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Observations on TBI from both sides of the speech pathology table / an insight into the survivor

and the therapy’s perspective on brain injury



Perception on TBI:
1. Impact of cognitive changes: not recall of what happen/ short term memory/ piensan
que no han progresado/ no asumir que ellos saben sobre el progreso que han logrado/
2. Professional vs. personal: decir lo que ha logrado/ what baseline is being used tener en
3. Good old days bias: underestimate past problems like memory lo que afecta el progreso
actual/ realistic understanding of the now de los retos/
4. Hidden disability: survivors look fine or scars pero pueden presentar otros sintomas
escondidos lo que afecta la visualizacion del progreso
1. The importance of rapport: how you do it is important more then what you do
2. Journal of success: recall the process/ - sentimientos son normal/
Ideas for developing rapport:
1. Don’t get over run with data taking documentation
2. Get to know you ?? que comparta algo interesante de el
3. Share about yourself / algunos pueden compararse ojo
4. Let the patient know what you are learning from them
Acknowledge and respect patient’s goals
1. Importance of hope/ early phase/ honest/ Podemos proveer hope sin prometer nada/
2. Make therapy sessions as functional as possible: que tengan sentido para los pacientes/
envolverlos en el proceso de las metas/ entrevista motivacional/ centrarse en areas
importantes/ escalas de self-rating/ goal attainment scaling/ goal maps- process/
tracking sheet
3. Communication with family/friends:

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