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Research design

The main purpose of the study is to determine the effect of health-related behavior in the

Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students of ACLC College of Iriga School

year 2021-2022. This study utilized the descriptive correlation type of research because

according to Beredo et al. (Punongbayan, 2014); this method is also known as statistical

research that describes data and characteristics about what practices, level of effectiveness

and processing. It answer the question who, what, where and how. This kind of research also

deals with the present and existing condition. This study involved a quantitative design to

enhance the research and make the study reliable and valid.

Quantitative design emphasize objective measurement and statistical mathematical or

numerical analysis of data collected through polls questionnaires, and surveys or by

manipulating pre-existing statistical data using computation techniques. The population of

the present study was Senior High School students in ACLC College of Iriga. This study

used two research design or methods which are descriptive research and correlation. The

correlation method is used in this research since it is intended to investigate the correlation

between the variables (Arikunti, 2007, p.247). The degree of correlation between two

variables is classified in the form of correlation coefficient.

This is also supported by Creswell (2012, p.338) opinion that in correlational research

design, investigator use the correlation statistical test to describe and measure the degree of

association between two or more variables or sets of scores. This opinion also implies that

the researches in this research do not attempt to control or manipulate the variables as in

experiment; instead they using the correlation statistics, two or more scores for each person.
Research design

Hence, this focused on the assessment of health related behaviors of SHS students and its

effect on their academic performance at ACLC College of Iriga.

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