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Podcast Content Plan: Scripting, Interview, Music and Sound Effects

Interviewee: Robbin Driver

Interview Questions:
Voxpop: Who’s your favourite historical figure?
2. Can you provide the listeners with a short explanation of who MLK is
3. Why is Martin Luther King important to you?
4. Why is he your favourite historical figure?
5. What do you think is the most inspirational thing that he has done and why?
6. If he was alive today, what do you think he would be doing
7. Do you think the protests have been done differently if they took place in the modern
day and why/why not?
8. If he was still alive in the modern day and ran for president of the US, who do you
think would be his vice-president and why?
9. If he wasn’t assassinated, what do you think he would have done for the rest of his
10. If you were alive during the time of the marches, would you have taken part?
11. Do you think that there would ever be someone who could make as big of an impact
as him?
12. What do you think he would think about modern day society and why?
13. What do you think motivated him to make the speech
14. Do you think there was anyone who could have done the speech instead of him

Hello and welcome to the debut of the Rewind To The Past podcast, with yours truly, me,
Charlie Parkes. Now, considering this is the first episode, you're probably sitting there and
scratching your head wondering what this podcast is about, well you’re in luck, because I’m
about to tell you. This podcast focuses on major events or historical figures from the past,
now, don’t leave, I know what your thinking, another boring history podcast, but I promise
you, every single episode and every single topic that is mentioned in this podcast will be
tackled with a lighthearted and comedic approach, I want to educate and inform you
throughout each episode while also entertaining you. Now that I’ve got that out of the way, I
think it might be time to kick off the episode. In today’s episode we are looking back at Martin
Luther King.

During today's episode, I will be speaking to Robbin Driver. They are a history student at
Priestley College who is a huge fan and has a vast knowledge of MLK. Through the
interview, I will be asking Robbin many important and interesting questions including Why is
MLK their favourite historical figure. So, that's all I have to say so far, So I hope you're ready,
the interview is about to begin.

Well! That was a cracking first part of the interview, yes you heard me, first part, there is still
even more to come, but I’ve decided to move away from it for just a moment so I can give
you some interesting facts about MLK.
● MLK entered college at age 15 in 1944 and then proceeded to graduate din 1948
with a B.A. in sociology at age 19
● He was arrested 29 different times, these charges were ranged from civil
disobedience to traffic violations
● We survived an assassination attempt a decade before he was assassinated, the
woman that attempted this was after him for five years and claimed that he had ties
to the communist party
● His birth name was Micheal
● He was opposed to the vietnam war

Well, that was all a little bit of fun. In the first part of the interview, I asked Robbin if they
thought that the protests would have been done differently if they took place in the modern
day. What were these protests? I hear you all shouting back at me. Well here is a quick
rundown! The civil rights movement was an empowering yet precarious time for Black
Americans. The efforts of civil rights activists and countless protesters of all races brought
about legislation to end segregation, Black voter suppression and discriminatory
employment and housing practices. And that's your rundown.

Right! Now that's out of the way, Let's get back to the interview.

Thank you, Robbin, for taking part in the interview. Now, I’ve got even more facts about MLK
for you! There are:
● His birth name was Michael
● He improvised the most recognized lines from his most famous speech
● He wrote 5 books
● He’s the only American, other than George Washington whose birthday is a national
● One of his first jobs was working for a newspaper
● He met his future wife over the phone
● He didn’t expect to become a civil-rights leader
● He spoke at over 2,500 events
● And finally, His imprisonment helped JFK get elected president.

Well, that's it for this episode of Rewind to the Past, I would like to send all my thanks over to
Robbin for taking the time out of their day to join me for the interview. As well as that, I’d like
to thank you, the listener, for listening to the first ever episode of this podcast. We are also
on twitter so follow us @RewindTTP where there is even more content including an insight
into the behind the scenes. This podcast releases a new episode every month, lookíng back
in time to historic events and figures that you want to know more about. I’ve been Charlie
Parkes and that's been Rewind to the Past!
Interview Background Music:
Scripted (Information & Facts):

Sound effects:
Used to transition from different parts to the Podcast:
MLK ‘I have a dream soundbite’:

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