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Instructor, HM 324


1. The Philippines recently hosted the Asian games considering the threats related to the

Event, do you think that the Philippines government property analyze the risk related to event? Why?

• Yes, the Philippine government would have analyzed the risks related to the event. This is the
because the government has a responsibility to ensure the safety of its citizens and the visitors
attending the event. The government would also need to take into account any potential threats from
outside sources such as terrorists or other criminal elements. By analyzing the risks and preparing a
comprehensive security plan, the government would be able to protect its citizens and visitors during
the event.

2. In relation to your answer in Number 1, propose viable risk analysis alternatives.

• One viable risk analysis alternative is to use threat assessment software. This type of
software can help organizations identify potential threats and vulnerabilities and
develop appropriate strategies to reduce the risks. The software can also provide
detailed reports on the threats and vulnerabilities, which can help the organization
better prepare for future events. Additionally, organizations can use threat and
vulnerabilities. This type of service can provide organizations with timely and accurate
information to help them make informed decisions.


1.Why is there a need to evaluate a risk associated with a tourism attraction or activity?

Managing risk is a crucial factor for adventure tourism operators, as they must ensure the safety of
their customers, who may participate in high-risk activities.

It is very important to evaluate the risk involved in tourism, attractions, or in activities in order to
avoid any risk or accidental damage that each customer may experience and to maintain the safety and
security of everyone, especially the customers and those who work there.

3. What examples can be given for risk retention, risk transfer, risk reduction, and risk avoidance?

Risk retention is the practice of setting up a self-insurance reserve fund to play in the event of a loss,
rather than transferring risk using hedging instruments.

EXAMPLE: This could involve a travel agency or airline deciding to utilize higher deductibles, using self-
insurance, or purposefully not transferring risk because they are unable to.

Risk transfer is a risk control strategy that involves the contractual transfer of pure risk to another

EXAMPLE: By paying premiums to an insurer, who the assumes the financial risk of an incidents, risk is
transferred through insurance.

Risk reduction is an action to reduce the frequency or severity of losses, which is also known as loss

EXAMPLE: Requiring all participants to complete training in risky forms of travel, like skiing or scuba
diving. This doesn’t necessarily remove risks, but it does lessen the possibility of mishaps happening to
Risk avoidance is the elimination of potential danger, activities and exposures that can negatively
affect an organization and all assets they have.

EXAMPLE: For instance, reducing risky or extreme tourism-related activities and services, avoiding
tourist sites due to possible environmental hazards and natural disasters, or shifting vacation spots
where there may be political instability.

3. How can you communicate to the organization the results of risk evaluation?

1. How can you communicate to the organization the results of risk evaluation?

• Any effective risk management approach must include strong communication.

Effective communication of information on risks associated with hazards and control measures, is an
essential and integral component within the risk assessment process. The fundamental goal to
communicate the outcome of your risk assessment thereafter to the rest of the organization,
contributes to the health and safety of your (peer) employees.


1. What are the foodborne diseases?

• Foodborne diseases are caused by multitude of agents such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and
fungus which enter the body and causes illness. Foodborne diseases are the illnesses contracted from
eating contaminated food and beverage. Foodborne may occur at any stage of food production,
delivery, and consumption chain. Foodborne diseases encompass a wide range of illness from diarrhea
to cancers.

2. What are some ways of preventing foodborne illnesses?

• There are some ways of preventing foodborne illnesses and this are:
• Regular clean and sanitize kitchen surfaces.
• Avoid cross contamination between raw and ready-to-eat food.
• Wash your hands before preparing food or eating.
• Prepare, handle, and store foods correctly.

• Be careful about the foods you chose-check use-by dates and don’t buy damaged packages to
avoid foodborne Illnesses.

3. How can a food service enterprise market sanitation?

• Hand washing regularly. Using clean utensils for tasting food. Use separated clothes for cleaning
and wiping plates. Keep clean, separate raw and cooked thoroughly. Use safe water and raw materials.
4. What might be the reasons that food poisoning disease outbreaks persist in the country, though
the Philippine Food Safety Act and Philippine Food Safety Framework exist?
• Numerous foodborne illness outbreak in the Philippines have been blame poor safety
standards and lack of enforcement because of not proper safety standards, it causes a
food poisoning and a lot of different types of air borne virus to effect and contamination
of food because of not proper safety standards, a lot of viruses can’t affect as to avoid
this case. We need to practice a proper and good safety standard to avoid foodborne.


1. What is taking preventative action a good thing to do?

• Prevent action is taken to prevent injuries before they happen. Preventive measures are
generally more effective and cost-efficient that correction actions for example, a facility might install
safety equipment to avoid future accidents and injuries.

2. How might safety and security information be provided to customers?

• We have both states and federal regulations detailing safety and security information release
informing the public, clients, and customers of all sorts of problems and metrics. The fact that you are
asking these questions means that we have failed to get this information to target audience.

3. Why is it necessary to investigate suspicious persons and abnormal situations?

• Monitoring, identifying, and responding to leaks can help prevent the violence. Similarly,
identifying and reporting suspicious behaviors and activities is critical to prevention. Individuals do not
generally just “snap” and become violent. Over time they tend to display indicators 0f potentially violent
behavior. Suspicious behavior or activity can be any action that is out of place and does not fit into the
usual day-to-day activity of our campus community. Even if you are unsure as to what is going on, the
best to do is to let officers investigate. You may help prevent violence or theft. When the police catch
someone in the act of breaking into a home or stealing something, it is not unusual for that person to be
more responsible for multiple other crimes. The additional information will give police and security
important data to identify trends and make decisions about when and where to deploy patrols.

4. Actions of the tour leader are always on public show. “What is the relationship to safety or
security controls while on tour?

• As a leader, safety and security are vital to providing quality in tourism. More than any other
economic activity, the success or failure of a tourism destination depends on being able to provide a
safe and secure environment for visitor. And protect employees from baseless allegations. And this
along with other aspects, will increase the reputation of the hotel. And the role of tour guide as a leader
he/she bring tour groups to destination. And can handle situation that arise and address any travel
concerns of the tour groups. And, important to have rights and responsibilities with regards to safety
and security in the tour.
5. Why are these needs to complete documentations of records for safety and security, actions
• Keeping incidents records provides a broad spectrum of information about the
circumstance as well as helps establish a better course of action for future incidents
prevention. It enables the correct execution of safety procedures and thus the
achievement of the organization`s safety objectives. Safety records are maintained in
order to provide documented safety assurance to all associated with, responsible for or
dependent upon the services provided by the organization, and to the regulator.

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