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Task 1 : Flyers for hand lotion

Give yourself a burst of relaxation and serenity with natural Ocimum tenuiflorum formula
hand lotion which moisturizes and softens the skin of the hands, leaving a feminine scent in
which it is mixed with the Cocos nucifera. Make With Love hand lotion is a chemical free
naturally made from natural and organic ingredient for consumer whom pursue natural
Encoding form
Basically, the encoding form of this flyer is the combination of verbal form (written word)
and graphic form (pictures).
Semiotic (object, symbol, interpretation)


The object is the Make With Love hand lotion that showed in the flyers.

Symbol + Interpretation

The symbol of this flyer will be green leaf in the background. Generally, whenever consumer
see a product that with natural element such as leaf and water, the first thing come in their
mind would be this product is contained or made by natural ingredient instead of chemical
elements. Therefore, in the flyers can notice the background is full of leaf, the colour of the
fonts, bottom full of grass and there is a water swirl at the centre of the product. All these
elements is to emphasize the product is made by pure natural ingredient.

Communication Channel

The communication channel for hand lotion flyers will be nonpersonal channel. Since this is
a new company and new product. It is essential for more potential consumer know about this
company and product. Hence, printed media will be suitable for this case.

Foote, Cone & Belding Grid

Hand lotion product is fall under the self-satisfaction category. This is because hand lotion is
a product that consumer can feel its effect. To illustrate, hand lotion is used as a moisturizer
to treat or prevent dry, rough, scaly, itchy skin and minor skin irritations. Therefore, hand
lotion can fulfil the customer’s satisfaction.
Task 2: Online video for herbal hair oil


“Natural and human, none is dispensable”. Therefore, why not the combination of natural
ingredient plus hair oil. The story of the video is wish to brought out the message about the
relationship about natural and human to mirror the natural ingredient and hair oil product is
perfectly fit for each other.

Encoding form

Basically, the encoding form of this flyer is the combination of verbal form (written word),
musical form (instrumentation music, voice) and graphic form (pictures, video).

Semiotic (object, symbol, interpretation)


The object is the Make With Love herbal hair oil that showed in the video.

Symbol + Interpretation

The symbol of this flyer will be the natural scene such as water, tree showed in the video .
The purpose of these scene is to hint that this product is fully made by natural ingredient.
Besides, the very first product scene (0:20) is grounded with the grass is to symbolic its
uniqueness and selling point (natural). In term of music, I picked the soft piano music to
matches the story of the video. Other than that, I took some close shot about the product itself
hope to achieve aesthetics effect and mentioned its uniqueness at the left bottom at the same

Communication Channel

The communication channel for herbal hair oil will be nonpersonal channel. Since this is a
new company and new product, an attractive and clear hint video ad is very important to
attract the target customer. Therefore, social media platform such YouTube, Facebook,
Instagram will be the suitable platform to connect with target customer.

Foote, Cone & Belding Grid

Hand lotion product is fall under the self-satisfaction category. This is because hand lotion is
a product that consumer can feel its effectiveness. To illustrate, herbal hair oil is to treat
hair problems like thinning of hair and dry or flaky scalp. These oils are used not only for
moisturizing purposes but also to promote hair growth, improve circulation of blood in the
scalp, prevent dandruff and add volume to the hair shaft.
Task 3: Online Ads for night cream
Enriched with a high concentration of Aloe barbadensis miller, our night cream helps nourish
and soften dry hands. Its luxurious balmy texture instantly soothes dry skin, leaving hands
deeply moisturized and ready to take on the world! Its unique formulation provides intense
nourishing care and it forms a protective film on the skin to fight external aggressions (such
as cold, air conditioning…). Ocimum tenuiflorum, Curcuma longa, Cocos nucifera and
Vitellaria paradoxa extracts restore the skin’s suppleness. Used daily, it helps to protect hands
from dryness.

Semiotic (object, symbol, interpretation)


The object is the Make With Love night cream that showed in the online ads.

Symbol + Interpretation

The symbol of this online ads will be green leaf in the background. Generally, whenever
consumer see a product that with natural element such as leaf and water, the first thing come
in their mind would be this product is contained or made by natural ingredient instead of
chemical elements. The theme of the night cream online ads is similar to the hand lotion
flyer, this is because I wish to bring out a message is that Make With Love product is made
by natural ingredient. However, I have implemented some magazine design element into this
online ad to looks more aesthetic.

Communication Channel

The communication channel for night cream online ad will be nonpersonal channel. Since
this is a new company and new product. It is essential for more potential consumer know
about this company and product. Hence, online social media platform will be suitable for this

Foote, Cone & Belding Grid

Night cream product is fall under the self-satisfaction category. This is because hand lotion is
a product that consumer can direct feel its effect. To illustrate, the purpose of a night cream is
to support your skin through that, and make it more efficient at maintaining a healthy
complexion. Hence, hand lotion can fulfil the customer’s satisfaction.

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