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Core Reading

Setting: ​Bertiloth, the City of Guilds is a well established place for those seeking their dreams.
Located in a central position on the continent of Gondolan, and with a large natural harbor, its
success has been largely attributed to its many guilds and the intense competition in
meritocracy of the Guilds within the city. The city itself is ruled over by the Council, the leaders
of the 5 most powerful guilds in the city, Atosk, Spice Winds, Deepstone, Indrit, and Raven’s
Bone. While many guilds specialize in certain things, most new guilds simply call themselves
‘Adventurers Guilds’, meaning they’ll take on any job that comes their way most of time. You are
an individual that has just joined a brand new guild in Bertiloth, as a member you’ll play a part in
building the guild, its direction, and the collective journey of all the members.

Culture:​ Bertiloth’s culture is very much focused on guild membership over all else, with it even
becoming more important than the family. Guilds are very much the family of their members, it’s
common for husband and wives to share the same guild, and often individuals within the guild
will change their last names to be that of the guild, or to incorporate part of that guild’s name
into their last name. Movement between guilds is somewhat common, but often ties between
former guildmates are very strong. One cannot formally join a guild until they’re an adult, and
due to the fierce meritocracy of Bertiloth, one rarely joins their parent’s guild. Most youths will
create ‘guilds’ with their friends, often registering that as a formal new guild when they all come
of age.

New guilds start with almost no reputation, most don’t last more than a few years, with members
getting offers from more prestigious guilds to join, or gradually forming new guilds with others as
they gain increased experience. As such, almost every business, every individual within the city
is in a guild of some-sort, all registered with the council. Those who lose their guilds, either to
tragedy or to losing all the membership, those who are expelled from a guild, and those who
never join a guild for a long time are the ‘Guildlost’, honorless individuals who must either band
together and start a new guild themselves, or find a guild who will take them to restore their

Your Guild:​ Riel, perhaps your childhood friend, perhaps a person you’ve heard about when
asking about a new guild, is forming a new guild! While it has yet to be named, Riel has made a
little bit of a name for herself as a youth, whom despite her sickness and frailty of body, has
wished for adventure. Unable to do so herself, her goal of forming a guild and being its leader
would let her not only read many stories and reports, but perhaps live vicariously through those
who join.

Character Generation Rules:

Preapproved 3pp content: Psionics, Akasha, Spheres of Might, Spheres of Power, Legendary
Vigilantes, LVV, and Legendary Kineticist. ​DHB's Unchained Fighter and Unchained Cavalier
Banned 3pp content: Path of War, Bloodforge. Infusions alternate races for catfolk ect are
Level 1 start, starting wealth, 200gp, starting HP is Max + 10 at level 1, average rounded down
Most pathfinder, psionic, and akashic races are allowed, but high RP (Monstrous or above) or
especially exotic races must get GM approval.
25 point-buy
Background skills
Two traits and a campaign trait, Race, Regional, and Religion traits ignore their innate
limitations, though you may still only take 1 of each.
Classes that are not Int-based casters that start with 2+int skills now have 4+int skills, this
stacks with archetypes.
Elephant in the Room​ is in effect, however, when finessing a weapon you cannot perform a
power attack. If you would gain a feat from Elephant as a class feature, you instead gain a
bonus feat.
Golden Legion's Stayed Blade is granted for free.
Soulknives may gain the Gift Blade archetype without trading out the psionic strike class
Feats that would give ‘dexterity to damage’, now function as the ‘Lethal Grace’ vigilante talent,
using your character level as your vigilante level. This also applies to finesse fighting from
Spheres of Might. Class features function as normal.
Psionic/Magic transparency is in effect, knowledge (psionics) is the same as knowledge
All Prestige Classes provide "Legacy Progression"; at every even level in a prestige class, the
character acts as though they also gained the class features (but not the skillpoints, hit points,
BAB, or saves) of a class they previously were a part of. I​f the class already has something
similar (such as the Mongrel PrC from Bloodforge), it instead increases to "all the PrC
levels except for the 1st level" (similar to an Evangelist).
The Butchering Axe is banned.
Guns are not allowed.

Characters do not progress normally in this game. Instead, successful missions, quests,
contracts for the guild ‘ect’, rather than providing you with gold, experience, and items, provide
reputation and possibly unique bonuses to the guild, including allies, guild wide benefits, and
other such rewards.

Guild reputation starts at level 1, when your reputation has increased to bring the guild to level
2, all characters will become level 2, and will have wealth by level appropriate. Items may be
bought and sold at their listed price to and from the guild, so you may re-equip or bring
specialized items at any time. Expensive consumable items -are- allowed, and you will be
refunded for their use, but serious abuse of this may have consequences. Consumables do not
carry over from mission to mission if you do not use them.

How It Works: ​All the characters are in the same guild together, when a guild job, mission, ect
is posted up, it is a first-come first-serve one-two session game for whoever can play at that
time. The idea is to create a structure for pickup games/oneshots with a consistent cast of

Campaign Traits: MORE TO COME

Childhood Friend: You’ve known Riel for a long time, and as such have gotten good at imparting
tidbits of history or knowledge to give you something to talk about. Choose two knowledge skills,
you gain a +1 trait bonus to each, and they both become class skills. When the guild has a
mission that involves Riel, your presence along her side increases the guild’s reputation gain.

Outlander: You’ve come to Bertiloth from another city, as an outsider you’ve travelled a long
way. A outsider’s perspective and your experience gives you an advantage when working within
the city. Gain a +2 trait bonus to Sense Motive, it becomes a class skill. Additionally, you start
play with 1 more language known than normal. When dealing with other outlanders, or when the
guild works with outside nations, your presence increases the guild’s reputation gain.

Guildlost: Either through tragedy, or otherwise, you’ve become a guild-lost, at least for the time
being. The experience has hardened you, but has also taught you the importance of working
with others. You gain a +1 train bonus to Will Saves. Additionally choose bluff, intimidate, or
diplomacy, you gain a +1 trait bonus to that skill and it becomes a class skill. When dealing with
other guildlost, this bonus increases to +2. When dealing with other guildlost, or when the guild
takes on a quest for a guildlost, your presence increases the guild’s reputation gain.

Guildly Socialite: You’ve lived and worked in Bertiloth so long that working with guilds and
forming relations comes to you as easily as you breathe. You know the ins and outs of building
the relationships a guild or business needs to flourish. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Charisma
based skills when dealing with another guild, additionally, any actions you take on quests for the
guild that involve relationships with other guilds improve the guild’s relationship with guild more
than normal.

Provisioner: When working for the guild, fund management is extremely important. Some
individuals are experts at this. When setting out on a mission, a character with this trait gains an
additional 10% of their WBL in gold that may be used on services and consumable items for the
mission, this caps out at 1000gp. When you take on quests for the guild that focus on money,
you improve the guild’s reputation and financial standing.
Further Reading
The Council:

Ravryg Atosk: ​The leader of Atosk, Ravryg is a giant of a man, with blazing red hair who -is
often seen as not just the most experienced member of the council, but that the city’s defacto
leader. Though he is the only member of the council not to be from Bertiloth, with over a century
of service to the guilds and city, none question his loyalty or love. Despite his age, Ravryg still
looks like he’s in the prime of his life, and many speculate that his guild has an artifact that
keeps him youthful. He is respected as a leader of men, a tactician, a swordsman, and a
statesman, some call him the second coming of Berthold himself.

His guild, Atosk, is unusual in the history of the city for a guild on the council. Atosk is not
especially large in membership, nor are they specialized. Indeed, Atosk is thought of as the
ultimate adventurer’s guild, with each member being a hero in their own right, with unique skills
honed through countless adventures and battles. Admission to the guild is rare, with only those
who have proven themselves extensively allowed into its ranks. Many members could lead a
guild in their own right, and a large number have gone on to do so after their time. As such,
many hold important specialist roles within the city, working in high posts when they are not
called out on a guild job.

Belinda Coldwind: ​The leader of the Spice Winds guild, Belinda got to the top of her guild with
sharp intellect and ruthless ambition. The tall, darkhaired woman is near the end of her youth,
but none would dare disrespect her. The Spice Winds guild has been around nearly as long as
the city, and Belinda’s control of it came when she increased the profits of the guild through an
extensive increase in not only trade contracts, but also in expanding the operations of the guild
in privateering to dissuade competition. She is one of the sharpest business minds, and the
affairs of the city monetarily are largely under her ruthless control. She chose the name
coldwind, because many accused her of having a heart made of ice.

Her guild, Spice Winds, is the largest trading guild, with a massive membership, and many of
the markets and shops count themselves as members within the guild itself. One would be a
fool to expect its members only to be shopkeepers and traders, guards for caravans, privateers,
and a number of private mercenary companies all count themselves as under the membership
of the Spice Winds guild. Were they to arm every merchant vessel, the Spice Winds would
control likely the largest navy in the world. However, there is often fierce competition within
factions of the guild, but none would move against Belinda.

Gilgrim Stoneheart: ​Gilgrim may be a short and stocky man compared to the rest of the
council, but none would doubt his ability. Brown of hair and hearty of beard Gilgrim is often
away from the city, leading his guild Deepstone personally, be it exploring an ancient ruin,
creating a new mine, or excavating a relic, he seeks to be at the strong. He’s a very wise man,
soft spoken but the often considered the heart of the council with his moderating presence. He
prefers slow, deliberate action, measured carefully.

Deepstone itself employs many miners, but also has a large number of archivists, explorers, and
investigators. It also has a number of masons, and other skilled in construction in its ranks, as
its work away from the city often forces the creation of temporary housing. The family ties in the
Deepstone guild are particularly strong among the guilds, and its considered a model in that

Killian Saphyreye: ​Killian leads the Indrit, he’s a tall, thin blonde man, rather young. Often
thought to be snide and condescending figure, who is rather combative. That said, one cannot
underestimate Killian’s intelligence and understanding of magical phenomena. His ability to
work with magic is unparalleled, and he seemingly has a library within his own mind with how
easily he categorizes phenomena. Killians insight into magic and artifacts is highly respected,
and is why he maintains his place on the council.

The Indrit is a loose affiliation of wizards, blacksmiths, inventors, and many other industry
workers with a single goal. The creation, replication, and advancement of magical artifacts and
weapons. As such, they often find themselves in competition with the other guilds over
resources, artifacts, and even trade materials that they desire. They often work with smaller
guilds on a provisional basis to acquire such things.

The Raven’s Speaker: ​This raven masked and cloaked individual leads Raven’s Bones. Their
true identity is hidden to the public, but due to the trust requirements, known to the council itself.
The figure is said to have changed between several individuals as the leadership of the guild
has changed, each one becoming the Raven’s Speaker in place, this is supported by changes
in build and height.

Raven’s Bones are primarily assassins, utilizing disguise, subterfuge, and poisons to
accomplish their goals. They also operate as doctors, utilizing and honing experience in working
with the human body. They also operate graveyards, and other morbid things. Despite this they
are highly respected instead of shunned, seen as those who do what they have to for the city.
All members wear masks, and shed their public identities as part of joining the guild.

The Guild of Gods​:

There are many venerated gods in the world, but in the region of Bertiloth, those that are
venerated are generally part of the ‘Guild of Gods’, fitting for the city of guilds. Other gods exist
outside the guild, either being diametrically opposed or simply not wishing to

Berthold: ​Berthold is the leader of the Guild of Gods, fittingly as he is also the legendary
founder of the city of Bertiloth itself, creating the institution of the council to keep the peace
between guilds. As the Father of Guilds, his domains involve family and cooperation, and his
reputation of as a bringer of order to a largely chaotic system gives him many lawful aspects.

Other Guilded Gods include Atla and Alder, while Guildless Gods include Neheq and Nerra
See ​​ for information

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