda weird, being almost immune to Strange's magic but then just
jobbing to Storm & Naze pretty quickly. Given the same man wrote both stories it's a bit
peculiar. I made them pretty generic PL 8 Life-Drainers- the male shoots black lightning
from his eyes, and the female fire, though they are immune to neither.


Post by Jabroniville » Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:40 am

Created By: J. Michael Straczynski & John Romita, Jr.
First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy #30 (Vol. 2, June 2001)
Role: Mentor Figure
Group Affiliations: The Spider Society
PL 10 (148)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 4 (+11)
Deception 4 (+7)
Expertise (Business) 10 (+15)
Insight 7 (+11)
Investigation 4 (+8)
Perception 4 (+8)
Persuasion 5 (+8)

Benefit (Wealth) 4, Great Endurance, Improved Trip, Jack-of-All-Trades, Takedown

"Proportionate Strength of a Spider"
Power Lifting 1 (12 tons) [1]
Leaping 2 (30 feet) [2]

Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2) [4]
Speed 2 [2]

"Spider-Sense- Warns of Danger & Boosts Agility"

Senses 1 (Danger Sense) [1]
Enhanced Agility 2 [4]
Enhanced Skills 10: Acrobatics 6 (+16), Perception 4 (+12) [5]
Enhanced Advantages 4: Evasion, Improved Defense, Improved Initiative, Move-By Action
Enhanced Dodge 2 [2]
Enhanced Parry 4 [4]

Unarmed +11 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Initiative +8 (+14 Spider-Sense)

Dodge +8 (+10, +12 Spider-Sense, DC 22), Parry +9 (+13 Spider-Sense, DC 23), Toughness
+7, Fortitude +9, Will +8

Responsibility (His Company)
Motivation (Making Peter the Spider-Avatar)- Ezekiel wishes for Peter Parker to take on the
responsibilities of becoming the Spider-Avatar, and is willing to sacrifice him to do it.

Total: Abilities: 84 / Skills: 38--19 / Advantages: 8 / Powers: 29 / Defenses: 8 (148)

-Ezekiel brings up some curious debates in the Spidey-fandom, and I'm honestly not really
sure how I feel about it, myself. Essentially, Zeke is a wealthy businessman who gained
Spidey-like powers YEARS before Peter did, and brings up an interesting question: What if
the radiation was meaningless, and the spider that bit young Peter was trying to give him
powers all along? Now, that I think is kind of dumb, because "everything you know was a lie,
and this is the way things REALLY work" reads like the plot of a bad FanFic, and no
disrespect to the writers of such things out there, but I hate FanFic about as much as anything
else on the internet. All this plot was missing to be MORE FanFic-like was if Spidey met up
with a smart-mouthed teenage girl who had all his powers and was the secret daughter of two
other Spidey-characters, and was better than Peter at everything and got to date the hottest
guy around. Never mind how "Everything You Know Is Wrong" is one of the most dragged-
out, endlessly-used cliches in modern comics, and arguably the thing I hate most about books
that are released these days ("Surprise! There was a NEW team of X-Men between the
original team and the Giant Size team! But they all died and so we never mentioned them!").

-But I digress- this led to Peter being some kind of "Spider-Avatar", fighting a wizard named
Morlun who ate such things, and it explained why all his villains were animal-themed
because of some inherent focus against a "true" avatar.

-Now, fanfic-like canon-shifts and explanations like that are only good when you greatly
ADD to the storylines in general (sorta like Johns' VERY fanfic-like boosts to the Green
Lantern mythos with the Emotional Spectrum- it's silly, but very comic-booky and added
TONS of characters to the books). It turned out that Ezekiel wanted the responsibility of
being the Spider-Avatar (like being attacked by stuff) to transfer to Peter, but he was
unwilling to go through with it in the end- sacrificing his life to save Peter from a Giant
Spider, after realizing that Pete had done nothing but help others with his powers, while
Ezekiel had only benefitted himself. Years later, we'd find out that he kept Silk hidden away
to protect her from Morlun.

-Ezekiel is kinda like a lower-level, less-trained Spider-Man, packing most of Peter's abilities
onto a frame that hasn't been punched in the face by The Scorpion a hundred times. He's very
bright, and a great businessman, but nothing super-amazing all on his own.

Ezekiel Stane

Post by Jabroniville » Sat Jul 23, 2022 4:46 am

Created By: Matt Fraction & Barry Kitson
First Appearance: The Order #8 (April 2008)
Role: Legacy Character
Group Affiliations: The Hellfire Club
PL 10 (174)

Athletics 2 (+4, +11 Upgrades)
Deception 4 (+8)
Expertise (Science) 8 (+16)
Intimidation 2 (+6)
Technology 8 (+16)
Vehicles 2 (+7)

Benefit 4 (Wealth), Power Attack, Ranged Attack 4

"Upgrades To Body"
Repulsor Blasts 11 (Feats: Split) (Extras: Penetrating 5) (Extras: Side-Effect) [17]
"Self-Repairs" Regeneration 8 (Feats: Regrows Limbs) [9]

Enhanced Strength 7 [14]

Enhanced Stamina 4 [8]
Enhanced Agility 4 [8]
Enhanced Fighting 4 [8]
Enhanced Dodge 4 [4]

"Protective Armor" (Flaws: Removable) [11]

Protection 2 (2)
Buys off Side-Effect From Repulsors (11)
-- (13 points)

Unarmed +10 (+9 Damage, DC 24)
Repulsor Blasts +9 (+11 Ranged Damage, DC 26)
Initiative +6

Dodge +11 (DC 21), Parry +11 (DC 21), Toughness +7 (+9 Armor), Fortitude +9, Will +6

Enemy (Iron Man)- Ezekiel seeks revenge on Iron Man for the death of his father, Obadiah
Motivation (Greed)
Power Loss (Excess Energy)- His biological upgrades require high amounts of energy, and so
Stane must eat a great deal of calories in order to use his powers.

Total: Abilities: 66 / Skills: 26--13 / Advantages: 9 / Powers: 79 / Defenses: 7 (174)

-So with Obadiah Stane becoming a Big Deal thanks to the Iron Man film, it was inevitable
that the comics would attempt something related to him- only trouble was, the man had
committed suicide in a 1980s comic. Coming out around the same time as the movie, Ezekiel
Stane is of course the never-before-mentioned SON of Obadiah (who at least is old enough to
have had a kid... but this is like 900 super-villains who've been revealed to have had adult
children. Gettin' kinda old). He's also a Mirror Image Villain of Stark- being an engineer of
biological weapons and a big futurist, whose goal is to enhance the HUMAN BODY itself,
not just enhance things with suits. He's also the kind of "Evil Uses of Technology" thing that
frightens Tony, who might have to fall to the dark side himself in order to stop Stane's kind of
future from happening. Unlike Tony, he's not as corporate and doesn't follow any rules- he
just does wild stuff and gives his stuff away for free to create mayhem. However... he kinda
ends up "just another guy" in the long run.

-"Zeke" actually debuts in The Order, vexing the team of "Initiative" heroes that Tony takes
special interest in- Zeke's mission is to punish Stark for the death of his father, naturally. He
quickly moves to the proper Iron Man title, working for a cigarette company to create a
cigarette that makes users lose weight, but immediately uses the money to finance upgrades
to his own body, which he uses to kill their board of directors for the hell of it. Working with
Sasha Hammer now, he uses suicide bombers and enhanced soldiers to break down Tony
Stark's life, but Tony uses remote control on various Iron Man Suits to enable him to disarm
numerous bombs that Zeke had planted around the world, then defeated him in one-on-one
combat, the way superheroes SHOULD, damn it! Tony, however, is disturbed by the
encounter, realizing he may have to become something dark in order to face threats like this.

-Zeke was broken out of prison by The Mandarin, who eventually mind-controlled him into
building super-weapons for him when Stane proved unable to do so under normal
circumstances. Tony is also controlled in this manner, but the two break out and combine
their intellects to gather numerous other villains to ally against Mandarin, and ultimately
Stane killed him. After that, he's largely been ignored- I feel like he was hampered both by
Sasha Hammer being a more prominent part of many stories, and by the long shadow his
father cast (especially thanks to the movie).

-Stane is a decently-powered super-powered guy, able to brawl with Iron Man for a bit (and
use Repulsors bare-handed... though he needs a suit to avoid being hurt by his own power-
this is a Device that buys off a -1 Side-Effect Flaw), but his main abilities are genius and
planning. Though Reed Richards has apparently noted that all of his designs are just
modifications of Stark designs, altered to fit human bodies. As such, he has no "Inventor"
Advantage- merely high ranks in Technology & Science.

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