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NIM : 20381031083
Class: TBI-C / 6
Subject: Teaching Practice 1



Lesson :English
Material : Simple Present tense (Nominal and Verbal)
Class/Semester :VII / I
Time allocation : 30 minutes
Skill :writing

A. Main Competence

MC1: Respect and appreciate the teachings of the religion he adheres to.

MC2: Respect and appreciate honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (tolerance,
mutual cooperation), courtesy, confidence, in interacting effectively with the social and
natural environment within the range of relationships and whereabouts.
MC3: Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on his
curiosity about science, technology, art, culture related to phenomena and events that
appear to the eye.
MC4: Try, process, and present in a concrete realm (using, parsing, stringing,modifying,
and making) and abstract domains (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and making) in
accordance with what is learned in school and other sources that are the same in point of
view / theory.

B. Basic Competence and Competence Achievement Indicator

Basic Competence Competence Achievement Indicator

 distinguish and determine the  identify the structure of the simple present
structure of the simple present tense tense formula.

 find and determine the structure of  Determine the structure of the simple
the simple present tense formula in present.
the form of positive, negative, and
interrogative sentences in the

C. Purpose
After joining the teaching and learning process, students are supposed to:
1. identify the structure of the simple present tense formula.
2. determine the structure of the simple present tense formula.

D. Material
1. Introducing Simple Present Tense
2. Explain the rules of Simple Present Tense

E. Teaching Method and Technique

1. Method : Direct method
2. Technique : Lecture, assessment, question-answer, discussion

F. Media, Instrument and Teaching Resources

1. Media
a. Powerpoint slide
b. Whiteboard
2. Instrument
a. Print out text
3. TeachingResources
a. Buku Pegangan Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk
SMP/MTS Kelas VII Kemendikbud
b. Internet
c. Internet source:

G. Procedure

Activities Descriptionof Learning Activities
Pre-teaching 1. Teacher opens the class activity by greeting and leads 5 minutes
thestudents to pray before starting the teaching and
2. The teacher checks the attendance of students.
3. Teacher asks some questions related with the materialthat
will be learned.
Whilst-teaching 1. The teacher shows a power point slide to give an 20
explanation of the structure of simple present tense tenses
and examples.
2. After explaining the material, the teacher gives opportunity
to ask questions related to the simple present tense formula.

3. The teacher writes some questions on the white board, after

that the teacher appoints some students to answer the
questions and write the answers on the white board.

4. The teacher corrects the students' answers and corrects and

explains what the errors are in the answers.

Post-teaching 1. Teacher gives a feedback about Simple Present tence 5

2. Teacher clarifies the students whether they understand
or not about the materials
3. Teacher leads to close the class activity by greeting

H. Learning Evaluation
Type of Assesment : observation during the learning process.
Knowledge : Assignment
Skills : practice and portofolio
Instrument of Assessment : (Appendix)

Rubric of Assessment :
No. Criteria Descrition Score

Accurate response 5
Response for answering the
1. Inaccurate response 4
No response 2
Seriously 5
2. Attitude Responsibility 5
No response 2
Maximum Score:10
Score Orientation

: 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
𝐹i𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒= X 100

Skor Penilaian
No. Huruf Rentangangka
1. Very Good (A) 100 -80
2. Good (B) 70 -50
3. Enough (C) 50 -30
4. Less (D) 20 -10

Pamekasan, April 20, 2023

Headmaster of AL-MIFTAH

Drs. Teguh Suparyanto, MM.Pd. MOH ROFIKI

NIP. 19671007 199802 1 001 NIM. 20381031083

Yours Truly,
The Lecturer of Teaching Practice 1

,Eva Nikmatul Rabbianty, M.Pd.

NIP. 198001142003122004
Appendix : Material

The Definition of Simple Tenses that are used to express an ongoing event currently
Present Tense taking place or recurring events times (custom).
The Function of Simple Express daily activity (daily activity). express common
Present Tense events that occur and can't denied.

Adverb of Frequency seldom: sering

always: selalu
sometimes: kadang-kadang
as a rule: lazimnya
often: sering
ever: pernah
nowadays: pada waktu sekarang
frequently: disini/disana
one in a while: kadang-kadang
normally: umumnya
commonly: biasanya
generally: sering kali

Adverb of Time Every year: setiap tahun

Every month: setiap bulan
at seven: jam tujuh
here/there: disini/disana
Every week: setiap minggu
in the morning: di pagi hari
Every day: setiap hari
twice a day: dua kali sehari

The Rule (Nominal Sentence)  Positive: Subject + to be (am/is/are) +


 Negative: Subject + to be (am/is/are) + not +


 Interogative: to be (am/is/are) + Subject +

adj/adverb ?
The Rule (Verbal Sentence)  Positive: Subject + V1/V. s/es + O

 Negative: Subject + don’t/doesn’t + V1/V + O

 Interogative: do/does + Subject + V1/V + O ?

Example Nominal Sentence
(+) He is very patience
(-) He is not/isn’t very patience
(?) Is he patience?

Verbal Sentence
(+) She goes to school
(-) She doesn’t go to school
(?) Does she go to school?



I. Choose the correct answer by putting a cross (X) on the letters A, B, C, and D...!
1. I go to school every day determine the sentences below positive negative interrogative..?
a. Positive
b. Negarive
c. Interrogarive
d. Al correct
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words "She......boks with me".?
a. Buy
b. Buys
c. Buyed
d. All correct
3. "She....a polce" fill in the blanks with the correct words..?
a. is
b. are
c. am
d. All correct
4. "Do I eat rice in my house" determine the sentences below positive negative interrogative..?
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Al correct
d. Interrogative
5. "I am not a teacher" determine the sentences below positive negative interrogative..?
a. Positive
b. All wrong
c. Interrogarive
d. Negative

II. Change the sentences into positive, negative, and interrogative ! ( Rubahlah kalimat
ini kedalam bentuk positif, negatif, dan inteogarif ! )
1. Nominal
( ? ) Are you the best student in this class
2. Verbal
( - ) She does not go to school by bycycle
3. Verbal
( + ) My father works every day



III. Make positive, negative, and interrogative sentences with using the formula of
Simple Present Tense by following words...!
1. Play
2. Run
3. Student
4. Doctor
5. Angry

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