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Name : Rio Azis Febrian

Class : VII F
Procedure Text

Make a Sandwich

B. Materials
A. Tools :
- Knives ( 1 for slicing and 1 for - Sliced sandwich bread

spreading condiments) - Sauce, mayonanise

- Plate - Butter

- Paper Towels - Slice meat

- Pan - Cheese
- Lettuce
- Tomatoes
C. Procedure
1. Prepare the vegetables that you want to add to your sandwich. Tomatoes and
lettuce are common vegetables added to sandwiches. Rinse all vegetables with
clean water and dry them with a paper towel. Slice tomatoes and any other
veggies that need slicing.
2. Gather the materials needed on a flat ,clean, and sanitary surface. Take out two
slices of your favorite bread.
3. spread butter on each sheet of bread, then bake on the pan until golden brown.
4. Spread mayonnaise on one sheet of bread, then put the slice of meat on it.
5. Place your desired amount of the cheese you have chosen on top of the meat. Step
6. Place the desired toppings (sliced tomatoes, lettuce, etc.) on top of your cheese.
Then, add sauce and mayonnaise on top
7. Place the second slice of bread with the condiment covered side down on top of
your toppings.
8. Slice sandwich into a shape that will make it easier to handle. Some common
shapes are rectangles where you cut the sandwich down middle or triangles,
9. Serve and enjoy your sandwich.

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