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NAMA= Nurul Fadilllah



Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh, Good morning my teacher

and friends. My gratitude goes to the presence of Allah SWT for the grace, and the
teacher who has chosen me to deliver this speech to all of you. Today I want to tell
you about something that is very close to our daily lives but is often forgotten,
namely garbage. We all know that plastic waste or other waste takes a long time to
decompose. approximately It takes up to 1000 years to decompose plastic waste in
long enough right?
Most of the plastic waste in the ocean can disrupt the ecosystem in the sea. It's
sad to know how few people nowadays are starting to consider recycling plastic
waste into something useful instead of throwing it in the trash or littering.
However, so far not everyone is doing waste recycling.
We must be more environmentally conscious and environmentally friendly by
recycling plastic waste into useful and tradeable goods such as recycling shopping
bags from plastic packaging, recycling wallets from plastic wrap and so on, if we
don't take these actions then future generations will experience it . a future of
suffering and many natural disasters will occur such as floods.
The community has dealt with flooding and waste water pollution. Without
realizing it or not, most of the causes are because we don't throw garbage in the
trash and throw it carelessly.
Therefore, it is time for us to act and pay more attention. Disposing of trash in
its proper place, namely the trash can, may seem trivial, but big things can start
with small steps.
Up here my speech about waste recycling, I end with wassalamualaikum
warahmatullah wabarakatuh.

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