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Okikioluwa Peace Andrew

Ugbomro pipeline, Warri, Delta State

August 15th, 2022

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am contacting you to express my interest in working as a Secretary in your firm, I

am presently a national diploma holder in Marine Engineering from the prestigious
Maritime Academy of Nigeria, who graduated as the best graduating female cadet in
the engineering faculty, this is due to the fact that i believe whatever is worth doing is
worth doing well, I put in my effort to always strive to excellence and achievements
both as a team and as an individual. I have vast experience in working as a secretary
and i believe i would be a great asset to your firm

I am a dedicated, hard worker skilled in problem-solving and time management. I

work well with others, but I can also take initiative and get things done on my own. I
catch on quickly and work hard to continuously expand my skill set. Just a few of my
abilities include:
• Creativity
• Public Speaking and Team building
• IT (Tech) proficient
• Multitasking

I will be delighted to be given this great opportunity because i believe it will help me
improve my skills, connect me with great minds and assist me to attain the level i
want to attain career wise.I believe that my qualifications, experience and career
pursuits are a great fit as the kind of candidate you are looking for.

If you have further enquries you could look into my resume or give me a call, that
would be great. I hope you'll consider me for the position.


Okikioluwa Andrew

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