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The Terror of

A Dungeon Hero Zine Adventure

A fortune-teller has read to you her cards,

but can her prophecies really help you
destroy the evil terrorizing

the town of Talonburg?

Dungeon Start
Begin with a 1d6 Dread trait. In this
adventure, progress rolls are made with a
d4 instead of a d6.
🔒 The fortune teller places the cards in front of
you. You hope her auguries will help you
defeat the creature that lives in the castle
overlooking the morose village of Talonburg.
Children are stolen. Husbands are found
dead, drained of blood. Wives vanish, seen
later, staggering through darkened streets
wearing blood-spattered wedding gowns.
You are having a card reading. As the
fortune teller plays each card, you gain it as
a d4 trait. You do not need to make
challenge rolls while acquiring cards.
1. The Tower. "High places hide light."
2. The Fool. "He who dances amidst
death carries light in the darkness."
3. Devil. "He has desecrated an altar, for
there lies his weakness."
4. Death. "The dead, they are wise."
5. The Queen of Cups. "The brides may
hold keys to his downfall."
🔒 It is as you suspected. Talonburg is ruled by
a vampire. The reading done, you leave the
seer's tent, and head out of Talonburg
towards the castle up on the mountain.
6. d6 Sinister fog around your ankles.
7. d8 Ghoul bride carrying a baby, ⚔ 6.
8. d6 Dark, winding path through forest.
9. d8 Wolf pack attack, ⚔ 6, ⚔ 6.
10. d8 Covered bridge.
11. d6 Giant bat attack, ⚔ 6.
12. d6 Twisting mountain path.
13. d8 Full moon.
14. d6 The castle is in sight.
15. d8 Ruined gatehouse. 💎
16. d6 Skeletal sentries, ⚔ 6.
17. d8 Cobbled courtyard.
18. d6 Massive doors.
🔒 Knowing vampires despise the sun, you first
head into the undertunnels to seek the
vampire's coffin.
19. d6 Torch-lined curving staircase.
20. d8 Catacombs littered with bones. 💎
21. d8 Sealed crypts.
22. d8 The stench!
23. d6 Shambling zombies, ⚔ 6.
24. d6 Relentless skeletons, ⚔ 6.
25. d8 Incorporeal haunting, ⚔ 6.
🔒 The tombs and crypts are endless, but some
may hold a clue. If you have Death, you
may progress one. Otherwise, progress two.
26. d8 A holy symbol lies across the chest
of a corpse. On success, gain a single-
use d12+2 Ecumenical Circlet trait.
🔒 The under-tunnels are dangerous and
unlikely to harbor more clues, and the
longer you tarry here, the more likely your
foe will know your presence. You climb
stairs up into the castle proper and find
yourself in an ornate, vaulted ballroom.
27. d6 Eerie music playing.
28. d8 Ghostly ballroom dancers, ⚔ 6.
29. d6 Table with rotten food. 💎
30. d8 Compulsion to waltz, ⚔ 4.
31. d6 Spinning madness.
32. d8 Echoes of balls past. 💎
🔒 Apparitions of masquerade-goers surround
you, and from one, you hear clues about the
Count. If you have The Fool, you may
progress one. Otherwise, progress two.
33. d8 A courtier jokes of the Count's
personal demons. On success, gain a
single-use d12+2 Insight into Evil trait.
🔒 A short hallway leads from the ballroom to
the chapel. Moonlight filters through the
broken stained-glass windows.
34. d6 Shadows and corruption.
35. d6 Tapestries showing blasphemies.
36. d8 Shards of broken glass flying, ⚔ 4.
37. d8 Piety turned to depravity.
38. d6 Echoes of madness, ⚔ 6.
39. d10 The altar, bloodied. 💎
🔒 At the foot of the altar lies the corpse of a
priest, drained of blood. If you have The
Devil, you may progress one. Otherwise,
progress two.
40. d8 An eyeless priest attacks! ⚔ 6.

On success, gain a single-use d12+2
Clerical Vestment trait.
🔒 From the chapel, you head up some stairs
into the bedroom chambers of the castle.
41. d8 Glowering portraits, watching eyes.
42. d8 Shuttered doors, moans beyond.
43. d8 Witness the feast of the brides.
44. d6 Fourth Bride of the Count, ⚔ 6.
45. d8 Bloodstained boudoir. 💎
46. d8 Third Bride of the Count, ⚔ 6.
47. d8 Second Bride of the Count, ⚔ 8.
🔒 Amidst the foul-smelling sheets, you discover
the trinkets hoarded by the ghouls in life. If
you have The Queen of Cups, you may
progress one. Otherwise, progress two.
48. d10 First Bride of the Count, ⚔ 8.

On success, gain a single-use d12+2
Dark Memento trait.
🔒 Then you see it out the shattered window:
the Count, climbing up the tower wall like a
spider. You know him now! Charging up the
tower stairs, you look frantically for your
quarry. If you have The Tower, you may
progress one. Otherwise, progress two.
49. d8 Giant Black Mastiff, ⚔ 6.

On success, gain a single-use d12+2
Iron Dagger of Antioch trait.
🔒 You look around and find a staircase.
50. d10 Tightly turning staircase.
51. d8 Animated suit of armor, ⚔ 6.
52. d8 Gap in the ruined stairs.
53. d10 Precarious stairs without railing.
54. d8 Flickering torchlight.
55. d6 Barred tower door, ⚔ 2.
🔒 You climb a final set of stairs, and see him -
the Count of Talonburg!
He whirls, cape flowing out, and his eyes
seem to darken all the room around you
until all you can see are his blazing pupils
and two long fangs!
🔒 d8 Shake off the compulsion, ⚔ 10.

🔒 d10 Corner the Nosferatu, ⚔ 10.

🔒 d12 Pierce the heart and sever the head,

⚔ 10.

🔒 The Count, head severed, continues to howl,

black blood pouring from its mouth. Its
claws grasp vainly at the air. Only slowly
does it quiet and finally lie still.
Panting, you stand above the ruin that was
the Count just as the sun rises over the
mountains. Talonburg is freed.

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