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I was not able to attend the training and workshop because I didn't have a load in

the morning and only in the afternoon. but it's not that I'm absent, I haven't

learned anything, I'm pretty familiar with the topics there because I was a

journalist when I was in senior high school. I'll start with what news writing is

since, as I already stated, I'm familiar with the topics there. But I'm still

researching about it to be sure that what I know is correct. News writing is the

reporting of events through the newspaper, but it may also be radio or anything

else that can be utilized to gain information about what is going on. Next is sports

writing, Sports writing defined as a form of reporting or literary writing in which a

game, particular player, or professional sports topic is the main focus. Next is A

set of writings is referred to as literature. Originally, the term has been given to

visionary poems and fiction differentiated by their writers' goals and the quality

and performance brilliance of its accomplishment. Next is propaganda,

Propaganda is the method of transmitting to affect popular sentiment, such as

truths, justifications, speculations, half-truths, or falsehoods. Next is photo

journalism, defined technique or profession of conveying news using images,

particularly in publications. Next is cartooning, Caricature features are used in

cartoons, notably journalistic or diplomatic cartoons. Next is headlines writing,

the title that appears above the piece in a newspaper, tabloid, or journal. That's all

I know and that I research about the given topic, even though I was not able to

attend, I learned something from the research I did and also because of my stock

knowledge because I was a journalist then.

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