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Pupils are depending heavier and heavier on the internet.

It has ton of negative effects, however I am

strongly disagreed to prevent internet access for education propose.

In this century, various recourses information can be searched on internet easily, faster, and cheaper.
Both positive and negative side can be seen on internet. Even if There are multiple negative side on
internet. It has significantly supported many colleges during their study. For instance, there are many
lectures give their class online or distance learning. In addition, there are many other international
universities post their research online, so student can easily get a quality info which can support their

Students cannot divorce internet. Firstly, They are integrated in education ecosystem. Students can
learn better with internet because they can collect information not only from his lecture, but also from
international resources. So They can easily make a comparison. Secondly, internet support the
communication system in education. Student and lecture can communicate not only during physical
meeting at classroom, but also in remote meeting which can show video. Thirdly since there is online
class, so people can safe their transportation time by using zoom chat only. Fourth students became
more confidence after getting similar data on their research compare with other research.

In conclusion, Internet has more beneficial subjects. So there are no reason to restrict internet for
The bar below provided data on female who have higher education in f]UK, USA< Australia, south korea,
and france in 1980 to 2015.

Overall, in 2015 there were more women who had higher education in 2015 compare with 1980.
However in Australia, the female quantity is constant around 60% in both 1980 and 2015. In US, in 1980
women who are going to higher education was around 35% compare with in 2015 around 55%. It
jumped around 30%. Meanwhile in France, it was leap from around 50% to 55% which is only 5%.

Australia had became the peak position in both 1980 and 2015 in around 58% among others. While
south korea was the lowest position in both 1980 to 2015 from around 15% to30%. In 1980, USA was
lower than Australia, however, in 2015 USA and Australia finished at first position around 60%. The
second position was UK, the third position was France and the last position was south Korea

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