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● Rules of Polynomials

1. The exponent of letters must be positive integers

2. Polynomials do not have variables in any denominator
3. Polynomials do not have variables under a radical sign

🤍 Monomial - polynomial that contains 1 term (Mono = 1) Binomial - polynomial that is a sum of
2 terms (Bi = 2) Trinomial - polynomial that is a sum of 3 terms (Tri = 3)


Classifying Polynomial According to Degree

1. Linear - first degree polynomial

2. Quadratic - second degree polynomial
3. Cubic - Third degree polynomial
4. Quartic - Fourth degree polynomial
5. Quintic - 5th degree polynomial
6. nth - Degree polynomial (w/ nth degree more than a 5 degree)

Ways to write polynomials

● ascending order —> small to big

● descending order —> big to small

Leading Coefficients

● Coefficients of the first term of a polynomial which is written in decreasing order

Similar Terms

● Terms that are exactly alike or that are like except for their numerical coefficients
● With same variable/s and exponents (same literal coefficients)

🤍 Same sign = add unlike sign = subtract (sign w/ higher number)

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