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Name : Reno wahyu nugroho

Class : 12 MIPA 4

No : 25


Good morning, audience. Let me give a speech about the environment so that we can
reap many lessons.

As we know, the environmental conditions that we live in today are very different from
the environment several decades ago. In the past, we could easily find trees, but now
the land containing plants has been replaced with housing.

Environmental problems are not only limited to plants. If we are sensitive, many fauna or
animals lose their habitat. Humans seize their place of residence, so that animals have
difficulty getting a place to live again.

Not infrequently, animals that cannot get a house will attack humans in order to get
food. Therefore, we should start from ourselves to foster a sense of love for the

Use methods that are easy and simple, for example by throwing garbage in its place,
not using plastic when shopping, and saving on water use. So my speech about the
environment from me, let's take care of the environment together.

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