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Blue whales are the largest animals ever known to have lived on Earth. These magnificent
marine mammals rule the oceans at up to 100 feet long and upwards of 200 tons. Their tongues
alone can weigh as much as an elephant. Their hearts, as much as an automobile.
Blue whales look true blue underwater, but on the surface their coloring is more a mottled
blue-gray. Their underbellies take on a yellowish hue from the millions of microorganisms that take
up residence in their skin. The blue whale has a broad, flat head and a long, tapered body that ends
in wide, triangular flukes. Blue whales live in all the world's oceans, except the Arctic, occasionally
swimming in small groups but usually alone or in pairs.
They often spend summers feeding in polar waters and undertake lengthy migrations
towards the Equator as winter arrives. These graceful swimmers cruise the ocean at more than five
miles an hour, but accelerate to more than 20 miles an hour when they are agitated. Blue whales are
among the loudest animals on the planet. They emit a series of pulses, groans, and moans, and it’s
thought that, in good conditions, blue whales can hear each other up to 1,000 miles away.
Scientists think they use these vocalizations not only to communicate, but, along with their
excellent hearing, to sonar-navigate the lightless ocean depths. Blue whales are among Earth's
longest-lived animals. Scientists have discovered that by counting the layers of a deceased whale's
waxlike earplugs, they can get a close estimate of the animal's age. The oldest blue whale found
using this method was determined to be around 110 years old. Average lifespan is estimated around
80 to 90 years.

Question :
1. Their hearts, as much as an automobile." What mean in this sentence?
Answer : Blue whale's heart weight can be compared as weigh as an automobile.
2. When blue whales migrated to the equator?
Answer : The blue whales migrated to the equator at early winter.
3. How author describe blue whale's colour?
Answer : Blue whales look true blue underwater, but on the surface their coloring is more a
mottled blue gray.
4. "....... but accelerate to more than 20 miles an hour when they are agitated " What mean in
bolded sentence?
Answer : The blue whales can accelerate their swim speed if they feel uneasy or anxious
5. How long a blue whale life in average?
Answer : Average of blue whale lifespan is estimated around 80 to 90 years.

Earthquakes are shocks that occur on the earth's surface as a result of the release of energy
from within which then creates seismic waves. The frequency of earthquakes that occur in an area
refers to the type and magnitude of earthquakes experienced over a period of time. Based on the
theory of plate tectonics, the earth's surface is split and divided into a number of large tectonic
The tectonic plates are free to move and interact with each other in the boundary area of the
tectonic plates. It is this tectonic plate border area which then becomes the place for active tectonic
conditions and the potential for earthquakes to occur. Earthquakes are generally caused by shifts in
the earth's crust or plates. These earthquakes are called tectonic earthquakes. In addition, the
occurrence of earthquakes can also be caused by volcanic eruptions or commonly referred to as
volcanic earthquakes.
Deep earthquakes are a type of earthquake which epicenter is more than 300 km below the
earth's surface. While medium earthquakes are centered between 60 km to 300 km below the earth's
surface. Then, shallow fault earthquakes are earthquakes which center is less than 60 km from the
earth's surface.

Question :
1. What causes tectonic earthquakes?
Answer : Tectonuc earthquakes are generally caused by shifts in the earth's crust or plates.
2. "........ and magnitude of earthquakes experienced over a period of time" What mean of this
bolded word?
Answer : According to an article in Wikipedia, seismic magnitude scales are used to describe
the overall strength or "size" of an earthquake. 
3. Explain how difference between tectonic qnd volcanic earthquake!
Answer : Tectonic earthquakes are caused by shifts in the earth's tectonic plates, while volcanic
earthquakes are caused by volcanic eruptions.
4. What mean of "epicenter" (paragraph 3) ?
Answer : Based on an article in US Geological Survey, epicenter is the location directly on the
surface of the earth. Epicenter is located above hypocenter (earthquake spot below the earth
5. Based on paragraph 3, which type of earthquakes that have the largest damage?
Answer : Type of earthquake that have the largest damage is "shallow fault earthquake" because
its hypocenter is less than 60 km from the earth's surface.

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