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School Identity : UMBY PPL 1

Course Name : Simple Present Tense
Class/Semester : VIII /1
Topic Discussion : Adverbs of Frequency
Time Allocation : 20 minutes


Students are able to apply the adverbs of frequency with simple present tense (i.e. : always, often,
usually, sometimes, every, never.) to explain how often they do something.

Students are able to use simple present tense to inform about their daily activity.

In the end of this lesson, students are able to:
1. Students are able to explain a text which contains of giving and asking information about daily
2. Students are able to create a short paragraph using adverb of frequency and simple present tense
about daily routines.
3. Students are able to apply adverb of frequency and simple present tense on their daily

1 Verbs in Simple Present Tense
2 Adverb: always, often, sometimes, never, usually, every
3 Vocabulary: nouns, verbs, and adjectives related to people, animals, objects around us
4 Appropriate nominal singular and plural uses
5 Speech, word pressure, intonation
6 Spelling and punctuation
7 Handwriting

1 Approach: Scientific Approach.
2 Method: Discovery Learning.
3 Technique: EGRA (Exposure, Generalization, Reinforcement, and Application).


1. Media: Documents and Handout.
2. Equipment: Whiteboard.
3. References: ESL Collection worksheet


1) Pre – Activity
Orientation  Teacher opening the class.
Apperception  Teacher ask the students about the students condition.
Motivation  Students answer teacher questions:
o What time do you usually get up in the morning?
o What do you do after breakfast?
o How often do you have meal in a day?
o What time do you usually get up in the morning? (changeable)
o What do you do after breakfast? (changeable)
o How often do you have meal in a day? Etc.
 Students listen to the explanation of the learning objectives and the
material that delivered by the teacher.
2) Whilst Activity
Observing  Students observe the list of activities that shared by the teacher.
Exploring  Students read information related to adverb of frequency to find out
how to use it.
Associating  Students complete sentences with verbs and correct forms.
3) Post Activity  Students convey about the difficulties that might happened.
 Students and teachers reflect on the learning that has been done.
 The teacher gives a follow-up in the form of an assignment to share
daily activities along with the frequency of occurrence.

The assessment is done informally through the observation during the teaching and learning process
for cognitive, affective, and psychomotor development. It refers to how the students answer or
respond to the teacher’s questions/ instructions and also how they finish the exercises given

Cognitive Development:

No Indicators/ Learning Indicators for Assessme Assessment Assess

Objectives Cognitive nt Types ment
Domain Techniqu Instrum
es ents
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
1 Students are able to explain a text Latihan Menjodohkan Task 1 & 2
which contains of giving and asking √ tertulis
information about daily routines
2 Students are able to create a short Latihan Membuat text Task 3
paragraph using adverb of frequency √ tertulis berdasarkan
and simple present tense about daily contoh
3 Students are able to apply adverb of Latihan Check List
frequency and simple present tense √ tertulis dan (Daftar cek)
on their daily conversation lisan

C1: Pemahaman (Remember)

C2: Penerapan (Understand)
C3: Pro Aplikasi (Apply)
C4: Analisis (Analyze)
C5: Evaluasi (Evaluate)
C6: Sintesis (Create)

Affective Domain

Teacher’s Journal
Aspects Indicato Sko Catatan
rs r
1 2 3 4 5
1. Jujur (honesty) Mengerjakan ulangan sendiri
2. Tanggungjawab Mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan
3. Kerjasama Berpartisipasi dalam kerja
(teamworking) kelompok
4. Disiplin (Discipline) Mengerjakan tugas sesuai tenggat
5. Percaya Diri Bertanya
(Confidence) Mempresentasikan hasil kerja
1=tidak pernah 2=jarang 3=kadang-kadang 4=sering 5=selalu
Students’ Self Refelction/ Penilaian Diri Siswa
No Description Ya/Tidak
1 I participated actively in the class

2 I enjoyed the activities

3 I know about the kinds of shipping documents

Yogyakarta, 29 March 2019

Instructor Student Teacher,

Restu Arini, M.Pd. Nadya Berlian N.P (15131034)

A. Put the adverb of frequency on the right place.

1. He listens to the radio. (often)


2. They read a book. (sometimes)


3. Pete gets angry. (never)


4. Tom is very friendly. (usually)


5. I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)


6. Ramon is hungry. (often)


7. My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)


8. Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)


9. They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)


10. Christine smokes after dinner. (seldom)


Task 2

Write the correct form of the verb in each sentence.

1 John ______________ (play/plays) soccer.
2 They ______________ (don’t/doesn’t) study after school.
3 We _______________ (take/takes) the metro to the office every day.
4 What ___________ (do/does) you want to study?
5 On Tuesdays, I _________ (go/goes) to the mall.
6 Terry ___________ (play/plays) soccer; he _________________ (practice/practices) every
7 ____________ (Do/Does) Lucy ride her bike to school, or ___________ (do/does) she take the
8 On Sunday, he ____________ (don’t/doesn’t) read the newspaper.
9 Where _____________ (do/does) they work?
10 How ____________ (do/does) you spell your name?
Task 3

I usually wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning. I never forget to tidy up my bed and
clean it up. Then I take a bath and pray. After that I help my mother to prepare the breakfast.
And then, I have breakfast with my family in the dining room. We usually have warm tea, milk
and fried rice. Then, I go to school with my friends. I study at school till 1 p.m. I go home, put off
my uniform and have lunch with my mother. After that I pray, watch TV and take a nap. I always
take a bath at 5 p.m. in the afternoon. Then I watch TV while waiting the time for praying. After
I pray, I and my family have lunch together. And then, I read a book and prepare the lesson for
the next school day. I go to bed at 9 p.m. That's all my activity starting from waking up till going
to be.

Do the task below!

1. Make your own daily activity paragraph based on this example!
2. Don’t forget to use simple present tense and the adverbs of frequency!

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