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NAME: ________________________________________________ GRADE& SECTION: ________

TEST 1: Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. ENCIRCLE the letter of your answer.

1. The following are true about sclerenchyma cells except:

a. gives support and protection for the plant
b. nucleus is absent in the cell
c. inter-cellular spaces between sclerenchyma cells are present
d. it has a large central vacuole
2. A type of muscle which is striated, involuntary and responsible for contraction and movement
a. Smooth muscle c. Cardiac muscle
b. Skeletal muscle d. All of the above
3. A simple permanent tissue characterized by thick cell wall
a. Parenchyma c. Collenchyma
b. Sclerenchyma d. Phloem
4. A type of connective tissue surrounding the blood vessels, nerve fibers, organs and muscles:
a. Areolar c. Skeletal
b. Fluid d. Supporting
5. The following are types of simple tissue found in plants except
a. Mesenchyme c. Sclerenchyma
b. Collenchyma d. Parenchyma
6. The following is/are true about plant and animal tissues
I. Plant tissue is in a stationary phase while animal tissue is in a locomotive phase.
II. Plant tissue has high energy demand while animal tissue has low energy demand.
III. Most plant tissues have unlimited growth while animal have limited growth.
IV. Most plant tissues are capable of producing their own food while animal tissues are
a. I only c. I, II and III only
b. I and II only d. I, III and IV only
7. A type of animal cell which function for the transmission of signals or information toward or away from
the CNS:
a. Epithelial tissue c. Muscle tissue
b. Nervous tissue d. Connective tissue
8. Which of the following epithelial tissues function for exchange of materials through the process of
a. Simple squamous c. Simple columnar
b. Cuboidal d. Stratified cuboidal
9. The plant tissue capable of dividing all throughout the lifetime of the plant
a. Mesenchyme c. Sclerenchyma
b. Collenchyma d. Meristematic
10. Tendons and ligaments are examples of what type of connective tissue:
a. Areolar c. Skeletal
b. Fluid d. Supporting
11. These are microscopic projections which increases the surface area of cell for better absorption.
a. Root Hair Cells c. Flagella
b. Cilia d. Microvilli
12. The organelle present in abundance in muscle cells because of its high energy demand.
a. Cytoplasm c. Ribosomes
b. Mitochondria d. Nucleus
13. The presence of lignin in its cell wall provided additional strength and support to this modified cell.
a. Root Hair Cell c. Xylem Vessel
b. Microvilli d. Cilia
14. The absence of nucleus in red blood cells help facilitates in the:
a. strength and support for the cell
b. absorption of nutrients and water
c. high oxygen transport
d. high mobility of the cell
15. A modified cell which help in regulating the rate of transpiration.
a. Root Hair Cell c. Cilia
b. Guard Cell d. Microvillus
16. Motile cilia is found in:
a. Body of paramecium c. Cilia lining the ears
b. Surface of egg cells d. White blood cells
17. An organ of locomotion of sperm cells.
a. Cilia c. Microvilli
b. Flagella d. Root Hair Cell
18. A modified cell found in animals:
a. Red Blood Cell c. Root Hair Cell
b. Guard Cell d. Xylem Vessel
19. The absence of this organelle in xylem vessels facilitates efficient water flow through capillary action in the
a. Cytoplasm c. Ribosomes
b. Mitochondria d. Nucleus
20. A large vacuole is present in this cell to allow more storage water and mineral salts after absorption.
a. Xylem Vessel c. Red Blood Cell
b. Cilia . Root Hair Cell

TEST 2: Answer the following questions correctly. (5pts each)

1. What are the different types of animal tissue?explain each.

2. Give 3 similarities between Plant tissue and Animal tissue.

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