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Task 2 essay s/b p.


History has been taught to children since the ancient times. Nowadays
owing to the increasing enrollment in STEM subjects humanities are
being underestimated and questioned for their necessity in the scholar
curriculums. In addition to these subjects, history is believed to be a
waste of time. Besides are we now so far advanced with our standards
of living and technologies that the ancient world has nothing of value to
teach us?

Firstly studying history helps us understand how our modern society

functions. It is essential we understand from where we come from and
how deep our roots are. Previous civilizations are the ones which formed
the present as we, modern people, perceive it. History also provides us
interesting information about the development of other civilizations
outside our culture. Students have access to other perspectives and
learn how to respect and appreciate opinions opposed of theirs. A Jack
Trusey, city council man, said ‘Humanities, such as history and literature,
teach as a world view which is essential knowledge in today’s
complicated world’.

The present world can be indicated as the world of ‘specialization’.

Most students seek academic validation and degrees that major in
specific aspects of their subject so as to assure a job position. Due to the
construction of our system, we are obligated to support statements such
as ‘No practical knowledge for the future is gained by learning history’.
Contrary to popular opinion, history provides as a more round and
completed education consisted of our ancestors past mistakes and
landmark movements against governments of oppression. The
underestimation of humanities is not a randomly promoted trend.

Humanities, such as history, are subjects of intellectual development,

liberty of speech and further philosophical understanding. Such essential
abilities that are being promoted by these subjects are not welcome to
our ‘open-minded’ society. Just because our society supports ideologies
opposed of the previous ones does not mean that discrimination and the
fear of speech are yet extinct.

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