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Third Monthly Test in English 2

I. Context Clue
Directions: Find in the box below the possible ending of the sentence. Write the letter of
the correct answer on the space provided.

__________1. Lina plants flowers in the garden.

__________2. It is a sunny day.
__________3. Rico practices his talent in table tennis every day.
__________4. Baby Ella is crying in the crib.
__________5. My father’s cellphone rang in his pocket.

Direction: Identify the letter of the most appropriate ending in the given sentence.
Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

6. Myca studies her lesson every day. She is active in the class. She get a perfect
score in the recitation. One day, the teacher gave a test.
a. Myca didn’t know the answer on the test.
b. Myca answered the test correctly.
c. Myca got the lowest score in the test.
7. Pepe played in the rain, then the next day he did not go to school.
a. He got sick.
b. He woke up early.
c. He was happy.
8. Melissa practices her talent in dancing every day, when the competition came,
a. she can’t perform very well
b. she feels shy
c. she got the first place
9. Jay and Anthony plant some vegetables in the garden, they put fertilizer and they
watered it.
a. The vegetables grow well.
b. The vegetables will die.
c. The vegetables did not grow.
10. Joel plays with his friends day and night.
a. His mother was happy.
b. He had sick.
c. He can’t wake up early because of being tired.
II. Rhyming Words
Direction: Write the Rhyming words for the word given in each number.

___________11. bat ___________16. Hat

___________12. Red ___________17. bad

___________13. Cat ___________18. hot

___________14. Bake ___________19. jar

___________15. Gate ___________20. free

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