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Topic 4: Becoming Independent

Complete the crossword puzzle below
1s e p a r a 2t e
e r 3b

l 4e a r l y 5t e
f i 6c h o i c e s
- 7o n i n
8p s 9t v g n g
h u a e k
y f k r t 10d u
11s e l f i m p r o v e m e n t
i i n r c c
c c g o l i e
a i t e s r
l e h e t i t
l n o c o a
y t l t g n i
d i o n
12e n v i r o n m e n t

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Across Down
1. to support a child to ______ from his family 1. become _____- _____ in personal care (self-
(separate) sufficient)
4. independence starts ____ in life (early) 2. moving and explore into the room with other
6. Children who are given ________ and real children, saying goodbye, allow adequate time for
opportunities to take responsibility for their the child to settle down (trying to let go)
actions (choices) 3. A child needs to recognise and feel reassured by
elements of the familiar (being uncertain)
11. explores _____ ________ in which how
5. priority is for a child to _______ for himself /
young kids can upgrade themselves (self
herself (think)
improvement) 7. ______ parents’ single-minded focus is to keep
12. Having a prepared _________ , children their children safe, physically, emotionally and show
need to be supported and trusted to use it guarding behaviour (overprotective)
(environment) 8. ______ and functionally independent assists
children to feel more in control of their own lives and
gives them self-respe (physically)
9. A baby crawls away from the caregiver, but turns
back just to check that the caregiver is still there
(taking hold)
10. adults are there as a resource to support them;
their confidence as ______ makers is strengthened

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