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After watching the session, I noticed that,

according to the organizational skills, she doesn’t

make sure that all the students are attended
before starting the session, the rules are not clear
to them as everyone can talk anytime without
asking for permission .The language is suitable to
the learners as she speaks clearly and chooses
simple words so, grading language is applied. The
obvious thing is the rapport, the students love
here too much and there is a good communication
between them, they are relaxed and there is no
tension, also she knows everyone’s name and she
puts a sense of humor from time to time. Pairs
groups are created very good according to the
activity needs and the number of students. The
activities are varied and meet the students needs,
she gives the instructions before the activity and
continue monitoring during it to guide them, the
time for each activity is quite enough. She gives
feedback by few words like ok, good, yeah,and
sometimes there is no feedback and she moves to
the next part directly, I think she should give them
more affirmation to their answers and illustrate
the point in a quick way. I noticed that she
managed to reduce her talking by letting them
share and talk more. The gestures during
acceptance and jokes are just smiling, so, she
doesn’t use much gestures or body language,
while teaching the she talks only. She uses zoom
tools very well and manages to deliver the point
through it. The session meets the students needs
as it concerns with improving their language
especially speaking and grammar. They get the
grammar point and use it in their daily life context.

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