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Dear Margaret,

Are you doing well my old friend? I must say there have been quite a lot to think about these days, I
hope it is not the same for you. Well, since you are out traveling, I suppose there is. The purpose for
my letter to you is to tell you the staggering event that took place in our dining hall the other
evening! I am quite certain you will think I am lying, but I must tell you.

We were having dinner as usual that night. We had just gotten into our evening clothing and I must
tell you that my new dress was absolutely gorgeous, I will try it on for you when you get back. Gerald
was dining with us today, talkative as always. Eric was quite squiffy as well, having gulped almost all
of the port on the table!

While at the dining table it was quite lively. Daddy decided to have a little speech about my
relationship with Gerald, declaring that he was delighted and that he was looking forward to our
future together. At this, Gerald brought out a ring for me, a lovely ring at that. It is a stunning
beauty. Our engagement became the topic of discussion afterwards. Me and mummy and Eric
decided to withdraw to the drawing-room, to leave the men to discuss whatever it is that men talk
about. Eric left after only a little while, most likely feeling left out from the male chatting. It was of no
difference to me, me and mummy had a nice chat instead.

After some time, mummy sent me to fetch daddy, and this is where the evening begins unraveling
Margaret. When I entered the room, I heard someone talking about the streets, and then I noticed
that there was an unknown man discussing an apparently heated topic with the men. I asked what
all of this was about, but daddy told me to run along. However, the stranger in our dining hall told
me to stay, so I did. The stranger turned out to be an inspector! He wanted to have a talk with
everyone about the case he had been assigned. The inspector was investigating a suicide of a 24-
year-old young girl named Eva Smith. She had been working for us, but daddy discharged her
because she was, in his eyes, not doing a good job. I had no clue who this girl Eva Smith was, but the
inspector told us that after she had been discharged from working for us, she had found work at
Milwards after two hard months. It was at this moment that the inspector presented a picture of the
girl to me, and my heart shattered. I recognized her immediately and ran out of the room with tears
forming in my eyes. In January of last year, I went to Milwards to try on some dresses with mummy.
There was a particular dress I wanted to try on, but mummy told me it was a bad idea. I did not
listen and tried it on anyway which turned out to be a not so wise decision. A girl that worked there,
Eva Smith, had brought the dress to me. She was holding it in front of herself and was smiling to
assistant Miss Francis. I have to admit, the dress looked stunning on her. This made me furious and
jealous, so I went to the store manager and declared that the girl had been impertinent and that if
they did not get rid of her, I would never go near Milwards again and persuade mummy to close our
account with them.

I got the girl fired due to my own short-comings, and now I know that she has suffered enough to
take her own life. I feel disgusting Margaret, and I do not know what to do. I hope to hear again from
you soon with some good advice and maybe some intel from your travels to cheer me up.

All the best to you

Your friend, Sheila

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