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Words: Skinny
Fat Obesity Acne
Lose some weight Curves
Bigger Heaviest
Ugliest Stress
Depression Eat Something
Disgrace Flats
Use some skin care

(Magsasalita) STOPPP!!!
The one that you've heard and watched is an example of body shaming.

How will we encourage people to stop body shaming?

YUAN: Now is the time for us to speak out against body shaming
because it is an issue that is current and relevant in our society. Among
other things, body shaming can lead to serious anxiety and depression.
Body shaming is bad for a person's mental and physical health.

HEINZ: Stop body shaming people because every people deserved to

be treated as normal whether his/her body is not normal. Because beauty
is not in the shape of the body or in the face, the real beauty is in your
DANIELLE: let's normalize the different types of body weight
whenever it is skinny or obese, being skinny and obese doesn't matter
who you are, you are beautiful just the way you are. Society doesn't
define your beauty

ZCED: Does being fat or skinny is important? Is it really necessary to

body shame just to make them lose weight or eat more. Do they really
need to change themselves just so you can consider them as a normal
person. Respect them in every way so that they will have self- esteem.

KIRSTEN: Don't let others point of view affects how you love yourself,
that's why it's called love because it doesn't know any standards any
qualifications or any physical appearances, no matter how u look as long
as u love yourself and your confident u can do whatever you want u can
show whatever you like.

YANA: We are all beauty and handsome, no matter what's our body
shape and size. Saying negatively comments on people can leave them a
scar or they can be traumatized.
Know the 10 seconds’ rule. Don't point it out if you know that you/they
can't change it in 10 seconds. Don't let society control your brain and
body. It's your own, so you have a freedom to don’t listen on people
words if you know that it doesn't good for you. Change your mindset
and behavior first, one changes is a big help to change the society

How do we get rid of body shame?

First, we should undertake life-enhancement activities, challenge what
we hear and see, and look beyond our physical appearance.



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