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The researchers will employ the following techniques to complete the research task in a systematic

manner. To begin, the researchers must obtain permission from the subject teacher and research
supervisor to consider the subject or issue as a study proposal. Second, the researchers should do
preparatory research to determine the study's context. Third, the researchers must develop and finalize
the research proposal in preparation for its defense. Fourth, the researchers will examine and
implement the panel's ideas during the proposal defense. Sixth, the researchers gather and complete
the essential communication letters, as well as receive approval for them. Seventh, the researchers
should collect data via distributing questionnaires. Eighth, the researchers will share the survey results.

To begin, the researchers must obtain permission from the subject instructor and research adviser to
consider the subject or issue as a study proposal. Second, the researchers should do preparatory
research to determine the study's context. Third, the researchers must develop and finalize the research
proposal in preparation for its defense. Fourth, the researchers will examine and implement the panel's
ideas during the proposal defense. Sixth, the researchers gather and complete the essential
communication letters, as well as receive approval for them. Seventh, the researchers should collect
data via distributing questionnaires. In step eight, the researchers will deliver the survey results in
tabular form. Based on the data, the researchers will next present their results, conclusions, and
suggestions. And lastly the researchers will prepare the papers for the final defense.

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