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Olrl:lf ll Ol" lllll ('llll)l' l:\;(il\,1.1:lt & tlASlN }1ANA(il-lt.

l]/\SlN. IlllA\\rANll'A lNA. I)lS I . Kr\l.All,'\\,1)l
I'c I \tr.06(r?02,'1 020(). crtr ui l" has in blt p,rt gntit i l.crittt
l.cttcr Nq, 36t4 i Datcd. ,06, Oy*.2027
I ltu l)iltrl'ri.
ittiirrtttllti,tt,l l'irhlit l{clltltorl I )c|illtlllcl}1.
()disha. llhttirltttustt ltr

Srrl, - I,rrIlicalilrl pl'r-pt'pcttt't't1e tll \olict' \o.( l'.&ll]I,'l li.L'l5nA22-n'

Sir. ol tlr"' c-prlr!ifefi!r]l

\\ ith rclcrcrrcc 1(r till 111[rice1 ctlr:ti ;tlror'c' tltu cop-t
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\,r.(.Ii&l]]1.I].1.-l5l]012-21 is cnclosctJ ltcre rVilh lirr prrblicatirirl ttr ["r" lcadinq
papcrs on or he lbre Date'l'1'02'2{)2Jl r-

i,rrr:lish l)rrilr itr atl,.liriorr to t\\'o lcrding OcJia daily nervs

ri i iic c i rculltt iiltt.

i:rilosci-(llrrth irr liard & Sott copy')

ftem,: \c.J6$ / Date 06,0f"2023

0nd ncce ssar\ actlon
irtvottt o1'kirld iniirrrllatitttt
l{cs|urccs. 0dishlr, lJliubltttcsrvar. tirr

( lttcl t:
.:,.,-,, V-)>
'*;:'- vF,
ttenrr, \,, J6,6 I l)att: -06,02-20U C.-

lt is reoLrcslcd to hoist thc [ctttler
ii,,. i,,lirr,,.,0ti()n (t,,..arrur1 autiott
Secretariat,llhuhurrs*,,u i..,ii.i'i,t.i', sire trr'ct,rr.r'utrrirrii
crri nrrisc nirh idu,rircrritrn NoCli.rir.-Bnr-l';;;iij I'r'0?'2023'
::ll,::l};1,',",';.;;,',;;;"' ln
"'',rherirtel)rtte' .r','' =*,\.
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rvrcrno NoJ6p I Datc P6'AL'2a23
lJlttrtrltle:ttat't\) ursl)rrr'\ :::k* :;il tn tln or hrcltrrul)ltc. l{'02'2UiJ'
orjisrra, r,r,,lu'li'-.',.1'':'i;;l']:'i
rrcsur rccs. Odi:lrll'
Itur.rttr.ur. li ,iil:::;:J$IIi]tifi]l
l)e plnntcnt rt rt * dtrtvrodisha'gtlv I
* e bsitu Lll'Wate r Ile "'Lrrccs

11,r:r... , 27
ivlgli! ;

\1Llr,' \r'.367 tt;tte Q$ . 07'2b23
( rrirr Iil'ltltlcri lrr tltc I )ir.cclr,r'. l)rinlirrrt, \1;rl intrtrr,t l'rrhlic;rti,iir ( ;( )\''r'rlllllcnl l)le\\.

\lrrilrrri-rnlrrn ( ( )) ("rr1liri L ;ttttl trillt

l r((llrcrl ln IrrhIicit lltir ttnlie,.'in ihc ltt'rl irrlL nl thc ( )ilirlr;r
( ia/c11c,

\icltr,t \,,3 69 i r)rrrc -OB ,02-

( r'11) strlrtttillcrl to tltc I:nginccr-lrr-('hicl, \\'.lt. Odisha. lJhLrh;rnr',,u,rrr" irLirl,;r-lr-
('lrlc1. tl'.ll)) \\' I{ ()ij i51l.t. l}hubarrcsw'ar / I:rrginccr-ln-('hicf . I'ro.r:r:,rci'i ()r; ,.ha.
lll:rlrrrtrc:u;ti lrngittccr-in-('hic1" \\torks I)cptt/ (lhiel't;nginccr. [{Lrral Workr-l r hill i n:rne ir
Ji,.,ttj: ,t ilirridinqr ( lricl' l:ngrnccr. Nlli Pll (t.rhan)r Vlanlirri i.r,rc-i.,:.
ll)('() ()('(' ()ll('(' Ol.l(' 1or fhvour of infbrrlation and ncccssilrr rre IiLrrr.

Chie f'l:
\n J7A -o2-2q7 '<{*-
cb cL
\1tnrL, 1 Date -06

C opl' .submittcd to I:A cum- Special Secretary to Covt. Dcpartment of \\'arcr Rescurccs.
Ociisha. IlhLriTancsil,ar firr lavour of'kind inforrnation and neccssar"\ action..


\.{emo N".37/ i Date .05'02-70A

( lpr flrr rr trrdcrl Io lrll ('iricl' irrri]inccrs. ('lric1- ('orrstnrctirtrr l'-nginccrs ol \\.R
I )c pir l-1il] r:ll I .

Chitl' Lrkrre+ - --;q2/'/
rTr oL
Memo Nr.37? / Date -09'02' 2023 u<c)

C'opi {irrlardcci ro All Additiunal C'hiel'lineincersl All Supcrintending Ilngincers i .'\li

I:.recutivc Irnginccrs ttnder'l'cl ilasin lor inlormation and neccssat'i action.

Memo rriu.JT3 i r)arc 06'07^7023,Chicik

('op,r' to tltc Acctruttts Olllceri' \\1orks llranch/ Cash Scctioni cottce rncd lr ork lllcs,'
\oticc lloard.
1.(1r, e 1, "^ > L)
,s- ''
()l l'l('l ()l: ,',11, ('llil I I\(il\l il( & llr\\i\ \l\\,\(il:li.
'll:l ll,,\SI\, Illl:\\\,,\\ll),\ l\.,\. t)ls I K.'\l \11,.\\i)l
I t'l \i, (l(r(r:{tl iill{:t}, erll,t,l ii'ii.:lh;t.rill'it|,r !'lll,ili L,rrll

(iole nrrrrcn to[()d ishr

c " I) ro Ut r c.!J t' rt I \ tJ i c' c.) g:( !1$lL!l*.|L|,:LiJU.l-lJ
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llirllrltntillcitliott\o,( Ll l.l llll) I l;2{ll2-1"1

irrr,ilcri lirr lrl)('("rrt)iritr:l liii'"{'nrrrlriirlilrt l1'ln-tlrcltttt !1{)riigr'
lr.ndr-.r's ulr
slru.lrtrc tlSSl af l'allrlrlli ;icrors rirrl lrtrlr';r in I itill*arlr lrllr.lq ,,1 [lr,llirr*ir rlirlrir:l in,. irrriini

SUncr. lrtrcst igittrrrrt.l)li:rrtri]]!, i)erigrr ;tttrl l.:littt;tlc ,,1 ,rll (,rri1r,lti.r:li i'rillr (ifr:rlrtl "l 'ttr i
\{airrtcrraptc olilrc p;rtlcct Iir;3 pcr ir,ti ll llrL'\cilli r,t lllu ItLr,tl \L:,ti,,il;;,;lt ilhcvcr i';lr',1',' rl',''
surcesslirl ci..rrrrnissionirrg o1"1ltr: l)rrritcl irl'St;tlc o1'Odislrl Itrttl pl'1'.t,.'-ti','c hiddcr;

I \amc0{'\\'ork "('irttslrttcliolt ttl ltt-strcartr 'ir)rr''l 'ttt"" [:I 'r'

I'lr,lungir dislr rt:l irtclLttlirtg, I i,ilr',-ril,:-;'.lr:r,-,
l)r)\\cr ('()rtttcetivitr \\i)rk\. ltr,lril ( r,.il-tjili .

Quttttcrs ittuluilinq SLlrvc"r'. lnler.lllai,,;l-r.i' t:.rr';''

I)csign and I,stirttatc r.,1'3li ('irrtlpottcnl: v'llh {;ie:'rr 'r
anci lV'laintenlncc o1'lhe pro.ject lirr l pcriuii r:l i,' - . - r:
or llvc lrlood Scasons rvhicltc"'cr is tnorc af le r jr-''" ')""
conllnissioning of" the Proicct ol-Statc i'i'()'iisr'r lr
' lrcfsl]cctjve bidders."
: ...)" I

i .\pprorintate Valucc oft'orkput

ol'rr trrk Iltrt I{s'l'.l
lts.ll',59.J2'2()J -

to I'cndcr

I llcriodol'comPletioll J0caIcn da rrttun th s in cIu tlitt grl in vselsttn '

i I)atc & tintu of rrr lillbilitv oI l)llc- I 1.02'2(l2Jl'ronr I 0,00 i\Ilto Dute- I l.llJ.:0:i
[]id tjocunrcnl in thc Portal upto 5,001'.11.

t I.astilulcll'trrre lirr receilrl ol' I)itte- 21.()3.1()lJ trpto5.{)t)[''\l' I

Ilids in Ilrc portaI

5 Namc & atl,lrcrs irl'the ol'tjccr ('lricl l:rtlittect & lJlrsin I'vlittlrger' l:el llasirr,
inviting Itid I3hrtr ttrttPitlrtit

-1t|oe rrre 111s111p1r11;rl"lrltlls.:/ltentlcrsotlislrll.flol'in"

I urlhcr clrtails cun ite sucrr ll.0rrr thc e

{ -'lr
I ii"'&\ :
t'lrie t ftr, trr';in fu5
I cl Ilrsirr llirlu lrrriP@,f
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66e" Procurement NoticeNo-CE&BM TTEL'zs 12022'23
Bid Identification No. CETEL -B.ID-L 4 I 2022-23


Online tenders are invited from the qualified shortlisted bidders for "Construction of In-
stream Storage Structure (ISS) at Patharla across river Indra in Titilagarh block of Bolangir district
including Hydro-mechanical works, Power Connectivity works, Road Connectivity, Staff Quarters
including Survey, lnvestigation, Planning, Design and Estimate of all Components with Operation
and Maintenance of the project for a period of five years or five Flood Seasons whichever is more
after successful commissioning of the Proiect of State of Odisha from perspective lve bidders."
Class/EMD /Tender Fee lPeriod of
Name of Work
"Construction of In-stream storage structure (ISS) Class -Super Class or equivalent Bidders.
at Patharla across river Indra in Titilagarh biock of
Bolangir district including Hydro-mechanical EMD-I% of Bid Cost Amounting to
works. Power Connectivity works, Road
Connectivity, Staff Quarters including Survey,
IenderFee-Rs.10,000/- ;'. transferred
Investigation, Planning, Design and Estimate of all
Online (Non Refundable).
Components with Operation and Maintenance of the
project for a period of five years or five Flood Period of Completion 30 calendar
Seasons whichever is more after successful months including rainy season
commissioning of the Project of State of Odisha
from perspective bidders."

A. ]ERIOD OF AVAILABILITY OFBIDDING D*e- 14.02.2023 from 10.00 AM to

)OCUMENT. Date- 21.03.2023 up to 5.00 PM

B. |IME AND DATE FOR PRE-BID Date-28.02.2023 at 11.00 AM

]ONFERENCE Office of the CE & BM, Tel Basin,
Bhawaniptana/Virtual Mode.
C. -AST DATE AND TIME FOR RECEIPT Dater- 21.03.2023 upto 5.00 PM
D. ?LACE OF SALE, RECEIPT OF BIDS Online through e-procurement.
E. |IME AND DATE OF OPEMNG OF Date- 22.03.2023 zt 11.00 AM
F. PLACE OF OPENING OF BIDS Office of the CE & BM, Tel Basin,
G. Further details can be seen from e-procurement portal 'o"
1.0 Introduction: Government ofOdisha proposes to build number of schemes of
barrages/weirs/ISS Structures across various rivers and major tributaries depending on the
tenain in a period of next five years to enhance in stream storage for the water conservation
for improving drinking water supply, augment flow & lift irrigation, watersupply for indushial
& commercial establishments and maintain minimum environmental flow requirements in
different river basins of the state.

1.1 The basic project profile based on the preliminary planning is furnished in Appendix
BPP. All structural components are to be designed as per the information provided in the
appendix BPP following the stipulations under, but not limiting to, the relevant BIS codes,
manuals etc. For all purposes, 100-year return period, 500 retum period flood and the storage
height/ pond height (to be measdred from the upstream floor) will remain unchanged. The
pond height of the barrage is fixed to harness the potential fully with no submergence and
minimum land acquisition.

1.2 The main components of this Barrage will be a) Barrage including energy dissipation
arrangement, piers and abutment with guide wall (b) Scouring Sluices on both sides including
Sluice Gates with manually operated (c) Gates on Barrage way portion(d) afflux bund and
bank protection work of the river in the upstream up to end of ponding
(e) Electrical connectivity to the barrage site from the nearest 11KV structure with i 1/0.43KV
substation at Barrage site with associated cable lines and facilities for hoist operation and
lighting of sites. (f) Construction of 1500 sqft of temporary office 1000 sqft Watchmen shed
area and A double storied building for Work Charged(Residential Building) at the barrage site
with 2500 sqft built up area with boundary wall. (g)Approach Road to the barrage from the
nearest connectivity and (h) other ancillary works.

1.3 The approximate value of work put to tender is Rs. (Without GST).

2.1 Online tenders for the following work is invited on EPC contract basis by the
Chief Engineer & Basin Manager, Tel Basin, Bhawanipatna from the eligible
perspective bidders

2.2 The concemed Bidder shall submit the certificate of registration with concernedState
/ Government bodies / Authority along with the tender.
2.3 The Bidder registered outside Odisha shall get himself registered in o'Super" class
in the state of Government of Odisha before signing of agreement.

2.4 Failure of taking action specified in Para 2.2 and2.3 above, the concerned biddershall
' be disqualified and they will be suspended for three years.
3.0 Particulars of Tender
a) Name of Department Department of Water Resources
Govt. of Odisha.
b) Tender Notice Number BID identification No. cEtrr, -BlD-14t2022-23
c) Period of Contract 30 calendar months including Rainy season
d) Form of Corfiract EPC contract
e) TenderType Online e-procurement
D Tendercategory Works
g) EMD/Bid Security 19lo EMD, Rs. 1,47,59,3221-': 1 payment
through online
h) Cost of Tender Document Rs.10000i-to be transferred online
i) Bid Submission Technical and Price bid through Online
j) Bid Validity 180 days from last date of submission of bid.
k) Availability of tender online Dt.14.02.2023 from 10.00 AM
Start Date
l) Availability of tender online Dt.21.03.2023 up to 5.00 PM
up to date
m) Seek clarification start date Dt.21.02.2023 at 1r.00 AM
n) Seek clarification last date Dt.25.02.2023 up to 5.00 PM
o) On line submission of bid Dt.21.03.2023 up to 5.00 PM
upto date
p) Pre-Bid meeting On Dt. 28.02.2023 at 11.00A.M onwards will be
held in the Office of Chief Engineer & Basin
Manager, Tel Basin, Bhawanipatna On virtual mode.
q) Technical Bid opening date On Dt. 22.03.2023 from 11.00 AM onwards.
Place of Technical Bid opening:
Office of Chief Engineer & Basin Manager,
Tel Basin, Bhawanipatna
r) Price Bid opening Date Date & place of opening of price bid shall be
notified by the Tender Inviting Authority
s) Initial Security Deposit (ISD) The ISD @ 2% of the contract amount for each part
of agreement in the shape of NSC/ Post Office Saving
Account/ Post Office Time Deposit Account /Kishan
Vikas Patra/ unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee
(BG) pledged in favour of Superintending Engineer,
Balangir Irrigation Division, Balangir F r o m on any
Nationalized/ Scheduled Commercial Bank located
anywhere in the country with branches at Bhirbaneswar
with facility of authentication & encashment at Local
Branch Balangir.
0 Performance Security 57o of the gross amount of each running bills will
be deducted
u) Authority Inviting Bids Chief Engineer & Basin Manager, Tel Basin.
At/Po- Bhawanipatna, Dist.Kalahandi, Odisha,
PIN-76600 1, Phone No: 06670-230209,
The tender documents are available online from date 14.02.2023, 10.00AM up to dt
20.03.2023, 5.00PM in the website Interested bidders can view
these tender documents online, and can download tender documents. Bidders who wish to
submit their offer shall deposit specif,red tender document fees through online mode only.
5.1 A Pre-Bid Meeting, open to all prospective bidders, will be convened by the Chief Engineer
Basin Manager, Tel Basin, Bhawanipatna on 28,02.2023 at 11.00 AM at Bhawanipatnal
Virtual Mode
5.2 The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss and answer to the queries on anymatter that
may be raised by the bidder at that stage.

5.3 The bidders are requested to submit any query in writing, on-line in e- procurement portal
or e-mail to reach the office of ChiefEngineer Basin Manager ,Tel Basin
,Bhawanipatna during the clarification seeking period as mentioned in NIT before pre-bid

5.4 Any modification of the bid documents that may become necessary as a result of the Pre-
Bid Meeting shall be made by the Employer, by issuing an addendum to Bid Documents,
which eventually become a part of the Agreement.
5.5 The proceedings of the pre-bid Meeting will be uploaded in the designated location of
website and shall be treated as a part of bid document. No further information relating to
pre-bid shall be provided to the bidder.

5.6 Non-attendance at the pre-bid meeting shall not be a cause for disqualification of the bidder.

5.7 The bidders shall submit their tender online only. In case of any failure, malfunctionor
breakdown of electronic system used during the e-procurement process, thetender
inviting authority shall not accept any responsibility for failure or breakdown.
'|:, 5.8 The e-procurement applications are PKI @ublic Key Infrastructure) enabled and supports
the digital Signature certificates(DSC) of appropriate class (Class-II or Class-III) issued
from a registered Certiffing Authority (CA) as stipulated by Controller of Certifring
Authorities(CcA), Government of India such as n-code, Si$r, TCS, e-Mudhra. etc., for
signing the bids at the time of submission by contractor. The contactor has to procure digital
Signature certificates issued by above authority as per the procedure. Digitally signed bids
are to be submitted elechonically through e-procurement, without which the tender will not
be considered for opening the price Bid.

5.9 Suitable haining will be given by State Procurement Cell, Nirman Soudh, Bhubaneswar to
the bidders interested to know the procedure of bid submission on e-procurement platform.
The telephone No is 18003456765 (Toll free),0674- 2530998.
5.10 The bidders would be required to register on the e-procurement market place and submit their bid online. The Department will not accept any
bld submitted in the paper form. The bidders should quote their Tender contract price at the
prescribed field / place provided in the e-market place.
5.11 The bidder may ask question online in the e-procurement portal using hislher DSC,provided
the questions are raised within the period of seeking clarification as mentioned in the
particular of tender. The officer inviting tender will clarifi queries related to the tender.
5.12 Intending bidders can contact the Chief Engineer & Basin Manager, Tel Basin,
Bhawanipatna for any clarification, and information on any working day during working
hours. No clarification will beentertained after the pre-bid meeting.
5.13 The bidders are requested to submit the bids in single stage with two covers. Cover-l:
Qualification criteria and Technical bid and Cover-2 : Financial bid in separate.

The Technical Bid will be opened on 22,03.2023, 11.00 AM on website as mentioned in Para 3.0(q) above. Intending bidders or their
representative who wish to participate in online tender opening can log on to on the due date and time after online opening of the bid by the
authorized officer. The bidders who wish to remain present at Office chamber of Chief
Engineer Basin Manager, Tel Basin, Bhawanipatna premise at the time of tender opening
can do so. Onlyone representative of each firm will be allowed to remain present. The price
bid will be opened after Government's decision on technical bid of tender.

7.1 The cost of tender document will not be refunded under any circumstances.

1.2 EMD 1% Amounting to Rs. 1,47,59,3221- Payment through Online Mode'

7.3 The bid shall be valid for One hundred eighty (180) days from the last date of
submission of bid on line.
j.4 Tenders without Tender document fees, EMD and which donot fulfill all or any of the
condition or subrnitted incomplete in any respectwill be rejected.
1.5 Conditional tender shall not be accepted.

7.6 Government reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders withoutassigning
any reason thereof.

1.7 The bid document shall form a part of contract and only required documentsneed to
be upioaded during online bid submission for evaluation of bid.
j.8 The bidders are advised to read carefully the "lnstruction to Bidders"
contained in the tender documents at section-Il'

1.9 The website address for e -Tendering is

1.10 The details of the above notice will be available on .

.l I
Defect liability period: 5(five) years from the date of commission of theproject.

.t . ,,

{ i, ii r. .:."' " . 'r',.,., 1. .., ..

;. r rlr. r: rl t .

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by AMIYA KUMAR SAMAL
Date: 2023.02.12 12:16:12 IST
Location: Odisha-OD


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