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Training and Flacement Department

Department of Technology
Shivaji University
L)utwarcl No. - DOT/T& P/Tec h.\ n tl A2 I 2021 -l( )l l DAT'E: 0l-04-2012


TE C r{N{ _C_AI? Ar}TrTUpE TE S:{

T.Y. anri Final Year" B.-Xech rtrrrle nts rrrc herelrr infi-.rmecl that there lr,'ill he

i:. 'Technie at ,Aptitude Test (\dCQ based )' in the seconil ,n'eek of April throush offline

mrode. T'cst uill be biiscci ol subjects rip to 5'l'\crne.-iier lor T"1'. stuclents. For Final

Year studettt.s test wiil be conclr-rcted baserl on sr-rb-iects r-rp to 7il'semester. A11 stLtdents

shoulcl aftend this test. Detailed schech,rle is as follorvs.

Dlte: l3ih .\p:"il 20?2

Tirnc; p rn. rtr -1.10 p.rn.

Seating iin'ar'lgei-r-Ient i,i,ili be communicated one clar,' betore test.

\lr r". it. i',ii;ithli

&F It e p rerrr:tiiti -r'e

t;. I et,j L t1 j] i'_ ilgg.

Cop-t io. Cuoi'LlirilLlor' B.Tc.h ('rrtrpulcl s-ir'itt-'lrnJ l;t-hirolot-r

Coordinator - ts.Tei'ir L,iectronics xnLl C'i)rrnlLiitir'ittiL)ll TeLthlto1og\
Coor,-iintLtttr' - B.Tcuh l:,,iiil Jg;,fi31pl1rgr
('ir il Errurrrrerin!
'rrrliliir"iiorj B.Tc;h
Coot'dinator' - B. Tec h l,{r,c hanical Fn g i nr.e ii n_e
f'oorclinator - B.T*ch f lrr-mical Techitolcsl

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