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The following text is for test items 1 and 2.

1. What must a driver do when he drives at the speed of 23 mph and the light
A. He must slow down his car
B. He must stop the car immediately.
C. He must wait for the lights to flash.
D. He must not let the pedestrian to cross.

2. Match the prohibition to the situation based on the text.

The following text is for test items 3 and 4.

3. Who probably publish the notice?
A. The students of the campus.
B. The lectuters of the campus.
C. The campus stakeholders.
D. The campus gardeners.

4. State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

The following text is for test items 5 and 6.

5. The writer sends the email in order to...

A. Suggest an option in booking a seat for the show
B. Offer a discussion about certain comedy festifal
C. Ask the receiver to have another meeting
D. Invite a friend for a seat in a show

6. Please decide whether the statements true or false.

The following text is for test items 7 and 8.

7. The text above can be likely found at...

A. Supermarket
B. Bag shop
C. School
D. Park

8. Match the people to the action they can do related to the text above.

The following text is for test items 9 and 10.

9. From the text we can infer that...
A. The sender doesn't meet the sister for almost 5 years.
B. The receiver spent almost 5 years studying abroad.
C. The receiver of the greeting card is a man.
D. The receiver now has a master degree.

10. State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
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