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Greetings from Admission Committee (PGDIE)

Recently a video “Know your campus” was published by InsideIIM in coordination with Admission
committee (PGDIM).

Link to the video is attached here

The above video was made to promote NITIE as a B-school and is uploaded on social media without
the approval of the IE committee members. The video does not mention our flagship course PGDIE
when the interviewer asked about the courses offered in the institute (@ 5:45 minutes). If we see
this in the current context when NITIE is set to become an IIM, this sends the wrong message to the
viewers that the PGDIE course may cease in the coming days; we have received inquiries related to
the same. The entire PGDIE batch is criticizing the video, and our alums may display the same
sentiments, which may hamper our relations with their firms and our placement prospects. We
request your immediate action on this issue.


Admission Committee (IE)

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