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Clientjoy Admin portal:


As per plan (Free only give 1 person access)

Payment methods:

Integrations: Paypal, Stripe, Payoneer, Razorpay, instamojo

Direct: wire transfers, bank trasfer (?)


1- Tempalting (just fields, no customisation) have option for css custom code but fails every time, not loading)
2- Gives insights (views, submissions, conversion rate)
3- Form filled, Directly added to the Leads section
4- only 1 form could be generated


1- Added via (Form, manually via civ or 1 by 1) also could be categorised when viewing
2- Filtered all the way including tags, deal size and stage, company and person responsible
3- Kanban view for leads gives pipeline view for the leads and the stage of deal they are in


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