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Term: II Name: _______________

Session: 2022 – 2023 Date: _______________

20 Marks

1. Name of the project: practical made easy.

2. Skills Assessment of the partners:
3. How did you identify the gaps in the market:
4. Researching and brainstorming ideas for the project: do In school
5. Mindmap showing the pros and cons for the project : will complete
6. Primary Research with market survey : This in school
7. Secondary research using Newspaper articles etc. will complete addition
8. SWOT with evidences: will complete evidence maybe later
9. Conclusion why did you reject the others and selected one . will
10.Business Plan. Will complete
11.Action Plan. Will complete
12.Marketing poster/ website printout / insta page print out for
advertisement which must be ready by January 28th ‘2023 tiga should do
13.Start taking orders using excel sheet and when to deliver and the money
spent . in school
14.Evaluation of the journey what you did right and what you could have
improved .
15. Final product and atleast one product sample and how did you receive
the order and supplied it .
16.. Customer feedback form is a must for all projects

Business Studies – Year X Gagan Sodhi

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