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Title: Metal, Alloy and Steel


 any of a class of substances characterized by high electrical and thermal conductivity as

well as by malleability, ductility, and high reflectivity of light.
 Steel is basically an alloy of iron and carbon with a small percentage of other metals
such as nickel, chromium, aluminum, cobalt, etc.
 Alloys are a metallic substance composed of two or more elements, as either a
compound or a solution. The components of alloys are ordinarily themselves metals,
though carbon, a nonmetal, is an essential constituent of steel. Alloys are usually
produced by melting the mixture of ingredients.

Brief History

 Ancient man first found and began using Native Metals approximately 5000 years BC.
Over the next 2000 years, man mastered how to find, manipulate and use these native
metals in better ways. Nuggets of gold were often the easiest to find and use as they
were the most easily to manipulate. Copper first used by man over 10000 years.
 The earliest alloys created by man were brass and bronze, known from as early as 3000
BC. Brustlein’s steels were used to make tools, cannon shells and armor plates.

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