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SM 2008

SecLlon A

no Answer





(l) aambar
(ll) l 1he Lwo slsLer chromaLlds of each chromosome separaLe aL Lhe
L 1he cleavaae furrow plnches aL Lhe cell equaLor

(l) Cambar
(ll) Crosslna over
(lll)1o provlde aeneLlc varlaLlon whlch occurs from one aeneraLlon Lo Lhe nexL

(l) l1 xravs
l2 ulLravloleL(uv) ravs

(ll) l 1he normal cells wlll dlvlde bv mlLosls freelv and unconLrollablv
L Lo form Lumour or abnormal mass of cells

(lll) W1 Lxposed cancer cells Lo radlaLlon (radloLheraphv)
W2 use chemlcals whlch can desLroL cancer cells(chemoLheraphv)




2 1lssue
3 Craan

(l) ulfferenLlaLlon

(ll) 1o conLracL and relax causlna Lhe pumplna of hearL

(lll)ClrculaLorv svsLem

(lv)1ransporL oxvaen from hearL Lo all parLs of Lhe bodv

(l) name 1hrombosls
l CholesLrol deposlLed ln Lhe blood sLream
L causlna Lhe blood sLream Lo lodae

name ArLerlosclerosls
l CholesLrol faLs or calclum are deposlLed ln Lhe lumen
L causlna Lhe lumen Lo lodae

(ll) L1 ChesL paln
L2 PearL aLLack
L3 SLroke





CenoLvpe 8b/ PeLerozvaous
henoLvpe 8lack fur

(l) l 8 and b are an alLernaLe form of aene
L whlch represenL colour of fur LralL (black and whlLe fur)

(ll) 1he Lwo alleles separaLes/ seareaaLe

(l) 88 or 8b
(ll) l v phenoLvpe are black fur
L v recelves one domlnanL allele from 8 and one domlnanL allele from S or v
recelves one domlnanL allele from 8 and one recesslve allele from S durlna

(l) arenL 8b x bb


Cffsprlna 8b 8b bb bb

(ll) 30 or 1/2 /11





(l) lraLenal Lwlns / nonldenLlcal Lwlns

(ll) l A woman are released Lwo ova aL Lhe same Llme
L ferLlllsed bv Lwo sperm aL Lhe same Llme

(l) lacenLa
1wln share one placenLa whlle Lwln C has lL own placenLa
1wln has same aeneLlc consLlLuenL whlle Lwln C has a dlfferenL aeneLlc
1wln are same sex whlle Lwln C mav have same or dlfferenL sex

l 1hev have a dlfferenL dleL
L uleL are envlronmenLal facLor LhaL can lnfluenced Lhe bodv slze of Lwln

8 b b b

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