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Comenzado en lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2022, 20:46

Estado Terminados
Finalizado en lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2022, 20:54
Tiempo empleado 7 mins 51 segundos
Puntos 38.00/40.00
Calificación 9.50 de un total de 10.00 (95%)


Fill in the blanks with the correct answer (base form, past tense, past participle or Spanish) for each verb. 
You have TWO opportunities to complete this assessement and a time limit of 11 minutes to finish it. 

Pregunta 1

Parcialmente correcta

Puntúa 38.00 sobre 40.00

Base Form Past Tense Past Participle Spanish

Steal Stole Stolen Robar

 

Stick Stuck Stuck Pegar (con pegamento)

 
Strike Struck Struck Golpear

 
sweep Swept Swept Barrer

 

Tear Tore Torn Rasgar

 
Tell Told Told Decil

 

Throw Threw Thrown Arrojar

 
Understand Understood Understood Entender

 

Wake Woke woke/woken Despertar

 
Spend Spent Spent Gastar

 

Stand Stood Stood poner de pie

 
Win Won Won Ganar

 

Swear Swore Sworn Jurar, renegar

 

Sweat Sweat/sweated Sweat/sweated Sudar

 
Write Wrote Written Escribir

 

Swim Swam Swum Nadar

 
Take Took Taken Tomar

 
Teach Taught Taught Enseñar

 

Wear Wore worn usar, vestir

 
Think Thought Thought Pensar

 

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